HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice(Useable template for published and mailed Public Notice) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. &_- ,9Q,2o - 00//S70/ Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the � f-rA. day of SAR&M Leo,` 20� at jo p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers (1 Civic Square, 2� Flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: (Explain your request --see question #7 on page 9) 1 -7-/.- -- /117 With the property being known as (address): //0J_ g /Clls a. S / The application is identified as Docket No. /,,�'-�y�V-Uy//s"✓ t e /v ^no $-I The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (Insert Legal Description OR Tax ID parcel number(s) / 7 • / 3 - /2 , D ! - bt3' - Gd / . Ud U 02of. 00CC All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above -mentioned time and place. PETITIONERS (Note: When mailing out public notices to adjacent property owners, it is recommended that you also include a location map.) Page 8 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2020 Revised 1/2/2020 September P. 2020 2� Current in Carmel �vv�.vcur,renrinco rmelcom Crossing Prague's Charles Bridge Commentary by Don Kriebel A 600-year-old bridge in Prague, Czech Republic, is often consid- ered the most beautiful bridge in Europe. A famous statue remembers a grim part of its history. Prague lies along the 267-mile-long Vltava River that runs north and south through central Europe. By the Middle Ages, Prague had become the capital of Bohemia and an important trading city, with a fording site on the river. In 1170, the king of Bohemia built a bridge at the fording site, which was destroyed by a flood in 1342. In 1355, Charles IV became Holy Roman Emper- or, determined to make his native Prague the most important city in the Empire. In 1357, he began building a new bridge across the Vltava, linking Prague Castle with Old Town. When completed in 1402, the bridge, later named Charles Bridge, was 1,693 feet long and 33 feet wide, supported on 16 sandstone arches. Traffic entered the bridge though massive Gothic towers. In 1393, a cleric named John of Nepomuk became involved in a bitter religious dispute with Wenceslaus IV, the king of Bohemia. When John refused to back down, Wence- slaus ordered him tortured and thrown from the incomplete Charles Bridge into the river, where he drowned. John was buried in the Prague Cathedral and became the patron Prague's Charles Bridge and replica statue of John of Nepomuk. (Photo by Don Knebel) saint of Bohemia. In March 1683, on what was incorrectly thought to be the 300th an- niversary of St. John's death, a bronze stat- ue of him was erected along the south side of the Charles Bridge, his head surrounded by five stars. During the following century, 29 more statues of saints were erected along the bridge. Following reconstruction of the Charles Bridge in the 1970s, all but pedestrian traffic was banned. For good luck, many crossing the bridge touch it just below the statue of St. John of Nepomuk, now a replica of the original. Don Kriebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at editorial@youarecurrent.com. NOTICE TO BIDDERS CITY OF CARMEL Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safety, City of Carmel, Indiana, will receive sealed bids or proposals during regular business hours at the office of the Clerk - Treasurer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 until 10:00 a.m. E.S.T. on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 for the following materials: To be purchased during the calendar year 2021: NOTE: Price quoted must be "Firm" for the entire calendar year of 2021 Rock Salt for use in water softening - 12,000 tons more or less. The Rock Salt must meet American Water Works Association (AWWA) specification B200-12 and be NSF60 compliant. Please quote price per ton. A bid bond or certified check in the amount of 10% of the contract price is required for the Rock Salt bid. Delivery Method to Be : Semi End Dump Trailer with Slide gate and Grain Chute All bids must be received sealed with the words "ROCK SALT BID" on the left hand corner of the envelope. All persons with an interest in bidding shall register a contact name and address with the Utility Department to ensure that all changes or questions and answers are available for review by all interested parties. The specifications are set forth in detailed documents on file in the Utilities Department, 30 W Main St, Suite 220, Carmel, Indiana 46032. Questions regarding this solicitation must be via email to; Ikempa@carmel.in.gov. All responses will be via email and made available with the specifications at the Department. The submitted proposal must be in compliance with IC 36-1-9-8.5. The Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5-22-18-2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. PZ-2020-00115V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeal meeting on the 28th day of September 2020 at 6pm. In the City Hall Council Chambers (1 Civic Square, 2nd floor Carmel, IN 46032) Will hold a public hearing upon a development standard variance for 1105 E. 106th St. Carmel IN 46280 814 Devel Suite 111, Intent to ti Managem requireme water iron KinderCai Rd, Carm, site will di: or comme directed