HomeMy WebLinkAboutO&M Manual 09-15-20 WEST PARK IMPLEMENTATION Operation and Maintenance of Post-Construction Stormwater Management Measures ADDENDUM 1: THE CORE Prepared By: SmithGroup 44 E Mifflin Street Madison, WI 53703 October 30, 2020 CARMEL-CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION WEST PARK IMPLEMENTATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POSTCONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES ADDENDUM 1: THE CORE Carmel-Clay Parks and Recreation is renovating and expanding West Park through phased implementation of the 2016 Master Plan. Phase 1 included the western expansion of the park through The Groves Implementation Project and the Jill Perelman Pavilion, with construction completed in 2019. As part of the permit application to the City of Carmel for Phase 1, an Operation and Maintenance Manual for Post-Construction Stormwater Management Measures was recorded with Hamilton County on June 1, 2018 (See Appendix A). This document, “Addendum 1: The Core,” amends the previously recorded document to include operation and maintenance procedures specific to post-construction Best Management Practices (BMP’s) implemented with Phase 2 of West Park construction. Phase 2 includes renovation of “The Core” area, which includes the originally constructed West Park facilities. Improvements under this phase include reconstruction of the park entry, connection of the internal road system to The Groves development, parking expansion, renovation of the park shelter and restroom, and relocation and replacement of the splash pad and playground. This document describes the post-construction BMP’s proposed in areas of significant hydrologic alteration to provide permanent treatment of stormwater runoff from redeveloped areas. Operation and maintenance procedures are included for additional BMP’s used at The Core which were not included in the original manual. Note, Contact Information for the BMP Owner, Ownership and Maintenance Statement, Right-of-Entry Statement, and Inspection Reports are unchanged from the original recorded document, and are included herein by reference. A. Description and Purpose of Water Quality BMP Water Quality BMP’s at West Park: The Core include the following: 1. Splash Pad Bioretention Area Description: Special practices are required to address potable water discharged from the site by the splash pad. Recirculation and treatment are cost prohibitive, and the Carmel Township Sewer District has indicated that they do not wish to receive and treat the splash pad water. Consequently, the intent is to pre-treat this runoff and discharge it to the stormwater management system in a manner comparable to the existing splash pad effluent treatment train at West Park. This treatment method uses a designated bioretention area comprised of a sand-based soil mix at an adequate depth for filtering, phytoremediation, and treatment prior to discharge to an underdrain. The splash pad effluent infiltrates into an 8-inch deep engineered soil mix then through a drainage base before discharging into a naturalized detention area. The engineered soil mix is described in Appendix C, Soil Preparation Specification. This splash pad treatment area also functions as stormwater storage, but it is assumed that the splash park will not be operational and discharging water during a storm event, so the BMP is adequately sized to serve this dual purpose. To integrate the treatment area within the park setting, the bioretention area is placed in a naturalized setting and planted with native wet prairie species that tolerate extreme moisture fluctuation. Bioretention systems are shallow, landscaped depressions that utilize both soils and plants to remove pollutants from runoff. This is accomplished through adsorption, filtration, plant uptake, microbial activity, decomposition, sedimentation, and volatilization. Location: The splash pad bioretention area is located in the north cell of BMP1, southeast of the splash pad. This area drains into the middle cell naturalized detention area. Maintenance: Maintenance follows under the procedure outlined for bioretention areas excerpted from the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8. The splash pad bioretention area shall also be inspected monthly during the summer use period to verify water is infiltrating through the system with no ponding at the surface within 24 hours after discharge from the splash pad. Maintenance Requirements - Bioretention Areas 2. Naturalized Detention Areas Description: Naturalized detention areas at West Park function as a combination of a Vegetated Swale and a Dry-Extended Detention Basin. The goal for these zones is to convey base flow, provide stormwater detention, and improve water quality while increasing habitat and enhancing the aesthetic quality of the park. The areas are not intended to have standing water between storm events, but may have wet or saturated soils depending on seasonality and rainfall patterns. During storms, these areas collect, temporarily hold, and gradually release excess storm water to attenuate peak flows. To accommodate these fluctuating water levels, the area is to be seeded to wet prairie species that can withstand both flood conditions and periods of drought. Under low flow conditions, drainage channels through the naturalized detention areas allow for passage of base flow and the treated splash pad effluent. These channels meander to increase time of concentration and the ability to remove pollutants. In this way, the channels function similar to a vegetated swale, where runoff velocity is greatly decreased allowing biofiltration (uptake of nutrients by plants), infiltration (percolation of water through the swale’s soil substrate), and sedimentation (settling out of larger suspended particles). (Ref: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8) Locations: Two naturalized detention areas are used at the site. The Middle Cell of BMP 1 is located downstream (south) of the splash pad bioretention area. The West Swale and Pond, BMP 2, is located between the existing pond and the improved entry drain, and receives water primarily from the existing parking lot bioswale and roadway drainage. Maintenance: The following applicable maintenance activities are combined from Vegetated Swales and Dry Extended Detention Basins, from the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8: Activity Schedule Inspect for and correct erosion problems in swale Twice during first year; annually thereafter Inspect for erosion along pond surfaces Two times per year Remove trash and debris Annually or more frequently if needed Remove sediment from swale When sediment reaches 25% of swale volume Inspect for embankment damage. Monitor sediment accumulation in basin. Check operation of inlet and outlet structures. Annually Monitor vegetative growth in swale Annually inspect to determine if alternate species is more conducive to site conditions Restore dead of damaged ground cover via sodding or seeding in basin. As needed (at a minimum of annually) Monitor sediment accumulations in basin, and remove when dry detention basin storm water storage volume is reduced 25 percent. As needed (possibly every 10 years) Remove litter and debris from basin inlet and outlet. Standard monthly maintenance 3. Dry Detention Area Description: Dry detention areas collect, temporarily hold, and gradually release excess storm water to attenuate peak flows. Unlike the wet ponds used at The Groves, dry detention areas drain completely in less than 24 hours following a storm event. Locations: The South Cell of BMP 1 is located downstream (south) of the splash pad bioretention area and the naturalized detention area, east of the entrance road. An existing culvert pipe functions as the outlet control to optimize storage in this area before flowing into the existing pond. This area is primarily intended for attenuation of large peak flows. Maintenance: The following maintenance activities for Dry Detention Basins is excerpted from the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8: Maintenance