HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceJDF DEVELOPMENT, LLC15' D.S. & U.E.60' F.S.L.30' GREENBELT & M IN. FRONT SETBACK PER US 421 OVERLAY5' N.A.E.S.& P.H.E.L2 L1L3L5L4 L6 SIGN EASEMENT L1 S 16°15'44" E 38.46' L2 S 73°44'45" W 16.53' L3 S 16°15'15" E 15.00' L4 S 73°44'45" W 20.00' L5 N 16°15'15" W 15.00' L6 N 73°44'45" E 20.00' 1.300 Ac. +/- 56,628 sq.ft. LOT 1 INSTR#2017003738 5' N.A.E.S.& P.H.E.PROPOSED MULTI-TENANT BUILDING 1-STORY, 11,000 GSF DO NOT ENTER DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE/////////////////////////////////////// / ///////////// ////////////////// /////////////////////////////////DO NOTENTERDO NO T E N T E R DO NOTENTERSTOPSTOP60' BSL 60' F.S.L. 15' BSL 30' BSL & GREENBELTPROPO S E D BUILDI N G 1-STOR Y , 2 , 0 0 0 G S FDUMPSTERENCLOSURE MICHIGAN ROAD (US 421)BENNE T T P A R K W A Y (VAR. R / W )REDD ROAD (60 ' R /W )REDD ROAD(50' R/W)BOONE COUNTYHAMILTON COUNTYE E E UD U D UD UDUDUDUD///////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// / ////////////////////// //DRIVETHRUONLYDRIVETHRUONLYCTSTOPSTOP14020 Mississinewa Drive Carmel, Indiana 46033 P: 317.324.8695 F: 317.324.8717 www.Fritz-Eng.com ashton@Fritz-Eng.com Fritz Engineering Services, LLC THE AVENUE AT BENNETT FARM ONSITE VEHICLE MANEUVERING EXHIBIT 00 30'60' SCALE: 1" = 30' N F:\2020\2009005 - JDF Development Carmel\02 Civil\Plans\L101.dwg, VEHICLE MANEUVERING EXHIBIT, 2/15/2021 3:40:37 PM, Ashton Fritz, DWG To PDF.pc3, ANSI full bleed D (34.00 x 22.00 Inches), 1:1 11.16.216 Carmel Plan Commission RE: The Avenue JDF Development The following letter is to accompany the building design plans and serve to explain the design intent of the buildings as it relates to the Michigan Road Overlay Ordinance. We appreciate the time and guidance we have received from the planning staff as we have developed this project. In reviewing the ordinance, beginning with 23C.09.A, we felt that we would focus the two buildings to and Italianate style creating a look that will please the tenants and the City. The ordinance notes that new buildings are not required to be imitative but must incorporate the salient feature of the style. The surrounding properties have also influenced the design to help create a complimentary look along the street. The building directly to the south was designed by us under this same pretense, and these buildings are to mimic that existing building. That building to the south used muted red tones for the brick and accented that with a buff brick. The stone selected compliments these brick choices and is also seen to be salient to the Italianate style. In discussions with the staff, we have moved these buildings to a warm gray tone brick and stone to create some variety in the area. The generally geometric cornice extends boldly past the edge of the building and incorporates corbels to get the rhythm across the cornice that a building of this style would exhibit. These features with the added precast stone give the classic base, middle and cap proportions to the building. Please note that the architecture is a compliment to the neighboring building to the south. The smaller building is slightly different. In an effort for it to “stand alone” architecturally, we have a taller more traditional storefront with cementitious trim above on the front elevation. This is not a direct form of the Italianate architecture, but would be in keeping with the modern use of these concepts in retrofit projects that would be seen in historic neighborhoods. The windows for both buildings are storefront, matching the adjacent properties. However, in an effort to add more architectural salient details and comply with the 1-1/2 story requirement (23C.09.C) we have accented the parapet with brick details along the back and the sides. The storefront and doors will all have black fabric awnings which are a practical element for the use. Finally, we have articulations on all sides of the building. The elevations facing the street as well as the apartment development each have an 4’-0” offset. This was discussed with staff to be acceptable to allow for more greenspace. All four elevations have 4’-0” wide x 1’-0” pilasters giving the building additional depth across the elevations. The following images are for your reference. They are examples of surrounding architecture and details from Italianate architecture. SURROUNDING BUILDINGS Brick and stone base. Building behind site Dark red brick – earth tones Commerce Drive, view from residential areas, downspouts, horizontally split tones. Prototype Olive Garden, stone. Canvas shed roof awnings Neighboring Building ITALIANTE STYLE ARCHITECTURE Cornice with corbels, arched shutters Stone, arched windows Again, we thank you for your help and the opportunity to present this building to you. Sincerely, Michael Long, Project Manager CURRAN ARCHITECTURE Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP 600 East 96th Street, Suite 600 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 +1 317 569 9600 main +1 317 569 4800 fax Mark R. Leach Land Use Planner mark.leach@faegredrinker.com +1 317 569 4851 direct November 25, 2020 Dear Director Hollibaugh and City Councilors: On behalf of JDF Michigan Road 2 LLC (JDF Development) we would like to formally submit a written request for our petitions filed on November 18th, at 0 N. Michigan Road (Bennett Pkwy & Michigan Rd), to be heard as a combined hearing at the Plan Commission. JDF Development is excited about developing The Avenue at Bennett Farm commercial project and believes great possibilities exist for the real estate. However, because of the unusual site constraints, several variances and waivers are needed for anyone to develop the site layout in a “functional” way to be able to attract high-quality tenants and have a full, vibrant center. Therefore, we have submitted petitions which include Development Plan and ADLS Approval, Development Standards Variances, and Waivers of Development Standards. The combined hearing would include the following petition numbers: • Development Plan Approval: PZ-2020-00198 • ADLS Approval: PZ-2020-00199 • Development Standards Variances: o PZ-2020-00200: Requesting a 38’ and a 41’ minimum front yard setback from Redd Road. o PZ-2020-00201: Requesting gray brick for the façade walls. o PZ-2020-00202: Requesting that the dumpster enclosures be located between the buildings and Redd Road. o PZ-2020-00203: Requesting that drive-thru lines be located along the south side of each building. o PZ-2020-00204: Requesting a narrower bufferyard along Redd Road, with plantings according to the submitted landscape plan. o PZ-2020-00205: Requesting foundation plantings according to the submitted landscape plan. • Waivers of Development Standards: o PZ-2020-00206: Requesting a 22’6” and a 22’ maximum building height. o PZ-2020-00207: Requesting a minimum 20’ Greenbelt width. o PZ-2020-00208: Requesting a minimum of 80 required parking spaces. The Aerial Location Maps and marked versions of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan, and Building Elevations, which show visual representation of the requested variances and waivers, are attached on subsequent pages. Please let us know if you have any questions as you review this request for a combined Plan Commission hearing. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Mark R. Leach AERIAL LOCATION MAP CARMELZIONSVILLE BENNETT PKWYBENNETT PKWY US-421 / M ICH IGAN RDUS-421 / M ICH IGAN RD WESTON POI N T E D R WESTON POI N T E D R REDD RDREDD RD REAL ESTATE NOTTINGH A M W A Y NOTTINGH A M W A Y AERIAL LOCATION MAP CARMELZIONSVILLE BENNETT PKWYBENNETT PKWY US-421 / M ICH IGAN RDUS-421 / M ICH IGAN RD WESTON POI N T E D R WESTON POI N T E D R REDD RDREDD RDNOTTINGH A M W A Y NOTTINGH A M W A Y JDF DEVELOPMENT, LLC60' F.S.L.30' GREENBELT & M IN . FRONT SETBACK PER US 421 OVERLAY 1.300 Ac. +/-56,628 sq.ft. LOT 1 INSTR#2017003738 ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// ///////////// /////////////////////// /////////////// ///////// //// PROPOSED MULTI-TENANT BUILDING 1-STORY, 11,000 GSF DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DO NOTENTERDO NOTENTERSTOPSTOP60' BSL 60' F .S .L . 15' BSL 30' BSL & GREENBELTPROPOSE D BUILDING 1-STORY, 2 , 0 0 0 G S FDUMPSTERENCLOSURE MICH IGAN ROAD (US 421) BENNETT P A R K W A Y (VAR. R/W )REDD ROAD (60 ' R /W )REDD ROAD(50' R/W)BOONE COUNTYHAMILTON COUNTYE 2''W GAS METER GAS METERGAS METERGAS METERGAS METERGAS METERGAS METER 6''W2''W2''W2''W2''W2''W 1''W 1''W 4''W 14020 Mississinewa DriveCarmel, Indiana 46033P: 317.324.8695 F: 317.324.8717www.Fritz-Eng.comashton@Fritz-Eng.com THE AVENUEAT BENNETT FARM RENDERED SITE PLAN 00 30'60' SCALE: 1" = 30' N Variance Front Yard Setback from Redd Road Variance Location for Dumpster Enclosures Variance Location for Drive-Thrus Waiver US 421- Greenbelt Width Waiver Required Number of Parking Spaces SITE PLAN N 00°30'47" W 654.27'55.02' N 00°37'13" W N 73°44'45 " E 1 3 1. 2 3'BOONE COUNTYHAMILTON COUNTYN 00°30'47" W 212.53'S 16°15 '44 " E 193 .78 ' JDF DEVELOPMENT, LLC 60' F.S.L.30' GREENBELT & M IN . FRONT SETBACK PER US 421 OVERLAYN 00° 30'47" W - 306.35'L=123.34' , R=300.00', D=23d33'23"58.07'S0°30'47"E 91.86' L:133.62 R:325.00' Δ:23°33'23"S26°15 '1 7 "E 52 .77 ' S0°30'47"E 12.04'S26°15 '15 "E 94 .22 ' L:43.64 R:25.00' Δ:99°59'23" S73°44'40 " W 1 8 0 . 2 6' N61°15'15"W 23.41'N16°15'44"W 436.40'N85°00'45"E 237.92' 1.300 Ac. +/-56,628 sq.ft. LOT 1 INSTR#2017003738///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// ///// //////////////////////////////////// ///// /////////////////// PROPOSED MULTI-TENANT BUILDING 1-STORY, 11,000 GSF DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DO NOTENTERDO NOTENTERSTOPSTOP60' BSL 60' F .S .L . 15' BSL 30' BSL & GREENBELTPROPOSE D BUILDING 1-STORY, 2, 0 0 0 G S FDUMPSTERENCLOSURE MICH IGAN ROAD (US 421) BENNETT P A R K W A Y (VAR. R/W )REDD ROAD (60 ' R /W )REDD ROAD(50' R/W)BOONE COUNTYHAMILTON COUNTY9,522 GSF 133'81' E 15' D. & U.E.2''W GAS METER GAS METERGAS METERGAS METERGAS METERGAS METERGAS METER 6''W2''W2''W2''W2''W2''W 1''W 1''W 4''W 2-Heritage River Birch 2-Heritage River Birch 2-Heritage River Birch 2-Heritage River Birch 2-Heritage River Birch 2-Heritage River Birch 1-Redbud 1-Redbud 1-Redbud 1-Redbud 1-Redbud 1-Redbud 1-Canada Red Chokecherry 1-Canada Red Chokecherry 2-Canada Red Chokecherry 4-Canada Red Chokecherry @ 20' o.c. 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 3- 'Regal Prince' Oak @ 18' o.c. 8- 'Regal Prince' Oak @ 16' o.c. 2- 'Regal Prince' Oak @ 18' o.c. 2-Redbud 2-Redbud 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-Red Twig Dogwood @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 5-'Anabelle' Hydrangea @ 5' o.c. 12-'Blue Point' Juniper @ 5' o.c. Existing Maple Trees to Remain in Place (Sizes Range from 3" to 4" Caliper) Existing Maple to be Removed for Construction 8-'Blue Point' Juniper @ 5' o.c. 1- 'Skyline' Honeylocust 5- Dwarf Fothergilla 5- Dwarf Fothergilla 5- Dwarf Fothergilla 5- Green Mound Alpine Currant 5- Dwarf Fothergilla 5- Green Mound Alpine Currant 