HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 01-19-21CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION
JANUARY 19, 2021
2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00198 DP/ADLS: The Avenue at Bennett Farm.
3. Docket No. PZ-2020-00206 ZW: 20’ Maximum Building height, 22’6” and 22’4” requested.
4. Docket No. PZ-2020-00207 ZW: 30’ minimum Greenbelt width required, 28’ requested.
5. Docket No. PZ-2020-00208 ZW: Number of Parking spaces – 88 required, 77 requested.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval and associated Development Standards Waiver approvals for 2
new retail buildings. The site is located at 11100-11150 N. Michigan Rd. (Block A, Bennett Technology Park
subdivision). It is zoned B3/Business and US 421 Overlay Zone. Filed by Steve Hardin and Mark Leach of Faegre
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, on behalf of Joe Farr of JDF Development LLC.
Project Overview:
The Petitioner proposes a new multi-tenant building and a single tenant building, each with a drive thru, on a vacant
parcel at the northwest edge of Michigan Road and the City limits. To the west is a residential apartment community
called the Domain at Bennett Farms, located in Zionsville. To the north is a small parcel still in the Carmel City limits,
zoned S-1 and within the US 421 Overlay Zone but is owned by and is a part of the Advent Lutheran Church located in
Zionsville. To the east across Michigan Road is the Weston Pointe retail development, zoned B-2 and also within the US
421 Overlay Zone. Please see the Petitioner’s Information Packet for more details.
UDO Standards this project MEETS:
Section 2.24, B-3 standards:
• Minimum lot width: 100’
• Maximum lot coverage: 80%
Section 3.83, US 421 Overlay Zone standards:
• Permitted uses
• Architectural standards (most)
• Minimum front yard: 30’
• Maximum front yard: 120’
• Minimum rear yard: 15’
• Accessory buildings architecturally compatible with
principal building
• Minimum site acreage: 3 acres (with adjoining parcel to
• Minimum building height: 1.5 story or 20’
• Minimum gross floor area: 2,500 sq. ft.
• Maximum gross floor area: 85,000 sq. ft.
• Maximum 2 rows of parking in front of bldg.
• Minimum 10 car stacking for drive thru provided
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Standards NOT MET, therefore Waivers are required:
1. Docket No. PZ-2020-00206 ZW: 20’ Maximum Building height, 22’6” and 22’4” requested.
2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00207 ZW: 30’ minimum Greenbelt width required, 28’ requested.
3. Docket No. PZ-2020-00208 ZW: Number of Parking spaces – 88 required, 77 requested.
UDO Standards NOT MET, therefore Variances are required: (These will be heard at the Feb. 22, 2021 BZA mtg.)
1. Docket No. PZ-2020-00200 V – UDO Section 3.88.D: Min. 8-ft bldg. façade offsets required, 4-ft proposed.
2. Docket No. PZ-2020-00201 V – UDO Section 3.88.K.2: Red brick or stone required, Gray brick requested.
3. Docket No. PZ-2020-00202 V – UDO 5.28.G: Min. 25-ft wide drive aisle widths required, 23-ft proposed.
4. Docket No. PZ-2020-00203 V – UDO Section 3.95.F: Drive Thru Stacking permitted along rear of structures,
Stacking requested in front/sides.
5. Docket No. PZ-2020-00204 V – UDO Section 5.19.F.1: 10-ft wide West Bufferyard req., 6-ft width prop.
6. Docket No. PZ-2020-00205 V – UDO Section 5.19.F.3: 5-ft wide building foundation planting beds
required, none proposed in parts.
7. Docket No. PZ-2021-00004 V – UDO Sec. 5.39.I.5.b.ii: Ground sign required to be located at rear of site near
vehicular entrance, Sign located along Michigan Rd. proposed.
Site Plan and Parking (Waiver):
The buildings are oriented parallel with Michigan Road. Access to the site will be from Bennett Pkwy. to the north, then
from the west, or rear of the building, through Redd Road. There are two curb cuts into the site from Redd Road. Parking
for the project will primarily be in two rows in front of the buildings, which matches the maximum allowable per the
ordinance. There will also be parking spaces at the north and south ends of the site. 77 parking spaces will be provided
when 88 are required, thus requiring a waiver from the UDO. This waiver will be for a 12.5% reduction in parking
spaces. The Department is in support of the small parking waiver, due to the site constraints and the presence of
two drive throughs, which will reduce the number of patrons parking at the site for an extended period of time.
The site connects with the retail project to the south, also developed by the same Petitioner. Pedestrian entrances to the
tenant spaces will face east, and some outdoor patio seating will be provided as well. Two dumpsters will serve the two
buildings, one at the north end of the site and one at the south end. The architectural design of the enclosure will match the
design of the building. The plan meets lot coverage requirements at 72% (80% coverage is allowed).
Two variances are requested relating to the site design. One is for the drive aisle widths. 25’ is required for two-way
traffic and 23’ is requested. This was done to increase landscaping area on this narrow site. The second variance needed is
for drive thru stacking on the front and sides of the building. Redd Road is a public street, and therefore is considered a
front yard. However, US 421 is the prominent front yard that the building addresses. The stacking also wraps around the
south sides of the building, which is not allowed per the ordinance. But this location generally best serves the drive thru
function. The Department is supportive of these two variance requests.
Active Transportation:
There is an existing sidewalk along Michigan Road. The Petitioner proposes a pedestrian connection from that sidewalk to
roughly the middle of the south building and the north end of the north building. Sidewalk will wrap around the east,
north, and west sides of both buildings. The south side of each building is where the drive through is located. Lastly,
sidewalk will be constructed along Redd Road on the west side of the site, to complete the pedestrian network in this area.