Requirements – Dry Detention Basin West Park Implementation Operation and Maintenance of Post-Construction Stormwater Management Measures APPENDIX A: Recorded Document for Phase 1 Operation and Maintenance Manual CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION EAST CENTRAL PARK IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POSTCONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES A. Description and Purpose of Water Quality BMP Post-construction Best Management Practices (BMP’s) including bioinfiltration areas, vegetated swales, and wet ponds are proposed in areas of significant hydrologic alteration to provide permanent treatment of stormwater runoff from redeveloped areas. These BMP’s will provide permanent treatment for approximately 6.3 acres of disturbed area, including 2.5 acres of impervious area, improving the quality of stormwater discharge to its downstream destinations. Water Quality BMP’s include the following: (Ref: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8) 1. Vegetated Filter Strip with Infiltration Trench (Bioretention Area) Description: Bioretention systems are shallow, landscaped depressions that utilize both soils and plants to remove pollutants from storm water runoff. Storm water runoff enters the system as sheet flow. Runoff collected in the bioretention system either infiltrates into the sand and/or gravel substrate and subsurface soil material or it ponds on the surface of the bioretention system. Some bioretention systems incorporate subsurface drainage in the substrate to allow for the removal of the treated storm water runoff. Bioretention systems are typically designed to allow bypass flow of large storm events. Each component of a bioretention system is designed to remove pollutants. This is accomplished through adsorption, filtration, plant uptake, microbial activity, decomposition, sedimentation, and volatilization. Locations: The bioretention area proposed is north of the new pavilion. It is identified on the drawings as a “Vegetated Filter Strip with Infiltration Trench”, but will function more as a bioretention area with no surface storage. Maintenance: Maintenance Requirements - Bioretention Areas 2. Vegetated Swales a. Description: Vegetated swales reduce pollutants and sediment loads in storm water runoff. Storm water runoff is directed into the swale which conveys the runoff from the site. While moving through the swale, runoff velocity is greatly decreased allowing biofiltration (uptake of nutrients by plants), infiltration (percolation of water through the swale’s porous soil substrate), and sedimentation (settling out of larger suspended particles). (Ref: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8) b. Locations: In landscaped areas conveying stormwater runoff to proposed wet ponds. These swales will be effectively created by the intended natural look of the proposed grading, and due to their irregular geometry were not counted towards total required water-quality requirements; however they will provide additional sediment removal and water-quality improvement above City code requirements. c. Maintenance (Ref: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8): Maintenance Requirements – Vegetated Swales 3. Wet Detention Ponds a. Description: Wet detention ponds are constructed basins that contain a permanent pool of water and treat polluted storm water runoff. The most commonly used wet detention ponds are extended detention ponds. The purpose of a wet detention pond is to detain storm water runoff long enough for contaminated sediments to settle and remain in the pond and allow the water in the pond to be displaced by the next rain event. This sedimentation process removes particulates, organic matter, and metals from the water while nutrients are removed through biological uptake. By capturing and retaining runoff, wet ponds control both storm water quantity and quality. A higher level of pollutant removal and storm water quality can be achieved through the use of wet detention ponds than with many other storm water management measures such as sand filters and dry ponds.). (Ref: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8) b. Locations: Three (3) wet detention ponds are proposed in series in the landscaped area south of the proposed parking lot and west of the proposed entrance drive. c. Maintenance (Ref: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, Chapter 8): Maintenance Requirements – Wet Detention Ponds 4. Pond Aerator (Keeton Industries Quietline Aeration System) Areas Description: Pond aeration units prevent pond stagnation by pumping compressed air through diffusor units, ensuring pond health, preventing undesired algae growth and anaerobic conditions. Proposed diffusors are self-cleaning and non-clogging and will not require periodic maintenance. Aeration system is not an independent BMP, but is a proposed practice to facilitate the health and longevity of the proposed Wet Detention Pond BMPs. Locations: The aerator pump is proposed east of the new pavilion. Four (4) diffusor units are located internal to the sub-ponds of Pond 2P. Maintenance: (Ref: Manufacturer Recommendations): Maintenance Requirements – Pond Aerator Compressor Pump Activity Schedule Check air inlet filters and replace as needed Monthly Verify cooling fan and air intake vent functionality Monthly Install manufacturer recommended compressor repair kit. Every 18 to 24 months B. Contact information for the BMP owner i. Name: Carmel-Clay Parks and Recreation Department. ii. Address: 1411 East 116th St. Carmel, IN 46032 iii. Telephone number: 317-573-4021 iv. E-mail address: mklitzing@carmelclayparks.com C. Ownership and Maintenance Statement BMP’s implemented as part of this project will be owned and maintained by the Carmel-Clay Parks and Recreation Department. Owner to be responsible for all maintenance and costs associated with the BMPs. D. Right-of-Entry Statement The Carmel-Clay Parks and Recreation Department will allow the City of Carmel to inspect and maintain on-site BMP’s as necessary. D. Inspection Reports The Carmel-Clay Parks and Recreation Department will submit annual inspection reports to the City of Carmel Engineering Department. The first report shall be due one year after construction is completed, with subsequent reports due each year within the same month of the initial report. If there are any deficiencies found during the inspection, Carmel-Clay Parks and Recreation Department shall be responsible for addressing them. If the inspection report is not received within the month it is due, if there are deficiencies which were not included in the report, or if any deficiencies included in the report are not addressed in a timely manner, the BMP owner faces enforcement action from the City. 1 3 4 4 6" DI 6" DIMATCHLINE: SEE SHEET C118 MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET C119900905901902903904900900 905 897897 898 898 899899 901901 902902 903903 904 904901902 903 8 9 5 9 0 0 8 9 3894 8968968978988 9 9 9 0 1 900897898899901 896 897898898899899905902 903904906907905904906905 906 905 902903904906900899901902902895 895 900 892893894 896897 898 899 901 901 89589590089289289389389489689789889989589590089 2 8 9 3894 896897898899902903904905906 906 9059 0 6 906906906 905906898 899 898 8999009019059049029 0 3 900 899 5.2% 25.0% 905 90 5 90290390290224.5%4.9% 900 900 897897 898 898 899 899 901 901 902 903 33.3%33.3%25.0%6" DI 6 5182 LF - 12 " D I @ 1 .01% w w w PS STM-CB-01 RIM: 905.50' 12" SE INV: 901.50' STM-CB-02 RIM: 905.25' 12" SW INV: 901.90' STM-CB-04 RIM: 905.25' 12" NE INV: 901.05' 12" S INV: 900.95' 48 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.83% STM-END-01 12" N INV: 900.10'174 LF - 12" CLASS III RCP @ -0.49%STM-END-02 12" NW INV: 899.29' STM-END-03 12" S INV: 899.00' STM-END-04 12" N INV: 898.50' 34 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.50% STM-END-05 12" E INV: 897.20' STM-END-06 12" W INV: 897.00' 30 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.66%wSTM-CB-05 RIM: 903.89' 12" SW INV: 900.14' D 147 LF - 12" DI @ 0.33 % STM-CB-06 RIM: 901.63' 12" S INV: 897.88' STM-END-09 12" N INV: 897.05' 156 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.33% STM-END-07 12" E INV: 897.00' STM-END-08 12" SW INV: 896.73' 15 LF - 12" DI @ 0.54% STM-MH-01 RIM: 904.09' 12" NW INV: 899.65' 12" NE INV: 899.65' 12" SE INV: 899.55' STM-CB-03 RIM: 905.50' 12" NE INV: 901.50' 12" SW INV: 901.40' 45 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.78% 6 5 L F - 1 2 " C L A S S I I I RC P @ 0 . 