HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report  STORMWATER DRAINAGE REPORT MILLER AUTO CARE CARMEL DEVELOPER: Old Town Design Group 1132 South Rangeline Road, Suite 200 Carmel, IN 46032 PREPARED BY: HWC Engineering 135 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 2800 Indianapolis, IN 46204 HWC #2018-047 January 2020 Rev 1 April 2020 Rev 2 July 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS   Stormwater Drainage Summary Appendix A Site Maps Appendix B Location Map USGS Topographic Map Floodplain Map Soils Map Wetlands Map Stormwater Detention Appendix C Existing Basin Map Proposed Basin Map Weighted CN Calculations Time of Concentration Calculations ICPR Network ICPR Max Node Report ICPR Input Report ICPR Max Node Report – 6” Orifice ICPR Input Report – 6” Orifice ICPR Max Node Report – Tailwater Conditions ICPR Input Report – Tailwater Conditions Water Quality Appendix D Water Quality Basin Map ICPR Network ICPR Max Node Report ICPR Input Report CNwq Calculations AquaSwirl details, sizing chart Storm Sewers Appendix E Storm Sewer Basins Map Composite C Calculations Time of Concentration Calculations Rational Method Calculations Pipe Design Calculations Inlet Capacity Calculations STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUMMARY                                                                         APPENDIX A STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUMMARY Project: Miller Auto Care Location: Carmel, IN Introduction The project includes the construction of an auto care shop, along with entrance drives, parking, sidewalks, and an underground detention chamber. This site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection Rangeline Road and Cool Creek Blvd. Existing Conditions The existing site is part of an existing commercial lot that includes a parking lot and grassy area. Stormwater runoff drains southeast from the high point of the site which is located at the northwest property line. One driveway connects to Rangeline Road. Adjoining Land Conditions North: Cool Creek Blvd South: Commercial East: Floodplain West: Rangeline Road Soil Types Soils maps from the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service identify Fox Loam and Miami Silt Loam soils on the subject site. Fox loam (FnB2) is classified in hydrologic group B, while Miami Silt Loam (MmB2) is classified in hydrologic group C. The split between group B and group C soils is approximately 25% B, 75% C for the site. Proposed curve number calculations will be based on the next less infiltrating category. Stormwater Detention The detention for the overall site will be provided by underground detention chambers. The chambers will be Stormtech SC-740. These chambers are located under the east portion of the parking lot and will discharge to an existing swale that drains to a culvert. The allowable discharge rates are established by the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, which limit the release of storm water for these on-site drainage basins to 0.10 cfs per acre for a 10 year storm event and 0.25 cfs per acre for a 100 year storm event. Allowable Discharge Rate Calculations Basin Area (acres) Storm Event 10 year (x 0.10 cfs/ac) 100 year (x 0.25 cfs/ac) DEV 1.09 0.11 cfs 0.27 cfs Discharge Rate Comparison Node Storm Event Discharge Rate Allowable Rate Max Stage BNDRY 10 yr, 24 hr 0.11 cfs 0.11 cfs 806.91 100 yr, 24 hr 0.16 cfs 0.27 cfs 808.11 The rate is slightly exceeded during the 10-year storm event but meets the criteria during the 100-year storm event. To meet the allowable discharge rates the outfall control structure required a 2” diameter primary orifice. The construction detail will show a 6” diameter primary orifice as this is required by the Technical Standards Manual. Although this size orifice will result in higher discharge rates they should not cause any surcharging downstream as they will still be relatively low rates. See Appendix C for more information. Water Quality The proposed underground detention chambers will provide water quality treatment for the site. The isolator rows in the underground detention will provide for sediment removal. A secondary treatment will be provided by an AquaSwirl AS-6 hydrodynamic separator. See Appendix D for more information. Storm Sewers The design of the proposed storm sewers (10-year event) is in compliance with the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual with regards to “c” values, rainfall intensities, pipe slopes, etc. Inlet capacities are sufficient to keep ponding depth to reasonable depths. Gutter spreads were checked for the pairs of inlets. See Appendix E for more information. FEMA The FEMA Base Flood Elevation will not flood portions of the developed site. The outlet for the site has a flapgate to ensure this does not occur. SITE MAPS                                                                             