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Public Notice
DATE: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7965 East 1061' Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone (317)849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 January 21, 2021 TO: Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square — Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Alexia Lopez RE: Jackson's Grant Village JOB NUMBER: 60160JGV-R WE ARE SENDING YOU [ ]UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: E-Mall &UPS COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 / EA. Petitioner's Affidavit Notice of Public Hearing & Sign Placement 1 Proof of Publication w/ Publishers Affidavit 1 Copy of Notice Sent 1 List of Adjoiners from Hamilton County Transfer & Mapping 1 List of Certificate of Mailing Form (3 Pages) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ]For Approval [ X� As Requested [ ]For Review and Comment [ ]For Your Use ( J 1:701u/\ 7:f� If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 570-4701. Thank you, Gordan D. Kritz Cc: Doug Wagner GDK/meb S:\60160JGV-R\Blue BookWgency_Correspondence\DOC-Lopez01-21-21.doc PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION I (We) Gordan D. KritZ do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Number PZ-2020-00223 PP was registered and mailed at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER(s) NAME Please see attached. STATE OF INDIANA SS: ADDRESS The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above information is [rue and correct and he is informed and believes. (Signature of Pefff ioner) — County of Hamilton Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for Hamilton County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) Gordan D. Kritz Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) 20th dayof January (day) (month) yE.BREp��,, Sri G tTARyti and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this (Property zo 21 year) Nota y Public --Signature Mary . Bredlau Notary Public --Please Print My commission expires: 08/22/2022 (Tip: Actuad signatures ofadjacent property owners must be submitted an this affidavit if the public notice was hand delivered to an adjacent property owner. Otherwise the names can be typed/written in.) Filename: Primary Plat 2020 Revised 12/31/2019 Page 2 Plan Commission Public Notice Sien Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 21 days prior to the public hearing 2. The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36" — vertical Sign must be double sided Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal fr ame 3. The sign must contain the following: • 12" x 24" PMS 288 Blue box with white text at the top. • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application type and Date* of subject public hearing * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: "Tues., January 17" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion Public Notice Sien Placement Affidavit: Carmel City Hall Por More Information: pvcb) www.c:u'mel.in.gov I (We) Gordan D. Kritr do hereby certify that placement of the notice public sign to consider Docket Number PZ-2020-00223 PP was placed on the subject property at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below: Northwest corner 116th Street and Spring Mill Road approximately 700' West of Spring Mill Road STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Hamilton , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. (Signature of Pe 4ioner) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of January 20 21 11 ,,�%%%� BREQr����i,otary Public' a%f'~ +•`+ice Mary E. Bred My Commission Expires: 08/22/2022 lau Filename: Primary Plat 2020 Revised 12/31/2019 Page I I 22 mtiarylg Co current in Carmel Is your happiness on lockdown? O T" yi. ALL -natural Stress and Anxiety CBD supplements* PP I BUY KNOW ❑t"lil i! M 'THC Free CBD So 'a® ,BID Take a stand for your heaLth WWW.sofyiacbd.com What dH adorkdUIC