HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for BZA 11-23-20Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Carmel, Indiana November 23, 2020 Docket Number. PZ2020-00161 UV Carmel Psychology INFORMATIONAL PACKET Use Variance Psychology Office ■ CARMEL Psychology 230 First Sweet NE Carmel, Indiana 46032 ■ CARMEL Psychology Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Docket No. PZ-2020-00161 UV ProjectDox Submitted information Booklet TABLE OF CONTENTS Finding of Facts Ballot Sheet (application packet page 10) Finding of Facts Question Sheet (application packet page 11) Statement of Use variance Statement of Support Location Map / Aerial Location Site Details a Existing landscape plans b. Proposed Change of Occupancy Code Information Compliance Plan. c Signage plan BALLOT SHEET Por DSE VARIANCE FINDINGS OF FACT CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Pe66onerb fill =hM2 blanks) PZ-2020-00161 UV Docket No.. PN�, Daniel & Amy Rexroth, Carmel Psyclwlogy DATEDTHIS DAY OF Py, 10 a 12 coenama. uw vananceapgistian fllnmv4ona xozo Rw. 1rz FINDINGS OF FACT -USE VARIANCE CARMELBOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (FedhMaro flpart first 15+first2 blenWJ PZ-2020-00161 UV Docket No.: Daniel & Amy Rezroth, Carmel Psychology Pet'Ilianer. i. The grant of Mis variance will not be Contrary M the public interest due to Me existence of special condion(s) such Mat enforcement of thus Unified Development Ordinance will a suX in unnecessary thematic because: (see attached) 2. The gram of Mrs variance will not be Injurious to the public heam safety, morels and general welfare of the community because: (see attached) 1 The use or value of the area adjacent to the subject prapehy will nor be substantially atfectad in any adverse manna bobwoO (see attached) 4. The need for Me wmance apses tram a nature Function pecult r M me subject property becouee: (see 2macl ed) 5. The granting of HIS variance does not substanttilly member withthe Camel Comprehensive Plan because: (see affected) DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Use Varrance Docket No. is granted, subject M any condttions smod In Me minutes of this Board which are Incorporated herein by reference and made a pat hereof. Adopted this _day of 20 CHAIRPERSON, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Camel Board of ZCniltg Appeals Conditions Dlawrobst ai&re Boed,, &any, are cost! on the Letter of Grant. Page 11 o112 Flkvne. use vanmi¢ app5ntim a"A"nom and) Saw 1ON20 CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS FINDINGS OF FACT FOR USE VARIANCE Docket No. PZ2020-00161 UV Petitioner: Daniel & Amy Reravth, Carmel Psychology 1. The grant of this variance will not be contrary, to the Public interest, due to the romance of special condition(s) such that enforcement of the Uwfied Development Ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship because: 230 1- Street NE is located within a area that has been under redevelopment and growing as a mixed -use community in the heart ofdowntmm Carmel. The property site in question is located on a very smolt lot that is proximate m other nonresidential uses. The small lot and structure are not likely to be of scale and size that would be used for redevelopment investment given the land use and ownership patterns of the area. 2. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: This will help to preserve the integrity of the area as no site changes are planned that will impact the footprint of the suuctume The proposed use is very low impact with a single full date Psychologist and rwo part time psychologists (altemating days). 3. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The current property will not change in structure or design. Thee are no plans to change the landscaping with the exception of the removal of any dead trees and plants. The property will be privately ovmd! and operated and no longer a remal property, which will provide consistent upkeep and care with very gWe4 low profile operations. 4. The need for the variance arises f a natural condition Peculiar to the subject Property became: The parcel is located m an area where land uses are in transition. The parcel is a very small lot and not of a configuration that lends itself an redevelopment for any purpose without land assembly. S. The approval of this variance does not substantially interf with the CarmebsClay Comprehensive Plan because: The petitioners reougnize that the area is going through substantial redevelopment and anficipates that traditional zoning will be replaced with form -based zoning regulations that will focus on regulating land use; therefore this proposed variance from residential to residential with business use with no changes to the land or structure will maintain the current plan and design of the surrounding neighborhood. ■ CARMEL Psychology 230 1' Street NE Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Docker No. P 2020-0 161 UV STATEMENT OF