APPENDIX B 0 250 500 750Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 500 feet Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P,NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS User Community Ê Miller Auto CareAerial Location MapCarmel, IndianaJanuary 2020 0 500 1,000 1,500Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 1,000 feet Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Ê Miller Auto CareUSGS Topographic Map Carmel, IndianaJanuary 2020 Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey 0 100 200 300Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 200 feet H A G A N B U R K E T R L N RANGELINE RDC O O L C R E E K B LV DN MERIDIAN STTRAILVIEW DRCLUBHOUSE CTN MERIDIAN ST Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity Ê Miller Auto CareFloodplain Map Carmel, IndianaJanuary 2020 1% Annual Chance Flood Ha za rd Regulatory Floodway Spe cial Flood way Area of Unde termined Flood Hazard 0.2% Ann ual Chance Flood Hazard Future Con ditions 1% An nual Chance Floo d Hazard Area with Re duced R isk Due to Levee Sh Ge MmC2 OcA Br MmB2 Sh MmB2 Sh MmB2 MmB2 Br CrA St CrA MmC2 MmB2 FnB2 MmB2 FnB2 FnB2 MmC2 OcB2 Ge FnB2 OcA Br MmC2 MmD2 CrA MmD2 CrA CrA CrA OcA MmB2 MmC2 MmA MmB2 OcA CrA MmB2 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity 0 250 500 750Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 500 feet Ê Miller Auto CareSoils Map and Legend Carmel, IndianaJanuary 2020 Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey Legend Project Area Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey S y m b ol N ameFnB2Fox loam-Urban land complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes, erodedMmB2Miami silt loam- Urban land complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes, erodedShShoals silt loam-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded, brief duration Map symbols consist of a combination of letters or of letters and numbers. The first capital letter is the initial one of the soil name. The second letter is lowercase and separates map units whose names begin with the same letter. The third letter is a capital letter and indicates the class of slope. Symbols without a slope letter are for miscellaneous areas, Udorthents, or nearly level soils. Some symbols have a number at the end and are eroded phases. A final number of 2 indicates that the soil is moderately eroded, and a number 3 indicates that the soil is severely eroded. 0 150 300 450Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 300 feet H A G A N B U R K E T R L N RANGELINE RDN MERIDIAN ST1 0 T H S T C O O L C R E E K B LV D 11 T H S T TRAILVIEW DRCIRCLE DRROSALIND PL1ST AVEKEYSTONE PKY 3RD AVE2ND AVEO R L A N D O S TCLUBHOUSE CTBARD LNPINEVIEW DRH ILLS ID E D R M O N O N L N K E Y S T O N E P K Y N MERIDIAN STBARD LNSource: USFWS, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and theGIS User Community Ê Miller Auto CareWetlands Area Map Carmel, IndianaJanuary 2020 Estuarine and Ma rine Wetland Freshwater Eme rg ent We tla nd Freshwater Fo re sted/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Pond Lake Oth er Riverine STORMWATER DETENTION                                                                             APPENDIX C ))RANGELINE ROADCOOL CREEK BLVD. E.B.60.5'59.6'74.5' MILLER AUTO CARE EXISTING BASIN MAP CARMEL, INAPRIL 2020 0' SCALE: 1" = GRAPHIC SCALE 25'50'75' 50' PROPOSED BUILDING (8,895 SFT) EXISTING BUILDING ))MILLER AUTO CARE PROPOSED BASIN MAP CARMEL, INAPRIL 2020 0' SCALE: 1" = GRAPHIC SCALE 25'50'75' 50' Weighted Curve Number Calculations 4/16/2020 Proposed Conditions Rev. Project: Miller Auto Care HWC Job Number: 2018-047 Basin Type of Cover/ Percent Weighted AREA Name ABCD Condition of Cover of Basin ABCD CN AC PR1 - Less acreage 0% 0% 25% 75% Buildings, parking lot, sidewalk 79% 98 98 98 98 98.0 0.86 0% 0% 25% 75% Open Space, Good Cond. 21% 39 61 74 80 78.5 0.23 PR1 - Less acreage 93.9 1.09 Soil Group % Curve Number (CN) TIME OF CONCENTRATIONShallow Conc Flow Travel Time:4/16/20(TR55 Method)Channel Flow Travel Time:Short Grass 0.15 Grass 0.03Project: Miller Auto CareDense Grass 0.24 Concrete 0.015Shallow Conc Flow (Unpaved):HWC Job Number: 2018-047Pavement 0.011 Rip-Rap 0.035Shallow Conc Flow (Paved):2 Yr, 24 Hr Rainfall= 2.66Overland Flow Travel Time:Tc minimum= 5Paved Gutter & Channel FlowTcBasin Len S n T_t Len S n T_t Len S Pave/Un Vel T_t Len A Pw r S n Vel T_t(ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % P or U (ft/s) (min) (ft) (sf) (ft) (ft) % (ft/s) (min) (min)PR1 100 3.60 0.150 8 55 0.99 U 1.61 1 145 0.79 3.14 0.25 0.35 0.02 2.34 1.0310Channel FlowMannings Values (n)Overland Flow Channel FlowOverland Flow Overland Flow Shallow Conc. Flow Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.MILLER AUTO CARE - 01/31/2020Proposed NetworkNodesA Stage/AreaV Stage/VolumeT Time/StageM ManholeBasinsO Overland FlowU