JuMdce Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt The 21st century is an uncharted land- scape of post -postmodernism. Truth can be whatever we want it to be at any given mo- ment — or whatever. min, M IBM Its up to you. After consulting with a handful of the top dictionaries hn- cluding Merriam -Webster. the Oxford English Dictionary, the Macmillan Dictionary, dictio- nary.com and Oxford Dictionaries). I have found the following word entries in at least one of them. After all, dictionaries don't de- cide which words are words— they simply rapart an which words are being used out in the wild. Here's the unbelievable list. • Adorkable — This word made It Into the OED's latest addition of words In December 2020. It's an adjective that means "unfashionable or socially awk- ward in a way regarded as appealing or endearing." • Adulting —This means 'to behave like an adult" or "tor do adult things." • Ain't. —Ain't is a versatile word. Some- how it can be a contraction meaning "am rots are not" "is not" 'have not" or'has not" Although it is still consid- ered nonstandard English, the word "ain't" is like the Swiss Army knife of Southern slang. • Bra hug—A"brohug"Isahugbe- tween two dudes. • Jerkface — This word Is an Impolite way to refer to an annoying person. When I hear someone yell, "Hey Jerk - face[" in public, I assume they are try- ing to get my attention. • Selfie— The "sel0e' Is a noun that means "the photo someone takes of themself.' • Zhuzh— To"zhuzW something is to make something more stylish or appealing. Like It or not, these words land morel are In our dictionaries. It's up to you whether or not you use them. If you're not happy about it please don't unfriend me ("unfriend" is totes in the dictionary, by the way). ® Curtis Honeycutt Is a national worm -winning. synmeatea Save time tloing tlishes —The easiest way [o save time, water and money in the kitch- en is to stop pre -rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. You could be making matters worse by causing the built-in soil sensor to misread the amount of dirt in [he water. Most dishwashers sold In the last five years have such a sensor. If you're skeptical, try scraping off extra food and putting dishes straight into the dishwasher and see what happens. Source: Consumer Reports NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE Cr OF CARMEL, INDIANA Ordinance the 69-21 Cityo Notice is hereby givenMatp.m. common Council tingeairy orCamel, ul Chameetingon cnd Fluor, day of Febmary, Civic at fi odak p.m. attheirregular meeting place in the Ctiunol consider Second r approval City Hell, One CivicSquare, of way Carmel,sesbased will holds Public Rearms, ouch of SaokyR request for apProvel aNe public rtgh[away read Me mad am identified along existing HOMer Count na1M1 to Smoky Row. The abumng properties to the mad are idemifed by Me Hamilton county Auditor's office as Tax Parcel election03 Numbers 2sl30 -00-0603].000,1]-04240600U36.00p, 1]-09-24-040].001.000, i]-Op- 3.000, onz Cohan Residential. Camel.Indiana road Is ad Paramoursrght ard! Me dwassin Hays road addition and My part of se the zoned Urban Resion 24,. Said road is part , Range awayec Hayshe existing and part it the soutlt End development of mSection z4, sr ship 18 North, Range 3 East. Vewtlng og existing mad, will enable North End tlevelopmenl roatl improvemenk and realignment before detlicatitg Me roatl hack to Me city of Camel. The Proposal delays are on file for examination -2 40Omce of the Gry Clerk, Cannel City Had, One c SquareCannel IN4a032, at the ring for-2440. an persons insponsoringhearing. In hearing, rints mailer shall have the right to a heallormayfile wdtlen mmme sa pea to Me hearing. In addition, the heating may be continued by the City Council, as it may rind necessary. CARMEL CITY CLERK Sue Wodgang BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INOIANA ONinamef Me City Ntititia is nareby given tnatme common council ovine city ,camel, Indiana meeting on de tat day a Febmary, 2p21, e[ fi ti'Gock p.m. of Nair regular meeting