4 0% STM-CB-07 RIM: 901.11' 12" N INV: 897.36' 12" S INV: 897.26' 64 LF - 12" DI @ 0.33% STM-END-11 (2) W INV. 897.31 STM-END-12 (2) E INV. 896.83 (2) 48 LF - 14"x23" ELLIPTICAL RCP @ 1.00% co co co co D STM-RESTRICTOR-01 RIM: 903.83' 12" N INV: 898.83' 12" S INV: 898.73' D STM-RESTRICTOR-02 RIM: 900.91' 12" W INV: 896.92' 12" NE INV: 896.82' 47 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.49% 16 LF - 12" DI @ 0.57%46 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.66%STM-END-11 12" N INV: 901.20' STM-END-10 12" S INV: 901.50' co ww w 8 6" DI6" DI6" D I 7 1 9 10 6" D I6" DI6" D I 6" DI6" DI112 LF - 6" PVC @ 1.0 % 12 13 15 14 16 15 16 16 16 GATE VALVE BOX FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TAPPING SLEEVE CLEANOUT GRINDER PUMP STATION STORM STRUCTURE INLET YARD DRAIN FLARED END SECTION WATER MAIN DIRECTIONAL BORING co w D PS TS SCHEMATIC GAS LINE ROUTING SHOWN. FINAL SIZING, DESIGN, AND INSTALLATION TO BE PER VECTREN. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE FORMAL DESIGN AND SITE READY DATE FOR VECTREN INSTALLATION. OWNER TO DIRECTLY PAY VECTREN FOR SERVICE INSTALLATION, AS APPLICABLE. EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE. DIRECT FORCE MAIN CONNECTION INTO FLOWLINE IN THE DOWNSTREAM DIRECTIONS. SEE DETAIL 3 SHEET C512. GRINDER PUMP STATION. SEE DETAIL 1 SHEET C510. 2" WATER METER TO BE LOCATED INSIDE BUILDING. PLUMBING PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH ARCHITECTURAL PERMIT SET. WET TAP ON 16" PVC WATER MAIN. JACK-AND-BORE 14" DI CASING PIPE UNDER 116TH STREET, 60 LF. INSTALL PROPOSED 6" DI WATER MAIN THROUGH CASING PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 716. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY. FIRE-DEPARTMENT CONNECTION TO BE LOCATED NEARBY BY ARCHITECT. PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH CULVERT, SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C507.1 ENTRANCE CULVERT, SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C507 ALL STORM SEWER DAYLIGHTS TO PROPOSED BASINS AND DITCHES TO TERMINATE WITH PRECAST CONCRETE FLARED END-SECTIONS WITH RIPRAP BEDDING, SEE UTILITY DETAILS, SHEET C511. HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL TO SANITARY MANHOLE, 767 LF. THREE TRACER WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG ALL DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED PIPE. ALL TRACE WIRE TERMINATION POINTS MUST UTILIZE A TRACER WIRE ACCESS STATION. SEE DETAIL 4, SHEET 512 FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS AND ACCESS STATION DETAIL. AIR COMPRESSOR AND COMPRESSOR CABINET, TO BE KEETON INDUSTRIES QUIETLINE KR-4DP (1/2 HP COMPRESSOR, 50 PSI MAX PRESSURE, 115V. WITH ALL-WEATHER TAN COLOR CABINET WITH SOUND-REDUCTION PACKAGE AND A.S.T.M.-RATED FOAM, AND BLUE ANODIZED ALUMINUM 4 VALVE COOLING MANIFOLD) OR EQUIVALENT TO BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. KEETON INDUSTRIES RM-4 REMOTE DISTRIBUTION MANIFOLD ENCLOSED IN 19" X 14" X 7.5" IRRIGATION VALVE BOX, OR EQUIVALENT TO BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. DIRECT-BURY COMPRESSED AIR TUBING. TUBING FROM COMPRESSOR CABINET TO REMOTE MANIFOLD TO BE 3/4" POLYPIPE FLEXIBLE TUBING AT 3' MINIMUM COVER. TUBING FROM REMOTE MANIFOLD TO DIFFUSER UNITS TO BE KEETON INDUSTRIES SELF-WEIGHTED FEEDER TUBING (0.50" INSIDE DIA. x 1.00" OUTSIDE DIA.) AT 3' MINIMUM COVER, OR EQUIVALENT TO BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. KEETON INDUSTRIES DURAPLATE MEMBRANE DIFFUSOR, OR EQUIVALENT TO BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.WATER MAINS TO HAVE 4.5 FEET OF COVER MINIMUM. 2.SANITARY FORCE MAIN TO HAVE 4.5 FT OF COVER MINIMUM. 3.ALL WATER LINES TO BE INSTALLED WITH TRACER WIRE AND BLUE REFLECTIVE WARNING TAPE LOCATED 18" ABOVE WATER LINE. 4.THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER DESIGN SPECIFIED AND AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARMEL ON THE FINAL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS. DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPROVED DESIGN SHALL ONLY BE PERMITTED DUE TO SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES OR DIFFICULTY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND WILL REQUIRE PRIOR FIELD APPROVAL FROM A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF CARMEL IN ADDITION TO SUPPLEMENTAL APPROVAL BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. AN EXPLANATION OF ANY SUCH DEVIATION SHALL BE INCLUDED AS A REQUIREMENT ON AS-BUILT/RECORD DRAWINGS SUBMITTED FOR RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES. APPROVED DESIGN SLOPES IDENTIFIED AS GENERATING VELOCITIES OF 2.5 FPS OR LESS OR 10 FPS OR GREATER (AT FULL FLOW CAPACITY) SHALL REQUIRE AS-BUILT CERTIFICATION AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING THE PIPE. THE CONTRACTOR IS INSTRUCTED TO AS-BUILT EACH SECTION OF STORM PIPE AS IT IS BEING INSTALLED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGN PLANS AND AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARMEL. 5.PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS TO BE UNDER THE PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF THE OWNER. 6.VERTICAL COORDINATE INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD 88). 7.NO EXISTING 100 YEAR FLOODPLAINS, FLOODWAY FRINGES, OR FLOODWAYS EXIST WITHIN EXISTING SITE OR EXISTING SURVEY LIMITS, PER FEMA FIRM PANEL 18057C0205G, DATED 11/19/2014. 8.SEE SHEET C121 FOR PROPOSED DETENTION SYSTEM SUMMARY. SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN STORM SEWER UNDERDRAIN NATURAL GAS LINE COMPRESSED AIR LINE WET POND AERATION COMPRESSOR CABINET AERATION REMOTE MANIFOLD AERATION MEMBRANE DIFFUSOR SHEET NOTES UTILITY SYMBOLS N Utilities Plan 0'80'40'20' SCALE: 1" = 40' C117 DESCRIPTIVE KEYED NOTES SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 22109 WEST PARK: THE GROVES 3030 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroupjjr.com 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 08/25/17 N 75% CD 11/27/17 STORMWATER PERMIT SET 12/12/17 ISSUED FOR BID 01/11/18 ISSUED FOR RE-BID 02/22/18 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 03/06/18 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/02/18 PROPOSED VEGETATED FILTER STRIP WITH INFILTRATION TRENCH (SEE SHEET C121 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 7 C514 122 LF - 6" PERFORATED HDPE UNDERDRAIN @ 0.5% 3 C510 55 LF - 6" HDPE @ 1.0% 6" W INV: 898.40' EXISTING POND TYPICAL H.W.E.: 895.5± STRUCTURE NAME RIM ELEVATION FRAME AND GRATE TYPE STRUCTURE DIAMETER STRUCTURE TABLE STM-CB-01 905.50 NEENAH R-2548 2.0' STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS SE 12" INV. 901.50 STM-CB-02 905.25 NEENAH R-2548 2.0'SW 12" INV. 901.90 STM-CB-03 905.50 NEENAH R-2548 2.0'NE 12" INV. 901.50 SW 12" INV. 901.40 STM-CB-04 905.25 NEENAH R-2548 2.0'NE 12" INV. 901.05 SW 12" INV. 900.95 903.89 NEENAH R-3501-N 2.0'SW 12" INV. 900.14 STM-CB-06 901.63 NEENAH R-2548 2.0'W 6" INV. 898.40 S 12" INV. 897.88 STM-CB-07 901.11 NEENAH R-2548 2.0'N 12" INV. 897.36 S 12" INV. 897.26 STM-MH-01 904.09 NEENAH R-1642A 4.0'NW 12" INV. 900.65 NE 12" INV. 900.65 SE 12" INV. 900.55 DETENTION BASIN TYPICAL H.W.E.: 899.00 (SEE SHEET C121 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) PROPOSED WET POND BMP/WET DETENTION POND TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.50 (SEE SHEET C121 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) PROPOSED WET POND BMP/WET DETENTION POND TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.00 (SEE SHEET C121 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) PROPOSED WET POND BMP/WET DETENTION POND TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.00 (SEE SHEET C121 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) FLOW RESTRICTOR FLOW RESTRICTOR FIRE-DEPARTMENT CONNECTION DRINKING FOUNTAIN (SEE PLUMBING DRAWING FOR SERVICE CONNECTIONS) UTILITY CROSSING (NATURAL GAS LINE) UTILITY CROSSING (WATER MAIN, MAINTAIN 18" VERTICAL CLEAR DISTANCE BETWEEN STORM SEWER AND WATER MAIN) 26 LF - 6" PVC @ 1.0% (SEE PLUMBING DRAWING FOR CONTINUATION) 3 . 