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13m,ourtratnadarlyinM TOM: A'nYNexroM ¢marolM1®canneSmyMd�s,wm
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CONFIDENTMIITV NOTICE: TrsMramicm(mnudng my atavM ) my woman lnldm¢WnwnUT'u �, AwMM
4an Neammav<eMprirYagz Ii, anei¢mmMea mlavrorma rarpiamn¢)nammaare. uyw.m mr¢
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wnraaMairy or Mmylo_ga and! FROM nM wave mvsrm worry mnanbum, or Nb small ar µl ohmreN. Thank You.
—Qlglnal Nmsaga--
Man PnryPmolnav®alt®o2SIS Fax
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rvnaMoµmbamynn pryaMlyypaatl Ccunmly, on A nt, Dfiva. nm ROOMaalyroaltime. p No aM see and B
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M1m N halt mad, m bin¢blalad, Any¢uisaysEans wol be greatly etlebd.
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Thank , for a of your hyper MIAMI I nssrecN.ad a rew Wagn Wtim In all emmv hue ral whom an al likely
over $1 MAt hilellaWn. AS my CUrwe monom M Vurtll the progM ism tngent ups, Vmanm Vsa Approval, l em
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DM: Rbbm.alAgJtB PM
To: NnYPumN arevmA®eelmHprytlwlryymm
If you could submit a landscape plan showing the existing plant material to stay, I will have what I
need. As R is, the material edisting is adequate. I have attached a sample. If you can add the
diameter of the trees that would be great.
I don't mind if you don't label the shrubs by exact name but I would Ilk the trees named
specifically. Salsbery Bros is local and has submitted these before, most landscape companies can
do this landscape plan work. it doesn't need to be an engineered plan, though.
Daren Mindham
Urban Forester — City of Carmel
317- 12283
From: Amy Rexroth areeroth@carmelpsychalogpcom>
Seer: Tuesday, October 20, 20203:08 PM
To: Mindham, Damn <dmindham@carmeLin.gcv>
Subject: use variance question
**** This is an EXTERNAL email. Please exercise caution and Do Not open attachments or
click links from unknown senders or unexpected email. ****
IMcket No. PZ-2020-00161 UV UDO Sections 2.09 & 3.56
Perrnitted Uses, Professional Office reclaested on residential lot.
Thank you for reviewing my application and information for the Use Vaiaune for the property at
230 Ist St. NE. I am new to this process and am warning to make sure I seek clarification before
the date of the hearing. he accordance to the landscape requirements of UMSecion 5.19-since
this is a use variance- commamial landscape standards apply.
We are under contract (pending use variance approval) to purchase the residence, which as
existing landscaping. At this time, there are no plans to alter, add or remove any of the
landscaping with the exception of one tree in the backyard (which appears to be dead). Since I do
not have landscaping plan (that shows uee preservation, building foundation
landscaping, perimeter buffer yam) is theta something specific you will need in fulfill the portion
of the documentation for this requirement? The you advise that l hire a landscape
desigemoarchitect in create plans that specify the current landscaping?
Thank you in advance for helping me navigate this jmwc sl I am trying to manage the process as
well as 1 can -and it is all completely new to me!
Amy Rexmih, PsyD., HSPP
Clinical Psychologist
Please upload a landscape plan which shows tree preservation of the from yard trees,
building foundation landscaping, and perimeter bufferyards, as required in UDO section r
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TIN PmyflepoN mvoln@wmleAyWlarywm
I have no oGa1anc b to awam.¢,
3o MNYAMmwYgC Il oop, ON q Aimel, IN
Enron, lMeuega
SKA II OCIIAW2,n ®vamNP%V%al[9Ywma
TO Flyey Aldc�2, 21Y1➢S15 PM
To'. �%�a+q W epMcfiy®tmmN.ngov�
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To: aeuma@emclpySologymm
Cc: evea'T"y Troy VaNle®enagyLa¢lpmn, M'vW, Mi MN Wopp@eregyM1erdxmm
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP has no facilities involved in the Rexroth Psychology
office at 230 Lit St. NE, Cannel, IN.