place in the Counsel Chambers, Secend Floor, Gty Hall, One CiNc Square, Carmel Intliona 4ap32, will hold ling Rohner nee Road, ctinsiof Smrequest orapprovel of Me public rigMorway roatl Me man amlacaled ale along existing Rohrer Road, nodsofSmoky Raw. The lion Nu Properties to Me road are identifietl 9-Ne Hamilton County Aurlitah once as Tax,Pace and Identification Numbers i]A&2400-06002.000, 1]-00.24-000S010.000, 1]-Og-2400.0fi-0O1.000, and Me Prafi Partners TUNe Pao of Me rig is me Petitioners and the subject mar rs in a section finszonedm Urban enable the Sold road in Dart one lopment away railer Kensingtonad Green. well as maligning the existing roatl, will enable the nest North End of CopmdM improvements to he made, as well as realigning Me roatl prior b tlealpatlre it back olg po airy of Carmel. The Proposal details are on filefor one 31 titian -2 40once of the City geric, Carmel Ciry Hall, One Civic Square, Cannel, IN4earin at the eding for this Interested persons appearing at the heating f, Me h anN shall haven tight to a heaN or may slit wdden comments prior to gre hearing. In addNion, We heartrg Trey be ctintinuetl by the City Council, as it may fled necessary. CARMEL CRY CLERK Sus Wolfgang Ordinance z46e4-20 NOTICETO TAXPAYERS CARMEL, INOIANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP zcs4zo Notice rrs herebof am given to the taxpayers afire City ul Camel, Hamilton County, ail Chambers, Nat , Camel legal officers Choi GryaConduct Cana 11 met at tat 6:Wgular meeting plain,the Council Chambers,Carmel City Hall, One CNic Square, Carmel, IN 96032 at 6:0p P.M. on Monday Me tat day of February 2021 to consider the tionto rezone ezon A Petition torezonetheparcel thin% atthe dTm Over Zone MMononixed UsNantltst Street Say from the R-2 Residndent fled iel within Neax pTown D numb Zone to the G2, and l Use District. The PmpeM is Identified helm by its tax parcel ID number, legal address, and legal tlescriplion: Taxress 10 Number. 1fi-09-t Street SW.Ca01 Address: 211 Sestet SVeelSW,Carmel, IN48032 Legal Description: Section 25, Township 19, Range 3 0.ed aces The Petition, n Commission; recognized iz the Camel Historical Society property, was heard Monson Bhod by the Carmel Plan Commission; recognized as Docket No. PZ-2020-001]] Z Mitllwm—Motion BNd C2 Remnn. shall have the agni to be hand. ® Current °In Cz Carmel 23 marmel Distance Road and Improvements Osweop ice and sb0sM10ne ctivit Public NMlce of N. Pennsylvania Activity HWC Engineering (n3C N. Pennsylvania street, Suite City fCaIncr el Bo IN of Public on behalf of theCityof Carmel Board Intent Works, s strumming be a Notice of Intent f Environmental Management ratify me lent of ffaine Dena intent to comply EnNmnrthe Management of Ne intent Ccomply with ar requirements amewater tesunder 327omconce IAC 15-5ipdischarge storm following praised: Amen construction activities brthe ain Improvements project: Aumanoad an oShotl Drainage Improvements Oswego Road and Shoshone Drive. The project st beater apprway in Genefy ral, H miles west o, Indiana. Parkway in Calmer., Hamilton County, Indiana. e prMtle Wit adi a t; LaiLconng tle issues in a Then Neighborhood willatltlressa drainage in Me Amen Neighbogthe area Borg thewill be di streets. via eRfrom the project site wine to Cviael existing and drainage systems b both Camel Creek and Blue Woods Creek. Quarters Br covmrneds shoultl be directed to Me abandon BrianNeilsen, PEwiN Hi Engineering Mheabor-mentimatl assume Public Notice of Bale Tire Folbwing will sold forchages. statingg Bids; 1611 East Main St. Cicero, IN 02/03r20 OAM 05 %l0SK 9 22210009 $2.0 07Honda 2HGFGl2W7H110 $1167.60 08 I MBN]2066plW405/ $2.00 8 DODGE 1GYEE63BT5501854 $1848.00 ZII05I N 1GVEEG3Al(50128883 $33.50.00 19091NFINITy JNKCA21ABT162884 INI $2350.00 2009 Chevrolet 3DNCA1ZID AU 2]504 $2350.00 2002 HYUNDAI IhdB5C13DK2U243314 $2350.00 2003 KIA KNAG012693524984] $1399.00 IDEM Rule 5 Legal Notice r Pm most IN 4603 i 1 submitting b East 4 Cannel, e I dram is Department red b me Indiana Devatlmenl