Two bicycle racks will be provided at north end of the south building. Either these racks need to be moved to the
center of the building, or additional racks should be installed at the south end of this building. This would bring
the building into compliance with the UDO and have more racks accessible to more tenants. Bicycle racks are also
needed for the north building. One other outstanding item is the missing pedestrian connection to the adjoining
retail property to the south.
Architectural Design (and Height Waiver):
Combined, the two buildings will have up to seven tenants, and has been designed to complement the Italianate
architectural style. This has been done through the extension of the cornice line over the building face and the inclusion of
corbels in the cornice line. Other Italianate features include the flat roof, tall first floor windows, and additional detailing
in the brick all around the building. Further meeting the requirements of the US 421 Overlay Zone, the buildings have a
distinct base, middle, and top, are constructed of stone and brick, and have storefronts that are of a consistent and unified
The base for both buildings will be constructed of a cast stone, with stone accent columns all around the building,
extending to the cornice line. The main building material is a gray brick with a white brick accent to call attention to the
story and a half feature, as well as call out the signage areas on the front façade. The gray brick color will require variance
approval, as the US 421 Overlay is very specific in stating that red brick must be used. In the interest of variety in the
corridor, the Department is in support of the modification to a different brick color.
On the west elevation, there is a 20’ height restriction due to the adjacent residential use. After working with the Petitioner
on the design of the buildings, it was agreed that the column features on the west elevation of the building would be
extended slightly above the 20’ limit, to provide extra emphasis and give proper proportion to the columns. The columns
on the south building are 22’6”, only 2’6” above the 20’ requirement, thus requiring a waiver. The west façade of the
north building is 22’4”, only 2’4” above the 20’ requirement, also requiring a waiver. The Department is in support of
the proposed waivers for height, as they are minimal, provide a finished look to the building, as well as help
conceal rooftop mounted equipment.
Lastly, one other US 421 Overlay requirement not met is for 8’ deep building offsets. This is required in order to eliminate
box shape buildings and add visual interest to the façade. In working with the Petitioner to gain back landscaping space
for the 30’ required greenbelt, we suggested to reduce the size of the offset if it would reduce the size of the building. It
did, and the integrity of the design and façade modulations were maintained. Therefore, we support this variance request.
Site lighting is proposed for the parking lot through LED fixtures on 24’ tall poles. Lighting for the building façade is
shown as a black sconce with downlighting. Additional work is needed on the lighting plan to ensure compliance with
the 0.3 footcandle requirement at the property lines, as well as to blend in with the site to the south. We would also
like the Petitioner to investigate more decorative fixtures for the building.
Landscaping (and Greenbelt Waiver):
Due to the narrow width of this site, it was a difficult task for the Petitioner to fit all required landscaping into the design.
After working with the Petitioner on changing proposed parking sizes, parking aisle widths, and the building size, they
were able to nearly meet the 30’ required greenbelt along Michigan Road. They are proposing a 28’ greenbelt and asking
for a waiver to approve this modification. The Department is in support of this waiver. Other landscaping variances are
being requested – one is a 6’ wide greenbelt on the west where 10’ is required. This occurs on the back side of the south
building, where the site is the narrowest as Redd Road curves. The other variance is for less building base landscaping. In
order to have minimum width sidewalks, parking, drive aisles, bypass lanes, etc., they have reduced the areas where
building base plants will be placed. The north and west sides of each building will have plants. The east side will be
sidewalk and the south sides of the buildings are where the drive throughs are located. The Urban Forester has
approved the landscape plan, conditioned upon receiving waiver and variance approvals, and finalizing plan notes
through Project Dox.
The north building fronts on three public streets. The sough building fronts on two public streets. For the south multi-
tenant building, each tenant will be allowed one wall sign to face east towards Michigan Road. A ground sign for the
center is allowed but should be placed near the vehicular entrance. This is a variance requested by the Petitioner, to have
the ground sign face east towards Michigan Road, where there are no vehicular entrances. The north single tenant building
can have three signs – one facing west, north, and east. The Sign Ordinance limits the size of wall signs to a percentage of
the architectural features in the spandrel panel area where the wall sign can be placed. The height is limited to 70% and
the width 85%. The Petitioner is currently proposing to have a lighter brick accent to create the wall sign spandrel panel
area on the multi-tenant building. This will essentially “frame” the tenant’s sign. The north single tenant building will
have fiber cement siding as an accent material on the front (east) façade, and it will also wrap the edges to the north and
south sides. Dimensions for all spandrel panels have been called out on the elevations.
The Dept. has not yet received the official “sign package” for these buildings, which is a document that spells out size,
location, and installation and lighting method for the tenant wall signs. We also need details about drive thru signage –
where it will be located, the size and design. The ground sign design is shown to have a small base, stone columns to
match the building design and a cap. It will be internally illuminated and landscaped all around the base.
DOCS Remaining Comments/Concerns:
1. Bicycle parking spaces for the north building
2. Bicycle parking spaces for the south end of the south building
3. Pedestrian connection to adjoining property to the south
4. Site lighting details – more decorative fixtures, matching height and light style of the adjoining development to
the south, meeting 0.3 footcandle requirements at property lines
5. Sign package needed, and please include drive thru signage details
The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission sends this item to the Commercial
Committee meeting on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, and gives the Committee final voting authority.