HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAM2 Technologies, LLC dba Redwave Technology/$50,140/ThreatID GLS ModulesCzKpoPcfsmboefsbu2; 19qn-Kbo24-3132 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/aRedwaveTechnology FireDepartment - 2021 Appropriation # 10244-670.04; P.O. #104880 Contract NotToExceed $50,140.00 6. DISCLOSURE ANDWARNINGS: Ifrequested byCity, Vendor shall promptly furnish toCity, insuchformanddetailasCitymaydirect, alistof allchemicals, materials, substances and items used inorduringtheprovision oftheGoodsandServices provided hereunder, including thequantity, quality andconcentration thereof andanyotherinformation relating thereto. AtthetimeofthedeliveryoftheGoodsandServices provided hereunder, Vendor agrees to furnish toCitysufficient written warning andnotice (including appropriate labels oncontainers and packing) ofanyhazardous material utilized inorthatisapartoftheGoodsandServices. 7. LIENS: Vendor shall notcauseorpermitthefilingofanylienonanyofCity’sproperty. Intheeventanysuchlienis filedandVendorfailstoremovesuchlienwithinten (10) days after the filing thereof, bypayment orbonding, City shall have therighttopaysuchlienorobtainsuchbond, allatVendor’ssolecostandexpense. 8. DEFAULT: IntheeventVendor: (a) repudiates, breaches ordefaults under anyofthetermsorconditions ofthis Agreement, including Vendor’swarranties; (b) fails toprovide theGoodsandServices asspecified herein; c) fails tomakeprogress soastoendanger timely andproperprovisionoftheGoodsandServicesanddoes notcorrectsuchfailureorbreachwithinfive (5) business days (orsuchshorterperiodoftimeasis commercially reasonable under thecircumstances) after receipt ofnoticefromCityspecifying such failure or breach; or (d) becomes insolvent, isplaced into receivership, makesageneral assignment forthebenefitof creditors ordissolves, each such event constituting aneventofdefaulthereunder, Cityshallhavetherightto 1) terminate alloranypartsofthisAgreement, without liability toVendor; and (2) exercise allotherrights and remedies available toCityatlawand/orinequity. 9. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION: Vendor shall procure andmaintaininfullforceandeffectduringthetermofthisAgreement, withaninsurer licensed todobusiness intheStateofIndiana, such insurance asisnecessary fortheprotection ofCityand Vendor fromallclaimsfordamagesunderanyworkers’ compensation, occupational disease and/or unemployment compensation act; forbodily injuries including, butnot limited to, personal injury, sickness, disease or death ofortoanyofVendor’sagents, officers, employees, contractors andsubcontractors; and, foranyinjurytoordestruction ofproperty, including, butnotlimitedto, any loss ofuseresulting therefrom. The coverage amounts shall benolessthanthoseamountssetforthinattached Exhibit C. Vendor shall cause itsinsurers tonameCityasanadditional insured onallsuchinsurance policies, shall promptly provide City, upon request, with copies ofallsuchpolicies, andshallprovidethatsuchinsurance policies shall notbe canceled without thirty (30) days prior notice toCity. Vendor shall indemnify andholdharmless Cityfromand against anyandallliabilities, claims, demands orexpenses (including, butnotlimitedto, reasonable attorney fees) forinjury, death and/ordamages toanypersonorproperty arising fromorinconnection withVendor’s provision ofGoodsandServices pursuant toorunderthisAgreement orVendor’suseofCityproperty. Vendor further agrees toindemnify, defendandholdharmless Cityanditsofficers, officials, agents and employees fromallclaimsandsuitsofwhatever type, including, but not limited to, allcourtcosts, attorney fees, and other expenses, caused byanyactoromission ofVendor and/orofanyofVendor’sagents, officers, employees, contractors orsubcontractors intheperformance ofthisAgreement. These indemnification obligations shall survive thetermination ofthisAgreement. S:\Contracts\\\Prof.Svcs & Goods Svcs\\Fire Dept\2021\\\RedWave Technology Goods and Services.doc:1/13/2021 9:01 AM\] 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/aRedwaveTechnology