HomeMy WebLinkAboutO&M Manual 02-25-20Project No. 2019-199
Operations & Maintenance
Indoor Facility at
Badger Field
5459 E. Main Street
Carmel, Indiana
Clay Township
Hamilton County Indiana
Prepared by:
Chad N. Kincaid, PE
3901 West 86th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Revised: February 25, 2020
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 1
Table of Contents
Section I
Site Information
Section II
Storm Structure Maintenance
Section III
Conveyances Maintenance (Storm Sewer)
Section IV
Dry Detention Basin with Native Vegetation Maintenance
Section V
Hydraulic Separator Maintenance
Section VI
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 2
O&M Manual
Badger Field Indoor Facility
5459 E. Main Street
Carmel, Indiana
BMP Owner Name
Badger Field
Representative: TBD
Business Phone: TBD
General Information
The purpose of water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) is to filter the first
flush of rainwater before it enters the downstream lakes and streams. Through the use
of these BMPs, the sediment and pollutant load in stormwater ru noff is reduced, and in
many cases the quantity of stormwater runoff generated is also reduced. The use of
BMPs also helps to reduce hydrocarbons, trash, and debris from entering waterways.
Owner Responsibility
The BMP Owner shall be responsible for all maintenance and costs associated with the
proposed BMPs. In addition, it is the owner’s responsibility to perform and/or pay for
inspections and maintenance as recommended below.
Right of Entry
City of Carmel representatives have the right to enter the property to inspect and, if
required, maintain the BMPs at any time.
Annual Inspection Reports
Annual inspection reports shall be submitted to the City of Carmel for each BMP. The
first report is due one year after construction is completed, with subse quent reports due
each year within the same month of the initial report. If there are any discrepancies
found during the inspection, these should be addressed. If the inspection report is not
received within the month it is due, if there are deficiencies which were not included in
the report, or if any deficiencies included in the report are not addressed in a timely
manner, the BMP owner faces enforcement action from City of Carmel.
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 3
Section I
Site Information
The site contains two Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the purpose of sediment
removal. These BMPs are a dry detention basin with native vegetation and a hydraulic
separator. These are located west of the proposed building.
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 4
Section II
Storm Structure Maintenance
Storm structures are set at storm sewer pipe connections. Unless you have OSHA
approved training and equipment, never enter a manhole.
All inlet castings should be inspected monthly and after each rainfall event. More
frequent inspections should be performed in areas where there is higher potential for
trash or litter and during the fall when leaves are present on the ground. Check the
frame and lid for cracks and wear, such as rocking lids or lids moved by traffic.
Storm structures and the surrounding areas should be inspected annually for pollutants
such as leaks from dumpsters, minor spills, and oil dumping. Take action to have the
pollutant source removed.
Clean structures when there is a blockage of a water flow path or when sedimen t depth
reaches 6”. Cleaning should be performed in a way that ensures removed sediment
and water is not discharged back into the storm sewer.
Work inside underground structures requires special OSHA-required confined space
equipment and procedures. The most practical option may be to contract with a sewer
cleaning contractor.
Materials Handling
Disposal of waste from maintenance of drainage facilities shall be conducted in
accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Removed sedimen t must be
disposed in the garbage as a solid waste. Water should be disposed of in a sanitary
sewer after oils are removed using oil absorbent materials or other mechanical means.
Used oil absorbents should be recycled or disposed according to the manufa cturer’s
Repair all security and access features so they are fully functional. This includes
locking lids, covers, and ladder rungs. Replace broken parts or lids that rock or are
moved by traffic.
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 5
Section III
Conveyances Maintenance (Storm Sewer)
Storm sewer pipes convey stormwater. Pipes are built from many materials and are
sometimes perforated to allow stormwater to infiltrate into the ground. Storm pipes are
cleaned to remove sediment or blockages when problems are identifi ed. Storm pipes
must be clear of obstructions and breaks to prevent localized flooding.
