HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic NoticePlan Commission Public Notice Sign Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 21 days prior to the public hearing 2. The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36" — vertical PUBLIC BEARING Sign must be double sided Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, Plan Commission such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board Carmel City Hall The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame 3. The sign must contain the following: "' 1W "W" • 12" x 24" PMS 288 Blue box with white text at the 6:00 P.M. top. • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application For More Information: type and Date* of subject public hearing o esl ww v.carmel.in.gov 571-2417 * The Date should be written in day, month, and date t nl format. Example: "Tues., January 17" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion Public Noflce Sign Placement Afffdavit: I (We) Brett A. Huff do hereby certify that placement of the notice public sign to consider Docket Number PZ-2020-00165 was placed on the subject property at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below: Northeast turner of 136th Street and Keystone ^ve Tax In P^rrrel #2A-10-10-000-004 000-018. STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF _1,�, SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that e above informa ' is hue and correct as he is informed and believes. (Signature of Petitlor er) Subscribed and sworn to before me thisV�'day of , 20TO. otary Public My Commission Expires: KATHRYN L NELSOA Notary Publlc � Seal State o14nMana Hamilton County 2023 Filename: Frima�y Plat 2020 Revised 12/31/2019 Pagc � � PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION 1(We) Brett A. Huff do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Number '"I"u 0-00 luu PP was registered and mailed at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER(s) NAME ADDRESS See attached list from Hamilton County Auditor's Office STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oalh�that the above infor lion is true and correct and he is informed and believes. n�n,�,-""��^t /� (Signatt fPetition r) County of W,1 tAt 1 Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for r County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (NotaryPublic's county of residence) and aclmowledge the execution of the foregoing inshwnent this (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney)",, I day of _ � / I WI'` ___, 20_u_. (day) (month), (year)FV ' A nv tF /Notary Publi -Signature Notary blic--Please Print My commission expires: V Is (Tip.• Actual ,signatures oj'adjacent property owners must be serbrnitted on t12is afJ%davit of the public notice was Iuand delivered to an adjacent propertj� owner. Otherwise tFte names can be typed/writteta ila.) Filename: Primary Plat 2020 Revised 12/31/2019 Page Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009) . ____Kimley-Horn_____________ __________________ To: Current Publishing ___________________ (Governmental Unit) 30 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 ______Hamilton County, Indiana____________ PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Master (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines Head -- number of lines ___3_____ Body -- number of lines __25___ Tail -- number of lines _____4___ Total number of lines in notice ______32___ COMPUTATION OF CHARGES ____32___lines, ____1______columns wide equals __32___ lines at_____.6556__________ Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 per cent of above amount). $____0.00__________ Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two1598 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ ___20.98____ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: ____9p3______ Size of type___7____point. Number of insertions_____1x_______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 time. The dates of publication being as follows: Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: ......Newspaper does not have a Web site. ...x..Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. ..... Newspaper has a Web 3site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on ....................... .... Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. x.......................................................................................................... Date ............. Tuesday, November 24th, 2020................... Title...............Legal Advertising........................... 34 November 24, 2020Current in Carmelwww.currentincarmel.com LIFESTYLE Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at editorial@youarecurrent.com. TRAVEL History of Monte Carlo Casino Rear of Casino in Monte Carlo, Monaco. (Photo by Don Knebel) Commentary by Don Knebel Monte Carlo is synonymous with gambling around the world, but the citizens of Monaco cannot take advantage of their famous casino. In 1848, the towns of Menton and Roquebrune declared their indepen- dence from the Principality of Monaco, then governed by Prince Florestan, a member of the Grimaldi family that still controls Monaco. Princess Caroline, Florestan’s busi- ness-minded wife, convinced her husband to replace the lost tax revenue by constructing a casino along the lines of the Bad Hamburg Casino in Germany and engaged their son Charles to raise the necessary funds. When Florestan died in 1856, Prince Charles III took over the project. In 1858, work began on a casino in an area of Monaco called “Les Spe- lugues” (the Caves). When the building and a nearby hotel were completed in 1863, Prin- cess Caroline convinced François Blanc, who operated the Bad Hamburg Casino, to man- age the facility. To increase its appeal, Blanc renamed the area “Monte Carlo” (Mount Charles) in honor of Prince Charles, and then set about building roads and rail lines so that people could more easily travel to Monaco. Blanc’s efforts were so successful in creating an international destination that he became known as the “Magician of Monte Carlo.” In 1878 the casino was rebuilt ac- cording to the Beaux-Arts design of French architect Charles Garnier. Monte Carlo’s new casino building also included a 524-seat op- era house, now known as Salle Garnier. Today, the opulent Monte Carlo Casino NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Carmel Clay Schools, Hamilton County, Indiana that the proper legal offi cers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at 5201 E. Main Street, Carmel, IN, at 7:00 pm, on the 14th day of December, 2020. Fund name: Education Fund Amount Major Budget Classifi cation: 12000 Instruction – Special Programs $1,900,000 TOTAL for Education Fund: $1,900,000 Fund name: Rainy Day Fund Major Budget Classifi cation: 11000 Instruction – Regular Programs $2,745,000 25000 Central Services - Other $255,000 TOTAL for Referendum Fund: $3,000,000 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as fi nally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the suffi ciency of funds to support the appropriations made within fi fteen (15) days of receipt of a Certifi ed Copy of the action taken. Dated 11/23/20 Mike Kerschner, President, Board of School Trustees NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION DOCKET No. PZ-2020-00165 PP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on the 15th day of December, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold a Public Hearing upon a Primary Plat for the Courtyards of Carmel application. The subject real estate consists of approximately 59.43 acres and is generally located at the northeast corner of 136th Street and Keystone Parkway. The property address is 2724 East 136th Street, 0 East 136th Street, and 0 US 431, Carmel, Indiana and is identifi ed by the Hamilton County Auditor’s Offi ce as Tax Parcel Identifi cation Numbers 17-10-19-00-00-004.002, 17-10-19-00-00-004.000, and 17-10-19-00-00- 025.000. (collectively, the “Real Estate”). Epcon Carmel, LLC, is the Petitioner that seeks approval of a Primary Plat in order to develop approximately 150 single-family dwellings. Interested persons appearing at the hearing for this matter shall have the right to be heard or may fi le written comments prior to the hearing. In addition, the hearing may be continued by the Carmel Plan Commission as it may fi nd necessary. This notice prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 250 E. 96th Street, Suite 580, Indianapolis, IN 46240, on behalf of Epcon Carmel, LLC. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY OF CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. PZ-2020-0175 PPA and PZ-2020-00176 V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Carmel Plan Commission will conduct a meeting on the 15th day of December, 2020 at 6:00 o’clock p.m., at the Carmel City Hall, Council Chambers 2nd Floor, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, to hold a Public Hearing regarding an application identifi ed by Docket Numbers PZ-2020-00175 PPA and PZ-2020-00176 V (collectively, the “Requests”). The applicants, Matthew Tanner and Christine Tanner (collectively, the “Applicant”), are owners of a parcel of real estate that is commonly known as 10630 Westfi eld Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46280, which parcel is identifi ed as Lot 1 in the Plat of Lincoln Highway Estates and is identifi ed by the Hamilton County, Indiana Auditor’s Offi ce as parcel number 17-13-01-04-07-007.000 (collectively, the “Real Estate”). The Real Estate is zoned R-1 Residential and the Applicant desires to subdivide the existing lot to create two (2) new lots – a lot for the existing home and a new lot for the construction of a new home. The Request seeks; (i) Primary Plat Amendment approval to subdivide the existing lot into two (2) lots; and, (ii) a variance from the Unifi ed Development Ordinance, Section 2.08 to permit a 4’ minimum front yard setback where 35’ is the standard for a new lot. A copy of the Request that is described above and the accompanying plans are on fi le for examination at the Department of Community Services, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, telephone 317-571-2417. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the Request, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Written comments fi led with the Department of Community Services prior to or at the Public Hearing will be considered, and oral comments will be heard at the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA Joe Shestak, Secretary, City of Carmel Plan Commission Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 571-2417 Email: jshestak@carmel.in.gov APPLICANT Matthew and Christine Tanner 10630 Westfi eld Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46280 ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT Jim Shinaver, Attorney Jon Dobosiewicz, Professional Land Planner Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC 550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210 Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 844-0106 Email: jims@nf-law.com and jon@nf-law.com NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA ORDINANCE No. Z-662-20 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, meeting on the 7th day of December, 2020 at 6:00 o’clock p.m., at their regular meeting place in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for PUD Amendment approval to modify the existing Clay Terrace PUD in order to foster redevelopment of a portion of the site. The subject real estate consists of approximately 55.05 acres and is generally located at the southwest corner of 146th Street and US 31. The property address is 214 Walter Street; 14159, 14300, 14379, 14400, 14490, and 14599 Clay Terrace Blvd.; 291 W 146th Street, Carmel, Indiana and is identifi ed by the Hamilton County Auditor’s Offi ce as Tax Parcel Identifi cation Numbers 16-09-24-02-07-012.000, 16-09-24-02-07- 005.000, 16-09-24-00-00-015.000, 16-09-24-00-00-014.001, 16-09-24-00-00-014.000, 16-09-24-00-00- 010.001, 16-09-24-00-00-012.000, and 16-09-24-00-00-010.000. (collectively, the “Real Estate”). Clay Terrace Partners, LLC, is the Petitioner and the subject Real Estate is currently zoned Clay Terrace PUD, Ordinance Z-386-02. Ordinance Number Z-662-20 seeks approval to modify the existing Clay Terrace PUD in order to foster redevelopment of a portion of the site. The proposal details are on fi le at the Department of Community Services, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, telephone 317/571-2417, under Docket No. PZ-2020-00006 OA: Clay Terrace PUD Amendment and may be viewed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Copies of the proposed request are also on fi le for examination at the Offi ce of the City Clerk, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, telephone 317/571-2440. Interested persons appearing at the hearing for this matter shall have the right to be heard or may fi le written comments prior to the hearing. In addition, the hearing may be continued by the City Council as it may fi nd necessary. CITY OF CARMEL, CLERK OF THE CITY Sue Wolfgang This notice prepared by Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP, 600 E. 96th Street, Suite 600, Indianapolis, IN 46240, Phone: 317/569-9600 on behalf of Clay Terrace Partners, LLC. is the world’s best- known place for gambling, attracting high rollers from all around the world. Citizens of Monaco are not allowed to enter the gaming rooms because of a decree engineered by Princess Caroline, who thought that gambling is immoral. 35November 24, 2020Current in Carmelwww.currentincarmel.comLIFESTYLE Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com. Downside of becoming a household name GRAMMAR GUY Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt What do you say when you need to blow your nose and the box of tissues you want to use is across the room? You probably say something like, “Janet, will you please bring me a Kleenex?” This assumes there is someone named Jan- et on the other side of the room. How about when your lips are dry, and you know your significant other always carries lip balm in his pocket? “Hey, can I borrow your ChapStick?” The words “Kleenex” and “ChapStick” are examples of trademarked words that have become so common they often replace the generic term for the item. Kleenex is trade- marked by the Kimberly-Clark company. They’re tissues, but the words “Kleenex” and “tissues” are interchangeable. It’s the same with ChapStick. By the way, the trademarked “ChapStick” word is an example of bicapitalization, which is when a company sticks a capital letter in the middle of a word. ChapStick is a trade- CLAY TOWNSHIP OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA NOTICE TO BIDDERS Owner:Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana 10701 North College Avenue Carmel, Indiana 46280-1089 Project:MEADOWLARK PARK IMPROVEMENTS Notice is hereby given that Clay Township of Hamilton County Indiana (the “Owner”), for and on behalf of the Carmel/Clay Department of Parks and Recreation (the “Department”), will receive sealed bids for the above referenced Project at the Monon Community Center East, Multipurpose Room A located at 1235 Central Park Drive East, Carmel Indiana 46032 on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 2:00 pm local time, and as soon as practicable thereafter on the same date, the Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Conference Room of the Administrative Offices. The outside of the sealed envelope in which the Bid is enclosed, shall be clearly marked “BID – MEADOWLARK PARK IMPROVEMENTS”, and as otherwise set forth in the Bid Documents. Any Bid received after the designated time will be returned to the Bidder unopened. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference for discussion of the Project, the bidding requirements and other important matters will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 9:00 am local time in Multi-purpose Room A of the Monon Community Center East and, weather permitting, shall conclude with a visit to the location where the Work is to be performed. Prospective bidders are encouraged, but not required, to attend the pre-bid conference. For special accommodations needed by individuals with disabilities planning to attend the pre-bid conference or public bid opening meeting, please notify Michael Krosschell at (317) 846-6611 or krosschellm@weihe.net at least forty-eight (48) hours prior thereto. In general, the Work for the Project consists of Site improvements including demolition and clearing, grading and underdrains, playground installation, playground surface installation, concrete footers, masonry restroom building construction, bridge abutment construction, boardwalk assembly, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and site furnishings, all as set forth in the Contract Documents for the Project which, except for those items not included due to timing, size or other factors, have been assembled into a Project Manual and includes the Bid Documents. The Project Manual and any and all full size drawings may be examined at and obtained from, the office of Eastern Engineering Supply Company, 9901 Allisonville Road, Fishers, Indiana 46038; Phone: (317) 598-0661. The plan charge will be listed on the online plan room. Payment may be made by check, credit card, or cash. NO DEPOSITS ACCEPTED. Make checks payable to Eastern Engineering. All payments and costs of Contract Documents and related supplemental materials are non-refundable. