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Packet for HO 01-25-21
(V) Lapel Home Variances 130 First Ave NW Docket Nos. PZ-2020-00217 V and PZ-2020-00218 V City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer Virtual Meeting Monday, January 25 - 5:30 pm Applicant: The Old Town Design Group, LLC John Hefton, 317-750-8265 f ofin(ii?oldtowndes ignrroup. tom Development Standards Variance requests have been filed by The Old Town Design Group, LLC on behalf of our clients, the Lapels, for the property at 130 First Ave NW, Carmel, IN in the Old Town Overlay Character Subarea. The Lapels will be building a custom two-story single-family home. The final design plan for our clients resulted in a lot coverage of 49% where the zoning ordinance only allows for a maximum of 45%. The final design plan for our clients also resulted in the window wells projecting into the yard 46 inches where the zoning ordinance states that the window wells cannot project more than 24 inches into a required yard. We look forward to discussing these variance requests. Statement of Variance The Old Town Design Group, LLC is proposing the approval of two (2) development standards variances for the property located at 130 First Ave NW, Carmel, IN 46032 in order to build a new 2-story custom home for Bryan and Jennifer Lapel. The site is zoned R-4/Residence District and is within the Old Town Overlay Character Sub - Area. The application is identified with Docket Numbers: PZ-2020-00217 V and PZ-2020-00218 V. The Old Town Design Group, LLC has filed a request for approval of the Development Standards Variance regarding: (i) UDO Section 3.64.C.3: Maximum lot coverage allowed 45%. The variance we are seeking is to increase the lot coverage to 49%; and (ii) UDO Section 5.78.J.: Window wells cannot project more than 24 inches into a required yard. The variance we are seeking is to increase the window well projection to 46 inches. The Old Town Design Group, LLC looks forward to presenting and discussing this request for this project. Friday, January 15, 2021 Dear Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Member: We have filed Development Standards Variance requests on behalf of our clients, Bryan and Jennifer Lapel, for the property at 130 First Ave NW, Carmel, IN in the Old Town Overlay Character Sub - Area. The final design plan for our clients resulted in lot coverage of 49% where the zoning ordinance only allows for a maximum of 45% of lot coverage. The Old Town Overlay ordinance provides for the 45% lot coverage; the definitions in the ordinance were subsequently amended to include driveways, patios, and sidewalks as a part of lot coverage, however, the overlay percentage was not adjusted to accommodate for this issue. The final design plan for our clients resulted In the window wells projecting Into the yard 46 inches where the zoning ordinance states that window wells cannot project more than 24 inches into a required yard. The window wells project farther into the yard due to the narrow lot and requirements of the Building Code egress. We believe that the increase in lot coverage and the window well projection will allow our clients to build a home with adequate square footage and the desired living space. We believe the custom home will have elevations that are attractive and will be a good fit for the neighborhood, keeping in line with the quality of The Old Town Design Group, LLC's single-family homes. We look forward to the BZA hearing officer meeting on Monday, January 25, 2021 and will gladly answer any questions you may have at that time. Sincerely, John Hefton The Old Town Design Group, LLC 1132 S. Rangeline Road, Suite 200 Carmel, IN 46032 12/3/2020 U—j Engineering GIS Viewer 130 1 st Ave NW x 01 Show search results for 130... L—U W _� Wot a= 7 10 F -. ;I t I .'