FireDepartment - 2021 Appropriation # 10244-670.04; P.O. #104880 Contract NotToExceed $50,140.00 10. GOVERNMENT COMPLIANCE: Vendor agrees tocomplywithallfederal, state and local laws, executive orders, rules, regulations andcodes which may beapplicable toVendor’sperformance ofitsobligations under thisAgreement, andallrelevant provisions thereof areincorporated herein bythisreference. Vendor agrees toindemnify andholdharmless Cityfromanyloss, damage and/orliabilityresulting fromanysuchviolationofsuchlaws, orders, rules, regulations andcodes. This indemnification obligation shall survive thetermination ofthisAgreement. 11. NONDISCRIMINATION: Vendor represents andwarrantsthatitandallofitsofficers, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors shall comply withalllawsoftheUnited States, theStateofIndiana andCityprohibiting discrimination against anyemployee, applicant foremployment orotherperson intheprovision ofanyGoods andServicesprovidedbythisAgreement with respect totheirhire, tenure, terms, conditions andprivileges of employment and anyothermatter related totheiremployment orsubcontracting, because ofrace, religion, color, sex, handicap, national origin, ancestry, age, disabled veteran status and/orVietnam eraveteran status. 12. E-VERIFY: Pursuant toI.C. § 22-5-1.7etseq., asthesamemaybeamended from time totime, andasisincorporated herein bythisreference (the “Indiana E-Verify Law”), Vendor isrequired toenrollinandverifythework eligibility status ofitsnewly-hired employees using theE-Verify program, and toexecute theAffidavit attached herein asExhibitD, affirming that itisenrolled andparticipating intheE-verify program anddoes notknowingly employ unauthorized aliens. Insupport oftheAffidavit, Vendor shall provide theCitywith documentation indicating that ithasenrolled andisparticipating intheE-Verify program. Should Vendor subcontract fortheperformance ofanyworkunderandpursuant tothisAgreement, itshallfully comply with theIndianaE-Verify Lawasregardseachsuchsubcontractor. Should theVendororany subcontractor violate theIndianaE-Verify law, theCitymayrequireacureofsuchviolationandthereafter, if notimelycureisperformed, terminate thisAgreement inaccordance witheither theprovisions hereof or those set forth intheIndianaE-Verify Law. The requirements ofthisparagraph shall notapplyshouldtheE- Verify program cease toexist. 13. NOIMPLIEDWAIVER: The failure ofeither party torequire performance bytheotherofanyprovision ofthisAgreement shall not affect therightofsuchpartytorequiresuchperformance atanytimethereafter, norshallthewaiverbyany party ofabreach ofanyprovision ofthisAgreement constitute awaiver ofanysucceeding breach of the same oranyotherprovision hereof. 14. NON-ASSIGNMENT: Vendor shall notassignorpledgethisAgreement, whether ascollateral foraloanorotherwise, andshallnot delegate itsobligations under thisAgreement without City’spriorwrittenconsent. 15. RELATIONSHIP OFPARTIES: The relationship ofthepartiesheretoshallbeasprovided forinthisAgreement, andneitherVendornorany ofitsofficers, employees, contractors, subcontractors andagentsareemployees ofCity. Thecontractprice set forth herein shall bethefullandmaximum compensation andmoniesrequiredofCitytobepaidto Vendor under orpursuant tothisAgreement S:\Contracts\\\Prof.Svcs & Goods Svcs\\Fire Dept\2021\\\RedWave Technology Goods and Services.doc:1/13/2021 9:01 AM\] 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/aRedwaveTechnology FireDepartment - 2021 Appropriation # 10244-670.04; P.O. #104880 Contract NotToExceed $50,140.00 16. GOVERNING LAW; LAWSUITS: This Agreement istobeconstrued inaccordance withandgovernedbythelawsoftheStateofIndiana, except foritsconflictoflawsprovisions. Thepartiesagreethat, intheeventalawsuit isfiledhereunder, they waive their right toajurytrial, agree tofileanysuchlawsuitinanappropriate court inHamilton County, Indiana only, andagreethatsuchcourtistheappropriate venue forandhasjurisdiction over same. 17. SEVERABILITY: IfanytermofthisAgreement isinvalidorunenforceable under anystatute, regulation, ordinance, executive order orotherruleoflaw, such termshallbedeemedreformedordeleted, butonlytotheextentnecessary to comply with same, and theremaining provisions ofthisAgreement shall remain infullforceandeffect. 