USE VARIANCE The petitioner is seeking use variance approval in order w locate a small private psychology practice, Carmel Psychology, in the residential structure at 23011 Street NE. The proposed use is not permitted un the current zoning or in the overly district (Old Town). ■ CARMEL Psychology 230 1" Street NE Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Docket No. PZ-2020-00161 UV STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF USE VARIANCE This use variance is requested in order to permit a professional private psychology practice to function in an existing broker -owned, leased parcel that is zoned R-3/01d Town Overlay located at 230 1+ Sneer NE. The practice owner is a single practitioner psychologist who provides mental health services by appointment oneon-one with the clients. There will be two part time professional psychologists that work alternating days, 10-15 hours per week The parcel is small and located in an area of transitional and mixed land uses. The proposed use will not impact the site or the neighborhood and will be a quiet and professional presence among the dwellings on the street. ■ CARMEL Psychology 230 lr Street NE Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Docket No. PZ-2020-00161 W STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF USE VARIANCE This usevartance is requested in order to permit a professional private psychology practice to function in an existing broker -owned, leased parcel that is zoned R-3/Old Town Overlay located a 230 1" Street NE. The practice owner is a single practitioner psychologist who provides mental health services by appointment one-on-one with the clients. There will be two part time professional psychologists that work alternating days, 10-15 hours per week. Office hours will operate no earlier than 9:00 a.m. and no later than 6:W p.m. The driveway will be the primary parking area as there will typically be one psychologist and one patient in the buLding at onetime. On the days that involve a second provider, the driveway allows for two more vehicles. A secure bike rack will be provided Bret Dodd, ALA, LEED AP, President and CEO of Strategic Planning Studio has been hired to consult on the coding upgrades to include the posting of occupancy load signage within the structure, installation of illuminated exit signs with battery backup within the dwelling and the installation of accessible stair at main entrance. Work completion will be contracted with Randall Green of Green Custom Framing. As the petitioner is under contract to purchase the property, the necessary modifications as per code requirements will not be completed without use variance approval and the final purchasing and closing on the property. The current lease will be honored and the current residential tabour will remain on the property through the term of the existing lease, which is approximatelyhr a 2021. All coding work will commence after the roan[ has vacated The parcel is small and located in an area of transitional and mixed land uses. The proposed use will not impact the site or the neighborhood and will he a quiet and professional presence among the dwellings on the street. 23o In St NE. Camel Indiana Change ofOcenpaocy Code Information llalawo A. OP I. Cum at Use Awn Current Use Applicable a 2020 Code (ERxtive llecambtrpgm 2019)(IRC 2018 Codes: Amended 2 Proposed Reuse a. General (OAR)Npdae 14) Applicable Codes: 6, 2014 Tana Building odRules December 14 Edition ectve Becexmner a NFPA IOTA 2014 NFPA 101A 014IndiCoderIBCds- Fire Code-effmtive December 1, 2014 1, 2014 rival C d. 2014 Indiana Electrical Code August 26,20M e-eflbve ,2 014 a. 2012 Indiana Plumbing a Wenber 2I, 012 f Handicapped accessing Code- effective Oecwg Code efimme I. Hmdiceppedaceeesibipry,2014Indiana HoildingCodeChapterll- Cod Cha A010Indiliry h. Cofservmiw Codaneffective 6,2010 3. Project Scope: a Adaptive Adaptive of ae of an existing onatbmily dwelling for ilyd ycholhangeofoccupmcy Ginicalmedaaboossogy -Hosiamines;use msar examines; smncNre or systems. b. Noptopoadut in a mabNe nm'na Flood hers area t. Shatter 4. Codeng 34 a C er34 Struttures 5. St Bxifiag Smscmre General a Cotonywidly Infotmmion tony waA b. l sent Basement. BatFluor ]In SF 1,22 I till SF ii Poe 6. Stmcmre Current Use Currem[Spea Upe and mum ampwd Space Use (No changes an and ma Propoaee Seem Use amal Living Room: 315 SF Wvwuext Access controlled by inwmt Family Room: 6005E Smffcovfmen neral su� game Biwv Room: IO SF Staffhre sealing Rltoha StudgkOffice dren luen Bedwon SF meow Bedroom: Office 2e° Bedroom: 121 SF SF Office 3'uanda xn�Roo 121 Office 0 Luanda Room: 100 SF SmRU Basemen 122I No sedusdstom H. Cadelnformetiov Cposo CnoiFm Pm 1, 1. oc Business leaxxes 2. Conn Clashucdon Type V-eldned ild'mg Elemene Type V-ll oBuH -No Building mmus Type V-B-NO Buildivg Elements Classification: required mtingsraryired lkrat with20mimeone fines from n6resW to SM1ucwe manages to eta rim lmrim yAmetwe 3: Oeneml