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets, whether hard copy or electronic, of the Project Manual and drawings and shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in Bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets. Bids must be submitted on the forms in the Project Manual, must contain the names of every person or company interested therein, and shall be accompanied by: (1) Properly and completely executed Form 96 (revised 2013) prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts which includes a financial statement, a statement of experience, a proposed plan or plans for performing the Work and the equipment the Bidder has available for the performance of the Work; (2) Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total Bid amount, including any alternates, with a satisfactory corporate surety or by a certified check on a solvent bank in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Bid. The Bid Bond or certified check shall be evidence of good faith that the successful Bidder will execute within ten (10) calendar days from the acceptance of the Bid, the Agreement as included in the Project Manual. The Bid Bond or certified check shall be made payable to Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana; (3) A Non-Collusion Affidavit complying with the requirements of Ind. Code § 36-1-2-4. Owner reserves the right to hold any or all Bids for a period of not more than sixty (60) days after the date on which the Bids are opened and, for such sixty (60) day period, all such Bids shall be in full force and effect. Any Bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled closing time for the receipt of Bids but no Bidder shall withdraw a Bid within the sixty (60) day period after opening of the Bids. All bid security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned by the Owner upon selection of the successful Bidder and execution of the Agreement, and provision of the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond. In the event that the total amount of the contract awarded to the successful Contractor is $300,000 or more, the successful Contractor must be qualified under either Ind. Code § 4-13.6-4 or Ind. Code § 8-23-10 before doing any work on the Project. Pursuant to Ind. Code § 5-22-17-6, Owner reserves the right to specify in the contract with the successful bidder one or both of the following: Early performance of the contract with result in increased compensation; Completion of the contract after the termination or designated completion date(s) will result in a deduction from the compensation. A Performance Bond and Payment Bond with good and sufficient surety, acceptable to the Owner and Architect/Engineer, shall be required in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Agreement. The surety of the Bonds may not be released until one (1) year after the Owner’s final settlement with the Contractor. Retainage will be as required by Ind. Code § 36-1-12 et seq. All out-of-state entities must have a certificate of authority to do business in the State of Indiana. Application forms may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of State, State of Indiana, Statehouse, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. Owner reserves the right to (1) cancel this solicitation pursuant to Ind. Code § 5-22-18-2 and/or (2) reject any offers, in wholeor in part as specified in the solicitation when Owner determines in accordance with applicable Indiana laws including but not limited to Ind. Code § 36-1-12-4, tha such action is in the best interests of the Owner. Owner reserves the right to delay the opening of the Bids pursuant to Ind. Code § 36-1-12-4. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Owner reserves the right to waive any of the terms, conditions or provisions contained in this Notice to Bidders or the Bid Documents or any informality, irregularity or omission in the bid process or in any Bid which waiver is deemed in the Owner’s discretion to be to the advantage of the Owner and which does not afford any Bidder a material competitive advantage over other Bidders. Except as specifically otherwise provided herein and as allowed by applicable Indiana law, a contract for the Project shall be awarded in accordance with this Notice to Bidders, Ind. Code § 5-16-13 et seq. and Ind. Code § 36-1-12 et seq., to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder whose bid does not exceed the funds available for the Project. The Owner shall have the right to accept any Alternates in any order or combination or accept on the basis of the Base Bid alone, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Bidding Documents and to determine the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder on the basis of the sum of the Base Bid and Alternates accepted. Questions regarding this Project should be directed to Michael Krosschell by email only at krosschellm@weihe.net. Doug Callahan, Trustee, Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission at its meeting on December 15, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, 2nd Floor, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing to consider a Development Plan petition for a proposed project located at 4511 W. 99th Street, Carmel Indiana. The application is identifi ed as Docket No. PZ20020004 DP/ADLS and the real estate affected by the application is Parcel Number 17-13-07-00- 20-001.000. The application has been fi led by the property owner, JADAM Property Group, LLC and the proposed development includes a 13,000 SF addition to an existing warehouse building, new parking areas, and utility connections. Anyone wishing to examine the petition may do so at the Department of Community Services offi ce at 1 Civic Square, 3rd Floor, Carmel Indiana 46032. All interested persons wishing to present their views on the application may offer verbal comments at the hearing or may fi le written comments prior to the hearing. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. PZ-2020-00171 PV Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission, at its meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., in the Carmel City Hall Council Chambers, One Civic Square, 2nd Floor, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold a Public Hearing upon a partial plat vacation petition identifi ed as Docket No. PZ-2020-00171 PV. The petition seeks approval to vacate 30 lots of the 31 within the Meridian Suburban subdivision (Lots 2–16, 29, and 33–46), along with certain rights-of-way and easements thereon. The Meridian Suburban subdivision is bordered by 111th Street to the north, vacant land zoned MC and Illinois Street to the west, land zoned MC to the south, and US 31 to the east. The public streets affected, in whole or in part, by the partial plat vacation petition are 111th Street, Tottenham Drive, Mersey Court, and Manchester Court. The Petitioner is Addison Bradford, on behalf of Meridian Development Realty, LLC. Mr. Bradford is available to discuss the project with you and may be contacted by telephone at 317-977-1403 or by electronic mail at abradford@hallrender.com. The partial plat vacation petition may be examined at the Carmel Department of Community Services, Division of Planning & Zoning, 3rd Floor, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing to the attention of Joe Shestak at that address or by electronic mail to jshestak@carmel.in.gov. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the petition, either in writing or verbally, will also be given an opportunity to do so at the hearing. Addison Bradford, Petitioner marked lip balm, but when I’m looking for my Burt’s Bees lip balm, I say, “Have you seen my chapstick?” The term has become genericized. You’ll be surprised at some of the other terms that have become household names but are actually trademarked products. They include Band-Aid, Allen wrench, Frisbee, Popsicle and Velcro. These terms are still trademarked today. Sometimes a term becomes so ubiquitous that it actually loses its legal trademarked status. This has happened with the esca- lator, flip phone, trampoline, thermos and heroin. r UNITEDSTATES l � POSTAL SERVICE e Certificate of Mailing — Firm r ILIA oUau iN nrre of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post OfficeTM postmark with Date of Receipt. l� CSom ey>))Horn Postmaster, per (name of receiving employe 250 East 96th Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 0003 rot USPS° Tracking Number ____________________"- Address vie c..ne,~,� Postage Fee Firm -specific Identifier "'--' -^"'- �'^•- ^^^� 17-10-19-00-10-016.000 USPS-�6 1. Long, Scott C & Amanda K """""-----"-------" 2626 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 2. 17-10-19-00-10-012.000 --------- __------ ___------- _----------------------- __ Girgus, Christine & Hany Samy w&h 2625 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 3. 17-10-19-00-09-011.000 _____________________________"______________________ Theobald, Thomas & Lynn jtrs 14291 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 4. 16-10-19-00-05-015.000 ............--------- Robinson, Veronica 3184 Smokey Ridge Ln Carmel IN 46033 51 16-10-19-02-09-022.000 Kob, Matthew R & Jeanmarie G h&w 2808 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 6. ---------------- 16-10-19-02-09-023,000 Young, Bruce D & Jill S 2786 MARALICE DR PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530- Carmel IN 46033 U.S. POSTAGE PAID INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 NOAM�22U2NT 8 3p6K137348-08 Handling � Parcel Airlift See Reverse for Instructions UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Certificate of Mailing — Firm Name and Address of Sender TOTAL NO. TOTAL NO. Affix Stamp Here of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post OfficaTM Postmark with Date of Receipt U.S• POSTAGE PAID K lep>> Horn �w N 46240 OLIS, IN 624n Postmaster, per (name of receiving employee) ` NOpMOUNT 250 East 96th Street p9mms f� . G Q Suite 580 ` J V Indianapolis, IN 46240 p000 R23051<137348-0 Q ` Q °z t`8 Z02p z USPS® Tracking Number Address --ackin ----------------------- Postage Fee S cial Handling Par [ Airlift Firm-soecitic Identifier (N e, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code 14) - 1. 1s-10-19-o2-os-o2o.00o USp�46 '--------------------------------------------------- Defazio, Joseph M & Kyonghui Kaedi Defazio h&w 2852 Maralice Dr Cannel IN 46033 2. 16A 0-19-02-07-001, 000 -------- Rodriguez, Eric D & Claudia C 2953 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 3. 16-10-19-00-03-024.000 ------ Mileiczak, Ray & Wendy 13709 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033-- 4. - ---------------..........16-10-19-00-03-018.000 Craddock, William D & Younga J 3161 SMOKEY RIDGE TRL 5 Carmel IN 46033 -----.......... -...... ---........................ 17-10-19-00-10-017. Cockerham, Mary 2640 MILLGATE CT 6. Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-10-013.000 Forestal, Craig & Hoa My Do h&w PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530-17-I 2611 Mitigate Ct See Reverse for Instructions Carmel IN 46033 UNITED ST13TES POSTLI L SERVICE o �enificate of Mailing — Firm Name and Address of Sender TOTAL NO. TOTAL NO. Affix Stamp Here of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post Officer" postmark with Date of Receipt. (� 5� U.S. POSTAGE PAID �J Cp���c��»>HOrn Jp INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 NOV ISAMO20 NT 250 East 96th Street Postmaster, per (name of receiving employee) . >on� 102t. 2 15 Suite 530 Indianapolis, IN 46240 0000 230SKt 31348-08 USPS® Tracking Number ............ ___________P _ Firms ecific Identifier Postage Fe Special Han mg Parcel Airlift 16A 0-19-00-02-005,000 1, Fremder, James C & Carolyn J p0 13615 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Spg_46Z -------------------------- CarmelIN 46033 16-10-19-02-09-021.000 2 Zipes, Jeffrey S & Melissa M .........----- — 2830 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-09-019.000 3. ----------------- ----------- Gripe, Richard T 806 SUNRISEAVE _Lafayette IN 47904 4. -------------------------------- 17-10-19-00-10-001.000 ------------- Fink, Brett R 14227 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 5. - - --- - ---------------------------------- 16-10-19-00-03-022.000 Linden, Robert M & Margaret E 13725 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE 6. Carmel IN 46033 PS Form 366$, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530-17-0005549 see Reverse for Instructions AZUNITED ST4TES Pnctnl V=RV1rF,e Certificate of Mailing — Firm CSn iep)> Horn 250 East 96th Street Sulte 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 LISPS® Tracking Number Firm -specific Identifier )TAL NO. TOTAL NO. I Affix Stamp Here Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post Office' Postmark With Date of Receipt. v per (name of calving employee) 17-10-19-00-10-019.000 Palaic, Carrie L & Michael C Erickson jtrs 2675 HIGHMOUNT CT - Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-02-09-031.000 Holtsclaw, Dustin K & Jill M h&w 14275 Jessi Ln Carmel IN 46033 - 16A 0-19-00-05-012.000 _ Singer, Charles E _ 3185 SMOKEY RIDGE LN Carmel IN 46032 16-1 0-19-02-09-024,000 Rowe, Jeffrey W & Lynn M McIntyre h&w 2764 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-10-033.000 Joyce, Beatriz 14228 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 16-10A 9-00-03-021.000 McCullough, Doug &Ashlie Dip h&w U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN 46240 IANA OLIS, IN NOAMi08L T ° $2.58 0000 R2305K137346-08 O t . i 170 Z Postage Fee Special Handli g Parcel Airlift PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530 � o 1 cu �1 I iuncy r m V y� I I y� See Reverse for Instructions CarmellN 46033 MrM UNITED STATES Certificate of Mailing — Firm VW13 11AL ICI[ V II..0 V9 Name and Address of sender 291,11 11I 1 250 East 96th Street Suite 560 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Identifier Pieces Listed by Sender \\rr 1 rstmaster, per (name of receiving rrAL No. Affix Stamp Here Pieces Received at Post OfficeTM' Postmark with Date of Receipt. ------------- 17-10-19-00-09-016.000 Murphy, David T& Lenora 14251 LAURA VISTA DR t;armel IN 46033 16-10A 9-02-09-007.000 2. Elkin, Michael R & Jennifer B .........----------------- 2745 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 16-1 0-1 9-00-00-0230000 3 -------------- ------ Carmel Woods Apartments LLC -------------------------------- 1075 Broad Ripple Ave#350 Indianapolis IN 46220 17-10-30-00-00-011.000 4. --------------------------------- ------ Mathiebe, Craig & Natalie h&w 2601 E 136th St Carmel IN 46032 5. 17-10-30-00-00-014.000 .............. " ' "" Old Town Holdings I LLC 31 1 st St SW Carmel IN 46032 6. - - -- - - ----- - 16-10-19-02-09-015.000 Desmond, Mark & Terra D 2901 Maralice Dr 0000 Postage � Fee U.S. POSTAGE PAID INDIANAPOLIS, IN 4fi240 N AMOUNT L58 R2305K137348-08 Special Handling Parcel Airlift PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 75304 Carmel IN 46033 UNITED STATES 9 POSTAL SERVICEe certificate of Mailing — Firma Edo ey>))Horn 250 East 96th Street Sufte 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 n-specific Identifier TOTAL NO. (TOTAL NO. I Affix Stamp Here of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post OffloeTM Postmark with Date of Receipt. \ j 6 per (name of receiving employee) 9 Address 1 17-10-19-00-10-004.000 --------------- ..........Baquero, Joseph 14203 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 �• 17-10-19-00-10-009.000 -------------------------------------- Mink, Timothy & Cassie McCool h&w 2667 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 3. 16-10-19-00-03-017.000 .......... ______ ..... Mikosz, Joseph M & Jane L 3175 SMOKEY RIDGE TRL Carmel IN 46032 4. 16A 0A 9-02-09-019.000 --------------------- ----....... -------------- ------ Coval, Robert A & Betty A h&w to 2874 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 - - - 5. 16-10-19-00-02-001.000 ----- ---------- -------------------------- Wiers, TOM 13656 Smokey Hollow PI Carmel IN 46033 6. 