. i_ — -low 130 1 STAVE NW, CAR, 46032 Show more results Zoom to Fil I.` J m TR _i. OWL jrmj 11! < LU LIA + 2 11m 01 W 1W. VYJMAIN�T V MAIN ST WMAI 7 A., LU r z .CLOW 14 200ft < �ti https:llcarmelgis.carmel.in.gov/maps/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3005dl5bb8ee47c48538605fa42la359 1/1 a 2 Q = W a� r` Ta; Tvi F O W F J = Q u. O OHW F'Oo 0 IL aT pWC LC .ilu OW JO Y U N w W > Z o- J? J w N Z�m gLJ N 3 m K ¢ w ¢ o � z ❑ o �J�a11 m aa 3 N U j w -H N2 yU' o K U WW ¢ w rZZr z U o[!z F- ¢ o Iri FO mO ZO3 0 0< z Z O Z Z ¢ o Zvi m w w w w 9 �Na� zO d* O a N a w0 F! >>? m 0w LoiE w w :)o 0 mwo 0 i 7 wa ¢ Ow y00 aZ �41 o W O w Q ZZ� �w w J w Y w S ¢ ¢ L9 ¢ F U 1I � as a a � ¢ i wi F= ,wr jF- 3 I II Li N ww O O O K K X OF < Or +++YYY o � m N O O aw J r w '� O a O¢ W W n N1VA1 ' 3 � oww N W > � t7 O O - NN boa 0 F am' CL ,O CV N 0) - 7 C m X W N 2 OF U � � � s�o` ,sz•� L ❑Z Div z -n ac�� oo zo 0 Al ['V N � Z +i� �� —bZ WO N N W _ La �w W O QipLnN II 2 cc Lcs . ,f N 0 DO aq o II II II r- CL W U' Z z Oi Ito a-'WQQ -J F Z ¢ U�❑O CL. 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J3 �z A ra GROUP 'p 'p Residence 130 First Avenue 1VW Carmel, RV46032 OWN OLD- OLD TOWN DESIGN ����-��-�•n, Ir:iJy.�frgplLl'.r�+ri�k Px w fdJ wod'ao� ao:o rn�• Dl.n row:v ocvcu cxour, UrLapel ltb plvr b �girhJ d'Ap �Id i . Dnl� E.pp, LL. ��r '- ale pry �xp mean aalmis 1A i'e ed /.:\Current PnlJect.\I alrcl (1311 1 sr .Ave NW) CA MI-,Pc1 9-1 fi 20 SI)RAsvR, 9 16 2020 10:51:41 AM, CL11CPOF W rilcr, J H.A— _ r BALLPARK CIIK LIST COMPLETE I JULY 201B CONTRACTCHK LISTCOMPLETE I JULY'01B PC -I COMPLETE DATE BI� PLAN CHK COMPLETE. 9 SEPT 101B 114R COMPLETE 21 .AUG 201B PC-2COMPLETE/D.ATE M I �xlra pr.l +�LxD�dl rlw rx� . r� Iw l� Mve' Lapel Residence ;m„m^'^©2020Thcr11.DTO\V9pEtiIGVCNf10P,LLC �\:letwl m, I,e, K pgry a u\. oe rwn c.2q� em, uc, OLD TOWN I' n koy Gmp LLC. v k ioWvtred nv w �qjw p of 7b �5 t r� e 130 First Avenue NW' mon°II '" F° R h._.-� b rsn ppp�eaax�[e��y c p, uc •I1 Dxm lrtAln�.�maM•R 1pepl grge nQl�le IA lrw[i [w�drw'F Nw•h. Carmel INW32 DESIGN GROUP u�N� �.r�ha a+�s ��. r• r `� �„I;�,l; � r� cLlerrs 1wn�Ls van: Z-: Currcnr Prujc-'I aNI (130 I sl .Ave N W )'CAD\Izpc1 /-16-20 SDR, h g, 4 16 2020 111:52:47 AM, CurcPDP W rircr. J Baker BALLPARK CHK LIST COMPLETE IILLY''-01B CONTRACT CHK LIST COMPLETE I JLLY2010 PC -I COMPLETE DATE BY PLAN CHK COMPLETE 9 SEPT ^01B I IA-R COMPLETE 21 ALIG 201E PC-2COMPLETE/DATE BY RCVIIIa1Y IiHn Y-I IfL�G 18 y H AC 8 . 'p Lapel Residence 130 First AvenueNW Carmel, IN 46032 OLD TOWN DESIGN GROUP Qsu�xnsyH�k•SaTKf ...�., , l., In,1 ti , y,lr.r. n s r'�fi °may wa.- h u idfri4maY a,n�x�r. .vue way rka. © Iola l kc OLDTO%VN DESIGN GROUP, I.I.C. r� V-1, ,, W OW t1wPfttfl E . L. 0 � Fa't a%14r't^°'L 7 T_—ad Ve110 rra�,u Wii wall Wed Tens p almle a r— 0 w� 'rIrr-.F&_ny d-q'--.,. ro/d rd tz.ti, We4MINMA5 DATg /.:lCurw,IProjccm'L,pel (1301s1 Nvc NNI)`CAMIU Nl9.1G-20 SOR,d,rE,416?02010:53:14 AM,CurcPDF Wrucr-J Hakcr BALLPARK CI I LIST COMPLETE I JULY 20 JO CONTRACECHK LIST COMPLETE I JULY 201E PC -I COMPLETE' DATE BY PLAN CHK COMPLETE 95EPT 20 JB II-0-RCONPLETE2I ALIG201Br PC-2 COMPLEWATE BY I Revi+iau a� rus n 2-I iTs� m 3 �r aas1 P_w .p M �— I I I 1 I• I I I I I I I' I. i I I t I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I :r I I I I I I f I I L_---------� � � I I I I � 1.r.