HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed_Warranty_Recorded 02-15-00DULY 0'Ti t) POR'TAXATION su `eCt dayal pl for t hsfer Attditot0! %f Ndtautao Coutlty Reco 20000000727C INDIANA CpUNTYa in Filed i X v O �srt@I # _ ~ --�- HAMILTONr MARY L CLARK At 02:13 pre• pre 02-15-'c'000 •00 W DEED NC WARRANTY DEED Project: &P-135-2(008) Code: 3428 ,-' Parcel: 29 v THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That Denn e1t Fcgm r l y Farm, Inc., c1 r1 lndi a,ia coeoorafIon _ of MoL icn County, in the State of Ind Tana Convey and Warrant to the STATE OF INDIANA for and in '7-hirtySiX Thovs�+nd Nine 14Unc#red For y-Five consideration of and 0040Q ( $ 94S.co Dollars, the receipt whereofishereby acknowledged, the following described Real Estate in Hamilton County in the State oflndiana, to wit: A part of the Southwest Quarter and a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being all that part of the owner's land lying within the right of way lines of Parcel 29 as depicted on the attached Right of Way Parcel Plat, also described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 6; thence North 0 degrees 23 minutes 49 seconds East 15.242 meters (50.01 feet) along the west line of said quarter section to the northern line of the owner's land; thence North 74 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East 49.846 meters (160.26 feet) along said northern line to a corner thereof; thence North 29 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East 10.778 meters (35.36 feet) along the northwestern line of the owner's land to the western boundary of U.S. 421 and the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description: thence South 15 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East 230.441 meters (756.04 feet) along the boundary of said U.S. 421 to the southern line of the owner's land; thence South 84 degrees 52 minutes 23 seconds West 2.997 meters (9.80 feet) along said southern line; thence North 12 degrees 19 minutes 24 seconds West 2.878 meters (9.44 feet) to point "560" as shown on said Right of Way Parcel Plat; thence North 15 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West 224.273 meters (735.90 feet) to the northwestern line of the owner's land; thence North 29 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East 3.891 meters (12,77 feet) along said northwestern line to the point of beginning and containing 0.063 hectares (0.156 acres), more or less, Also, an easement in and to the following described real estate, to wit: a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being all that Interests In land acquired / L for State Highway 0 the PW � i�T8i11 N 1 y� S +r Indiana Department ofTmwportadon Dew Grantee mailinr address: 100 North Senate Avenue Indlanapoltr, IN 46204-2219 IC 8-13-7-31 Dana Childress -Jones This Instrument Prepared By orrery at Law TRANSACTION EXEMPT FROM SALES DISCLOSURE REOUIREMENTS UNDER IC$-1-1 5 5 12103/97AIh Project: STP-135-2(008) Code: 3428 Parcel: 29 Page: 2 part of the owner's land lying within the temporary right of way lines of Pared 29A as depicted on the attached Right of Way Parcel Plat, also described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 6; thence North 0 degrees 23 minutes 49 seconds East 15.242 meters (50.01 feet) along the west line of said quarter section to the northern line Of the owner's land; thence North 74 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East 48.731 meters (159.88 feet) along said northern line to point "563" as shown on said Right of Way Parcel Plat and the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description: thence North 74 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East 0.115 meters (0.38 feet) along the northern line of the owner's land to a comer thereof, thence North 29 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East 6.887 meters (22.59 feet); thence South 15 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East 29.273 meters (96.04 feet) to point "561" as shown on said plat; thence South 74 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West 5.000 meters (16.40 feet) to point "562" as shown on said plat, thence North 15 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West 24.419 meters (90.11 feet) to the point of beginning and containing 0.013 hectares (0.033 acres), more or less, for the purpose of constructing a driveway for service to the ownees private property, which easement will revert to the owner upon the completion of the above -designated project. Subject to an easement for ingress and egress, which easement was conveyed August 25,1995 by virtue of a corporate warranty deed fran Bennett Family Farm, Inc, to Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church LC -MS, Inc. recorded August 31, 1995 as Instrument #9550146 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Subject to an easement for sewer line, which casement was conveyed October 27,1995 by virtue of an agreement to construct sewer and declaration of easement, recorded February 7, 1996 as Instrument #9601064 in the Office of the Recorder of Boone County, Indiana, Subject to an easement for sewer line, which casement was conveyed January 31,1995 by virtue of a sewer casement recorded November 22,1995 in Deed Record 256, page 425 in the Office of the Recorder of Boone County, Indiana. The undersigned persons executing this deed represent and certify on behalf of the Grantor, that he/she is a duly elected officer of the Grantor and has been fully empowered,by proper resolution, or the by—laws of the Grantor, to execute and deliver this deed; that the Grantor is a corporation in good standing in the State of its origin and, where required, in the State where the subject real estate is situate; that the Grantor has full corporate capacity to convey the real estate described; and that all necessary corporate action for the making of this conveyance has been duly taken. 