16-10-19-00-05-021.000 ---- -----------------------------------' Mills, Amos &Gloria TIC 13835 DRIFTWOOD DR Carmel IN 46033 PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530 U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN 46240 NOV?8 OLI S, IN Eo AMOU20 NT 0000 $2.58 R2305K137348-08 10) Postage a Special an�dli Parcel Airlift See Reverse for Instructions iNUNITEDSTATES POSTAL SERVICE e KimlepMorn 250 East 96th Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 LISPS® Tracking Number Firm -specific Identifier 2. ---------------------------------------------------- of Pieces Listed by Sender V ly �rnL NO. Affix Stamp Here Pieces Received at Post OfficeTM Postmark with Date of Receipt. — 17-10A9-00-10-003.000 Kreinbrink, Zachary & Lindsay Zehren jt _ 14211 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-02-002.000 Jackson, Carter C & Sharon S 13653 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 _ 16-10-19-00-05-022.000 Bradshaw, Elbert L & Geneva 13843 DRIFTWOOD DR Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-05-013.000 Twer, Pierre M & Susan W 3173 SMOKEY RIDGE LN Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-02-09-001.O o o Schug, Richard W & Elizabeth 2225 Dakota Dr Noblesville IN 46062 16-10-19-00-03-023.000 Wilson, Robert S & Dana S 13719 SMOKEY RIDGE TRICE Carmel IN 46032 Postage 0000 U.S• POSTAGE PAID IND6240POLIS, IN NOAMOUNT $2a58 R23051<137348-08 yhx .� Special Nandlinra Parcel Airlift PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ Of _) PSN 7530-' See Reverse for Instructions certificate of Mailing — Mrrm fir- UNITEDSTATES POSTAL SERVICE Listed by Sender C(umep))Horn 250 Fast 96th Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 fFirm -specific (dent Fier 17-10-30-00-00-013 000 ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ITAL NO. (Affix Stamp Here Pieces Received at Post OfficeTM Postmark with Date of Receipt Gibault Care Inc 6401 South US Hwy 41 Terre Haute IN 47802 16-10-19-02-09-008.000 Lindsay, Scott B & Paige Rivas jtrs 2767 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-02-09-006.000 Kidd, Thomas H & Janet K 14262 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 16-1 0-1 9-02-09-0 10. 000 .............. ____--------- _________ Honig, David B & Robyn Pauker 2811 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 - 16-10-19-00-02-004.0oo Monique M MaGwsey Trustee of Monique M Mackasey Rev Tnst fbo John S 8 Monique M Madcasey 13627 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Cannel IN 46033 6. _ - - ---------------------------- -----------------------. 17-10-19-00-09-0156000 Hedegard, Mark M & Patricia J h&w 14259 Laura Vista Dr PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 753' Carmel IN 46033 Postage U.S. POSTAGE PAID INDIANAPOLIS, IN N 4 240 20 AMOUNT $2.58 R2305K137348-08 8arcel AirlifC See Reverse for Instructions XUNITEDSTATES Certificate of Mailing — Firm POSTAL SERVICE Name and Address of Sender TOTAL NO. TOTAL NO. Aix Stamp Here of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post Office"" postmark with Date of Receipt. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Kimlep>Morn Postmaster, per (name of receiving employee) I N 46240POLIS, I N 250 East 96th Street NOV 18 20 Suite 580 AMOl1NT Indianapolis, IN 46240 '� "�' $ n C Q 0000 R23051(137348-08 4 I O \1 USPS®Tracking Number_______________ - Postage Fee Z pacial Handling arcel Airlift Fcifi irm-spec Identifier 17-10-30-00-00-010.001 Green, Michael R 1. 16234 Montrose Ln -------- --- Westfield IN 46074 U9pg,4� 17-10-30-00-00-010.000 21 Green, Michael R ------------------------------------------- 16234 Montrose Ln Westfield IN 46074 17-10-30-00-00-013.001 3' Gibault Care Inc ---------.................... -....... --------------- 6401 South US Hwy 41 Terre Haute IN 47802 41 16-10-19-02-09-017.000 ------------- Ackley, Jon R &Kimberly A 2945 Maralice Dr Carmel IK 46033 _ - 5. 16-10A 9-02-09-013.000 - --------------------------------------------------- Robertson, John T & Nancy June h&w 2877 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 6. - 16-10-19-02-09-009.000 ------- Stein, Mark &Wendy Baker 2789 Maralice Dr PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530- Carmel IN 46033 see Reverse for Instructions r UNITED STATES Certificate of Mailing — Firm POSTAL SERVICE Name and Address of Sender TOTAL NO. TOTAL NO. Affix Stamp Here of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post OfficeTM Postmark with Date of Receipt. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Klmley») Horn N 466240POLIS, IN Postmaster, per (name of receiving employee) NOAMOl12NT 250 East 96th Street 6u@e 580 �., Indianaapopo 0000 $ 2.5 8lis, IN 46240 ' R230SK137348-08 -------------- USPS® Tracking Number Firm-spetifier _------------ address --.. Postage NO Special Han ing Parcel Airlift cific Iden16-10-19-02-09-004.000 1 Senuta, Michael K & Noel C ______ ______ 14286 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 5PS-�6 17-10-19-00-10-006.000 2. Wilson, Katharine S ------------------------------------- 14187 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 3. 17-10-19-00-10-014,000 ------------------------------ -------------- -------- Liang, Jong Raye & Kuang Yen Huang h&wjt 2597 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 4. 17-10-19-00-10-011.000 ---------- ------------ Tooley, Timothy & Stephanie 2639 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 5. 16-10-19-00-02-008.000 -------------------------------------- Gardner, John A & Sally A 13648 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 6, 16-10-19-00-03-020.000 Gross, Donald E & Lynette L 13710 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page. of.) PSN 753i See Reverse for Instructions 2GG UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE® Certificate of Mailing — Firm K5 Mley»)Horn 250 East 96th Street Surte 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 USPS®Tracking Number ------------------------------------------ Finn-specific Identifier P Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post OfficeT" Postmark with Date of Receipt. � 6 per (name of receiving employee) Address 16-10-19-02-09-005.000 Slattery, Brian J & Deanne J h&w 14274 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-09-012.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 17-10-19-00-09-013.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 ---------------------------- 17-10-19-00-09-010.000 Executive Homes Construction Inc 14547 Stonegate Ct Carmel IN 46032 5. ----------- _ 16-10-19-00-00-009.000 -------__________ Carmel High School Building Corp POBox 10 Noblesville IN 46061 ------ — - 6. - ......--- 17-10-30-00-00-012.000 MO, Ceiging & Aijun Cai 2633 E 136th St PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530-17 Carmel IN 46032 Postage U,S. POSTAGE PAID INDIANAPOLIS, IN N 4624 20 AMOi1NT GOG0 $a.58 92308K137348-08 Farcel Airlifit See Reverse for Instructions G UNITEDSTATES POSTAL SERVICEe Certificate of Mailing — Firm mr>a lep)Horn 250 Fast 96th Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 USPS® Tracking Number Firm -specific Identifier Ifl of Pieces Listed by Sender Postmaster, per (name of receiving Address 16-10A 9-02-09-016.000 Barry, Patrick & Stacy 2923 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-02-09-002.000 Fortin, Daniel R & Lauren h&w 14310 Matt St Carmel IN 4RQ33 _— 17-10-19-00-10-002.000 Kuramoto, Jun 14219 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 16A 0-19-02-09-025.000 Szalavari, Otto & Larissa h&w 2742 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 1 BA O-19-00-04-018.000 Kim, Ik Joo & Hye Kyung Kim 3187 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 rt x�a N Received at Post OfficeTM Postmark with Date of Receipt. -------------------------------------------- _______ 17-10-19-00-10-015.000 Drew, James R & Diane M h&w 2612 Millgate Ct PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530-1 Carmel IN 46033 U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN OLIS, IN 46240 NOV IS 20 AMOO NTG _ p50000. Q $2 58 Ft2305K137348-08 � r�02p Postage P�e ` Special Fdarldling � Parcel Airlift See Reverse for Instructions G UNITED SUITES POSTAL SERVICE® Certificate of Mailing — Firm CSor iep))Horn 250 East 96th Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 USPS® Tracking Number Firm-specific __________________________ rm-specific Identifier 11. f+Trix xsiamp nere of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post OfficeTM Postmark with Date of Receipt. per (name of receiving employee 17-10-19-00-09-017.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 16-10-19-02-09-012.000 Chiasson Living Trust 2855 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-03-025.000 Schmale, Lynn K & Kristine R 13699 SMOKEY RIDGE TRICE Carmel IN 46033 - 1 s-1n-1 e-oo-oz-o os.ao 0 13618 Smokey Hollow PI Cannel IN 46033 5. 