or Palls &Recreation en at Schmml Assoc Notice k hereby gNen that sealed bids will be received: By. Carmel Clay Schools Cann East Main Street Carmel, IN 48033 For. Carmel Clayin Street 2021 Renovations — Phase 2 Cant East Main Street Camel, IN 46033 AL Care East Main Street Carmel, IN 46033 Bid Bids Pollster!tepli Febmary9, anal Ritl OpenNg: at 5 will he t Main tr et, C and reatl alouM03 o As PM (InmTeams Call In East Main Street, Carmel, IN 46o33 or As MiorosoflT ors. Cell eNumber.c 10:65 317 Phone Csnferencelof% Project ro]9]Bq All wokfor the completedconstruction and octionof Ne Pns awarded. The heC one or mom adorecontractswgh Me Owner based m bids received and on combinations awaNetl. The Construction Manager will manage Me m of Be Project. Constru shall be in full accordance codanco Me RlDomionbwich are on file wN the Outer and may 1wexaminedbyprospective sat Nefdlowinylol: Office ofNe ation Menager The Skillman Plan Room Line Skillman Corporationa3S.Fireman Avenue, Building www.sMllmanplamoom.oxn Ie and Nog-, IN 48203 Prime and documents nPame tronbact Rimere mast plum n order hem is no costlanroom.mm N be able to dingdowdocu . Bidders; or request mprintedistlompayfor There is no cost for tlopping a d the bid- ding tlummic Se Borders desiring Panned documents shall pay for Me cast of pnnOng, shipping erM handling. ReDrostern Services are provided by: Eastern Engineering Scale Aoes act a Road, Fishers, IN 4fih30, Phone 317590-0661. WAGE SCALE: Wage Scale ewiratapply N Nisproject. A Virtual Pre -Bid Conference will be hdtl on January 28, anal at 2:00 PM, local time, via Microsoft Teams. Call InNumber: a13 -3960 Phonea Conference Do 324 324169 MM I AttendancebyProjects Isoptional, the Project. recommended, In order to canny or answer questlonsemcemirg Me Bid secs and Project Manualfarthe Project. Bid security in the amount often percent (10%) of me RM must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructors; sucetolBidder The successful heir Co will be required Moorish Performance and Payment Bonds for we hundred peroon(100%) of their Contractamount Me ptambexmf a" of rk assttra Contactors to Carmel bids rSchperformances airy Workasat the Cont this Wilding Project unto make such Bids to Camel Clay Schools.eenterCOdreGOre are advised That the Contract as finally entered into ban any succeanti Biddermaybeedmy Inthe wgheither intoNe$ohml Sell onaiteeBuilding cBmure- non mmter. podims of Mat Conlrect may he entered into by bat Me School Corpoatlon and Me Building Cormati TheOwner reserves right to accept reject any Bid her mdaof Bids) and waive any ireg- ulaaties in bidding. A] Bids mail be held for a peaotl not to emetl SOdays Were waMirgmnkacls. CARMEN PLAN COMMISSION Oackea No. Commission PP Notice Is hereby given mists, Calmer. Plan c Sq., Op meeting on FeNuary 16, d a at fi:00 PM In Ne City Hall use Primary Chambers, 2nr Fln,1 Civic Sq., Camwleeks pin 4fi032 Ala pro a Vor 21 Public Heating upon elan Primary Plat application For: The applicant seeks primary plat approval focal one an 22 a The property address is: The NW comer of 1161h Sbad and Spring Mill Read. The application is seemed as Docket No. PZ-202000223 PP The real estate needed by said application Is described as follows: Parcels 17-09-34-0000021.000 and Was The will or maybe examined on the Giry's el City ,through Public ended Mat p Laser Fiche. testing or nniffn meeting Ceased urls Carmel City dell. It is recommentletl Nat persocwishing esview Nis meetingn a online via Meeiona venco mod Carmel N.Alen comments, persons desiring to eddy Nair News an tie above application ere enmuagetl b submit written mmeennel. up b 4:00 p.m. Me day of Na eating, via e-Do Jm SM1estaketlrdnisbor Vice President Jackson's Grant RV. Pefgimername: Douglas B. Wagner—Senbr Vice Presmenl—Jackson's Grant Real Estate Company, NOTICE TO BIDDERS Clay Township of Hamilton County, lntliana Owner: Clay TN. College Avenue enue behalf of the City of Camel, Indiana India ap College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46200 