12/03/97h1h Project: STP-135-2(008) Code: 3428 Parcel: 29 Page: 3 Land and improvements $ .3` -30'OC , Damages $ 2,oi S• vo :Total consideration $ 36 qS- 00 The grantor shall clear and convey free of all leases, licenses, or other interests both legal and equitable, and all encumbrances of any kind or character, in and under said land as conveyed. It is understood between the parties hereto, and their successors in title, and made a covenant herein which shall run with the land, that all lands hereinbefore described (excepting any parcels specifically designated as easements or as temporary rights of way) are conveyed in fee simple and not merely for right of way purposes, and that no reversionary rights whatsoever are intended to remain in the grantor(s). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Gromtor its hand_ and seal_, this 19tk day of November 19 94 a„•,eFa�nil Farm Jnc. a Indircn (Seal) cor�ura io.� (Seal) 64. z i —ti- , _ (Seal) ctr t es K. OQ-nne i I W R-Z-Sijent (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) a`. k STATE OF A,1 1'1., a�c� County, ss: ha S hereunto set (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary,Public .(nefor said County and &ate, this `t day of V- ��c'I' 19'W•personally [3.tnn I=a�ni^Jt- rm,an Inc>;Y appeared the within named h Char I v-s A. knnelC its es - Grantor in the above conveyance, and acknowledged en , e''% "OFFICIAL SEAL" the same to be i t5 voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes herein mentioned Madelyn Mramor 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal. T = 61y Commission Expires 1l1112` Convnission #CC 52446- My Commission expires Notary Public County of Residence ' C C�i'c,Scfll ;�+l �rl�' 1 r; ; �! r„;__„ I Printed Name STATEOFINDIANA, County, ss: Before me, the undersigned, a NotaryPublic in and for said County and State, this day of 19—; personally appeared the within named Grantor in the above conveyance, and acknowledged the same to be voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal. My Commission expires County ofResidenee _ 12/03/97/tlh Notary Public Printed Name PARCEL No. 29 OWNER: BENNETT FAMILY FARM, INC. PROJECT NO. S7P-135-2(008)INSTRUMENT NO. 890728J DATED 12-29-88 ROAD NO. U.S 421 INSTRUMENT NO. 9430153 DATED 3-7-94 COUNTY: HAMILTON INSTRUMENT NO. 9550146 DATED 8-25-95 SECTION: 6 TOWNSHIP: 17N CODE: 3428 DES, NO.: 9015600 DRAWN eY: A.M. SHARP 11-15-97 CHECKED sy: P.E. JONES 12-8-97 SCALE: 1 : 2000 RANGE: 3E ® HATCHED AREA IS THE APPROXIMATE TAKING 0 20 40 so Sam 262.5 Ft. Note: Centerline stationing is in meters This plot was prepared using information obtained from county records and does not represent a survey of the owner's property. SOLD oOFDs65 OFF I564 563 Roadway Esmt. in Favor of Advent Evang. Lutheran Church LC —MS, Inc. 424, a 1 LINKS 562 - PARCEL 29 Temp. R/W 0 Note: Contiguous 0. Property in Boone County is not shown in its entirety and is not included in area computations O U W z O 25' San. Swr. sml. in Favor of Adven Evang. Lutheran Churc ' x _ 561 V-1 PARCEL 29 1 m ,2N9 RES. A=1.756ho11 (4.338 Ac.) 11 i U � 1 u• Z 1 O 1 �I Z �i1 s 20' Esmt, For San, �1 9'rn Swr, in Favor of Clay 1 . Twp. Reg. Waste Dist. 1 e 560 1 _ _ -- - % _ G i J1 419,19' 1 a EXCEPTION 1 A � o� 26 Poles 1 1 _ ui N 559 TOTAL AREA= 2.172ho (5.367 Ac.) R/W EXIST.= 0.353ho (0.873 Ac.) NET TOTAL AREA= 1.819ho (4.494 Ac.) POINT REFERENCE CHART (METERS) POINT s-rxriqN= OFFSET LINE NORTHING EASTING 1 TI N CONTROL ROUTE RV Y PLAT 16 SEE LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE URV Y PLAT 17 SEE LCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEY PLAT 9 12+350.700 21.000"A5247.2994 2214.5118 560 1 +40D 000 18.000 "N' 5295.5524 2203.9704 562 12+595,000 21000 "N' 5481.8179 2146.0466 561 12+595,000 18.000 "N' 5483.1798 2150.8576 563 FE(l2+619.418) 23.000 "A" 5505.3135 2139.3956 564 12+624.272 18.000 " N'(5511.34.98).(2142.8844 5SR4.2099 2122.2583 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT Stations and offsets are to control over Northing and Easting coordinates. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this plat, together with the 'Location Control Route Survey' recorded August 8. 1997 in Instrument No. 9709734756 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana (incorporated and made a part hereof by reference) comprise a Route Survey executed in accordance with Indiana Administrative Code 865 IAC 1-12 ("Rule 12"). E. �O f NO, 9600016 STATE OF Per � E. Jones Reg. Land Surveyor No. 9600016 SUR`i�State of Indiana RIGHT 0 F ' WAY PARCEL PLAT Prepared for the Indiana Department of Transportation by Bernordin—Lochmueller do Associates