Thank You,
nENERGY a<Pm:e. vxow laf
�I TRANSFER Parhanel.E,,¢mP"Use company,
ae yee mmsem. In
soom.Kn Gas smme mm Panv
PO mg IN<wn
crew. 3V-03332"
fs, 317733-3204
MI: 31752)-]325
From: Amy Rexroth <arexrotM1rAcarmelosvchologg{qtp>
Sent Friday, October 2, 20205:39 PM
To: Vackle, Troy <TmvVackietaenerrvtranzferw
Subject letter of intent regarding application far use variance
PnvmagmMdnm aeEelmbl+lg(q. tl3au Penrm mmetyprsnk,po-smamanwrgee Final Letterm
PAC car
Carmel Psychology
301 East Carmel Drive, Suite D#100,
Carmel, Indiana 46032
City of Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Members
October 1, 2020
RE: (UV) Rexroth Psychology Office
Seeking the following use variance approval:
Docket No. PZ-2020-00161 UV UDO Sections 2.09 & 3.56
Permitted Uses, Professional Office requested on residential lot.
The site is located at 230 1st St NE (Carey Addition, Lot 4). It is zoned R1/Residence and
Old Town Overlay, Character Subarea.
I am writing to briefly introduce myself and to provide an explanation of the intended use of
the property referenced above. I am Clinical Psychologist and have worked in the private
practice sector for the last 20 years of my career. During my tenure, I have focused my
practice on the mental health and wellbeing of children and adolescents. I have worked
primarily in the Carmel, Indiana area. While my practice serves some surrounding districts,
I have found over the years that the location of my practice has been convenient for the
residents of Carmel. I am hoping to move my practice closer to Carmel High School, which
is a central location for many of the families that I serve. In addressing the City of Carmel
Unified Development Ordinance, Article 3.56 (Old Town Overlay District Intent, Effect on
Uses, Process and Applicability, I would like to address the following:
• There will be no alteration, renovation, addition or new construction on the
property site. There will be no demolition or removal of the main structure
on the property. The current architectural structure and appearance will be
• There will be no changes made in the grade of the property and there are no
current obstructions of the natural flow of drainage.
• The property is not contained under the districts National Register and is not
a Historic Landmark
• The Lot Width of the property is 72 feet, exceeding the minimum lot width for
the area.
• The current building meets the set-back standard criteria from the front road.
• Exterior lighting will remain unchanged on the property
• There is no fencing in the front yard. Back yard fencing is standard height and
will be unchanged.
• Trash receptacles will be kept in the interior of the garage
• There currently exists a paved walkway/driveway connecting the front door
to the front sidewalk
• There are no plans to change the current landscaping. There is one tree in the
back yard that will need to be evaluated and possibly removed if determined
to be diseased (in accordance with the landscaping standards).
• Short Term Parking spaces are available on the property driveway. There are
4 spaces available (required 4.0) in the driveway and 2 spaces in the garage.
My office will have no more than two patients at any given time and most
patients are dropped off and picked up. The location will also allow for
several patients to walk to the office, eliminating the need for parking. There
are no full time staff members and only two part time staff in the practice at
most on a given day. As staff, the attached garage will be utilized.
• Bicycle parking and storage will be offered in the attached garage or on the
back patio area of the property.
• Signage to identify the office will be limited to an adhesive sign on the front
door (permanent decal type). As the preferences for most families seeking
mental health support is to remain rather discrete, signage on the front door
will be minimal. Logo area to be approximately 25” wide and 8” high (scaled
to fit the glass portion of the door) and professionally designed, constructed
and installed by Sign-A-Rama in Carmel, Indiana.
I am in the process of compiling the application packet and associated documentation. I will
finalize the submission of documents on ProjectDox and distribute them to each of you as per
your submission preference.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Amy L. Rexroth. Psy.D., HSPP
Licensed Clinical Psychologist