Projecb CollegeAvenueMe&eTo Street Roundabout of Clay Township, onnship, In Project Noeive No0ce ishereby given NattIts chip TruMe soya CbyT nent miled Avenuds e, reasons, the above described "Project at Its offices In the Hensel Government Center, t21. N. College Avenue, IntllansEns Indiana 46280 until thesea.m. date such orbefore Febmary panal,armmmmmdnoas be as Ensemble le Room of MerHe the same dale such bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Publk Mis and Rotor retie Hared Government Center. Nolate bids will be accepted. All bitls and propoatio shelf,A Anion properly dearselt completely executed on a the proposal area provided ndN the plansand rre�catims,whichwell Include therwn-collusionlegeA a required by the Statemunions. Thetitlenvelopemust be. Zffui and have the wads"BID—Col/age AvenueB 1Nfh Street Roundabout Cons Ind bon (Project No. insoff in AMd born eor ach bid. one hinanamount nodes% Man tenpercent dpayofthe amount bMmost be submitted with each bid. A one bond percent (100%) performance and payment bond and a bn tactual (10%)three year maintenanmbondWit sure terequired of thesumble,a dmo Ibis intended thatactual anction of all cork co divisions shall be started human as Per as practicable, and each bidder d b be prepared It enter emptydelay in t Into a construction award rd Is made o Me b performance and payment hoes, and bagkr work vnNodMami b the event the award Ismadet to e C bidder. Upon completion, Na Project and all conbacls rdded Mamie Wit be is of, hot i assigned to the Gry. The Project consists of, but is andnecessarilya dy alege in,Avenue nu behaving: cons bection im improvement atundiSbeet and College Avenue willracistwithin replacing Methesbimits led with a, single lane Wit be installed New storm eminent be installed in within Me prated limns. 'New sidewalks and crosswalks will be insNlletl on all few quadrants of the intersection. The roundabout intersection will be landscaped. centred Documents for the Project have been assembled into we bound projectmenuel, which togelheruith drawings, maybe examined at the following locations — ON of Carmel of Endneemnq- I Flow (317) 571-2441 Copies of such dressings and protect manuals must be obtained from Reprogaphu (Reprogaphix.mm). merits and msls of Contrail Dtmments are mmremrrdable.me Documents and . sets of dressings This Project is being footled by Clay T ship of Hamilton County, lntliana for aM on behalf ofNe Cityof Carmel. All ouFof-slate entities must obtain a Cerlifcate ofAulM1oriry b tlo Wainess in Ne SNte of Induna by mnbat ld conference ofd 5tau,Slateoflntliana,d, to bidding and there Aareit b mnference for y discussions t the Played, the lme) g requirements and .All pmpotlam magem am be held on January inter internal c n 10:00 . T (local Nd cNa digital isattendance. not an All prospective Ndtlen are NviNtl it attend the pis pro mnNrere: The pre -bid mnference . not mandatory. The ivhW ZIckJ attend OD is provided here: hllpsl/slmdurepolnl.zoom.us/f/969612846064pwtl=TmN EYW1PaMTYs must use past OT09 Fortidssual must use Ina nssswoN to enter the meeting: Mason Forspeor accommodations opening neetin byeaseicappetlotify individualsplanningeattentl the prabitl mnference or public bid opening meeting, please cal or notify the City of Carmel Engineer's Office, at (317) 5]1-2a bidder at least forty-eight my hours poorthereto. with wing gbids may oposawnny o or proposal es the aperiod elsixty(60)days following the date set for 'vino bids n sixty (60) The Township reserves the right to hem any or all bids or proposals for a period of no a Nan sixty reserves ves the said bids or proposal shall remain in MI force and effect during said period. The Township re s the right to reject manchoris any be ialln best solicitationsagovernments] rn ents]fea y whole min part as a purchasing in the agency in tic when c is not in Me best interests of Me gavemrnenld body as embalmed by the further erchadn9 agency in to weve n with IC arms, c-2. TheT hrip mothers BidDcumcervas the anttowaly i arty of the terms, conditions orprovisionsMebicoover in Nis Ndim nBidtlers r the Rimed to W in or any informality, interest. or omission in Me bra process w in any RdAnionwaiver is deemed nt be in Na Townships best interest. Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana Doug Callahan, Tmstee Prescribed by State Board of Accounts _Stoeppelwerth &Assoc (Governmental Unit) _Hamilton County, Indiana General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009) To: Current Publishing 30 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Master (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines Head --number of lines _3_ Body -- number of lines _14_ Tail -- number of lines 2_ Total number of lines in notice 19 COMPUTATION OF CHARGES _19_1ines, 2_columns wide equals _38_ lines at .6556 Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 per cent of above amount). $_0.00 Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ _24.91_ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: _9p3 Size of type_7_point Number ofinsertions 1x Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, thatthe amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 time. The dates of publication being as follows: Tuesday, January 19's, 2021 Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: ......Newspaper does not have a Web site. ...x..Newspaperhas aWeb site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. ..... Newspaper has a Web 3site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on .... Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. Date ............. Tuesday, January 19N, 2021................... Titie...............Legal Advertising........................... PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ;v•. sra,r,cr ;�z�'Ai1 FOe, Notary public. Slag o1 Indiana'� ) 55:[11�SEALamilton Countyi commisclonNun9wer ?a;aos A7y Cammisly, E:quras Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Brian Kelly who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore -said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: 01/19/2021 Subscribed and sworn to before me this January 19'^, 2021. Notary Public Or My commission expires: 11 • fN2I Publisher's Fee; $24.91 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. PZ-2020-00223 PP Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meetingon February 16, 2021 (Date) at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 2' Flr., 1 Civic Sq., Carmel, (Time) Indiana 46032 will hold a Virtual Public Hearing upon a/an Primary Plat application (Application Type) For:_ (Explain your request) The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 21 lots on 22 acres. The property address is: The NW corner of 116�` Street and Spring Mill Road The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2020-00223 PP The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Insert Legal Description -or- Tax ID parted Parcels 17-09-34-00-00-021.000 and 17-09-34-00-00-019.000 The petition may be examined on the CiTy's website, through Public Documents -Laser Fiche. This will be a virtual meeting based at Carmel City Hall. It is recommended that persons wishing to view this meeting do so online via the CiTy's website or on Carmel TV. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application are encouraged to submit written comments, up to 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting, via email to Joe Shestak administrative assistant: ishestak@carmel.in.gov. Petitioner name: Douglas B. WaQner -Senior Vice President JG Development, LLC, Manaeer (Note: When mailing out public nofices to adjacent property owners, you must include a location map of the site, too.) — — ° All .` A.z o , Ael' p W m s 40aEq am 3:3 €s 'III ; S - p m ® d E_ 5sIM;912! vion Nimo ch No VON o W G3 - Mal z M N �p O letCNI mmmmmm Y Z z,� v»au.voiv" V +•; y a Zap _� dNO i O Q N s aii.si; ➢ lz S 1'TV 33gg dad; oaoao-l§act§v©cmoo., pe, ,e 'ease fle.4 'x 9i_AMA BM '�`w� ssa 5955� lag oll Fa €lt=EEa3`'EiE'£03sg 8 ' sl€'•s° I; ;@: NIP e,¢,oft-jm"ebputpp ,�E 1l4iiiliiili!!i iE < i snj Efl Eat,gara,=All � �e 'NA0& IS any3e'--iyy_a a5sVI al all, 1 twill, NIWA �a�..