0 0 ' BORING PIT BORING PIT STM-CB-05 STM-RESTRICTOR-01 903.83 NEENAH R-1642A 4.0'N 12" INV. 898.83 S 12" INV. 898.73 STM-RESTRICTOR-02 900.91 NEENAH R-1642A 4.0'W 12" INV. 896.92 E 12" INV. 896.82 BUILDING DOWNSPOUT LOCATION CONVEYANCE WEIR REINFORCEMENT 8 C508 BUILDING DOWNSPOUT LOCATION UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM LENGTH MATERIAL D (IN) STRUCTURE STRUCTURE INVERT INVERT (FEET) STM-CB-01 STM-MH-01 901.50 899.65 182 DI 12 STM-CB-02 STM-CB-03 901.90 901.50 48 PVC 12 STM-CB-03 STM-CB-04 901.40 901.05 45 PVC 12 STM-CB-04 STM-END-01 900.95 900.10 174 RCP 12 STM-CB-05 STM-MH-01 900.14 899.65 147 DI 12 STM-MH-01 STM-END-02 899.55 899.29 65 RCP 12 STM-END-10 STM-END-11 901.50 901.20 46 PVC 12 STM-END-03 STM-RESTRICTOR-01 899.00 898.83 34 PVC 12 STM-RESTRICTOR-01 STM-END-04 898.83 898.50 47 PVC 12 STM-END-05 STM-END-06 897.20 897.00 30 PVC 12 STM-END-07 STM-RESTRICTOR-02 897.00 896.92 15 PVC 12 STM-RESTRICTOR-02 STM-END-08 896.82 896.73 16 PVC 12 STM-CB-06 STM-CB-07 897.88 897.36 156 PVC 12 STM-CB-07 STM-END-09 897.26 897.05 64 DI 12 STM-END-10 STM-END-11 897.31 896.83 48 RCP 14X23 (2) DETAIL REFERENCE C511, 1 C511, 1 C511, 1 C511, 1C511, 1 C511, 1 C511, 1 C511, 1 C511, 2 C511, 6 C511, 6 6"X21 2" DI REDUCER (DOMESTIC SERVICE) 6"X4" DI REDUCER 1 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 04/13/18 2 1 1 1 1 6"X4" DI REDUCER (FIRE SERVICE) MUELLER 6" POST-INDICATOR VALVE WITH ADJUSTIBLE INDICATOR POST, OR EQUIVALENT TO BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER 6"X6" DI TEE STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 05/04/18 2 900905901902903904900900 905 897897 898 898 899899 901901 902902 903903 904 904901902 903 8 9 5 9 0 0 8 9 3894 8968968978988 9 9 9 0 1 900897898899901 896 897898898899899905902903904906907905904906905 906 905 902903904906900899901902902895 895 900 892893894 896897 898 899 901 901 89589590089289289389389489689789889989589590089 2 8 9 3894 896897898899902903904905906 906 9059 0 6 906906906 905906898 899 898 8999009019059049029 0 3 900 899 5.2% 25.0% 905 90 5 90290390290224.5%4.9% 900 900 897897 898 898 899 899 901 901 902 903 33.3%33.3%25.0%w w w PS wD co co co co D D co ww w 112 LF - 6" PVC @ 1.0 % 25.0% 33.0 %17.8%14. 8 %24.5%23.0%19.0%2 4 . 9%18.1%25.0%33.3%33.3%25.0%25.0% 2 5 . 0 % GATE VALVE BOX FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TAPPING SLEEVE CLEANOUT GRINDER PUMP STATION STORM STRUCTURE INLET YARD DRAIN FLARED END SECTION WATER MAIN DIRECTIONAL BORING SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN STORM SEWER UNDERDRAIN NATURAL GAS LINE COMPRESSED AIR LINE WET POND AERATION COMPRESSOR CABINET AERATION REMOTE MANIFOLD AERATION MEMBRANE DIFFUSOR co w D PS TS 1.POND 1P IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE CITY OF CARMEL'S STANDARDS FOR A DRY-BOTTOM DETENTION BASIN, ALTHOUGH BASIN BOTTOM WILL BE LANDSCAPED IN A MANNER SIMILAR TO THE CITY OF CARMEL'S CONSTRUCTED WETLAND STANDARDS. THIS LANDSCAPED AREA IS TO BE A SITE FEATURE CONSTRUCTED FOR AESTHETIC PURPOSES, AND DUE TO ITS LACK OF A DEFINED PERENNIAL SOURCE OF BASE FLOW, IS NOT COUNTED AS CREDIT TOWARDS WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS. 2.VERTICAL COORDINATE INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD 88). 3.NO EXISTING 100 YEAR FLOODPLAINS, FLOODWAY FRINGES, OR FLOODWAYS EXIST WITHIN EXISTING SITE OR EXISTING SURVEY LIMITS, PER FEMA FIRM PANEL 18057C0205G, DATED 11/19/2014. 4.MINIMUM FLOOD PROTECTION GRADE: 906.78 (DEFINED BY LOCAL INLET (CB-02, CB-03, CB-04) CLOGGED OVERFLOW H.W.E. ELEVATION. 5.LOWEST PROPOSED ADJACENT STRUCTURE GRADE: 907.00 EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEV. PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEV. PROPOSED BACK OF SIDEWALK ELEV. GRADE BREAK LINE SLOPE ARROW LIMITS OF WORK EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PATH 26.13 25 26 26.13 25 26 1.6% B/C 26.13 E/P 26.13 B/S 26.13 POND NORMAL HIGH-WATER ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW HIGH-WATER ELEVATION (CLOGGED CONDITION, 100-YEAR EVENT) DESIGN EVENT HIGH-WATER ELEVATION OVERFLOW WEIR FLOW PATH PROPOSED DETENTION EASEMENT PROPOSED BMP EASEMENT PROPOSED ACCESS EASEMENT SHEET NOTES UTILITY SYMBOLS N Detention Plan 0'80'40'20' SCALE: 1" = 40' C121 SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 22109 WEST PARK: THE GROVES 3030 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroupjjr.com 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 08/25/17 N 75% CD 11/27/17 STORMWATER PERMIT SET 12/12/17 ISSUED FOR BID 01/11/18 ISSUED FOR RE-BID 02/22/18 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 03/06/18 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/02/18 POND 3P PROPOSED VEGETATED FILTER STRIP WITH INFILTRATION TRENCH BOTTOM OF STORAGE MEDIA: 902.20 7 C514 EXISTING POND TYPICAL H.W.E.: 895.5± POND 1P DRY-BOTTOM DETENTION BASIN (SEE NOTE 1) TYPICAL H.W.E.: 899.00 BOTTOM OF ARCHITECTURAL WETLAND: 897.00 POND 1P DRY-BOTTOM DETENTION BASIN (SEE NOTE 1) AREA TREATED -- 3.24 AC.PROV. VOLUME @ WEIR ELEV: 0.93 AF 6" ORIFICE @ ELEV. 898.73 WEIR @ EL. 903.10, TOP OF BANK EL. 904.00 FREQ. INFLOW ALLOWABLE PROPOSED HWE VOL. (CFS)OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEV.REQUIRED (CFS) (SEE NOTE 2)(CFS)(AF) 2-YEAR 10.2 N/A 1.1 900.42 0.19 10-YEAR 16.1 N/A 1.4 901.13 0.335 100-YEAR 29.2 N/A 1.8 902.39 0.699 POND 2P WET-BOTTOM DETENTION BASIN AREA TREATED -- 6.10 AC.PROV. VOLUME @ WEIR ELEV: 1.53 AF 6" ORIFICE @ ELEV. 897.00 WEIR @ EL. 899.40, TOP OF BANK EL. 900.90 FREQ. INFLOW ALLOWABLE PROPOSED HWE VOL. (CFS)OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEV.REQUIRED (CFS)(CFS)(AF) 2-YEAR 7.3 0.61 0.7 897.8 0.373 10-YEAR 12.5 0.61 0.9 898.23 0.646 100-YEAR 24.5 1.83 1.3 899.14 1.319 POND 3P VEGETATED STRIP AND INFILTRATION TRENCH AREA TREATED -- 0.22 AC.VOLUME PROV. @ WEIR ELEV: 0.03 af NO ORIFICE WEIR @ EL. 905.20 FREQ. INFLOW ALLOWABLE PROPOSED HWE VOL. (CFS)OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEV.REQUIRED (CFS)(CFS)(AF) 2-YEAR 0.6 0.02 0 904.85 0.027 10-YEAR 1 0.02 0.1 905.21 0.03 100-YEAR 1.9 0.06 1.9 905.3 0.03 GRADING SYMBOLS DETENTION POND SYMBOLS POND 1P 2-YEAR H.W.E.: 900.42 POND 1P 10-YEAR H.W.E.: 901.13 POND 1P 100-YEAR H.W.E.: 902.39 POND 1P CLOGGED CONDITION 100-YEAR H.W.E.: 903.77 POND 2P WET DETENTION POND, SUB-POND B TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.00 BOTTOM OF POND ELEV.: 892.00 POND 2P 2-YEAR H.W.E.: 897.80 POND 2P 10-YEAR H.W.E.: 898.23 POND 2P 100-YEAR H.W.E.: 899.14 POND 1P CLOGGED CONDITION 100-YEAR H.W.E.: 899.80 POND 2P WET DETENTION POND, SUB-POND A TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.00 BOTTOM OF POND ELEV.: 892.00 POND 2P 2-YEAR H.W.E.: 897.80 POND 2P 10-YEAR H.W.E.: 898.23 POND 2P 100-YEAR H.W.E.: 899.14 POND 2P WET DETENTION POND, SUB-POND C TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.50 BOTTOM OF POND ELEV.: 893.00 POND 2P WET DETENTION POND, SUB-POND A TYPICAL H.W.E.: 897.00 BOTTOM OF POND ELEV.: 892.00 POND 2P 2-YEAR H.W.E.: 897.80 POND 2P 10-YEAR H.W.E.: 898.23 POND 2P 100-YEAR H.W.E.: 899.14 POND 1P RESTRICING STRUCTURE 6" ORIFICE, INV.: 898.73 POND 2P RESTRICING STRUCTURE 6" ORIFICE, INV.: 897.00 POND 1P OVERFLOW WEIR ELEV: 903.10 LENGTH: 22 FT BREADTH: 20 FT POND 2P OVERFLOW WEIR ELEV: 899.40 LENGTH: 80 FT BREADTH: 10 FT POND 3P OVERFLOW WEIR ELEV: 905.20 LENGTH: 22 FT BREADTH: 1 FT POND 2P INTERNAL CONVEYANCE WEIR ELEV: 897.60 LENGTH: 40 FT BREADTH: 10 FT POND 2P INTERNAL OVERFLOW WEIR ELEV: 900.10 LENGTH: 48 FT BREADTH: 6 FT 100-YEAR DESIGN H.W.E. (SEE PLAN) NOT TO SCALE DETENTION POND TYPICAL SECTION1 1V:4H M A X . 10' SAFETY SHELF 1V:3H M A X . 