Pipes are difficult to inspect requiring special equipment and training. Usually, if a
problem occurs, the owner needs to call a sewer or plumbing contra ctor to inspect,
repair, or clean pipes.
Clean pipes when sediment depth is greater than ¼ of the pipe diameter, with a
maximum sediment depth of 6”. When cleaning a pipe, minimize sediment and debris
discharges from pipes to the storm sewer. Install downstream debris traps (where
applicable) before cleaning and then remove material. Generally, use mechanical
methods to remove root obstructions from inside storm sewer pipes. Do not put root -
dissolving chemicals in storm sewer pipes. If there is a problem, remove the vegetation
over the line.
Work inside underground structures requires special OSHA-required confined space
equipment and procedures. The most practical option may be to contract with a sewer
cleaning contractor.
Materials Handling
Disposal of waste from maintenance of drainage facilities shall be conducted in
accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Removed sediment must be
disposed in the garbage as a solid waste. Water should be disposed of in a sanita ry
sewer after oils are removed using oil absorbent materials or other mechanical means.
Used oil absorbents should be recycled or disposed according to the manufacturer’s
Repair or replace pipes when a dent or break closes more th an 20 percent of the pipe
diameter. Repair or replace pipes damaged by deterioration.
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 6
Section IV
Dry Detention Basin with Native Vegetation Maintenance
This site contains one dry detention basin with native vegetation along the southwest
portion of the property. This pond discharges to the south.
Dry detention basins with native vegetation function more effectively when they are
regularly inspected and maintained. Identify and report pollutant sources to the facility.
Inspect the facility for oil and other pollutants and remove any pollutants in volume
greater than a surface sheen.
Trash is to be removed after every major rainfall event and at least every six months.
Sediment is to be removed when it accumulates to 10 percent d esigned pond depth.
Materials Handling
Disposal of waste from maintenance of drainage facilities shall be conducted in
accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Removed sediment must be
disposed in the garbage as a solid waste. Water shoul d be disposed of in a sanitary
sewer after oils are removed using oil absorbent materials or other mechanical means.
Used oil absorbents should be recycled or disposed according to the manufacturer’s
Native Vegetation Maintenance
Stormwater control facilities are, in effect, water body buffers in which pesticides and
fertilizer are not used. Use mechanical methods to control weeds. Pesticides,
herbicides, and fertilizers are not used in stormwater control facilities.
Trees should not be allowed to grow on emergency overflows and stormwater berms
that are over 4 feet high. Trees can block flows and roots can lead to berm failure.
Remove any trees. Remove larger roots (where the base of the tree is greater than 4
inches) and restore the berm.
Native vegetation to be cut back and cuttings removed each fall. Replant as necessary
each spring.
Repair and seed bare areas. Repair eroded slopes when rills form, where the cause of
damage is present, or there is potential for future erosion. Use cover BMPs on
exposed soils. Rodent holes on a dam or berm can pipe water. Destroy the rodents,
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 7
preferably by trapping, and repair the dam or berm. If berms or dams show signs of
settlement or sinkholes, serious problems may be occurring. Consult a licensed
professional engineer to determine the cause of the settlement or sinkhole.
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
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Section V
Hydraulic Separator Maintenance
This site contains an AS-10 AquaSwirl located on the northwest side of the property.
AquaSwirls are designed to remove sediment, debris, and free oil from entering the
sewer system. After construction, the swirl concentrator should be inspected every six
months and cleaned as needed or once a year regardless of whether it has reached full
pollutant storage capacity. Disposal of all sediment, in addition to local requirements,
must be in accordance with all federal and state requirements. See the attached
manufacture O&M Manual for complete details of inspection and cleaning.
Inspect the unit every six months. The inspection should determine sediment depth,
accumulation of trash and litter, and the specific maintenance and repairs needed.
Annually check for cracks large enough to let soil enter the vault, broken or defective
plates and baffles, and crushed or damaged pipes.
