HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 09-15-204 CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPORT SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00084 DP/ADLS: AT&T Maintenance Building 3. Docket No. PZ-2020-00118 ZW: 18’ tall Accessory Building height allowed, 20’ tall requested (11% increase requested, up to 35% increase request allowed) The applicant seeks site plan, design, and waiver approval for a new accessory building and parking expansion. The new accessory building will be 20’ tall and 1,920 sq. ft. 42 new parking spaces will be added. The overall site is 5.32 acres in size. It is located at 4160 E. 96th Street and is zoned B-3/Business. Filed by Nigel Downton of AT&T. Project Overview: The applicant proposes to build a new accessory building for vehicle maintenance and a new secured parking area. All parcels surrounding this site are zoned B-3/Business. To the north is the Tom Wood Collision Center, to the west is Tom Wood Nissan, and to the east is Napleton Maserati, Fiat, and Alfa Romeo dealerships. 96th Street was recently reconstructed along the site’s south border, with a new round-a-bout and paths constructed along this frontage. Please see the Petitioner’s Information packet for more details. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards this project MEETS: B-3/Business: • Permitted uses – Automobile/truck repair (indoor), General Service • Minimum lot area – 10,000 sq. ft. required; 5.32 acres provided (231,739.2 sq. ft.) • Minimum lot width – 100’ required, 370’ existing • Minimum Front Yard – 60’ required and 336’ proposed for accessory building, 65’ existing for existing primary building • Minimum Rear Yard – 15’ required, 200’ proposed to accessory building, 140’ existing for existing primary building • Maximum lot coverage – 80% allowed, 56% proposed • Minimum ground floor area – 900 sq. ft. required, 1,920 sq. ft. proposed for accessory building, 45,479 sq. ft. existing for primary building Article 5.03 Accessory Building & Use Standards: • Front Yard Setback – 25’ behind the building Setback Line (60’), 336’ proposed • Minimum side and rear yards – 5’ required, 73’ east, 200’ north, and 257’ west proposed • Maximum lot coverage – Accessory building cannot occupy more than 30% of the side yard, 0% proposed • Lighting – photometric plan meets 0.3 footcandle limit at property line • Parking – auto/truck repair requires 2 spaces per bay – 4 spaces are needed, 84 proposed • Bike parking – Short term – 1 space for each 10,000 sq. ft., 2 racks/4 spaces provided for accessory building, 5 racks/10 spaces provided for primary building • Landscaping plan approved by Urban Forester UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore waiver has been requested: • Article 2.24 (B-3 district) – Maximum building height – 18’ for an accessory building, 20’ proposed • Article 5.29.B.12 (Bicycle parking standards) & Article 9.03.B.1.h.iii & 9.03.C.1.b.iii. (DP and ADLS requirements) – ADA compliant sidewalk from path on 96th Street to front door required, none proposed Site Plan, Parking, and Engineering: This new accessory building will be placed to the side of and behind the existing building. New parking will be created at the rear (north) of the site. 84 spaces will now be striped on the site, whereas there was no previous striping. The parking spaces on the north end of the site will be enclosed and secured by a gate. A stormwater detention facility will be constructed to the south of the new accessory building. The Petitioner is still working with Crossroad Engineers on finalizing details of the drainage facility. Active Transportation: Sidewalks are provided to the front doors of both the existing building and the new accessory building. New bike racks 5 will be installed for both buildings, meeting the bicycle parking requirements. Path was recently installed along the 96th Street frontage by the City through the road improvement project. A sidewalk is required to connect from the path to the front door of the building. This has not been shown yet. The applicant is aware of this requirement and is actively working with Staff to address this issue. Architectural Design and Zoning Waiver: The new building will be a prefabricated metal building, with light gray as the main wall color and a dark gray for accents on the doors and trim. The building floorplan will have two automotive lifts and space to work on the vehicles. It will also have a restroom. There are no architectural requirements for this location, and the new accessory building will be set back significantly from 96th Street (336’). A Zoning Waiver is needed for the building height, as it exceeds the 18’ height limitation by 2’. The reason for the increase in height is due to clearance needed for the maintenance equipment that will be installed inside the building. The UDO allows for a waiver of up to 35% for dimensional standards. This request for 2’ is an 11% increase. The Department is supportive of this waiver request due to the minor size of the increase and the location of the proposed building. There will also be significant landscaping installed to help further screen the building and site. Regarding the existing primary building, it will be painted to give it a fresh look and tie the two buildings together. Lighting: Existing light poles will be re-used and relocated. Two new light poles will be installed at 25’ tall to match the existing. The Lighting Plan meets the photometric requirements of 0.3 footcandles at the property lines. Landscaping: Perimeter bufferyards are required for the west, north, and south property lines. These plantings have been included in the Landscape Plan. Tree preservation fencing has been included in the plans to protect existing trees along the east property line and those existing in the front (north) yard. The Urban Forester has now approved the Landscape Plan. Signage: No signage is proposed for this project. DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns: Currently, the only outstanding comment is regarding the sidewalk connection from 96th Street to the front door of the primary building. The Petitioner is aware of this and is working to address this item. All other review comments have been addressed. Recommendation: Once all comments and concerns are addressed, the Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission votes to suspend their rules of procedure in order to vote to Approve this item this evening. If not, we recommend the Plan Commission sends this item to the Commercial Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 for further review and discussion and gives the Committee final voting authority.