SCS Unit CNS SBUH CNY SCS Unit GAZ SBUH GALinksP PipeW WeirC ChannelD Drop StructureB BridgeR Rating CurveH BreachE PercolationF FilterX Exfil TrenchV:USU:DEVT:BNDRYD:Outlet MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Max Node Report Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Max Name Simulation Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Outflow ft ft ft ft2 cfs cfs BNDRY 010YR-24HR 804.80 804.80 0.00 0 0.11 0.00 BNDRY 100YR-24HR 804.80 804.80 0.00 0 0.16 0.00 US 010YR-24HR 806.91 809.06 0.00 6472 4.28 0.11 US 100YR-24HR 808.11 809.06 0.00 6472 7.52 0.16 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Input Report ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: DEV Node: US Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 1.09 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 93.90 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: BNDRY Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 804.80 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 804.80 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 804.80 100.00 804.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: US Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 805.56 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 809.06 Type: Stage/Volume Stage(ft) Volume(af) --------------- --------------- 805.56 0.00 809.06 0.52 ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Outlet From Node: US Length(ft): 60.00 Group: BASE To Node: BNDRY Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Invert(ft): 805.56 804.80 Exit Loss Coef: 0.50 Manning's N: 0.0130 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Input Report Span(in): 2.00 Invert(ft): 805.56 Rise(in): 2.00 Control Elev(ft): 805.56 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 808.30 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 808.30 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 3.83 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 6.46 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 010YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 5.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.I32 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Input Report Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 5.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 3 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 7/24/2020 Max Node Report - 6" Orfice Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Max Name Simulation Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Outflow ft ft ft ft2 cfs cfs BNDRY 010YR-24HR 804.80 804.80 0.00 0 0.68 0.00 BNDRY 100YR-24HR 804.80 804.80 0.00 0 1.02 0.00 US 010YR-24HR 806.54 809.06 0.00 6472 4.28 0.68 US 100YR-24HR 807.32 809.06 0.00 6472 7.52 1.02 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 MILLER AUTO CARE - 7/24/2020 Input Report - 6" Orfice ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: DEV Node: US Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 1.09 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 93.90 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: BNDRY Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 804.80 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 804.80 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 804.80 100.00 804.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: US Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 805.56 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 809.06 Type: Stage/Volume Stage(ft) Volume(af) --------------- --------------- 805.56 0.00 809.06 0.52 ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Outlet From Node: US Length(ft): 60.00 Group: BASE To Node: BNDRY Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Invert(ft): 805.56 804.80 Exit Loss Coef: 0.50 Manning's N: 0.0130 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 7/24/2020 Input Report - 6" Orfice Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 805.56 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 805.56 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 808.30 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 808.30 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 3.83 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 6.46 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 010YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 5.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.I32 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 7/24/2020 Input Report - 6" Orfice Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 5.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 3 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Max Node Report - No outlet Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Max Name Simulation Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Outflow ft ft ft ft2 cfs cfs BNDRY 010YR-24HR 804.80 804.80 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 BNDRY 100YR-24HR 804.80 804.80 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 US 010YR-24HR 807.48 809.06 0.00 6472 4.28 0.00 US 100YR-24HR 809.06 809.06 0.00 6472 7.52 0.