Remove trash and litter from the vault, inlet, and piping when present. Remove
sediment when it accumulates to the manufacturer’s maximum recommended depth.
Cleaning should be performed in a way that ensures removed sedimen t and water is
not discharged back into the storm sewer.
Work inside underground structures requires special OSHA-required confined space
equipment and procedures. The most practical option may be to contract with a sewer
cleaning contractor.
Materials Handling
Disposal of waste from maintenance of drainage facilities shall be conducted in
accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Removed sediment must be
disposed in the garbage as a solid waste. Water should be disposed of in a s anitary
sewer after oils are removed using oil absorbent materials or other mechanical means.
Used oil absorbents should be recycled or disposed according to the manufacturer’s
Repair any cracked or defective plates or baffles. Re pair all security and access
features so they are fully functional. This includes locking lids, covers, and ladder
rungs. Replace broken parts or lids that rock or are moved by traffic.
Indoor Facility at Badger Fields
O&M Manual
TLF, Inc. February 25, 2020
Project No. 2019-199
Page 9
Section VI
™ Phone (888) 344-9044 Fax (423) 826-21122733 Kanasita Drive, Suite 111, Chattanooga, TN 37343STORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONS www.aquashieldinc.comAqua-Swirl Concentrator Model AS-10 BYP HDPE Standard DetailAS-10 STD03/20/15Scale:Drawn By:Document:Date:JCW1:30U.S. Patent No. 6524473 and other Patent PendingAqua-Swirl High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)Stormwater Treatment System4 1/2" [114 mm]1/2" [13 mm]1" [25 mm]Manhole Frame & Cover DetailNTSFor Non-Traffic Areas OnlySoil1" [25 mm]Unless other traffic barriers are present,bollards shall be placed around access riser(s)in non-traffic areas to prevent inadvertentloading by maintenance vehicles.SoilPlace small amount ofconcrete [3,000 psi [20MPa] (min)] to supportand level manhole frame.DO NOT allow manholeframe to rest upon riser.RiserFrameCover48" [1219 mm] Min.12" [305 mm]Wrap Compressible ExpansionJoint Material to a minimum1-inch [25 mm] thickness aroundtop of riser to allow transfer ofinadvertent loading frommanhole cover to concrete slab.Backfill (90%Proctor Density)ConcreteConcrete8" [203 mm]Gravel BackfillGravel BackfillAAInletOutletPlan ViewInternal BafflesOctagonal Base PlatePipe couplingby Contractor.12" [305 mm]long Stub-outby Manufacturer.Structural RailRiserGrade (Rim)Manhole Frame andCover by Manufacturer.(See Details)Rim elevations to match finishedgrade. HDPE risers can be fieldcut by Contractor.Swirl Inlet/OutletStructural RailInternalBafflesSTORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONSPhone (888) 344-9044 www.aquashieldinc.com™Section A-ABackfill(Sand orCrushedStone)BeddingUndisturbed SoilGravel Backfill shall extend atleast 2 feet [610 mm] outwardfrom Swirl Concentrator and forthe full height of the SwirlConcentrator (including riser)extending laterally toundisturbed soils. (See MH DetailBelow)* Please see accompanied Aqua-Swirl specification notes.* See Site Plan for actual system orientation.**Orientation may vary from 90°, 180°, orcustom angles to meet site conditions.4 1/2" [114 mm]Gravel Backfill1/2" [13 mm]1" [25 mm]Manhole Frame & Cover DetailNTSFor H-20 Traffic Loading AreasConcretePaving1" [25 mm]Wrap Compressible ExpansionJoint Material to a minimum1-inch [25 mm] thickness aroundtop of riser to allow transfer oftraffic loading from manholecover to concrete slab.Backfill (90%Proctor Density)Support and Levelmanhole frame withconcrete pad. DO NOTallow manhole frame torest upon HDPE riser.RiserFrameCoverGravel BackfillConcretePaving3" [76 mm] Typ.12" [305 mm]12" [305 mm]If traffic loading (H-20) is required or anticipated, a concretepad must be placed over the entire Stormwater TreatmentSystem per concrete design as calculated by Engineer.Sample details of concrete pad available upon request.