17-10-19-00-09-014.000 -'--------------- ........------ Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 6. - ------------------------------------ 17A0-19-00-09-009.000 Backes, Todd F & Jody L h&w 14311 Laura Vista Dr PS Form 3665, January2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530 Carmel IN 46033 Postage U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN 46240 IANA OLIS, IN N%10UNT :o=�o0 $158 R230BK137348-08 tV 1%VN � Special ?arcel Airlift See Reverse for Insfructions UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE certificate of Mailing — Firm CSone y»)Horn 250 East 96th Street Suite 560 Ind=anapoliS, IN 46240 — — Firm-s ecific Identifier 1. by Sender I of Pieces Received at Post Office"" I Postmark with Date of Receipt. Y �'IN^�\i (6 er, per (name of receiving employee) 16-10-19-00-02-003.000 Quinn, Francis B Jr & Claudia J Somes h&w to 13645 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 2 17-10-19-00-10-008.000 -------------------....... Ganchi, Mahamadnanif I 2681 Millgate Dr Carmel IN 46033 - - 3 16-1owl 9-00-05-014.000 ---------------------------------------------------- Hanson, Barbara 3172 Smokey Ridge Ln Carmel IN 46033 8613 4. --------------------------------------------- """"-"" 16-10-19-02-07-020.000 Rodriguez, Mario 14152 JAMIE DR 5 CarmeUN- 46033 ....................16-1 Owl 9-00-04-021,000 Kirkpatrick, Robert S & Susan E 3188 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 6. ------------------------------ 17-1Owl 9-00-10-005, 000 Bryant, Richard M & XuHong Zhu PS Forrn 3665, January 2017 (Page of PSN 7530-17a 14195 Laura Vista DrCarmel _ _) IN 46033 Postage U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN 46240 IANA OLIS, IN NOAM108 NT Pony°:ea'v.�c= $2.58 0000 B2305K137348-08 Parcel Airlift See Reverse for Instructions UNITED STATES iN DnCYAI c17ta111r1V . certificate ®f Mailing — Firm ESuM2y)))Horn 250 Ea96th Street dia 580 n Indianapolis, IN 46240 LISPS® Tracking Number -------------------------------------- >TAL NO. TOTAL NO. Affix Stamp Here Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post Office' Postmark with Date of Receipt. Address l/-IU-15-VU°lTJ-LID rUUV- .. _•.•••_,�., - Laura Vista LLC - 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 Cramer, Matthew & Erica h&w 2654 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 Larsen, Glenn & JodyvV 13842 Driftwood Dr Carmel IN 46033 11-1U-1y-UU-TU-UJZ.000 — -- McCall, David & Mary Jo Wark h&w jtrs 2676 HIGHMOUNT CT Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-05-001.000 Russell, William K & Jeanne M 13848 DRIFTWOOD DR Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-04-019.000 Uber, Matthew & Erin Lindner Uber 3179 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 U.S• POSTAGE PAID IN 46240 IANA OLIS, IN NOAMOL T ;O5(�oao«6 $ 2 v 58 fl2305K137348-OB Postage e Special Haling Parcel Airlift PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530- See Reverse for Instructions UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE® Certificate of Mailing — Furrrrn 11 of Pieces Listed by Sender Glom ey>))Horn Postmaster, per (name ofreceMn5 250 East 96th Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Affix Stamp Here Received at Post OfficeTM postmark with Date of Receipt. 4 �ddrez� _ 16-10-19-00-04-020.000 Monke, Aaron P & Kyle L 3180 DRIFTWOOD CT CarmellN 46033 16-10-19-00-05-020.000 Ginther,Jeffrey R & Elizabeth 13827 DRIFTWOOD DR CarmellN 46033 17-10-19-00.10-034.000 3. Yorktown Woods Homeowners Association Inc ------- —................ --,,-------- --------- 2592 Highmount Ct Carmel IN 46033 IF V 41 Fike, Elizabeth M ~ V VV ------------------ --------------- ------ 14235 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 O. 17-10-19-00-10.007.000 14179 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 6. 17-10-19-00-10-010.000 ------------------- Jeffers, Damnell A & Karen C h&w 2653 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page. of) PSIN 7530-1 Postage 0000 Fee U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN DIANAPOLIS, IN $2n58 R2305K137348-08 0 [vim y , Airlift See Reverse for Instructions UNITEDSTATES POSTAL SERVICE Certificate of Mailing — Firm KunepMorn 250 East 961b Street Suite 580 Indianapolis, IN 46240 USPSe Tracking Number Firm -specific Identifier ----------------------------------------------- iu it Nu. I rrrix acamp mere of Pieces Listed by Sender of Pieces Received at Post Office'" postmark with Date of Receipt. ��Q v ) 6 ter, per (name of receiving employee) Address 16-1 0-1 9-00-03-01 91000 Vatistas, Lukas Jr & Elena 13700 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 16-10A 9-02-09-014.000 — Shurzinske, Randolph J & Linda J — 2899 Maralice Dr — Carmel IN 46033 16-1049-02-09-011.000 — Gratigny, Brian T & Sharon D — 2833 MARALICE DR — Carmel IN 46033 _ 16-10-19-00-02-007.000 _ Huber, Brooke & Daniel w&h 13630 Smokey Hollow PI Carmel IN 46033 - --- -- 16-10-19-02-09-003.000 Andrews, William Blake & Christine — 14298 Matt St — Carmel IN 46033 6. 16-10-19-02-09-018.000 Nichols, Thomas E Jr & Margie M 2896 Maralice Dr PS Form 3665, January 2017 (Page _ of _) PSN 7530-1 Carmel IN 46033 U.S. POSTAGE PAID IN 46240 IANA OLIS, IN NDAMOUNT :=:0000CE. $2 58 R23051<137348-08 * nw4`1 + O Postage jee L'Spec Handling I Parcel Airlift See Reverse for Instructions kimley-horn.com 250 E. 96th Street, Suite 460, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 317 218 9560 November 16, 2020 Re: Public Notice Regarding the Courtyards of Carmel Primary Plat Dear Neighbor: Epcon Carmel, LLC / Epcon Communities, Inc. (“Epcon”) is pleased to propose its newest single- family residential development, to be known as The Courtyards of Carmel (the “Courtyards”). Located on the 59 +/- acres at the northeast corner of 136th Street and Keystone Parkway, the Courtyards is planned as a high-quality “age restricted” development serving Carmel’s 55+ population. The Courtyards will be developed with attractive single-story architecture, amenities that provide numerous social and wellness opportunities, and full landscape maintenance services. The proposed community will be rich in lifestyle benefits desired by those seeking a home in Carmel that provides a quality opportunity to “right size”. The developer and builder, Epcon, is nationally recognized with more than 34 years’ experience focusing exclusively in this age targeted sector of housing. Epcon’s unique, copyrighted, “courtyard homes” are recognized as some of the best home designs nationally at addressing the unique needs of the 55+ market. A variety of model sizes and architectural styles all feature a private, outdoor, garden courtyard for residents to merge indoor and outdoor living. Epcon’s single-family homes are expected to range from $375,000 to $575,000 with an expected average of $475,000. Enclosed, please find copies of the aerial location map, concept plan, illustrative home renderings, typical courtyards exhibit, and the notice of public hearing. This public hearing will be in regard to the Primary Plat for this development. The Primary Plat is consistent with what was presented during the zoning hearings but with greater detail in some regards. In advance of the Plan Commission meeting, if you have any questions or comments or would like to discuss any aspect of the proposal in more detail, then please feel free to contact me to discuss it at brett.huff@kimley-horn.com, and either I or a member of the Epcon team will be happy to discuss it with you. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me at (317) 912-4129 Sincerely, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Brett Huff Associate Hamilton County, Indiana April 2, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.25 0.50.125 km 1:9,600 THE COURTYARDS OF CARMEL PUD AERIAL LOCATION MAP Context Map Carmel, IN116th St Springmill RdREAL ESTATE K E Y S T O N E P K W Y 136TH STUS 31MARALICE DR CAREY RDRANGELINE RD THE COURT YARDS OF CARMEL PUD UPDATED CONCEPT PLAN THE COURT YARDS OF CARMEL PUD ILLUSTRATIVE HOME RENDERINGS THE COURT YARDS OF CARMEL PUD THE COURT YARDS OF CARMEL PUD ILLUSTRATIVE COURTYARD LANDSCAPE AND FENCE DETAILS The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16" CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16"CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16" CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16" CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16" CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16"CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16"CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK The Courtyards of Carmel Carmel, Indiana Planned Unit Development District May 18, 2020 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Engineering PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 20' TYPICAL COURTYARD EASEMENT (COURTYARD, LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE, ETC.) TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD TYPICAL COURTYARDTYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO STREET TYPICAL COURTYARD ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE. SEE SHEET 10 FOR DETAIL 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 81 5/16" 83 9/16" CENTER ON 2" POSTS 4 7/16" SPACE ( 4 1/2" O.C ) 48" Max Ht 5/8" x 5/8" x .050" PICKET 1" x 1" CHANNEL .062" TOPWALL .078" SIDEWALL Manufacturer: Alumi-Guard Product ID: Residential Ascot 48" Finish: Black www.alumi-guard.com DECORATIVE ALUMINUM FENCE No Scale VINYL FENCE (ON REAR/SIDE OF HOME) No Scale Exhibit C5: Typical Courtyard Landscape and Fence Details TYPICAL COURTYARD AERIAL VIEW : TYPICAL COURTYARDS 72" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL 72'" VINYL FENCE (ONLY TO CONNECT REAR) SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL PORCH TYPICAL COURTYARD 48" DECORATIVE ALUMINUM OR 72" VINYL FENCE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL TYPICAL COURTYARD 20' REAR YARD SETBACK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. PZ-2020-00028 PUD Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 2nd Floor., 1 Civic Sq., Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Primary Plat application in order to: to develop approximately 150 single-family dwellings on 59 acres. The property address is: 2724 East 136th Street, 0 East 136th Street, and 0 US 431. The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2020-00165 PP: Courtyards of Carmel Primary Plat. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-10-19-00-00-004.002, 17- 10-19-00-00-004.000, and 17-10-19-00-00-025.000. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Petitioner name: Brett A. Huff of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. on behalf of Epcon Carmel, LLC. Plat Auditor From: INTERNETGUEST Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 3:02 PM To: Plat Auditor Subject: Online Adjoiner Request CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. POSSE Job #: AR-2020-0295 Zoning Authority: Carmel Planning Parcel # of Property: 1710190000025000 Additional Parcel #: 1710190000004000, 1710190000004002„ „ „ „ , Owner: Mark Edward Brennan, et al. Petitioner: Brett Huff Contact: Brett Huff Contact Phone: 3179124129 Contact Email: brett.huff@kimley-horn.com 1 HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR I, ROBIN M. MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS MARKED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FEET FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN M. MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR 10(aAODO SUBJECT PROPERTY: 17-10-19-00-00-004.000 Subject Brennan, James N Rev Trust, Kathleen, Joseph T & Mark E tc 1/2 & Brennan, Mark Edward, Joseph Terence & James N Brennan Trustee James N Brennan Rev Trust 1/16th ea, Kathleen Brennan 1/8th, Mark Edward, Myna, Julia & Laura Brennan tc 1/16th, Joseph Terence, Patrick, Brigette, Helena & Joseph T Jr Brennan tc 1/16th & James N Brennan Rev Trust, Martha Maria & Babara W Brennan CoTrustees James N Brennan Rev Trust, Martha Maria & Daniel Brennan tc 1/16th 7394 S Downing Cir W Centennial CO 80122 17-10-19-00-00-004.002 Subject Brennan, James N Rev Trust (25%); Brennan, Joseph T (25%); Brennan, Kathleen tc (25%); Brennan, Mark E (25%) 7394 S Downing Cir W Centennial CO 80122 17-10-19-00-00-025.000 Subject Brennan, James N Rev Trust, Kathleen, Joseph T & Mark E tc 1/2 & Brennan, Mark Edward, Joseph Terence & James N Brennan Trustee James N Brennan Rev Trust 1/16th ea, Kathleen Brennan 1/8th, Mark Edward, Myna, Julia & Laura Brennan tc 1/16th, Joseph Terence, Patrick, Brigette, Helena & Joseph T Jr Brennan tc 1/16th & James N Brennan Rev Trust, Martha Maria & Babara W Brennan CoTrustees James N Brennan Rev Trust, Martha Maria & Daniel Brennan tc 1/16th 7394 S Downing Cir W Centennial CO 80122 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-3-(e), no person other than those authorized by the County may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the County to any other person, partnership, or corporation. In addition any person who receives information from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list, addresses, or databases for the purpose of selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, give away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. Page 1 of 1 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16-10-19-00-00-009.000 Carmel High School Building Corp P O Box 10 Noblesville IN 46061 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-00-023.000 Carmel Woods Apartments LLC 1075 Broad Ripple Ave #350 Indianapolis IN 46220 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-001.000 Wiers, Tom 13656 Smokey Hollow Pl Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-002.000 Jackson, Carter C & Sharon S 13653 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-003.000 Quinn, Francis B Jr & Claudia J Somes h&w te 13645 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-004.000 Mackasey, John S Trustee of John S Mackasey Rev Trust & Monique M Mackasey Trustee of Monique M Mackasey Rev Trust fbo John S & Monique M Mackasey 13627 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-005.000 Fremder, James C & Carolyn J 13615 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-006.000 Neighbor Page 1 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Rossiter, James D Trustee of James D Rossiter Rev Trust 13618 Smokey Hollow Pl Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-02-007.000 Huber, Brooke & Daniel w&h 13630 Smokey Hollow Pl Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-02-008.000 Gardner, John A & Sally A 13648 SMOKEY HOLLOW PL Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-017.000 Mikosz, Joseph M & Jane L 3175 SMOKEY RIDGE TRL Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-018.000 Craddock, William D & Younga J 3161 SMOKEY RIDGE TRL Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-019.000 Vatistas, Lukas Jr & Elena 13700 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-020.000 Gross, Donald E & Lynette L 13710 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-021.000 McCullough, Doug & Ashlie Olp h&w 13720 Smokey Ridge Trce Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-022.000 Linden, Robert M & Margaret E Neighbor Page 2 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 13725 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-03-023.000 Wilson, Robert S & Dana S 13719 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-024.000 Milejczak, Ray & Wendy 13709 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-03-025.000 Schmale, Lynn K & Kristine R 13699 SMOKEY RIDGE TRCE Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-04-018.000 Kim, Ik Joo & Hye Kyung Kim 3187 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-04-019.000 Uber, Matthew & Erin Lindner Uber 3179 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-04-020.000 Monke, Aaron P & Kyle L 3180 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-04-021.000 Kirkpatrick, Robert S & Susan E 3188 DRIFTWOOD CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-001.000 Russell, William K & Jeanne M Neighbor Page 3 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 13848 DRIFTWOOD DR Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-00-05-002.000 Larsen, Glenn & Jody 13842 Driftwood Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-012.000 Singer, Charles E 3185 SMOKEY RIDGE LN Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-013.000 Twer, Pierre M & Susan W 3173 SMOKEY RIDGE LN Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-014.000 Hanson, Barbara 3172 Smokey Ridge Ln Carmel IN 46033 8513 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-015.000 Robinson, Veronica 3184 Smokey Ridge Ln Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-020.000 Ginther, Jeffrey R & Elizabeth 13827 DRIFTWOOD DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-021.000 Mills, Amos & Gloria T/C 13835 DRIFTWOOD DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-00-05-022.000 Bradshaw, Elbert L & Geneva 13843 DRIFTWOOD DR Neighbor Page 4 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-02-07-001.000 Rodriguez, Eric D & Claudia C 2953 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-07-020.000 Rodriguez, Mario 14152 JAMIE DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-001.000 Schug, Richard W & Elizabeth 2225 Dakota Dr Noblesville IN 46062 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-002.000 Fortin, Daniel R & Lauren h&w 14310 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-003.000 Andrews, William Blake & Christine 14298 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-004.000 Senuta, Michael K & Noel C 14286 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-005.000 Slattery, Brian J & Deanne J h&w 14274 Matt St Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-006.000 Kidd, Thomas H & Janet K 14262 Matt St Neighbor Page 5 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Carmel IN 46033 16-10-19-02-09-007.000 Elkin, Michael R & Jennifer B 2745 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-008.000 Lindsay, Scott B & Paige Rivas jtrs 2767 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-009.000 Stein, Mark & Wendy Baker 2789 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-010.000 Honig, David B & Robyn Pauker 2811 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-011.000 Gratigny, Brian T & Sharon D 2833 MARALICE DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-012.000 Chiasson Living Trust 2855 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-013.000 Robertson, John T & Nancy June h&w 2877 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-014.000 Shurzinske, Randolph J & Linda J 2899 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor Page 6 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 16-10-19-02-09-015.000 Desmond, Mark A & Terra D 2901 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-016.000 Barry, Patrick & Stacy 2923 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-017.000 Ackley, Jon R & Kimberly A 2945 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-018.000 Nichols, Thomas E Jr & Margie M 2896 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-019.000 Coval, Robert A & Betty A h&w te 2874 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-020.000 Defazio, Joseph M & Kyonghui Kaedi Defazio h&w 2852 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-021.000 Zipes, Jeffrey S & Melissa M 2830 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-022.000 Kob, Matthew R & Jeanmarie G h&w 2808 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor Page 7 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 16-10-19-02-09-023.000 Young, Bruce D & Jill S 2786 MARALICE DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-024.000 Rowe, Jeffrey W & Lynn M McIntyre h&w 2764 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-025.000 Szalavari, Otto & Larissa h&w 2742 Maralice Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-19-02-09-031.000 Holtsclaw, Dustin K & Jill M h&w 14275 Jessi Ln Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-009.000 Backes, Todd F & Jody L h&w 14311 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-010.000 Executive Homes Construction Inc 14547 Stonegate Ct Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-011.000 Theobald, Thomas & Lynn jtrs 14291 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-012.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor Page 8 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 17-10-19-00-09-013.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-014.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-015.000 Hedegard, Mark M & Patricia J h&w 14259 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-016.000 Murphy, David T & Lenora A 14251 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-017.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-018.000 Fike, Elizabeth M 14235 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-019.000 Gripe, Richard T 806 SUNRISE AVE Lafayette IN 47904 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-09-057.000 Laura Vista LLC 1016 3RD AVE SW STE 100 Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-001.000 Neighbor Page 9 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Fink, Brett R 14227 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-10-002.000 Kuramoto, Jun 14219 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-003.000 Kreinbrink, Zachary & Lindsay Zehren jt 14211 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-004.000 Baquero, Joseph 14203 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-005.000 Bryant, Richard M & XuHong Zhu 14195 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-006.000 Wilson, Katharine S 14187 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-007.000 Lund, Stephen George & Amanda Justine h&w 14179 Laura Vista Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-008.000 Ganchi, Mahamadnanif I 2681 Millgate Dr Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-009.000 Neighbor Page 10 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Mink, Timothy & Cassie McCool h&w 2667 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-10-010.000 Jeffers, Darnnell A & Karen C h&w 2653 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-011.000 Tooley, Timothy & Stephanie 2639 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-012.000 Girgus, Christine & Hany Samy w&h 2625 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-013.000 Forestal, Craig & Hoa My Do h&w 2611 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-014.000 Liang, Jong Raye & Kuang Yen Huang h&w jt 2597 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-015.000 Drew, James R & Diane M h&w 2612 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-016.000 Long, Scott C & Amanda K 2626 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-017.000 Cockerham, Mary Neighbor Page 11 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 2640 MILLGATE CT Carmel IN 46033 17-10-19-00-10-018.000 Cramer, Matthew & Erica h&w 2654 Millgate Ct Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-019.000 Palaic, Carrie L & Michael C Erickson jtrs 2675 HIGHMOUNT CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-032.000 McCall, David & Mary Jo Wark h&w jtrs 2676 HIGHMOUNT CT Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-033.000 Joyce, Beatriz 14228 LAURA VISTA DR Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-19-00-10-034.000 Yorktown Woods Homeowners Association Inc 2592 Highmount Ct Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 17-10-30-00-00-010.000 Green, Michael R 16234 Montrose Ln Westfield IN 46074 Neighbor 17-10-30-00-00-010.001 Green, Michael R 16234 Montrose Ln Westfield IN 46074 Neighbor 17-10-30-00-00-011.000 Mathiebe, Craig & Natalie h&w Neighbor Page 12 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 2601 E 136th St Carmel IN 46032 17-10-30-00-00-012.000 Mo, Caiqing & Aijun Cai 2633 E 136th St Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor 17-10-30-00-00-013.000 Gibault Care Inc 6401 South US Hwy 41 Terre Haute IN 47802 Neighbor 17-10-30-00-00-013.001 Gibault Care Inc 6401 South US Hwy 41 Terre Haute IN 47802 Neighbor 17-10-30-00-00-014.000 Old Town Holdings I LLC 31 1st St SW Carmel IN 46032 Neighbor Page 13 of 13 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 016.001 002 015.001 023 001 009 010.001008 011 012010 009 007 004 004.002 001005 004 006 007 010 012.001 009.001 014 002 001 013 025 030 002 003 006 013.001 032 040 026 017 023 001 008 015008 017 037 030 035036 038 008 031 017 015 007 028 009 022 020021022 023 028 009 022 006 006 035 013012 012 025 016 010009 019 018 013 010011012 039 028 040 030 005 008 025 013 004 014 010 039 007 027 005 014 005 013 019 004012 015 019 006 003 018 015 012 014 016 013 009 034 007 001 010011 033 018044 014 010 008 014 005024 019 015 002 029 016 020 021 015 014 022 016 011 023 020 023 002 006 034 007 020 002 027 025 007 031 041 003 001 004003 008007025005 009 018 003 022 018 051 009 032 024 018 012 009 018 026 010 020 004 011 014 004 001 101 018 091 015 024 030 006 017016 023022021 014 028 029 013 025 012 011 005026 029 026 026 027 020 031 010 004 020 020 015 013 011 007 011 016 009 014 009 023 078 062 068 073 067 061 017 015 055 098 021 002 008 012 033 003 097 017 029 017 082 006036 005 008 017 026 010 020 079 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