2' VARIES (SEE PLAN) 2' MAX. VARIES (SEE PLAN) NORMAL POOL H.W.E. (SEE PLAN) MINIMUM FLOOD PROTECTION GRADE 1 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 04/13/181 FILTER STRIP BMP EASEMENT (25' HORIZONTALLY ALONG LENGTH OF PAVEMENT SIDE) DETENTION EASEMENT (15' HORIZONTALLY FROM PROVIDED TOP-OF-BANK ELEVATION) WET POND BMP EASEMENT (25' HORIZONTALLY ALONG PERIMETER OF BMP) VEGETATED FILTER STRIP BMP ACCESS EASEMENT (20' WIDE MINIMUM TO PUBLIC R.O.W.) SHARED DETENTION/BMP ACCESS EASEMENT (20' WIDE MINIMUM TO PUBLIC R.O.W.) LOCAL INLET OVERFLOW WEIR (CB-02, CB-03, CB-04) ELEV: 906.55 LENGTH: 11.3 FT BREADTH: 5 FT 100-YEAR CLOGGED HWE: 906.77 LOCAL INLET OVERFLOW WEIR (CB-01) ELEV: 906.00 LENGTH: 7 FT BREADTH: 5 FT 100-YEAR CLOGGED HWE: 906.13 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 05/04/18 2 2 VEGETATED SWALE (NOT COUNTED TOWARDS WATER-QUALITY CREDIT) VEGETATED SWALE (NOT COUNTED TOWARDS WATER-QUALITY CREDIT) Landscape Details 0'40'20'10' SCALE: C514 SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 22109 WEST PARK: THE GROVES 3030 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroupjjr.com 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 08/25/17 N 75% CD 11/27/17 STORMWATER PERMIT SET 12/12/17 ISSUED FOR BID 01/11/18 ISSUED FOR RE-BID 02/22/18 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 03/06/18 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 04/02/18 SCALE: 1" = 1' DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING1 SCALE: 1" = 1' EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING2 SCALE: 1" = 1' ORNAMENTAL TREE PLANTING3 SCALE: 1" = 1' SHRUB PLANTING4 SCALE: 1" = 1' PERENNIALS/GRASS PLANTING5 SCALE: 1" = 1' PLANT SPACING6 PLANTING MIXTURE AS SPECIFIED MOUND TOPSOIL TO FORM SAUCER TREE WRAP UNDISTURBED GROUND 18" MIN. NOTES: PRIOR TO DIGGING EACH PLANTING HOLE, REMOVE SOIL FROM THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL AND EXPOSE ROOT COLLAR. DIG HOLE NO DEEPER THAN DISTANCE FROM ROOT COLLAR TO BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL. TREES PLANTED WITH ROOT COLLAR NOT VISIBLE AND/OR BELOW GRADE WILL BE REJECTED. ONCE TREE IS POSITIONED IN HOLE AND BACKFILLING HAS BEGUN, CUT OFF AND COMPLETELY REMOVE FROM HOLE ALL BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET FROM AT LEAST TOP 1 2 OF BALL APPLY MULCH 3" DEEP, KEEP MULCH 5" AWAY FROM TRUNK ROOT COLLAR TO BE SET SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISH GRADE SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE, AT LEAST 4" 'X' DIA 2X-3X DIA UNDISTURBED GROUND MOUND TOPSOIL TO FORM SAUCER TREE ANCHOR 18" MIN. PLANTING MIXTURE, AS SPECIFIED PRIOR TO DIGGING EACH PLANTING HOLE, REMOVE SOIL FROM THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL AND EXPOSE ROOT COLLAR. DIG HOLE NO DEEPER THAN DISTANCE FROM ROOT COLLAR TO BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL. TREES PLANTED WITH ROOT COLLAR NOT VISIBLE AND/OR BELOW GRADE WILL BE REJECTED. ONCE TREE IS POSITIONED IN HOLE AND BACKFILLING HAS BEGUN, CUT OFF AND COMPLETELY REMOVE FROM HOLE ALL BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET FROM AT LEAST TOP 12 OF BALL APPLY MULCH 3" DEEP, KEEP MULCH 5" AWAY FROM TRUNK SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE, AT LEAST 4" NOTES: 'X' DIA 2X-3X DIA PLANTING MIXTURE AS SPECIFIED TOPSOIL FILL OR UNDISTURBED SOIL TREE WRAP MOUND TO FORM SAUCER 18" MIN. PRIOR TO DIGGING EACH PLANTING HOLE, REMOVE SOIL FROM THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL AND EXPOSE ROOT COLLAR. DIG HOLE NO DEEPER THAN DISTANCE FROM ROOT COLLAR TO BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL. TREES PLANTED WITH ROOT COLLAR NOT VISIBLE AND/OR BELOW GRADE WILL BE REJECTED. ONCE TREE IS POSITIONED IN HOLE AND BACKFILLING HAS BEGUN, CUT OFF AND COMPLETELY REMOVE FROM HOLE ALL BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET FROM AT LEAST TOP 12 OF BALL APPLY MULCH 3" DEEP, KEEP MULCH 5" AWAY FROM TRUNK SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE, AT LEAST 4" NOTES: NEVER CUT LEADERS. PRUNE TO THIN AND SHAPE TREE CANOPY. SEE DETAIL. TREE SHALL BEAR SAME RELATION TO FINISHED GRADE AS IT BORE TO PREVIOUS GRADE. 'X' DIA 2X-3X DIA MIN. 6" NOTES: PRUNE AS SPECIFIED REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/2 OF BALL, OR, WITH CONTAINER PLANTS, REMOVE POTS AND SPLIT BALLS AS SPECIFIED. PLANTING MIXTURE AS SPECIFIED, BED TO BE 2X DIA OF BALLED ROOTBALL SCARIFY TO 4" DEPTH AND RECOMPACT BALLED AND BURLAPPED SHRUBS BARE ROOT OR CONTAINER SHRUBS SUBGRADE 3" OF MULCH, KEEP MULCH 3" AWAY FROM BASE OF BRANCHES SET ROOT COLLAR AT FINISHED GRADE ROOTBALL24"PLANTING MIXTURE AS SPECIFIED 1" FINELY SHREDDED COMPOSTED BARK VARIES FINISH GRADE SPADE CUT BED EDGE TOPSOIL PERENNIAL, TYP. PLUG, TYP. D=DIMENSION OF PLANT SPACING (SHRUB, GROUNDCOVER OR PERENNIAL) IN BED PLANTINGS "D""D" "D" GROWING MEDIUM SOIL (TOPSOIL FURNISH AND PLACE) SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION SUBGRADE 1'-0"NOTES: 1.GROWING MEDIUM SOIL MUST BE A MIX OF 40% SAND, 30% TOPSOIL AND 30% COMPOST. 2.DRAIN AGGREGATE SHALL GRADED WITH A D50 SIZED BETWEEN 1.5 AND 3 INCHES, AND CLAY CONTENT OF TO LESS THAN 30 PERCENT. THE POROSITY OF THE MATERIAL SHOULD BE BETWEEN 0.3 AND 0.4. PROPOSED TOPSOIL 2'-0"DRAIN AGGREGRATE FILTER FABRIC SCALE: 1/2" = 1' VEGETATED FILTER STRIP WITH INFILTRATION TRENCH7 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE NATIVE SEEDING LIMITS SIGN8 5'-0" MIN. MOUNTING HEIGHT4" X 4" WOOD POST 3'-0"DIRECT BURY POST NOTE: 1.ALL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE ALUMINUM & VANDAL-PROOF. 2.REGULATORY SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL STANDARDS. 3.SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS. "NATIVE WILDFLOWER PLANTING" SIGNAGE. INSTALL AT 150'-0" O.C. AROUND THE PERIMETER OF PEDESTRIAN AREAS WHERE ADJACENT TO NATIVE SEEDING. FINISHED GRADE SIGNAGE ENLARGEMENT 9"12"1 1 STORMWATER PERMIT RESUBMIT 05/04/18 West Park Implementation Operation and Maintenance of Post-Construction Stormwater Management Measures APPENDIX B: SITE DRAWINGS, THE CORE D co co D co co D D Dw D D EG-MH-01 EG-MH-02 EG-CO-01 REPAIR EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE 2 CU501 REPAIR EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE 2 CU501 RETROFIT TO TYPE II CLEANOUT 5 CU500 4 CU500 CU500 4 CU500 4 CU500 1,2,3 CU500 1 CU501 CO-4 RIM: 899.00 6" SW INV: 897.33 FES-02 12" NE INV: 897.00 900 905899 901 902903904900 899 901 902 903 900 89 9 9 0 1 9 0 5 902 90 3 904900 897 898 899 901 902 9008 9 6 8 9 7 8 9 8 8 9 9 900899900899900899 901902900 8978988 9 9 9008988999 0 1 9 0 0 8 9 8 8 9 9 900900900 901 90 190190 1 901 9 0 1 901 901902 90190 1 900 90 0 8 9 8 900901A B D 4" PVC F E FIBER OPTIC BY OTHERS AS MARKED UP ON SITE PREP PLANS TERMINATE CONDUIT FOR FUTURE VEHICLE COUNTER WITH ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE F E CS-02 RIM: 902.05 12" NE INV: 897.16 6" E INV: 897.00 12" S INV: 897.00 CB-03 RIM: 901.00 6" NE INV: 899.50 CS-03 RIM: 900.07 FES-04 12" SW INV: 897.16 6" NW INV: 898.84 6" S INV: 898.84 CO-3 RIM: 900.00 6" N INV: 898.59 6" SW INV: 898.59 END 6 6" INV: 898.47 FES-01 12" SW INV: 897.50 CO-5 RIM: 899.00 6" NE INV: 897.33 6" W INV: 897.33 CS-01 RIM: 899.09 12" N INV: 896.20 FES-05 12" N INV: 896.12 56 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.90%27 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.00%207 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.42%74 LF - 6" @ 0.34% 38 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.32%94 LF - 6" @ 0.00%131 LF - 6" @ 0 . 2 5 % 20 LF - 6" PVC @ 1.00% 43 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.46% CB-04 RIM: 898.41 15" W INV: 896.46 91 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.50% FES-06 RIM: 897.44 15" E INV: 896.00 3,5 CU501 FES-03 RIM: 897.37 12" S INV: 896.20 1 CU501 END 4 6" INV: 899.50 END 3 6" INV: 899.50 END 5 6" INV: 899.50 3,5 CU501 1 CU501 10" TRENCH DRAIN TD-5 12 LF @ 8.33% REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR RIM ELEVATIONS E INV: 898.3 W INV: 898.2 4" GATE VALVE. CONNECT TO EXIS. 4" SERVICE. 