HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 10-20-202
OCTOBER 20, 2020
2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00119 OA: Sign Standards Amendments.
The applicant seeks to amend the Unified Development Ordinance in order to amend Section 5.39 Sign Standards,
Sections 7.11 & 7.12 Entryway Feature Standards, Section 5.66 Food Stand Use Standards, Section 1.29 Filing
Fees, and Definitions for signage. Filed by the Department of Community Services on behalf of the Carmel Plan
Project Overview:
The purpose of this proposal is to add new sign types, allow different sign types for various uses, promote pedestrian scale
signage, and better tailor the recently adopted (2017) Unified Development Ordinance to meet Carmel’s signage
needs. Please view the informational packet for the proposed ordinance.
OneZone Carmel Business Issues Committee Involvement:
The Department of Community Services has worked with OneZone on the proposed revisions. Three meetings have
occurred in which the proposed ordinance amendments were reviewed and explained in detail. The OneZone committee
did request that instead of using the language “Front Yard” when allowing certain sign types Staff instead use “set back
from”. This is now consistent throughout the UDO. OneZone will provide a letter of support to Staff in the coming days.
Ordinance Amendments:
1. Introduction of Construction Fence Signage
This is signage meant to showcase upcoming projects and developments during the demolition and construction phases.
25% of an entire mesh area may be used for signage. As a result of this introduction new definitions are required to
outline what this type of sign is and where it may be placed. In addition, a new filling fee was added to Section 1.29
because there is potential for this type of sign to be fairly large.
2. Residential Complexes
Currently the Residential Complex section does not apply to subdivisions. This section is rewritten, along with a
definition change, to apply to all residential uses including attached, multiple family, single family, and two-family
dwellings. The section now contains all potential signage with corresponding number, type, sign area, location, and design
requirements. Because there is stark contrast in the signage needs for subdivisions and larger apartment buildings, Staff is
proposing allowing sign types based on the setback of buildings. A more detailed explanation of this can be found in the
point below. Also included is a reference to Section 7.11 Residential Entryway Features
3. Allowing sign types based on building setback
Staff is proposing allowing sign types based on the set back of buildings. If a building or group of buildings is set back
15-ft. or greater then an Entrance, Ground, or Suspended sign is permitted. If set back 15-ft. or less then a Blade,
Projecting, or Wall sign is permitted. Staff works hard to create pedestrian scale environments. Often this involves
bringing buildings closer to the street, which leaves little room for ground signs. After one factors in the planting of trees
& landscaping, construction of a sidewalk or path, and possible on-street parking there are not many places for a ground
sign to effectively meet its purpose compared to other signs types located on buildings. This will apply to Residential
Complexes, Single Tenant Buildings for Non-Residential Uses, and Multi-Tenant Buildings for Mixed-Use and Non-
Residential Uses.
4. Blade & Projecting Signs
Staff is proposing to differentiate between Blade and Projecting signs. Blade signs are larger vertically oriented signs that
spans multiple floors on a building. Projecting signs are typically used for first floor or single-story tenants. Projecting
signs have a maximum square footage of 20 sq. ft. while a Blade sign size is determined by a Spandrel Panel on the
building. This allows a blade sign to fit cohesively with any architecture. A maximum square footage of 75 is allowed and
is based on the sizes of all the Blade signs in Carmel.
5. Temporary Sign in C1 & C2 Districts
Last year Staff amended the UDO in order to restore and clarify standards which previously applied to the C1 & C2
Districts but were left out during the conversion of the UDO. The Carmel Redevelopment Commission has asked that
these standards also be applied to temporary signage. The CRC will have control of the location and number of temporary
signs. The Sign Standards would then apply to classification, size, and design among other aspects.
6. Ground Sign Chart
Staff is proposing a reduction of the overall size for Ground Signs. This occurs by decreasing the category sizes for
distance of sign from the right-of-way and the maximum sign area allotment. Staff examined every new Ground Sign for
the past 3 years (table contained on the following page) to make this determination. In practice signs are much smaller
than they are allowed to be and typically as close to the right-of-way as possible. Of the signs with leftover square footage
the average unused amount is 19.72.
Of all the Ground signs reviewed only three were installed more than 50’ from the street right-of-way placing the signs in
a higher category. Staff has determined this necessitates adoption of smaller categories.
7. Entryway Features
Entryway Features were not present in the previous zoning ordinance and were introduced with the UDO in 2017.
Entryway Features allow subdivisions and larger commercial developments to construct a structure which meets their
theme or adds to the character of the area. This does not allow for larger or taller signage, but rather a taller structure. The
proposed revisions are meant to mold these sections to better fit with the Sign Standards and the UDO. Specifically, a 5-ft.
setback requirement is added, required ADLS or ADLS Amendment approval is added, reference to the Sign Standards is
included, defined terms were capitalized, and both sections are reorganized like the structure of section 5.39 Sign
Standards. Lastly a new definition was added for Entryway Features.