18. NOTICE: AnynoticeprovidedforinthisAgreement willbesufficient ifitisinwritingandisdelivered bypostage prepaid U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, tothepartytobenotifiedattheaddress specified herein: IftoCity: CityofCarmel AND CityofCarmel TwoCivicSquare Department ofLaw Carmel, Indiana 46032 OneCivicSquare Carmel, Indiana 46032 IftoVendor: CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/aRedwave Technology 41EagleRoad UnitE Danbury, Connecticut 06810 Notwithstanding theabove, notice oftermination under paragraph 19 hereinbelow shall beeffective ifgiven orally, aslongaswrittennoticeisthenprovided assetforthhereinabove within five (5) business days from thedateofsuchoralnotice. 19. TERMINATION: 19.1 Notwithstanding anything tothecontrarycontained inthisAgreement, Citymay, upon notice to Vendor, immediately terminate thisAgreement forcause, intheeventofadefault hereunder by Vendor and/orifsufficient funds arenotappropriated orencumbered topayfortheGoodsand Services tobeprovided hereunder. Intheeventofsuchtermination, Vendor shall beentitledto receive only payment fortheundisputed invoice amount representing conforming Goods and Services delivered asofthedateoftermination, except that such payment amount shall not exceed theEstimateamountineffectatthetimeoftermination, unlessthepartieshavepreviously agreed in writing toagreater amount. 19.2 Citymayterminate thisAgreement atanytimeuponthirty (30) days prior notice toVendor. Inthe event ofsuchtermination, Vendor shall beentitledtoreceiveonlypayment fortheundisputed invoice amount ofconforming Goods and Services delivered asofthedateoftermination, except that such payment amount shall notexceedtheEstimateamountineffectatthetimeoftermination, unless thepartieshavepreviously agreed inwritingtoagreater amount. 19.3 TheCitymayterminate this Agreement pursuant toParagraph 11hereof, asappropriate. S:\Contracts\\\Prof.Svcs & Goods Svcs\\Fire Dept\2021\\\RedWave Technology Goods and Services.doc:1/13/2021 9:01 AM\] 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/aRedwaveTechnology FireDepartment - 2021 Appropriation # 10244-670.04; P.O. #104880 Contract NotToExceed $50,140.00 20. REPRESENTATIONS ANDWARRANTIES Thepartiesrepresent andwarrant that they areauthorized toenterintothisAgreement and that thepersons executing thisAgreement have theauthority tobindthepartywhichtheyrepresent. 21. ADDITIONAL GOODS AND SERVICES Vendor understands andagreesthatCitymay, from timetotime, request Vendor toprovideadditional goods andservicestoCity. When Citydesiresadditional goods andservicesfromVendor, theCityshallnotify Vendor ofsuchadditional goods andservicesdesired, aswellasthetimeframeinwhichsamearetobe provided. Only after Cityhasapproved Vendor’stimeandcostestimate fortheprovisionofsuchadditional goods and services, hasencumbered sufficient monies topayforsame, andhasauthorized Vendor, in writing, toprovide such additional goods andservices, shall such goods andservicesbeprovided byVendor toCity. AcopyoftheCity’sauthorization documents forthepurchase ofadditional goods andservicesshall benumbered andattachedheretointheorderinwhichtheyareapproved byCity. 22. TERM Unless otherwise terminated inaccordance withthetermination provisions set forth inParagraph 19 hereinabove, this Agreement shall beineffectfromtheEffectiveDatethroughDecember 31, 2021 andshall, onthefirstdayofeachJanuary thereafter, automatically renew foraperiodofone (1) calendar year, unless otherwise agreed bythepartieshereto. 23. HEADINGS AllheadingandsectionsofthisAgreement areinsertedforconvenience onlyanddonotformapartofthis Agreement norlimit, expand orotherwise alter themeaningofanyprovisionhereof. 24. BINDING EFFECT The parties, and their respective officers, officials, agents, partners, successors, assignsandlegal representatives, areboundtotheotherwithrespecttoallofthecovenants, terms, warranties andobligations set forth inAgreement. 