Storm Sewer Structure Operation, Maintenance, and Management Inspection Checklist for BMP Owners
Project: _________________________________Owner Change since last inspection? Y N
Owner Name, Address, Phone: ___________________________________________________________
Number: _____________________________________________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________________________________________________
Site Status _________________________________
Date: ________________________
Time: ________________________
Inspector: ____________________________________________________________________________
Maintenance Item Satisfactory/
Storm Casting and Grate (Inspect monthly and after major storms)
1. Trash/Debris obstructing inflow
Affected Structures:
2. Silt/Sediment accumulation
Affected Pipes:
3. Other (describe)
Structure Sump (Inspect annually and after major storms)
1. Sediment/Debris in sump
Affected Structures:
2. Other (describe)
Headwall Structures (Inspect annually and after major storms)
1. Vegetation around headwall
2. Erosion around headwall
3. Animal burrows
4. Headwall clear of obstructions
5. Sediment Accumulation
Affected Structures:
6. Other (describe)
Additional Comments:
Actions to be taken:
BASIN SEED MIXDETENTION BASIN SEED MIXSEED WITH EQUAL PARTS STORMWATER SEED MIX AND ECONOMY PRAIRIE SEED MIX AT A RATE OF 35 PLS POUNDS PER ACRE.SLOPE STABILIZATION SEED MIXSEED WITH SLOPE STABILIZATION SEED MIX AT A RATE OF 60 PLS POUNDS PER ACRE. ADD 14 ACRE OF NATIVE WILDFLOWER SEEDMIX TO 1 ACRE OF THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SEED MIX. REFER TO EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR REQUIRED EROSION CONTROLBLANKET.SEED MIXES AVAILABLE FROM:CARDNO NATIVE PLANT NURSERY (OR APPROVED EQUAL)128 WALKERTON, INDIANA574-586-2412INSTALL SEED MIX PER CARDNO INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES.SLOPE STABILIZATION SEED MIXNATIVE WILDFLOWER SEED MIXSTORMWATER SEED MIXECONOMY PRAIRIE SEED MIXPLANTING LIST FOR DRY BASINWITH NATIVE VEGETATIONNative Vegetation Maintenance*Stormwater control facilities are, in effect, water body buffers in which pesticides and fertilizer arenot used. Use mechanical methods to control weeds. Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are notused in stormwater control facilities.Trees should not be allowed to grow on emergency overflows and stormwater berms that are over4 feet high. Trees can block flows and roots can lead to berm failure. Remove any trees. Removelarger roots (where the base of the tree is greater than 4 inches) and restore the berm.Native vegetation to be cut back and cuttings removed each fall. Replant as necessary eachspring.
Owner Acknowledgement Agreement (“Agreement”)
For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the undersigned owner (“Owner”) hereby submits this Operation and
Maintenance Manual (“Manual”) to the City of Carmel, Indiana (“City”) as a written
acknowledgement of Owner’s warranty and agreement to institute, maintain, and follow
the water quality Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) listed below, and to follow and
abide by the inspection schedule and maintenance activities listed in this Manual. The
Owner also hereby agrees to provide, at Owner’s cost, all additional maintenance, repair,
and/or replacement services reasonably necessary to maintain the function and longevity
of the BMPs from and including the date this Agreement is executed by Owner to and
including the date on which a new Agreement is filed with the City by another party who
assumes all of the obligations and responsibilities of Owner as set forth herein.
BMPs: ___________________________________________________
_______________________________ ________________________
Owner Signature Date
_______________________________ ______________________________
Printed Name Company
) SS:
BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State,
personally appeared _________________________________ Owner subscribed and
sworn before this ____ day of __________________, ________.
______________________________ ______________________________
County of Residence Signature
Commission Expiration Date
Printed Name