8. Other affected UDO Sections
5.18 Home Occupation Standards and 5.66: Food Stand Use-Specific Standards now refer to Section 5.39 Sign Standards.
When the UDO was adopted in 2017 and in subsequent amendments Staff has tried to consolidate all signage standards to
one section of the UDO.
9. Addition of new definitions
New definitions are proposed in order to allow for new sign types and differentiate between certain sign types and uses.
The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission sends this item to the Commercial
Committee meeting in November for further review and discussion.
Sign Copy Size in sq ft.Permitted
Sq. Ft.
Difference between
Installed & Proposed
Distance from
ROW (ft.)
Best Friends Hotel 19.83 45 35 15.17 4 0 60
Bash - monument 21.15 60 40 18.85 3 0 111
Honda Service 29.34 60 40 10.66 5.8 0 118
Indianapolis Rehabiliation
Hospital Shoot Point Blank 11.87 75 45 33.13 3.5 0 200
Chuy's Tex Mex 32.81 45 35 2.19 6 1 98
King of Glory Lutheran Church 16.90 75 45 28.10 8.66 3.5 280
Twin Lakes Golf Club 24.00 30 30 6.00 4 5 50
Comfort Inn 34.93 45 35 0.07 6 5 52
Carmel Auto Gallery 32.00 45 35 3.00 6 5 60
American Legion 28.80 45 35 6.20 6 5 98
Shamrock Self Storage 48.00 60 40 -8.00 6 5 131
ALDI 39.96 75 45 5.04 6 5 158.83
Christ Community Church 13.56 75 45 31.44 4 5 160
Shamrock Self Storage 75.00 75 45 -30.00 6 5 185
Shoppes at Weston Pointe 75.00 75 45 -30.00 6 5 190
Venture Christian Church 15.05 75 45 29.95 6.33 5 226
Carmel United Methodist Church (S)74.44 75 45 -29.44 5.25 5 227
Hyatt Place - Ritz Charles 21.69 75 45 23.31 6 5 229
Railyard at Midtown 10.46 75 45 34.54 5 5 251
Mercedes Benz of Indianapolis
commercial van sign 16.62 75 45 28.38 3.03 5 253
Mercedes Benz of Indianapolis 14.57 75 45 30.43 4.25 5 253
Clay Township Government Center 42.66 75 45 2.34 5.33 5 328
Carmel Woods Apartments 24.00 75 45 21.00 6 5 412
Aria Apartments 16.49 75 45 28.51 6 5 451
Link Office Suites 25.78 75 45 19.22 6 5 228
Hotel Carmichael 20.05 60 40 19.95 4.79 5 131
Zoetec Partners 48.37 75 45 -3.37 6 5 192
Century 21 Scheetz 16.28 75 45 28.72 5.5 5.2 273
Porkopolis 13.37 30 30 16.63 6 10 47
Anthony's 28.38 45 35 6.62 5.3 10 64
Best One of Indy 30.00 45 35 5.00 4 10 100
VFW Post #1003 60.00 60 40 -20.00 6 10 129
Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc.44.00 45 35 -9.00 6 11 79
Dunkin Donuts (ground)12.54 30 30 17.46 6 11.5 50
Home2 Suites 21.91 75 45 23.09 5.42 12 202
Capital Group (G1)10.84 75 45 34.16 5.33 12 350
Capital Group (G2)11.68 75 45 33.32 5.5 12 350
Creative Underwriters 20.00 45 35 15.00 4.5 14 54
Extra Space Storage 30.00 30 30 0.00 5.5 15 42
Off the Wall Sports 15.00 45 35 20.00 5 15 60
Riverview Health 13.89 45 35 21.11 3.96 15 86
Naturely CBD 12.23 60 40 27.77 6 15 132
Carmel Seventh Day Adventist Church 32.44 75 45 12.56 6 15 210
Legacy Shoppes 45.43 75 45 -0.43 5.66 15.78 156
Dermatology Inc 11.56 75 45 33.44 3 16 155
Carmel United Methodist Church & Preschool 71.36 75 45 -26.36 6 18 275
Orchard Park Presbyterian Church 51.60 75 45 -6.60 6 18.5 286
Eagle Automotive 24.00 45 35 11.00 4.16 20 75
Christian Brothers Automotive 40.28 75 45 4.72 6 20 160
Bill Estes Collision 17.52 45 35 17.48 4 25 100
Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine 45.76 75 45 -0.76 6 26 173
Aspire Indiana Health Primary Care and 31.32 80 55 23.68 3.25 72 285
The Farm 15.37 60 50 34.63 5.66 93 121
Indianapolis Rehabiliation Hospital 11.00 90 75 64.00 3.5 480 200
Average Size:29.09
> 30 sq. ft.Sign would be smaller ROW Distance Frontage
5'-50'under 50