25. NOTHIRDPARTYBENEFICIARIES This Agreement gives norightsorbenefitstoanyoneotherthanCityandVendor. 26. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION 26.1 TheVendor certifies byentering into thisAgreement that neither itnoritsprincipals noranyofits subcontractors arepresently debarred, suspended, proposed fordebarment, declared ineligible orvoluntarily excluded fromenteringintothisAgreement byanyfederalagencyorbyanydepartment, agencyorpolitical subdivision oftheStateofIndiana. The term “principal” forpurposes ofthisAgreement means anofficer, director, owner, partner, keyemployee orotherpersonwithprimarymanagement orsupervisory responsibilities, orapersonwhohasacriticalinfluence onorsubstantive control over theoperations ofthe Vendor. 26.2 TheVendorcertifiesthatithasverified thestateandfederalsuspension anddebarment status forall subcontractors receiving funds under thisAgreement andshallbesolelyresponsible foranyrecoupment, penalties orcoststhatmightarisefromuseofasuspended ordebarred subcontractor. TheVendor shall immediately notify theCityifanysubcontractor becomes debarred orsuspended, andshall, attheCity’s request, take allstepsrequired bytheCitytoterminate itscontractual relationship with thesubcontractor for work tobeperformed under thisAgreement. S:\Contracts\\\Prof.Svcs & Goods Svcs\\Fire Dept\2021\\\RedWave Technology Goods and Services.doc:1/13/2021 9:01 AM\] 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/aRedwaveTechnology FireDepartment - 2021 Appropriation # 10244-670.04; P.O. #104880 Contract NotToExceed $50,140.00 27. IRAN CERTIFICATION Pursuant toI.C. § 5-22-16.5, theVendor shall certify that, insigning thisAgreement, itdoesnotengagein investment activities within theCountryofIran. 28. ADVICE OFCOUNSEL: Thepartieswarrant that they have read thisAgreement andunderstand it, have had theopportunity toobtain legal advice andassistance ofcounsel throughout thenegotiation ofthisAgreement, andenterintosame freely, voluntarily, andwithout anyduress, undue influence orcoercion. 29. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, together withanyexhibitsattachedheretoorreferenced herein, constitutes theentire agreement between Vendor andCitywithrespecttothesubjectmatterhereof, andsupersedes allpriororal orwritten representations andagreements regarding same. Notwithstanding anyothertermorconditionset forth herein, butsubjecttoparagraph 16hereof, totheextentanytermorcondition contained inanyexhibit attached tothisAgreement orinanydocument referenced herein conflicts withanytermorcondition contained inthisAgreement, thetermorcondition contained in thisAgreement shall govern andprevail. This Agreement may onlybemodifiedbywritten amendment executed bybothpartieshereto, ortheir successors ininterest. INWITNESS WHEREOF, thepartiesheretohavemadeandexecuted thisAgreement asfollows: CITY OFCARMEL, INDIANA CAM2 Technologies, LLCd/b/a/ Redwave Technology byandthrough itsBoardofPublic Works andSafety By: By: James Brainard, Presiding Officer Authorized Signature Date: Printed Name Mary AnnBurke, Member Date: Title LoriS. Watson, Member FID/TIN: Date: Last Four ofSSNifSoleProprietor: ATTEST: Date: SueWolfgang, Clerk Date: S:\Contracts\\\Prof.Svcs & Goods Svcs\\Fire Dept\2021\\\RedWave Technology Goods and Services.doc:1/13/2021 9:01 AM\] 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 1/21/2021 1/21/2021 1/21/2021 1/21/2021 FYIJCJU B)2pg2* DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 EXHIBIT B Invoice Date: Name of Company: Address & Zip: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Project Name: Invoice No. Purchase Order No: Goods Services Person Providing Goods/ Services Date Goods/ Service Provided Goods/Services Provided Describe each good/ service separately and in detail) Cost Per Item Hourly Rate/ Hours Worked Total GRAND TOTAL Signature Printed Name DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE COVERAGES Worker’ s Compensation & Disability Statutory Limits Employer’sLiability: Bodily Injury by Accident/Disease: $ 