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Input Report - No outlet ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: DEV Node: US Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 1.09 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 93.90 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: BNDRY Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 804.80 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 804.80 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 804.80 100.00 804.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: US Base Flow(cfs): 0.00 Init Stage(ft): 805.56 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 809.06 Type: Stage/Volume Stage(ft) Volume(af) --------------- --------------- 805.56 0.00 809.06 0.52 ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Outlet From Node: US Length(ft): 60.00 Group: BASE To Node: BNDRY Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: None Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.50 Invert(ft): 805.56 804.80 Exit Loss Coef: 0.50 Manning's N: 0.0130 0.0130 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.0 0.0 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Input Report - No outlet Span(in): 2.00 Invert(ft): 805.56 Rise(in): 2.00 Control Elev(ft): 805.56 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.00 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.00 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.20 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.60 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 808.30 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 808.30 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 3.83 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 6.46 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 36.000 1.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 010YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 010YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\010YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 5.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 100YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 100YR-24HR Filename: W:\Old Town Design Group\2018-047 Miller Auto Care Carmel\Design\Calcs\ICPR\100YR-24HR.I32 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 3 MILLER AUTO CARE - 4/16/2020 Input Report - No outlet Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.01 Time Step Optimizer: 10.00 Start Time(hrs): 0.00 End Time(hrs): 24.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.50 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.00 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 10.000 15.00 16.000 5.00 48.000 15.00 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 3 of 3 STORM SEWERS                                                                     APPENDIX E PROPOSED BUILDING (8,895 SFT) EXISTING BUILDING ))MILLER AUTO CARE WQ BASIN MAP CARMEL, INJANUARY 2020 0' SCALE: 1" = GRAPHIC SCALE 25'50'75' 50' Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.MILLER AUTO CARE - 01/31/2020Hydrology Water Quality NetworkNodesA Stage/AreaV Stage/VolumeT Time/StageM ManholeBasinsO Overland FlowU SCS Unit CNS SBUH CNY SCS Unit GAZ SBUH GALinksP PipeW WeirC ChannelD Drop StructureB BridgeR Rating CurveH BreachE PercolationF FilterX Exfil TrenchA:AquaSwirlU:PR Basin MILLER AUTO CARE - 01/31/2020Hydrology Water Quality Max Basin Report Simulation Basin Group Time Max Flow Max Volume Volume hrs cfs in ft3 WQ PR Basin BASE 12.02 1.78 0.790 5075Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 MILLER AUTO CARE - 01/31/2020Hydrology Water Quality Input Report============================================================================================== Basins ======================================================================================================================================================================== Name: PR Basin Node: AquaSwirl Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 1.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 1.770 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 98.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ============================================================================================== Nodes ========================================================================================================================================================================= Name: AquaSwirl Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 805.440 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 808.940 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac)--------------- --------------- 805.440 0.0010 808.940 0.0010============================================================================================== Hydrology Simulations ========================================================================================================================================================= Name: WQ Filename: W:\ODLE MCGUIRE SHOOK\2019-128 LITTLE LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS\DESIGN\CALCS\ICPR\WQ.