$�=yzwfi 35 IV Mk to gi MIT YP it AIV RUN 9 @!, ?3q'SIMefdai €f icy f _-J ® F':i s mseas€� �5 I i s =a :3a w HAMILTON COUNTY REAL PROPERTY DEPARTMENT • notification fiat NOTE: DUE TO THE VOLUME AND TURNAROUND, ORDERS TAKES-SBUSINHSS DAYS FOR PROCESSING.THE GIS TEAM WILL APPROPRIATELY NOTIFY THE CONTACT WHEN THEIR ORDER IS READY TO BE RETRIEVED. DATE TAKEN: ol Iq aDoZ TIME TAKEN: IIJ'�Il NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER:: JG Village, LLG NAME OF PETITIONER: laCRSon'S Grant Real Estate Company, LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION or PARCEL NUMBER OF PROPERTY: r7-oq-;4-o0-oo-orq.000 and r7-oq-34-o0-oo-ozr.000 ZONING AUTHORITY APPLYING TO ❑ ARCADIA ❑ FISHERS PLAN COMMISSION ❑ ATLANTA ❑ HAMILTON COUNTY PLANNING ❑ CARMEL BZA ❑ NOBLESVILLE HOME OCCUPATION ❑� CARMEL PLANNING ❑ NOBLESVILLE PUBLIC HEARING ❑ CICERO ❑ SHERIDAN ❑ FISHERS & FALL BZA ❑ WESTFIELD PERSONTO CONTACT: BQtSy UYCdlali 7 PHONE: /�3q) 849�5935 EMAIL: mbredlau@Stoeppelwerth.COnl EMPLOYEE INITIALS: FOR STAFF USE ONLY PAYMENT RECEIVED: RECEIPT NUMBER: 33 N. NINTH ST. [a%\^o� VOICE: 3:7-776-g6z4 NOBLESVILLE, IN 4606o j i 1 PLATS@HAMILTONCOUNTY.IN.GOV H"ILTON COUNTYAUDITOR I, ROBIN M. MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS MARKED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FEET FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE, ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN M. MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTYAUDITOR DATED: (k�/•ata4z SUBJECT PROPERTY: 17-09-34-00-00-019.000 Subject JG Village LLC 3150 Republic Blvd N Ste 3 Toledo OH 43615 17-0934-00-00-021.000 Subject JG Village LLC 3150 Republic Blvd N Ste 3 Toledo OH 43615 Pursuant to fire provisions of Indiana Cade 5-1433-(e), no person other Than those authorized by the County may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the County to any other person, partnership, or mryoxlion. In adtlition any person who receives information from the County shall not be permitted to us any mailing list, goods,se r is databases forth, puryose of selling, advertising, or soliciting the purchase of merchandise, ise, goods, services, or to sell, loan, give away, or olhenvise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. HAMILTON COUNTYNOTIFICATIONLIST PLEASE NOTIFYTHE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17-09 34-00-00-020.000 Neighbor Cunningham, Emma Lou, Georgia J Morris & Brenda D Phillips 510 W 116th St Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-00-022.000 Neighbor Noland, James E Jr & Carolyn K 770116th St W Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-12-007.000 Neighbor Mowatt, Joel E & Joyce C h&w 12032 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-12408.000 Neighbor Baldwin, Bruce & Debra h&w 12026 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 17-09344042-009.000 Neighbor Casalini, Elizabeth Frenzel 12014 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-Oo-12-010.000 Neighbor Boyle, Michael & Nicole Lee h&w 533 Terhune Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-12-011,000 Neighbor Chalmers, Michael & Theresa h&w 529 Terhune Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-0944-00-12-012.000 Neighbor Sasso, Dennis C & Sandy E h&w PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 1 of 6 525 Terhune Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-12-013.000 Neighbor Benjamin, Jay D 521 Terhune Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-0944-0042-014.000 Neighbor Herndon, Jane Neuhauser 1 American Sq #2900 Indianapolis IN 46282 17-09-34-00-12-015,000 Neighbor DeVoe, Angela A 513 Terhune Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-0934-00-12-01MOO Neighbor The Old Town Design Group LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd #200 Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-12-018,000 