Buildingheights Firstment: 00 SF( Allowed! Ares 9,ao0 SF (Not arW Areas Basement: ,21 SF (Ranch) Series: 1(Rmch) Allowable Allowable Stones :2 Hai -0' :19' le Hai 40'-0" ApowabBook: 4. Chapter): Fhe and Smoke I hr. Fire rating from gangs to main I in. Fire rating from garage, to main Praketion Features smuttwe. Hard wired smoke detectors smrUma. Hand wired smoke detectors 5. Chapter a: Interior None pmvidea Noveraclumed-Chapter34 Finishes 6. Chapter 9: Fire Protection Noneprovided None required Systems ]. Coen mNerea Oce Load: Page 1 of3 23o 18T St NE, Carmel lndiavu Cbauge ofOecupmey Code lnformatloa IMM020 ChapterMmemmof Egress Section IOW Eivmg Room:315SF WwtwV(Calcuivted:21)FixWa& Postingofoccupontloadtobe mvided. Family Room: 600 SF SoaffcmOoomcelgomo l mppon space: (Calculated: 40) Fixed d 12. Posiing Ofbccup nt land ro be rovided. Dining Room: 70 SF Suffbreakmom seatin .5 Kitchen: 130 SF Suffkiwh 2 Master Bedroom:156 SF Mee I 2 Bedroom: 132 SF Office 3 Boximma 121SF Office-1 Law Rcom:l00SF Sufflam :0 accxocmq space Basement 1,221 SWr :2 TomlPropmd Ou Occvgntload: (Calculamd: 73) Feed: 30 Nora: Fixed occupant load posting of occupant load to be provided as poll above. S. Section IO05 Means of MeamofegrossconBuityprovided. Mess ofegess contiouiry pmvidd. Egress Sizing Section 1021 Number of Basement 34" lmmided. Buse floor. 2 means of egress provided Bmmom:2 x0.3=.6", 34"provided. Firs[ Flom: I means ofegross recluisd. exits and Exit Conti urafion a each. 28x02- 5W, 2 means of egress 1pyideci a34^ oach. ff'pwided. 9. Section 1006 Moons of None provided hmu0 means ofegress Rlmvhmtiw: at Egress Illuminative requbed exit with exa sign ad battery illuminationdevice 10. Section 1OW Accessible Providd hed, exception) Means to E 11. Section 1008 Doors, Gates Provided and Tumsdles 12. Section 1009 Stairways 36" pmvidd, 80" headroom, able, Exception 1, Section 1012 Handrails chmensional conformity, r¢ers forming components, Chapter wmPlien40eodsmcomPlarn, =34�.A�fitns ti3434W.1exceptions handmeni:st ram limit t3. 9ation 1010 Rmnps Baumam st®rs,moOer interior Boor vmoEoff-d. 14. Section 1011 Exit Si s Not viAM. item9-above15.SEeliml 1013 Guards Notprovid. uired, lessthm 30"aboveurface/ I& Salon 1016E 't Access 30fatmaximum. 200 feet maximuma(Wiimut sprinkler) Travel Disunce 17. Sec,m: 1018 Corridors Widtb provided: 3e, not fire rated Becluaed width, 36"No noting requhM per able 1018.1(Less Wen 30 accupmucy load served 18. Chapter 11 Accessibility Stair to enbanca pmvidd. 1103.2,2 Existing buildings: Existing buildings shall comply with Section 3411, 19. C 12-33 fto dedm exhmreuised Ch ten 34 review 20. Chapter 34 Exlsfmg Not in desigmtd flodhauN area. No new wnstrudion, additions, Bhucmrea modi6eedom to We stmcmml, mtthadcal, electrical or lamb' Pmp2of3 DO IST St NE, Carmel holism Change of Occupancy Code information llnlawo systems anticipated. Change arise mil . 21. Section 34084 Seismic Provided: a. Reinforced concrete basement Pxmption 1: Specific seismic detailing requimpaiss of Section wallsm 16"W to 12"venomous 1613 for a new:immos shall notbe reirJorcedf tar. required to W met whom, flue acismic b. Wall anchors at one, plate 4'-0" Performance is shown to be equivalent O.C. to that of a crew spucmre.A c. ' cononaaps plywood wall demanadation of equivalence shall sheathing over 2"x4"wood suds considerthe regulmhy, warsbmgth, at 2'-o"O.C. maximum redundancy sad ductility of the d. 2"x6"mass at 2'-0"O.C. with slucmre. ridge, collar fie and ceiRngjolsts, tea nailed and plate, continuous 5M'plywood sheathing e. Wind bace with order molins 22. Section 34 11 Accessibility Correct Provide 34IlA3 Completechange o[ bar E'sting Buildings (Requirement omugancy: Where an Ittai entire building undergoes a chmigs of (1). Notproyided. I. Pump and omupary, it shill stairs w main comply with Section 3411.41A ad planet. shall haroill of the following (2), Provided 2. Acceptable. amossuble faanes (3). Pro it 3. Acceptable 1. At least one accessible building Clear means of coupon. identification of 2. At least one accessible mute from accessiblue rook an accessible building corpse to (4).Provided QAceepmble. PrpnarrjWwtion mesa. (5).Not Provided S.Not Required. 3. Sigrage complying with Section (6). Not Provided 6. Not RequhW: 1110. 4. Accessible making, where feeling is being provided. S. At le t one accessible passenger loading zone, when loading zones are provided. 6. At east one accessible route coaaectwg accessible parking and accessible passenger loading zanesto an accessible eabmae. Chapter 34 review received a passing some. Opinion be adAessW: 1. Review hemvo. 9 Posoag eanscupvkyleadsignsanmN. 2. Rluminitem dW. evice ll means of press illumiimtion at required exit with exit sign and betkry backup illumination device 3. Reviewlkmno.22ausWl accessible sairand comp at main/accessible entrance. RespectfoltySubmiRed:/ Vw sw. aneeew'wwm BM W. Dodd ALA, I FPDAP Page 3 of3 Logo Dim = 25 1 /2"W z 8.3"H Gray is for 28"W Door Glass