� N•3r•' is--e• 1 � p G N 7fM , _ 4 y VS' L C y ml r I m� i772'2}� I IEQ.AT I'7 R Doras2 3-r H-i1 ux- rr.1 im rrr n In a rlF—wr - i4^iT� © 2020 The OLD TOWN DESIGN' CROUP, LLC Lapel Residence c; �, F � �., x�. 0Ta-Ibp- . OLD TOWN ����=,d�A 130 First Avenue NW f DESIGN GROUP k `aR a�pli " 0-.)q, +�,aU-1h. rm Cael, RV 46032 •`ul" =• CUBIT INMAL5 DATE_ ZXurrcnI ProjccMl.apc1 (13(1 I.t .Ave N W )'CAD\J IpeI'1-10-20 SDR AaR, 9 16 2120 111:52:09 AM, CIIICPDF W'rire%J Hak , I BALLPARK CI I LIST CWIPLETE I JULY 201B CONTRACTCHK L1S;;NLETE1JU1-Y201B PC -I COMPLETE DATE BY PLAN CHK COMPLETE 9 SEPT 20 A II-0-R COMPLETE 21 .AUG 20 JB PC-2CO.11PLETElDATE BY I D r1r4V ]I lM� PC.i iPD&H FLµ G z n'-0• war 1E-- � 7�Wf`r ........................... E j� I y n O m is i f i kJP •u-Frk Lc.4 P.... sVe ; y M'-4' 444 47kl W V1 I ,47 � TD hfwcLEAim Ulf -T Y b fi •�' a•� I b i '�s j L o r I I '5'4f - iR4lm� • �_ Eli j Y �� � - II1H1• - 4y n �IIj � E�� ,� 3 ❑� � ' � >,eee � Y�4 Ni4 - PORCH SLABlyl ....... x —� .4 ram' Y• �r4• Tom• sa ram• s-•5 x4• a••4• riw H• n yr 3rar aWT-it- rX%1W?0 iIr2.I -a uM$m c16.6 nrWe8FXKSTAGSb.n nI4G TiH•-CARS fdYl✓ElE FCtlf}✓G TIMBER WELL POCKET DETAIL 114" SCALE ON 11,17 SHEET .I�r{A l+ptlF! ©!U10 rhi OLDTOWN' DESIGN CROUP, LLC Lapel Residence ' "���.11H rNl`+Pb'� OLD TOWN � ..I• „�.��DT,.,:,m w 130 First Avenue NW I4• Pr nrt.11 •+rl�nml ell I eax erdldse Sn ub uuNo'1teQ rinel,I1N 46032 DESIGN GROUP CQYaa "'A �'"" W,i `k LLIE RM 1W &S DATE BALLOT SHEET: FINDINGS OF FACT, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to fill out 1st two blanks only) Docket No.: PZ-2020-00217 V Petitioner: The Old Town Design Group, LLC 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS DAY OF 20 Board Member Page 10 of 12 Filename: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application & Instructions 2020 Revised 1 /2/20 BALLOT SHEET: FINDINGS OF FACT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to till out a two blanks only) Docket No.: PZ-2020-00218 V Petitioner: The Old Town Design Group, LLC 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS DAY OF 20 Board Member Page 10 of 12 Filename: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application & Instructions 2020 Revised 1I2I20 FINDINGS OF FACT SHEET - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to fill out 1-3 + first two blanks) Docket No.: PZ-2020-00217 V & PZ-2020-00218 V Petitioner: The Old Town Design Group, LLC 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: the home will be consistent and compatible to homes in the surrounding community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the quality and architecture of the home is similar to new home consttruction in the values due to the improvements to the subject property. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the lot coverage calculated for this project includes driveways, patios and sidewalks,when the lot coverage percentage in the ordinance at the time it was written did not include the aforementioned in the_ calcuation. The overlay percentage has not been adjusted to accomodate for this issue. Also, the final design of the home on the narrow lot resulted in the projection of the window wells farther into the yard than allowed; we must also meet the requirements of the building code. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals , 20 Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant. Page 11 of 12 Filename: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application & Instructions 2020 Revised 1/2/20