tc _NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Carmel, Indiana Department Board of Public Works and Safety One Civic Square City of Cannel, Indiana 46032 Project: Project No. 18-23: Auman Neighborhood Drainage Jr, Shoshone Drive Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safes County, Indiana will receive sealed bids for the above described "Pr Attn: City Clerk, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana until 9:45 EST the same address between the hours of 9:45 a.m. and 10:00 ax commencing as soon as practicable thereafter on the same date su aloud in the Council Chambers of City Hall. No late bids will be ac The bid opening will be available for public viewing via digi https://www.carmel.in-ciov/department-services/communitILLelat ca rmel-city-oovern me nt-tv All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely execute the plans and specifications, which will include the non -collusion aff The bid envelope must be sealed and have the words "BID - No. 1 Improvements Oswego Road and Shoshone Drive". A bid bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten per be submitted with each bid. A one hundred percent (100%) perform required of the successful bidder. It is intended that actual construct as soon as practicable, and each bidder shall be prepared to enter I furnish a performance bond, and begin work without delay in the ev The Project consists of, but is not necessarily limited to, the folk In general, the work to be completed on the Auman Neighb, Project involves the construction of new drainage structures a of Oswego Road to convey flow from Shoshone Drive north to structures will also be constructed along the north side of Sho east of South Rangeline Road to East Auman Drive to convey I structures. The proposed storm system includes pipe, open ch and water quality treatment structures. Along with these stormwater improvements, curb and sides side of Oswego between Nappanee and Shoshone Drives and i from approximately 250-feet east of South Rangeline Road to E existing and proposed sidewalks in the project area. Contract Documents for the Project have been assembled into i together with drawings, may be examined at the following locations: City of Carmel Department of Engineering - 15' One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 571-2441 Copies of such drawings and project manuals must be obtained Payments and costs of Contract Documents are non-refundable. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of d shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in bids prepared in and Contract Documents. This Project will be funded by the City of Carmel utilizing federa Block Grant (CDBG) funding. A pre -bid meeting for discussions of the Project, the bidding re ,vill be held on 00/09/2020 at 10.00 a.m. in the Caucus Room on th Square). All prospective bidders are invited to attend the pre -bid coi nandatory. The pre -bid meeting will also be available for attendance digitall htips://teams.micrnsoft com/meeting0ptions/?oraanizerid-t7fl2 �55d5460c645&tenantld=a1e214b3-26d7-492f-80ee-8e1deb07411 q_mNIMil4MzatNDhmNC00MTRhLTk3ZWUtYTdiNzVhNiUOZjc2 a th For special accommodations needed by handicapped individual :onference or public bid opening meeting, please call or notify the c i71-2441 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior thereto. No bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of t1 eceiving bids or proposals. The Carmel Board of Public Works and ill bids or proposals for a period of not more than thirty (30) days ar all force and effect during said period. The City of Carmel reserves 11 bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in iterests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasini Sue Wolfgang, Clerk HTFor, by are about the communities CARMEL I FISHERS I NOBLESVILLE j WESTFIELD I ZIONSVILLE we serve 30 S. Range Line Rd,, Carmel, IN 46032 1317.489..4444 (p) 1317-818.0756 (f) I youarecurrent.com PAYMENT RECEIPT Receipt Date: 9/8/2020 Advertiser: Joe Evans - OPO Account Number: 5418 PAYMENT DETAILS Payment Date: 9/8/2020 Approval Code: 081052 Reference No: 55299 Last 4 Digits of Card: 9408 Amount: $7.21 Payment Method: Credit Card Description: PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION ❑ By checking this box I authorize the above payment. Printed Name Signature CURRENT 30 South Range Line Rd., Carmel, IN 46032 1 317.489.4444 (p) 1317.818.0756 (f) Joe Evans - OPO Joe Evans 1105 E. 106th St. Carmel IN 46280 USA Invoice Number invoice Cate 55286 9/8/2020 Advertiser No. Amount Cue Cue Cate 5418 $0.00 9/30/2020 A fee of 1.5% will be imposed Amount Enclosed on all balances past due. PAID IN FULL ----------------------------------------O9--------------- Please detach top portion and return with your payment. INVOICE - - - - - Current Publishing, LLC Joe Evans - OPO Invoice No. 55286 9/8/2020 Cate antler Description Ad Size ISubTotal Sales Tax I Amount 9/8/2020 20699 CIC Legal Notice/Gov - CIC: Legal Notice- OPO& Le al N f *11 SUMMARY Tear Sheets 1 o ice Lines, 1-Column - Joe Evans - CIC g Advertiser No. 5418 Invoice No. $7.21 Sub Total: $7.21 Total Transactions: 1 Total: $7.21 55286 Invoice Amount $7.21 Amount Paid $7.21 A fee of 1.5% will be imposed on all balances past due. Any credit card chargeback, returned check or stop payment on a check will result in an automatic $35.00 fee. Please make checks payable to: Current Publishing We appreciate your business! Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009) _Joe Evans To: Current Publishing (Governmental Unit) 30 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 Hamilton County, Indiana PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Master (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines Head -- number of lines _3 Body -- number of lines _8_ Tail -- number of lines _0 Total number of lines in notice 11 COMPUTATION OF CHARGES _11_lines, _1 columns wide equals _11_ lines at.6556 Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 per cent of above amount). $_0.00 Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two1598 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ _ 7.21 DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: _9p3 Size of type-7—point. Number of insertions 1x Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 time. The dates of publication being as follows: Tuesday, September 8th, 2020 Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: ......Newspaper does not have a Web site. ...x..Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. ..... Newspaper has a Web site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on ....................... .... Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. x.......................................................................................................... Date ............. Tuesday, September 81h, 2020 ..................... Title...............Legal Advertising........................... PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ss ',osrs� � ° `: Notary Public, S I-te ofllndiaina Hamilton County } =•` SEAL Hamilton County Commission Number 545606 {,< MY Commission Expires December 28, 2021 Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Brian Kelly who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore -said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the dates) of publication being as follows: 09/08/20 Subscribed and sworn to before me this September 8th, 2020. Notary Public My commission expires: I G.� , lL Publisher's Fee: $7.21 AA STSIGNS 9668 Allisonville Road More than fast. More than signs' Indianapolis, IN 46250 (317) 845-5051 PAID INVOICE More than fast. More than signs. p N 98-21712 www.fastsigns.com/98 FULLPayment Terms: Cash Customer Created Date:8/27/2020 (DESCRIPTION: Public notice for Carmel BZA Hearing Bill To: Joe Evans Pickup At: FASTSIGNS of Indianapolis 1105 E 106th st 1105 E 106th st Carmel, IN 46280 Carmel, IN 46280 Ordered By: Joe Evans Salesperson: Ashley Zschiedrich Email: Jmevans114@gmail.com Email: ashleyz@fastsigns.com Work Phone: (317) 453-0817 Cell Phone: (317) 453-0817 NO. Product Summary QTY UNIT PRICE TAXABLE AMOUNT 1 (1)36"x24" Vinyl 4MM coro 1 $170.12 $170.12 $170.12 1.1 Vinyl-IJ35 - Width: 24.00" Height: 36.00" Sides: 2 Text: 19241 4/20 and change the 3 lines Application Type: Variance Date: Mon., September 28th, 2020 Time: 6:OOPM 1.2 Laminate -Matte - Width: 24.00" Height: 36.00" Sides: 2 1.3 Coroplast-4MM - Width: 24.00" Height: 36.00" Sides: 2 1.4 Frame-36"x24" - Part Qty: 1 Thank you for your business. Generated On: 9/4/2020 12:18 PM Subtotal: $170.12 Taxable Amount: $170.12 Taxes: $11.91 Grand Total: $182.03 Amount Paid: $182.03 BALANCE DUE- $0.00 Page 1 of 2 INDIANA -- Contact Us o to: Home Transfer and Mapping Home Page ' Auditor Online kuditor Online Ldjoiner Request Online Submission Receipt This receipt may not display at a future date or time. Please print this page for your records or make note of the Confirmation Number. Date of Submission: Aug 26, 2020 Confirmation #: AR-2020-0216 PAYMENT SUMMARY: Payment Status: Fees have been paid. County Fee: $25.00 ** LoGO Portal Fee: $1.52 LoGO Total: $26.52 TRANSACTION SUMMARY: Adjoiner Request Owner: Joe Evans Contact's Name: Joe Evans Number of Subject Parcels: 1 Parcel Number of Property: 17-13-12-01-05-001.000 DELIVERY: Transfer and Mapping will email this request when it is ready. ** PLEASE NOTE: The Portal Fee is charged by LoGO Local Indiana, the third party that processed the online payment. Credit Card payments will appear as a single combined transaction on your credit card statement. E-check (ACH) payments will appear as a single combined transaction on your bank statement. CONTACT U5: To discuss any problems with this transaction, please contact: Hamilton County Transfer and Mapping Department Phone: (317) 776-9624 FMTPRCLNO OWNNAME OWNADDRESS OWNCITY NST OWNZIP 17-13-01-03-04-009.000 Washburn, Jeremy T 1102 E 106th St Indianapolis IN 46280 17-13-12-01-05-002.000 Home Place Gardens LLC 347 S 8th St Ste A Noblesville IN 46060 17-13-01-03-04-010.000 Cooper, Lawrence W & Evelyn L 1108 106th St E Indianapolis IN 46280 17-13-01-03-05-008.001 Harris, Sue A 1050 106th St E Indianapolis IN 46280 17-13-12-01-04-005.000 Harvey, Gerald Leroy & Marcia Lynn 10560 MCPHERSON ST Indianapolis IN 46280 17-13-12-01-05-029.000 Evans, Joe M 1105 106th St E Indianapolis IN 46280 Evans 1713120105001000 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I (WE) CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner's Name) DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NO. WAS REGISTERED AND MAILED AT LEAST 20 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE BELOW LISTED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: OWNER ADDRESS a < xa s'/ S re ..4 d i. e %. _ Q „ .,. Zack Cam. 1046 �` S STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that theaabove information is true and correct and he is informed and believes. / Signature of Petitioner) County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for & Q f-) QZ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) O Q, E.