HomeMy WebLinkAboutC010.21_1 of 2-GUILFORD RD MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILFRANK ANTHONY & KAREN S. RUTKKOWSKI RYAN D. MCHOME CARRIE E. STOCK (conc. walk) (asph. path) (grass) (grass) (lawn) (lawn) (lawn) (asph. path)(conc.)(asph)(grass) (grass) (conc. walk)(conc. walk)App PLApp PLApp. Exist. R/W App PL(conc.)Constr. Limits Sec. 25, T18N, R3E Clay Township Hamilton County (conc. walk) Road Centerline SB S. GUILFORD ROAD Constr. Limits Sec. 25, T18N, R3E Clay Township Hamilton County CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS App. Exist. R/W App. Exist. R/W App. Exist. R/W DAVID M. & ANGELA E. CONCANNON(conc.)(conc. walk) (conc. walk) (grass)(grass) (grass)(grass) (asph) (asph) (conc. walk) (grass) (grass) (grass) NB S. GUILFORD ROAD 2'47 8'2'22' 66' 6' 6' 47 16 16 16 16 47 26 CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOLDRIVE APPROACHPROPOSED Sodding on26 16 Modified Roll Curb Removal (Pvmt, Concrete Curb) 6 IN of Topsoil 47 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid Yellow, 4 IN Sawcut existing pavement at proposed face of gutter2% 26 16 162% Sawcut existing pavement at proposed face of gutter TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 8'-0"2'-0"2'-0" J.J.H. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL DESIGN ENGINEER DATE DESIGNED: CHECKED: DRAWN: CHECKED: SURVEY BOOK CONTRACT DESIGNATION SHEETS of PROJECT BRIDGE FILEHORIZONTAL SCALE FANNING HOWEY T.E.N. J.J.H. T.E.N. 1/13/2021 VERTICAL SCALE 2 WP O N T E E. SINTE E T RINE NGEER A NDNI LONAOE F I SS I A STATE OF 19700381 RGE DE RRT PRDIRECTORY PATH: R:\Active\Carmel\Carmel Middle School-Guilford Rd\CADFILENAME: CONSTR-DETAILS.dwgDATE/USER: 1/12/2021 2:20 PM / JhochstetlerGUILFORD RD MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION DETAIL 1"=10' N/A Removal area shall be backfilled and graded to provide drainage to the road. Connection to existing curb shall be doweled at nearest control joint. Connection to existing curb shall be doweled at nearest control joint. Taper from Standup Curb to Roll Curb shall be 6'. D+4 1/8"D 14" R. 14" R.4"3/8" 24"5/8" ROLL CURB, MODIFIED 16 1