Neighbor The Old Town Design Group LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd #200 Carmel IN 46032 17-0944-0042-019,000 Neighbor The Old Town Design Group LLC 1132 S Rangeline Rd #200 Carmel IN 46032 174944-00-12-020,000 Neighbor Navarra, August John & Suzanne Elizabeth h&w 12004 Otto Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-00-12-041,000 Neighbor Jacksons Grant Homeowners Association Inc 941 E 861h St Ste 225 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTYA UDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAXAIAPPING Page 2 of 6 Indianapolis IN 46240 17-09-34-0042-042,000 Neighbor Jacksons Grant Homeowners Association Inc 941 E 66th St Ste 225 Indianapolis IN 46240 1749-34-00-16410,000 Neighbor HDC LLC 4631 Lisborn Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-0944-00-16-011,000 Neighbor HDC LLC 4631 Lisborn Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-0934-0046-012.000 Neighbor HDC LLC 4631 Lisborn Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-09-34-00-16-013,000 Neighbor HDC LLC 4631 Usbom Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-09-34-00-16-025.000 Neighbor HDC LLC 4631 Lisborn Dr Carmel IN 46033 IIM9-34-00-16-026.000 Neighbor HDC LLC 4631 Lisborn Dr Carmel IN 46033 17-09-34-04-01-002.000 Neighbor Kutanovski, Christopher D & Katherine h&w 11226 Ruckle St PREPARED BY THE HAMILTONCOUNTYAUDIMRS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 3 of 6 Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-04-01-003,000 Neighbor Shepard, Joseph S & Jean M h&w 69 Monon Blvd Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-04-01-004.000 Neighbor Kinder, Dennis Ray 11615 WILLIAMS CREEK DR Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-04-01-005,000 Neighbor Kinder, Dennis Ray 11615 WILLIAMS CREEK DR Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-04-01-006.000 Neighbor Stevens, Duane M & Suzanne Durham 11611 WILLIAMS CREEK DR Carmel IN 46032 17-09-34-04-01-007.000 Neighbor Wolkoff, Stephen D & Caroline Adele Wolkoff Trustees Stephen D & Caroline Adele Wolkoff Lvg Trust 11607 Williams Creek Dr Carmel IN 46032 17-09-35-00-00-042.000 Neighbor Clarian Health Partners Inc 950 N Meridian St Ste 1200 Indianapolis IN 462041011 77-13-02-00-00-001.003 Neighbor Cpus the Bridges LP PO Box 638 Addison TX 75001 17-7 3-02-00-00-001.004 Neighbor Page 4 of 6 17-134240-00-001.005 Neighbor Cpus the Bridges LP PO Box 638 Addison TX 75001 174342-00-00401.006 Neighbor CPUS The Bridges LP PO Box 638 Addison TX 75001 174342-00-00-001,007 Neighbor CPUS The Bridges LP PO Box 638 Addison TX 75001 1743-03-00-07-001,000 Neighbor Kerr, Phillip Wayne & Kimberly Anne h&w 11540 Chateaux Dr Carmel IN 46032 174343-0047404,000 Neighbor Millman, Clark M & Sally B h&w 11495 Chateaux Dr Carmel IN 46032 174343-00-07407,000 Neighbor Chateaux De Moulin HOA 11540 Chateaux Dr Carmel IN 46032 174343-00-07-008,000 Neighbor Chateaux De Moulin HOA 11540 Chateaux Dr Carmel IN 46032 17-13-03-00-07-009.000 Neighbor Chateaux De Moulin HOA 11540 Chateaux Dr Carmel IN 46032 PREPARED BY THEHAMILTONCOUNTYAUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 5 of 6 17-13-03-00-08A01.000 Temple Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 50 E North Temple St, 22nd Floor Salt Lake City UT 17-13-03A0-08A02.000 Neighbor 84150 3520 Neighbor Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 50 E North Temple St Rm 2225 Salt Lake City UT 17-13A3-00-OS-004.000 84150 0022 Neighbor Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 50 E Narh Temple St Rm 2225 Salt Lake City UT 84150 0022 PREPARED BYTNE HAMlLTONCOUNTYAUDITORSOFFKE, D!V!SlON OFTAX MAPPING Page 6 of 6 Adjoiner Notification Map 076 0 073 075 044 '• • 045 I♦ ♦I 046 �♦'♦ 047 ,a52 048 043 0C 008 009 ■ 002 � 001 ■ ■ ■ 022 01 4007 ■ 00 _. ■ 001 002 004 003 075 023 021 022 RIEMMIJ 042 ?Y�I 016 017 018 � 019 020 001 002 22 030 ■ 002 3 004 019 001.003 001.00�� 1, �O0" 5 Of 07 001,008 ♦♦ Bi�006 001.009 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