-c: V -\S and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) this (44 k-- day of fl-f-sL m b cL r 20 O (date) (month) (year) , Notary Public-- gnature VICKIE J CRAIG Seal A t Notary Public - State of Indiana Notary Public —Printed name -- B ,one County My 0r)-f Fxpires Feb 18, 2024 My commission expires: Page 9 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2020 Revised 1/2/2020 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, (Auditor's Name) , Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certify that the attached list is a true and complete listing of the adjoining and adjacent property owners of the property described herewith. OWNER ADDRESS EXAMPLE ONLY: Formal list request sheet & official list may be acquired from the Hamilton County heal Property Dept. (317-770- 4412 or hamiltoncountV.in.gov). Please allow 3 to 5 days for Hamilton County to complete your request. -- Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana --Signature Date Page 6 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2020 Revised 1/2/2020 BZA Public Notice Sign Procedure & Affidavit Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 20 days prior to the public hearing date. 2. Sign must follow the sign design requirements: • Must be 24" x 36" — vertical • Must be double sided • Must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board • Must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame 3. The sign must contain the following: • 12" x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application Type, Date*, and Time of subject public hearing * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: "Mon., Jan. 23" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of public hearing conclusion Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit: Board of un,,e Cannel City Hall pv,<am T,,,et (Bate} tT-1 or More hnformauon: (web) ins'z)'l.carmel,in.a0v (r)n) 571-2,417 I (We) / & G�/,�,v„t' do hereby certify that placement of the public notice sign to consider Docket No.pZ•gWd. &&ILS` t✓ was placed on the subject property at least 20 days prior to the date of the public hearing, at the address listed below: STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF -B 00 a<- Q , , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. o�7f igna re of Petitioner) Subscribed and sworn to before me this (�� d of 4��.YY1(� c , 20 VICKIE J CRAIG -� Seal Notary Public - State of Indiana Notary Public, Signed Name: U. UA�,LQ Boone County My Commission Expires Feb 18, 2024 Notary Public, Printed Name:y (C_u rl, My Commission Expires: a - - a Q) y Page 7 of 12 Filename: development standards variance application & instructions 2020 Revised 1/2/2020 � ��� 1 � ' �` �`� c �, � ��;� r� a ti � � :. _: .� � � a {� �� �� Y � �_ � i ,�� � s S!- Y- J {� r� :_ � 4 ��� �� �''v, _ M p.t �?�� C '� �- J ry J f _ �, �� a � a�x; �,� y UNITED STATES Certificate Of affix POSTAL SERVICE, Mai Iing`"'metteypo tageherempsor -, This Certificate of Mailing provides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS® for mailing. This form may be used for domestic and i rnational mail. From: /` vYl t NNITE➢ST4TF5 To: /r �� �'ry ®� POSTdL SfRVICE¢ 1000 PS Form 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 ------------ - UNI I t u 3 WT&3 Certificate Ot To pay fee, affix stamps or i T ` SERV E@ Mailin meter postage here. This Certificate of Mailing provides evidence that it has ailbeen presented to USPS� for mailing This form may be used for domasue-aTTt ation From: ¢ y 1Ly4-, - 1TE➢ST6II LL{(11�� Ua✓ POSTGLTERVICE L^ A 1000 PS Form 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 UNt t tau 3 wTt � Certificate Of POSTALSERVICE, Mailirig metterTo paypo tageherempsor fee, affix A2— This Certificate of Mailing provides evidence that mail has been presented to USPS® for mailing. This form may be used for domestic ternational mail. From: - - - - - - r POSTAL SERVICE 6 To: ' 1000 PS Form 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 fAI�, CertificateOf s To pay fee, affix stamps or tJiir Marlin meter postage here. TISL SERVICE - This Certificate of Mailing provides evidence that mail has been presented to USPSO for mailing This form may be used for dome sti nternational mail. From: UNITED STATES PDSTAt SERYICE6 1000 PS Form 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 _. Nt 1 ku 3 � T�� Certificate Of To pay fee, affix stamps or t�"QSTiiL SERVICE, Mail ng meter postage here. This Certificateboe M ailing dforprovides evidence and internati nal maslbeen presented to USPS for n This form may From: Ad % aA 416 I UNITEO STdTES. !\/ POSTdL SEFYlCEL c' 1000 To: V USPS PS Form 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065