100,000 each employee Bodily Injury by Accident/ Disease: $ 250,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Accident/Disease: $ 500,000 policy limit Property damage, contractual liability, products- completed operations: General Aggregate Limit ( other than Products/Completed Operations): $ 500,000 Products/ Completed Operations: $ 500,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Policy Limit: $ 500,000 Each Occurrence Limit: $ 250,000 Fire Damage (any one fire): $ 250,000 Medical Expense Limit ( any one person): $ 50,000 Comprehensive Auto Liability (owned, hired and non-owned) Bodily Single Limit: $ 500,000 each accident Injury and property damage: $ 500,000 each accident Policy Limit: $ 500,000 Umbrella Excess Liability Each occurrence and aggregate: $ 500,000 Maximum deductible: $ 10,000 DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 EXHIBIT D AFFIDAVIT being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is familiar with and has personal knowledge of the facts herein and, if called as a witness in this matter, could testify as follows: 1. I am over eighteen ( 18) years of age and am competent to testify to the facts contained herein. 2. I am now and at all times relevant herein have been employed by the “ Employer”) in the position of ______________________________________. 3. I am familiar with the employment policies, practices, and procedures of the Employer and have the authority to act on behalf of the Employer. 4. The Employer is enrolled and participates in the federal E-Verify program and has provided documentation of such enrollment and participation to the City of Carmel, Indiana. 5. The Company does not knowingly employ any unauthorized aliens. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. EXECUTED on the _________ day of __________________________20_, __. Printed:_____________________________ I certify under the penalties for perjury under the laws of the United States of America and the State of Indiana that the foregoing factual statements and representations are true and correct. Printed: _____________________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461 City® I f Carme INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 0 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT ONE CIVIC SQUARE 35- 6000972 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032- 2584 ORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL - 1997 Page 1 of 1 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 104880 THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, A/P VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION 1/ 8/ 2021 375396 ThreatlD System REDWAVE TECHNOLOGY VENDOR 41 EAGLE ROAD UNIT E DANBURY, CT 06810 - PURCHASE ID BLANKET CONTRACT 53022 QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE Department: 1120 Fund: 102 Account: 44- 670. 04 PAYMENT TERMS DESCRIPTION Ambulance Capital Fund 1 Each Shipping 1 Each 200- 00- 0020 ThreatlD GLS 1 Each 200- 00- 2001 ThreatlD Solids/ Liquid Module Send Invoice To: Fire Department Fire Department SHIP 2 Civic Square TO Carmel, IN 46032- FREIGHT UNIT PRICE 150. 00 34, 990. 00 15, 000. 00 Sub Total EXTENSION 150. 00 34, 990. 00 15, 000. 00 50, 140. 00 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032- PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT PAYMENT $ 50, 140. 00 SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS * A/ P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P. O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN SHIP PREPAID. AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN C. O. D. SHIPMENT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. THIS APPROPRIATION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL SHIPPING LABEL THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945--¢' AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. ORDERED BY Denise Snyder James Crider TITLE Accreditation/ Budget Administrator Director of Administration CONTROL NO. 104880 CONTROLLER DocuSign Envelope ID: B120BA19-1A54-4F7F-902A-346C5B1A4461