3 CS505 1,2,3 CU500 1,2,3 CU500 1,2,3 CU500 1,2,3 CU500 1,2,3 CU500 GATE VALVE BOX GATE VALVE VAULT FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY SANITARY MANHOLE CLEANOUT STORM STRUCTURE CURB INLET CATCH BASIN FLARED END SECTION HANDHOLE REPAIR STRUCTURE WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN STORM SEWER UNDERDRAIN DRAINAGE SWALE ELECTRICAL LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER-OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER w W S UTILITY CROSSING CALLOUT D co WATER EDGE ELEVATION: 895.40' JANUARY 2, 2020 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION WETLAND MITIGATION SITE BOUNDARY EXISTING WETLAND UTILITY PLAN 11640 CU101 LEGEND N KEYED NOTES SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 09/10/2020 MATCHLINE CU102MATCHLINE CU103 0'80'40'20' SCALE: 1" = 40' CONNECT WATER MAIN INTO EXISTING STUB INTO THE BUILDING 2" PVC CONDUITS FOR FUTURE SECURITY CAMERAS, CAP ENDS INSIDE RESTROOM MECHANICAL ROOM (101) AND ON NORTHWEST FACE OF PICNIC SHELTER COLUMNS CONNECT PIPE INTO EXISTING STRUCTURE RELOCATE ELECTRICAL SERVICE PROVIDE 2" PVC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE FIBER-OPTIC EXTENSION TO RESTROOM. CONNECT SOUTH END TO HANDHOLE INSTALLED BY OTHERS, TAKING CARE NOT TO DISTURB SPOOLED FIBER CABLE INSIDE. CAP NORTH END INSIDE RESTROOM MECHANICAL ROOM (101) AT LOCATION DESIGNATED OWNER. CONDUIT MAY EITHER BE DIRECTIONAL DRILLED OR OPEN TRENCHED AT CONTRACTOR'S DISCRETION. IF OPEN TRENCHED, ALL DISTURBED PAVEMENT AREAS MUST BE REPAIRED IN-KIND TO OWNER'S SATISFACTION. PROVIDE 2" PVC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE VEHICLE COUNTER. CAP NORTH END INSIDE RESTROOM MECHANICAL ROOM (101) AT LOCATION DESIGNATED BY OWNER. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE AT SOUTH END. CONDUIT MAY EITHER BE DIRECTIONAL DRILLED OR OPEN TRENCHED PER KEY NOTE E. A B C D E F PER CITY STORMWATER RVW 09/21/2020 1,2 CU500 900 898 899 901 902 900901902903904901901902 903904 898900901 902 903904900 901 902 903 90190 1 900 900 CB-02 RIM: 899.00 8" SW INV: 897.60 88 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.30 % HALF BURIED ELLIPTICAL CULVERT 40 LF - 38" X 60" RCP CLASS HE-II @ 0.25% FINISHED GRADE N INV: 897.20 FINISHED GRADE S INV: 897.10 FES-07 8" NE INV: 897.34 3,5 CU501 INSTALL APPROX 50 LF 6" UNDERDRAIN BEHIND RETAINING WALL AND TIE TO NEW CULVERT PER RETAINING WALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS. INSTALL APPROX 50 LF 6" UNDERDRAIN BEHIND RETAINING WALL AND TIE TO NEW CULVERT PER RETAINING WALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS. GATE VALVE BOX GATE VALVE VAULT FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY SANITARY MANHOLE CLEANOUT STORM STRUCTURE CURB INLET CATCH BASIN FLARED END SECTION HANDHOLE REPAIR STRUCTURE WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN STORM SEWER UNDERDRAIN DRAINAGE SWALE ELECTRICAL LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER-OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER w W S UTILITY CROSSING CALLOUT D co WATER EDGE ELEVATION: 895.40' JANUARY 2, 2020 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION WETLAND MITIGATION SITE BOUNDARY EXISTING WETLAND UTILITY PLAN 11640 CU102 LEGENDN SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com 65% REVIEW 04/20/2020 90% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 06/01/2020 100% REVIEW 06/19/2020 ISSUED FOR BID 07/14/2020 MATCHLINE CU101MATCHLINE CU1030'80'40'20' SCALE: 1" = 40' co co D coDw co co D D co co DD D EG-MH-02 EG-CO-01 REPAIR EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE 2 CU501 RETROFIT TO TYPE II CLEANOUT 5 CU500 4 CU500 4 CU500 900 899 901 902 903 901 901902 90290190 1 910909911905910 902 903 904 906 907908909911912913 901905903904906 907 90 8 900901900901 901A B C C D 4" PVC 20" TRENCH DRAIN TD-2 REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR RIM ELEVATIONS 110 LF @0.4% N INV: 901.44 S INV: 901.00 8" TRENCH DRAIN TD-4 24 LF @6.17% REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR RIM ELEVATIONS N INV: 901.18 S INV: 899.70 8" TRENCH DRAIN TD-3 24 LF @5.67% REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR RIM ELEVATIONS N INV: 901.06 S INV: 899.70 F E CB-01 RIM: 900.09 CB-03 RIM: 901.00 6" NE INV: 899.50 CO-2 RIM: 900.00 6" NW INV: 898.84 6" S INV: 898.84 CO-3 RIM: 900.00 6" N INV: 898.59 6" SW INV: 898.59 END 6 6" INV: 898.47 74 LF - 6" @ 0.34% 38 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.32% 287 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.13% 20 LF - 6" PVC @ 1.00% 43 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.46% 36 LF - 6" @ 1.48% CO-1 RIM: 901.10 6" SE INV: 899.37 CO-6 RIM: 913.79 6" N INV: 909.92 34 LF - 6" PVC UD @ 1.20% 4 CU500 4 CU50097 LF - 6" PVC @ 2.00 % 128 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.78% CONNECT 6" RETAINING WALL UD TO TRENCH GRATE 10 LF 6" PVC INV: 901.60 (AT UD CONNCTION) INV: 901.50 (AT TRENCH GRATE CONNECTION) 6" RUD INV: 901.60 6" RUD INV: 902.50 6" RUD INV: 903.00 6" RUD INV: 903.50 6" RUD INV: 903.30 6" RUD INV: 903.00 6" RUD INV: 903.50 RETAINING WALL UNDERDRAIN (RUD): 50 LF - 6" UD @ 0.5% MIN 6" RUD INV: 908.50 902END 2 6" INV: 908.27 6" INV: 909.51 CO-7 RIM: 911.23 6" SE INV: 910.21 6" NE INV: 910.21 CO-8 RIM: 912.96 6" SW INV: 911.96 3,5 CU501 4 CU500 4 CU500 RETAINING WALL UNDERDRAIN (RUD): 135 LF - 6" UD @ 0.5% MIN 6" RUD INV: 911.0 43 LF - 6" UD @ 2.61% 12 LF - 6" UD @ 3.94% 10 LF - 6" UD @ 1.50% 6" END 1 6" INV: 902.00 END 4 6" INV: 899.50 END 3 6" INV: 899.50 END 5 6" INV: 899.50 3,5 CU501 30" TRENCH DRAIN TD-1 REFER TO GRADING PLAN FOR RIM ELEVATIONS 15 LF @0.4% N INV: 901.50, SW INV 901.44 3 CS505 3 CS505 3 CS505 3 CS505 1B EX CB1 EX CB2 GATE VALVE BOX GATE VALVE VAULT FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY SANITARY MANHOLE CLEANOUT STORM STRUCTURE CURB INLET CATCH BASIN FLARED END SECTION HANDHOLE REPAIR STRUCTURE WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN STORM SEWER UNDERDRAIN DRAINAGE SWALE ELECTRICAL LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER-OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER w W S UTILITY CROSSING CALLOUT D co WATER EDGE ELEVATION: 895.40' JANUARY 2, 2020 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION WETLAND MITIGATION SITE BOUNDARY EXISTING WETLAND UTILITY PLAN 11640 CU103 LEGEND N KEYED NOTES SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 09/10/2020MATCHLINE CU102MATCHLINE CU101 0'80'40'20' SCALE: 1" = 40' CONNECT WATER MAIN INTO EXISTING STUB INTO THE BUILDING 2" PVC CONDUITS FOR FUTURE SECURITY CAMERAS, CAP ENDS INSIDE RESTROOM MECHANICAL ROOM (101) AND ON NORTHWEST FACE OF PICNIC SHELTER COLUMNS CONNECT PIPE INTO EXISTING STRUCTURE RELOCATE ELECTRICALSERVICE PROVIDE 2" PVC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE FIBER-OPTIC EXTENSION TO RESTROOM. CONNECT SOUTH END TO HANDHOLE INSTALLED BY OTHERS, TAKING CARE NOT TO DISTURB SPOOLED FIBER CABLE INSIDE. CAP NORTH END INSIDE RESTROOM MECHANICAL ROOM (101) AT LOCATION DESIGNATED OWNER. CONDUIT MAY EITHER BE DIRECTIONAL DRILLED OR OPEN TRENCHED AT CONTRACTOR'S DISCRETION. IF OPEN TRENCHED, ALL DISTURBED PAVEMENT AREAS MUST BE REPAIRED IN-KIND TO OWNER'S SATISFACTION. PROVIDE 2" PVC CONDUIT FOR FUTURE VEHICLE COUNTER. CAP NORTH END INSIDE RESTROOM MECHANICAL ROOM (101) AT LOCATION DESIGNATED BY OWNER. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE AT SOUTH END. CONDUIT MAY EITHER BE DIRECTIONAL DRILLED OR OPEN TRENCHED PER KEY NOTE E. ALL UNDERDRAIN (UD) PIPING SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH UNDRDRAIN GEOXTILE UNLES OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE SHEET PS1.1- SITE PLUMBING PLAN FOR CONTINUATION OF WATER LINE INTO SPLASH PAD CONNECT PIPE TO ALL EXISTING DRAINTILE CONNECTIONS IT CROSSES A B C D E F G H I H I H PER CITY STORMWATER RVW 09/21/2020 FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION PLAN 1'5'-0" LENGTH 4' PLUS CULVERTDIAMETERSECTION 24" MIN.STONES TO BE ROUNDED COBBLE, NATURAL FIELDSTONE, GRADATION SAME AS INDOT REVETMENT RIPRAP, CLASS 1. PLACE LARGER STONES NEAR OUTLET TO DISSIPATE OUTLET WATER ENERGY. CONSTRUCT 6" DEEP SWALE IN SUBGRADE ALONG RIP-RAP CENTERLINE PLACE STONES ON SIDE SLOPE OF OUTLET STONE ON SIDE SLOPES GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC UNDER ALL STONE SLOPE AS PER PLANS PIPE INV. SEE PLANS PIPE INV. SEE PLANS TIE ENDWALL TO NET PIPE CUTOFF WALL AND STRUCTURE AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 2 ON SHEET CU500 VARIES4"MIN.MAX = O.D. + 24" BEDDING AND INITIAL BACKFILL:VARIES4"MIN.MAX = O.D. + 24" O.D.1'12' O.D.12' O.D.O.D. SATISFACTORY SOILS BEDDING NON-RIGID PIPE (INCLUDING PVC, HDPE) RIGID PIPE (INCLUDING RCP) FINAL BACKFILL INITIAL BACKFILL HAUNCHING BEDDING COMPACTED BACKFILL OR PAVEMENT STRUCTURE COMPACTED BACKFILL OR PAVEMENT STRUCTURE UTILITY DETAILS 11640 CU500 SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 09/10/2020 NOT TO SCALE RIP RAP AT STORM SEWER FLARED END SECTION1 NOT TO SCALE PIPE BEDDING (RCP, PVC, HDPE)7 DEBRIS GUARD3 NOT TO SCALE CLEANOUT4 NOT TO SCALE PRECAST CONCRETE END SECTION2 NOT TO SCALE UNDERDRAIN BEDDING AND BACKFILL6 NOT TO SCALE SANITARY CLEANOUT TYPE 2 - RETROFIT EXISTING5 NOT TO SCALE TRENCH DETAIL FOR SEWERS AND WATER MAINS8 PER CITY STORMWATER RVW 09/21/2020 LSTRUCTURE C VARIES RIM ELEV. SEE PLANS INSTALL RISERS TO RAISE TOP A", WITH A MAXIMUM COMBINED HEIGHT OF 12". INLET PIPE FINISH GRADE AGROUT INTERNAL PIPES AROUND BOOTS REPLACE LID TO WATERTIGHT NEENAH R-1916-F OR EQUAL CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS LIMITED TO (3) RINGS. RINGS MUST BE BUTYL RUBBER COATED WITH PLASTIC WRAP COVER. EXISTING MANHOLE DIA VARIES 4'-0" SUMPOUTLET PIPE SEE PLANS FOR SIZE & INVERT INLET PIPE SEE PLANS FOR SIZE & INVERT DIA. VARIES MANHOLE STEPS ORIFICE SEE TABLE FOR INVERT AND DIAMETER RIM ELEV. WATERTIGHT FLEXIBLE BOOTS MUST BE USED AT ALL OPENINGS BED BASE SECTION IN MIN. 6" COMPACTED #8 GRANULAR MATERIAL APPLY MINIMUM 10 MIL BITUMINOUS COATING TO EXTERIOR OF STRUCTURE 0.80' ORIFICE SEE TABLE FOR INVERT AND DIAMETER CONTROL WEIR SEE TABLE FOR CREST ELEV. CONTROL WEIR SEE TABLE FOR CREST ELEV. RIM ELEV . GALVANIZED STEEL TRASH RACK GALVANIZED STEEL TRASH RACK GALVANIZED STEEL TRASH RACK SHALL BE J.R. HOE (TRASHRACK.COM) LDR OR EQUAL. UTILITY DETAILS 11640 CU501 SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 09/10/2020 NOT TO SCALE EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE REPAIR2 NOT TO SCALE CONTROL STRUCTURE1 NOT TO SCALE CATCH BASIN PIPE3 NOT TO SCALE WATER MAIN THRUST RESTRAINT7NOT TO SCALE DRAIN GRATE INLET CASTING TYPE 45NOT USED# NOTES: 1.PROVIDE IN-BELL GRATE MATCHING DIMENSION OF APPROVED PIPE. 2.CATCH BASIN PIPE DIAMETER SHALL BE LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE CONNECTING PIPES, BUT IN NO CASE SHALL BE LESS THAN 22" DIAMETER NOTES: 1.NEENAH R-4030 SERIES OR EQUAL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF R-4342 IN ORDER TO MATCH DIAMETER OF REQUIRED PIPE BELL. PER CITY STORMWATER RVW 09/21/2020 2'-0" BASE FLOW CHANNEL 1'-0"SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR PLANTING INFORMATION NOTES: 1.SEE SITE STABILIZATION PLANS FOR LIMITS OF EROSION CONTROL MAT EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, RE: SPECS 1" TOPSOIL ABOVE TRM TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM), RE: SPECS 4" TOPSOIL BELOW TRM GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ENGINEERED BIOSWALE SOIL MIX 6" UNDERDRAIN 1'-0"8"POROUS BACKFILL MATERIAL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC IMPORTED SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL ENGINEERED BIOSWALE SOIL MIX 6" UNDERDRAIN 8"2"8"POROUS BACKFILL MATERIAL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION BASIN TOP OF BERM (FT)CREST ELEVATION (FT)WIDTH (FT) WEST POND 900.00 899.50 28 SAND FILTER 901.00 900.50 12 WETLAND 901.00 900.50 16 TOP OF BERM ELEVATION WIDTH TOP OF BERM ELEVATION CREST ELEVATION SLOPE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) TOPSOIL THICKNESS PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 4" TOPSOIL BELOW TRM 3 1 3 1 1" TOPSOIL ABOVE TRM SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL PLANTING INFORMATION. STRUCTURE TABLE NAME CB-01 CB-02 CB-03 CB-04 RIM 900.09 899.00 901.00 898.41 TYPE CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN DETAIL REFERENCES 3 & 5 / CU501 3 & 5 / CU501 3 & 5 / CU501 3 & 5 / CU501 STRUCTURE TABLE NAME CO-1 CO-2 CO-3 CO-4 CO-5 CO-6 CO-7 CO-8 RIM 901.10 900.00 900.00 899.00 899.00 913.79 911.23 912.96 TYPE CLEANOUT CLEANOUT CLEANOUT CLEANOUT CLEANOUT CLEANOUT CLEANOUT CLEANOUT DETAIL REFERENCES 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 4 / CU500 STRUCTURE TABLE NAME FES-01 FES-02 FES-03 FES-04 FES-05 FES-06 FES-07 INVERT 898.67 898.17 897.37 900.00 897.29 897.44 898.03 TYPE FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION DETAIL REFERENCES 1 & 2 / CU500 1 & 2 / CU500 1 & 2 / CU500 1 & 2 / CU500 1 & 2 / CU500 1 & 2 / CU500 1 & 2 / CU500 REFER TO DETAIL 1/CU501 FOR OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE TABLE. REFER TO DETAILS 1&2/ CS511 FOR ELLIPTICAL PIPE UNDER ROADWAY STRUCTURE TABLE NAME TYPE LENGTH DETAIL REFERENCES TD-1 30" TRENCH DRAIN 15 LF 3/ CS505 TD-2 20" TRENCH DRAIN 110 LF 3/ CS505 TD-3 8" TRENCH DRAIN 24 LF 3/ CS505 TD-4 8" TRENCH DRAIN 24 LF 3/ CS505 TD-5 10" TRENCH DRAIN 12 LF 3/ CS505 SUBSURFACE UNDER DRAIN SHALL BE 6-INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED HANCOR HI-Q OR EQUIVALENT. REFER TO UTILITY PLANS FOR LOCATIONS AND INVERT ELEVATIONS OF SUBSURFACE UNDERDRAINS. PIPE TABLE PIPE NAME WALL UD - END 1 CS01-FES03 END 5-CB03 CO7 - END 2 CB04-FES06 TD4 - END 4 TD3 - 1B (45 DEG BEND) 1B (45 DEG BEND) - END 3 EX CB1 - EX CB2 CO3 - END 6 CO5-CS2 FES01-FES02 CB02-FES07 FES04-CS02 CS02-FES05 SIZE 6.0" 12.0" 6.0" 6.0" 15.0" 6.0" 6.0" 6.0" 8.0" 6.0" 6.0" 12.0" 8.0" 12.0" 12.0" LENGTH 128 LF 18 LF 11 LF 97 LF 91 LF 20 LF 1 LF 43 LF 287 LF 38 LF 131 LF 56 LF 88 LF 27 LF 207 LF SLOPE 0.78% 0.00% 0.00% 2.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.04% 0.46% 0.13% 0.32% 0.25% 0.90% 0.30% 0.00% 0.42% MATERIAL PVC RCP PVC PVC RCP PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC RCP PVC RCP RCP 6.0' BASE FLOW CHANNELCENTER LINENOTES: 1.SEE SHEET CS111 (THIS SHEET) FOR EXACT SIDE SLOPES AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT . BOTTOM ELEVATION AT CROSS SECTION LOCATION 897.29 100 YEAR STORM ELEVATION 898.7 901.00 VARIES 902.00 UTILITY DETAILS & STRUCTURE TABLES 11640 CU502 SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 09/10/2020 SCALE: 1" = 1' SAND FILTER2 SCALE: 1" = 1' BIOSWALE3SCALE: 1" = 1' WETLAND CHANNEL SECTION1 NTS EMERGENCY SPILLWAY4 NTS OPEN CHANNEL CROSS SECTION5 PER CITY STORMWATER RVW 09/21/2020 JANUARY 2, 2020 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION WETLAND MITIGATION SITE BOUNDARY EXISTING WETLAND EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR 865 864 861.50 905910901902 905910905 91 0 900900 901900 900900900 899 901902 900 900901 902902 901901901 901902902902902903903 90390390 3 901900 897 898 899 901 902 903904900901900 899 900 8 9 9 901 8 9 8 90089889990 0 899 9 0 1 90 0 8 9 9 900 901905 90 1 9 0 0 90190190 1 90 1 900 903 901 9029 0 1 901 900 900 898 903 900902 901900896897898899900 89990 0 8 9 8 899900902 900 8 9 8 8 9 9 900901902905 908905906907 908 909910909903903902 9 0 3 911 912 913912909 904 9 0 3 899900 DRAINAGE PLAN 11640 CG100-A LEGENDN SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com 0'160'80'40' SCALE: 1" = 80' JANUARY 2, 2020 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION WETLAND MITIGATION SITE BOUNDARY EXISTING WETLAND EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR SURFACE DRAINAGE PATTERN 865 864 861.50 905910901902 905910905 91 0 900900 901900 900900900 899 901902 900 900901 902902 901901902902902902903903 90390390 3 901900 897 898 899 901 902 903904900901900 899 900 8 9 9 901 8 9 8 90089889990 0 899 9 0 1 90 0 8 9 9 900 901905 90 1 9 0 0 90190190 1 90 1 900 903 901 9029 0 1 901 900 900 898 903 900902 901900896897898899900 89990 0 8 9 8 899900902 900 8 9 8 8 9 9 900901902905 908905906907 908 909910909903903902 9 0 3 911 912 913912909 904 9 0 3 899900 SURFACE DRAINAGE PATTERN 11640 CG100-B LEGENDN SEALS AND SIGNATURES KEY PLAN DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NUMBER SCALE DRAWING NUMBER DATEREVISSUED FOR 500 PARK BOULEVARD SUITE 800 ITASCA, IL 60143 630.221.1212 www.williams-architects.com WEST PARK: THE CORE 2700 W. 116TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 Owner: 44 EAST MIFFLIN STREET SUITE 500 MADISON, WI 53703 608.251.1177 www.smithgroup.com 0'160'80'40' SCALE: 1" = 80' West Park Implementation Operation and Maintenance of Post-Construction Stormwater Management Measures APPENDIX C: SOIL PREPARATION SPECIFICATION FOR BIOFILTRATION ENGINEERED SOIL West Park - The Core 11640.000 SECTION 329100 - SOIL PREPARATION 329100 - 1 SECTION 329100 - SOIL PREPARATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This section specifies all soil materials designated as "Topsoil" and “Engineered Bioswale Soil Mix” on the Drawings or in the specifications. Supply topsoil for landscape work (seeding and planting) from both on- site sources and off-site sources. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 311000 "Site Clearing" for on-site topsoil stripping and stockpiling. 2. Section 329210 "Lawns" for placement of topsoil for lawn installation. 3. Section 329220 "Native Seeding" for placement of topsoil for native seed installation. 4. Section 329300 "Exterior Planting" for soil mixtures that include topsoil and placement of soil for plant installation. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International, as referenced herein as ASTM. B. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Handbook No. 60 – Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. 1.3 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Source Quality Control: 1. Material Test Reports: Conduct Topsoil testing for existing on-site topsoil stockpiles and imported topsoil from off-site sources. 2. Sample: Provide 1 quart samples for each topsoil test unit (including source). 3. Conduct all topsoil sampling and testing prior to delivery from off-site sources. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Field Quality Control: 1. Obtain samples, test materials and submit field test reports as described under Articles 2.1 and 3.1 below. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Soil-Testing Laboratory Qualifications: The Contractor shall engage an independent laboratory or university laboratory, recognized by the State Department of Agriculture, with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated and that specializes in types of tests to be performed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Topsoil: 1. Topsoil for landscape work shall be a fertile, friable, sandy loam or loam surface soil without admixture of subsoil screened to be free of stones, stumps, root, trash, debris, and other materials deleterious to plant growth. 2. Particle Size Distribution of Topsoil: Sieve Designation Percent Passing 1 inch screen 100 1/4 inch screen 97 - 100 No. 10 U.S.S. mesh sieve 95 - 100 No. 140 U.S.S. 15 – 35 3. The pH range shall be 6.5 to 8.0. Topsoil that does not meet this pH range shall not be approved by the Architect/Engineer. 4. Organic content shall not be less than 4 percent and not greater than 20%. 5. Clay content determined by Bouyoucous Hydrometer Test: between 5 percent and 15 percent. 6. Base percentages on dry weight of the sample. West Park - The Core 11640.000 SECTION 329100 - SOIL PREPARATION 329100 - 2 B. Engineered Bioswale Soil Mix 1. Engineered Bioswale Soil Mix shall consist of a mix of 70% sand and 30% compost, as described below. 2. Sand shall be washed, medium coarse, ASTM C33. 3. Compost may include: a. Leaf compost, screened and free of trash and other debris. b. Standard commercial grade compost of sheep or cow manure. 4. Compost shall meet the following requirements: a. Particle size: 98% of the compost shall be capable of passing the ¾ inch sieve. All material shall be capable of passing the 1 inch sieve, and shall be free of rocks, gravel, wood, debris, physical or pollutant contaminants, and of noxious weeds and their seeds. b. Organic matter: 40%-60% organic matter content. c. pH: Range of 6 to 8. d. Soluble salts: Electrical conductivity below 10 dS m-1. e. Moisture content: Between 35%-50% by weight. 5. Combine all materials uniformly by volume to the above percentages. The final bioswale soil mix shall meet the following tested attributes: a. The pH range shall be 5.5 to 8.0. b. Texture class shall be loamy sand, having no less than 70% sand and no greater than 10% clay considering only the mineral fraction of the soil. c. Soluable salts: 500 ppm maximum. d. Decomposed organic mattter: 3-5% by weight (8-20% by volume). 2.2 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL: A. Laboratory Test Reports: 1. Conduct topsoil testing for each soil test unit as follows: a. Existing off-site location(s): 1 sample per acre of site to be excavated. b. Existing stockpile: 1 sample per 1,000 cubic yards of stockpiled soil. c. Engineered Bioswale Soil Mix: 1 sample per 500 cubic yards of soil mix. 2. Submit all test reports for approval. Topsoil units that do not meet the soil requirements specified under this section will not be permitted for use as Topsoil. 3. Fertility: For each unamended soil type, test topsoil for organic materials, pH, phosphate, potash content, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and manganese. 4. Physical Properties: Determine percent sand, silt and clay and textural classification (USDA) by hydrometer method. Identify all foreign materials such as rock, roots, and vegetation. 5. Recommendations: Based on the test results, the independent testing laboratory shall state recommendations for soil treatments and soil amendments to be incorporated prior to seeding and planting. List recommendations in weight per 1000 square feet for lawn area and cubic yard of plant mixture based on the types of plants for this project. Recommendations shall include; nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash nutrients and all soil amendments required for the long-term growth of the specified plants and turf. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Sampling: Each soil test unit shall be a composite of five to seven subsamples taken the full depth of proposed source for each acre of surface area. For on-site stockpiles, discard upper 6 inches of soil before sampling. For large stockpiles, partial excavation will be required for collection of representative samples. Include site plan verifying the locations of all topsoil sampling. Topsoil test reports shall be accompanied with each sample unit for review and approval by the Architect/Engineer. B. Testing methods and written recommendations when not references elsewhere, shall comply with USDA's Handbook No. 60. Nutrient data to be given in parts per million (ppm) dry soil. C. Topsoil shall be as defined in ASTM D5268. D. Soil pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4972. E. Test for organic material by using ASTM D2974. West Park - The Core 11640.000 SECTION 329100 - SOIL PREPARATION 329100 - 3 3.2 PLACING ENGINEERED BIOSWALE SOIL MIX A. Engineered Bioswale Soil Mix shall be backfilled into indicated areas to depths and elevations shown on Drawings, using methods of placement that minimize compaction and prevent displacement of drainage layers. Vibrating plate-style compactors shall not be utilized. B. Engineered Bioswale Soil Mix must not be applied in any condition that would hamper a successful installation, including application when subgrade is too wet as indicated by saturation or flooding. C. Do not install bioswale soil mix until upstream lands have been fully stabilized. D. Do not allow sediments from construction runoff to accumulate over installed bioswale soil mix. At no cost to Owner, remove and replace bioswale soil mix as directed by Architect/Engineer, if Architect/Engineer determines that construction sediments have accumulated over installed bioswale soil mix. END OF SECTION