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount(in): 1.00 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- ---------------30.000 1.00 ============================================================================================== Routing Simulations =========================================================================================================================================================== Name: Hydrology Sim: Filename: Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 2 MILLER AUTO CARE - 01/31/2020Hydrology Water Quality Input Report Execute: No Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 0.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- ---------------999.000 15.000 Group Run --------------- -----BASE Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 2 06/28/07 Exhibit 701-1: Curve Number Calculation for Water Quality Storm Event Water Quality Curve Number7072747678808284868890929496981000 102030405060708090100Percent ImperviousnessWater Quality Curve Number (CNwq) City of Indianapolis Stormwater Quality Unit (SQU) Selection Guide Pg. 2 01/02/19 Version 13.0 Manufactured SQU SQU System Model Max Treatment Flow (cfs) Max 10-yr On-Line Flow Rate (cfs) Cleanout Depth (Inches) 9000 7.59 N/A 30 11000 9.88 N/A 30 16000 15.59 N/A 30 PC1319 or 1319 CIP 19.04 N/A 30 PC1421 or 1421 CIP 22.92 N/A 30 1522 CIP 27.23 N/A 30 1624 CIP 32.00 N/A 30 1726 CIP 37.24 N/A 30 1827 CIP 42.96 N/A 30 1929 CIP 49.17 N/A 30 2030 CIP 55.90 N/A 30 2131 CIP 63.15 N/A 30 2233 CIP 70.94 N/A 30 2334 CIP 79.28 N/A 30 2436 CIP 88.18 N/A 30 2538 CIP 97.66 N/A 30 2639 CIP 107.72 N/A 30 2740 CIP 118.37 N/A 30 2842 CIP 129.64 N/A 30 2943 CIP 141.53 N/A 30 3045 CIP 154.05 N/A 30 3146 CIP 167.21 N/A 30 3349 CIP 195.49 N/A 30 3958 CIP 296.83 N/A 30 4060 CIP 316.23 N/A 30 Aqua-Swirl™ 2,3 AS-2 0.26 N/A 24 AS-3 0.50 N/A 32 AS-4 0.98 N/A 32 AS-5 1.47 N/A 32 AS-6 2.32 N/A 32 AS-7 3.40 N/A 32 AS-8 4.75 N/A 32 AS-9 6.38 N/A 32 AS-10 8.30 N/A 32 AS-11 10.54 N/A 32 AS-12 13.10 N/A 32 AS-13 16.00 N/A 32 WATER QUALITY                                                                     APPENDIX D PROPOSED BUILDING (8,895 SFT) EXISTING BUILDING ))MILLER AUTO CARE STORM SEWER BASIN MAP CARMEL, INAPRIL 2020 0' SCALE: 1" = GRAPHIC SCALE 25'50'75' 50' COMPOSITE "c" VALUES Project:Miller Auto Care HWC Job Number:2018‐047 Cw= (0.85*Aimp + 0.2*Aper) / Total Drainage Area Str. # Total Total Impervious Total Pervious Composite Drainage Area Area "c" Value Area Aimp Aper (AC) (AC) (AC) Cw 615 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.36 614 0.19 0.19 0.00 0.85 610 0.21 0.16 0.05 0.70 608 0.13 0.13 0.02 0.88 603 0.12 0.11 0.01 0.80 612 0.11 0.10 0.01 0.79 613 0.49 0.47 0.02 0.82 611 0.18 0.17 0.01 0.81 TIME OF CONCENTRATIONShallow Conc Flow Travel Time:(TR55 Method)Channel Flow Travel Time:Short Grass 0.15 Grass 0.03Project: Miller Auto CareDense Grass 0.24 Concrete 0.015Shallow Conc Flow (Unpaved):HWC Job Number: 2018‐047Pavement 0.011 Rip‐Rap 0.035Shallow Conc Flow (Paved):2 Yr, 24 Hr Rainfall=2.66Overland Flow Travel Time:Tc minimum=5Paved Gutter & Channel FlowTcBasin Len S n T_t Len S n T_t Len S Pave/Un Vel T_t Len A Pw r S n Vel T_t(ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % P or U(ft/s) (min) (ft) (sf) (ft) (ft) % (ft/s) (min) (min)615100 3.60 0.011 1 55 0.99 U 1.61 1561471 1.34 0.011 1561034 11.35 0.15 2 66 0.70 0.011 1560894 1.35 0.011 1560385 3.02 0.011 1561292 1.36 0.011 15613100 1.66 0.011 1 54 1.57 P 2.55 05611100 1.83 0.011 1 28 1.38 P 2.39 05Channel FlowOverland Flow Channel FlowMannings Values (n)Overland Flow Overland Flow Shallow Conc. Flow INLET CAPACITY CALCULATIONSProject:Miller Auto CareMinimum Travel Lane Required =10ftHWC Job Number:2018‐047Weir Condition (d<0.3')Orifice Condition (d>0.4')R‐3405 (Paved Area Inlet) Nyloplast 30" Drain GrateOpen Area, A (ft2) =1.5Open Area, A (ft2) =2.25Weir Perimeter, P (ft) =7.9 Weir Perimeter, P (ft) = 15.71A, 50% Clogged (ft2) =0.75A, 50% Clogged (ft2) =1.125P, 50% Clogged (ft) =3.95 P, 50% Clogged (ft) = 7.855Depth Depth Depth CastingQ Weir Orifice Controlling TypeStr. # (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.5 ft (Neenah)603 0.59 0.14 0.03 0.14 OK 3405607 2.55 0.23 0.21 0.23 OK Nyloplast608 0.67 0.09 0.01 0.09 OK Nyloplast610 0.90 0.18 0.06 0.18 OK 3405611 0.88 0.11 0.03 0.11 OK Nyloplast612 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.03 OK Nyloplast614 0.99 0.19 0.07 0.19 OK 3405Maximum Depth