5- Green Mound Alpine Currant 5- Dwarf Fothergilla 5- Dwarf Fothergilla 9- 'Northwind' Switchgrass @ 3' o.c. 18- Dwarf Fountain Grass 14- 'Northwind' Switchgrass @ 3' o.c. 18- 'Northwind' Switchgrass @ 3' o.c. 11- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 11- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass @ 3' o.c. 11- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 11- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass @ 3' o.c. 11- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 11- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass @ 3' o.c. 11- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 11- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass @ 3' o.c. 5- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 6- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 11- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass @ 3' o.c. 13- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 1-Redbud 5- Sea Green Juniper @ 3' o.c. 9- 'Northwind' Switchgrass @ 3' o.c. 10- 'Northwind' Switchgrass @ 3' o.c. 4- 'Northwind' Switchgrass @ 3' o.c.OO14020 Mississinewa DriveCarmel, Indiana 46033P: 317.324.8695 F: 317.324.8717www.Fritz-Eng.comashton@Fritz-Eng.com THE AVENUEAT BENNETT FARM JDF DEVELOPMENT 11710 PEBBLEPOINTE PASS CARMEL, INDIANA 46033 11/18/2020 200905 BENNETT PKWY & MICHIGAN RD. CARMEL, INDIANA 46077 HAMILTON COUNTY SW 14, S6, T17N, R3E L101 LANDSCAPE PLAN & DETAILS AF AF KG 00 30'60' SCALE: 1" = 30' N "IT'S THE LAW" R Know what's NOTE: ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO MATCH THE CURRENT CITY OF CARMEL PLANT MATERIAL LIST SYMBOL LEGEND EXISTING TREE PROPOSED CANOPY TREE PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE PROPOSED EVERGREEN TREE PROPOSED SHRUB MULCH REQUIRED UPPER TERRACE SEED MIX LOWER BASIN SEED MIX PLANT MATERIAL CALCULATIONS TABLE ZONING CLASSIFICATION, CITY OF CARMEL SITE IS ZONED S1 REQUIRED PROVIDED THOROUGHFARE OVERLAY DISTRICT, U.S. 421 30' WIDE GREENBELT 20' WIDE GREENBELT 3 SHADE, 1 ORNAMENTAL, 30 SHRUBS (parking) PER 100 LF 3 SHADE, 1 ORNAMENTAL, 30 SHRUBS PER 100' BUFFER YARD (NORTH, SOUTH), 5' WIDE TYPE A (*parking), 4 SHADE, 1 ORNAMENTAL, 20* SHRUBS PER 100 LF 4 SHADE,1 ORNAMENTAL, 20 SHRUBS BUFFER YARD (WEST),10' WIDE TYPE B,5 SHADE, 2 ORNAMENTAL, 15 SHRUBS PER 100 LF 5 SHADE, 2 ORNAMENTAL, 15 SHRUBS PER 100 LF BUILDING FOUNDATION 5' WIDE, SHRUBS, ORNAMENTAL GRASS, GROUNDCOVER SHRUBS, ORNAMENTAL GRASS, GROUNDCOVER PARKING LOT INTERIOR 1 SHADE TREE, 5 SHRUBS, PER 10 PARKING SPACES N/A PARKING LOT PERIMETER SEE OVERLAY ZONE AND NORTH/SOUTH BUFFERYARD SEE OVERLAY ZONE AND NORTH/SOUTH BUFFERYARD DUMPSTER SCREENING 6' HIGH OPAQUE SCREEN VEGETATIVE AND ARCHITECTURAL SCREEN MONUMENT SIGN N/A N/A PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE SELECTED AND INSTALLED TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1.LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SELECTED SHALL BE APPROPRIATE TO LOCAL GROWING AND CLIMATE CONDITIONS AND FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET BY THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. ANSI Z60.1 (CURRENT EDITION) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC 2. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE OF SPECIMEN QUALITY, SUPERIOR FORM, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, WELL BRANCHED, DENSELY FOLIATED WHEN IN LEAF, FREE OF DISEASE AND INSECTS EGGS OR LARVAE AND SHALL HAVE WELL-DEVELOPED ROOT SYSTEMS. PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DAMAGE OR CONDITIONS THAT WOULD PREVENT NORMAL GROWTH. ALL PLANTING MATERIAL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST CURRENT PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK AS PRODUCED BY THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE, INC. a.STREET TREES AND SHADE TREES: ALL STREET TREES AND SHADE TREES AT THE TIME OF PLANTING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CALIPER OF TWO AND ONE-HALF (2.5) INCHES WHEN MEASURED FROM SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. b.ORNAMENTAL TREES: ALL ORNAMENTAL TREES AT THE TIME OF PLANTING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CALIPER OF ONE AND ONE-HALF (1.5) INCHES WHEN MEASURED FROM SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. c.EVERGREEN TREES: ALL EVERGREEN TREES AT THE TIME OF PLANTING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF SIX (6) FEET. d.SHRUBBERY: ALL DECIDUOUS AND EVERGREEN SHRUBS AT THE TIME OF PLANTING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES. e.GROUND COVER/ORNAMENTAL GRASS: ALL GROUND COVER/ORNAMENTAL GRASS AT THE TIME OF PLANTING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIZE OF ONE (1) GALLON, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN 4. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED IN THE CITY OWNED RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. THE CITY DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED TO AN UNPERMITTED IRRIGATION SYSTEM THAT IS CAUSED BY WORK BEING PERFORMED IN THESE AREAS. 5. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNERS AND THEIR AGENTS TO INSURE PROPER MAINTENANCE OF ALL TREES, SHRUBBERY AND OTHER LANDSCAPING APPROVED AS PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ADLS PLANS. THIS SHOULD CONSIST OF WATERING, FERTILIZING, PROPER MULCHING, CLEARING OF DEBRIS AND WEEDS, MONITORING FOR PESTS AND DISEASE, MOWING, PRUNING, THE REMOVAL AND TIMELY REPLACEMENT OF DEAD, HAZARDOUS OR DYING PLANTS, TREATING FOR DISEASE OR INJURY, OR ANY OTHER SIMILAR ACT(S) WHICH PROMOTES GROWTH, HEALTH, BEAUTY AND THE LIFE OF TREES, SHRUBS, TURF AND OTHER PLANTS.F:\2020\2009005 - JDF Development Carmel\02 Civil\Plans\L101.dwg, L101, 11/18/2020 2:13:49 PM, Ashton Fritz, DWG To PDF.pc3, ANSI full bleed D (34.00 x 22.00 Inches), 1:1 Variance Bufferyard Along Redd Road Variance Foundation Plantings LANDSCAPE PLAN BUILDING ELEVATIONS Variance Gray Brick for Facade Walls Waiver Maximum Building Height SOUTHERN BUILDING NORTHERN BUILDING 14020 Mississinewa Drive Carmel, IN 46033 P: 317-324-8695 www.Fritz-Eng.com November 18, 2020 The Avenue at Bennett Farm Fritz Engineering Services, LLC Page 1 of 1 November 18, 2020 Mr. Jeremy Cashman, City Engineer City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Avenue at Bennett Farm Bennett Parkway & Michigan Road FES Project # 2009005 Dear Mr. Cashman, Please accept this letter related to the The Avenue at Bennett Farm project as support of the following technical variance requests. 1. A variance to permit the proposed new drive cuts as configured. Specifically, to permit the use of 15’ curb radii into the site rather than the standard Carmel commercial drive entrance of 30’ radii per Carmel Standard Detail 10-22. The proposed use will not require large trucks to access the site. The majority of traffic will be customers in passenger vehicles with the occasional box truck for delivery and pickups. Due to the limited depth of the project site there are also physical difficulties with providing a larger radius on the entrance drive while maintaining the proper vehicular movements within. Please review the above requests and let me know if any additional information is required to complete your review and recommendation to the BPWS for approval. Best Regards, Fritz Engineering Services, LLC Ashton L. Fritz, PE Principal Cc: Joe Farr, JDF Development