L101 Landscape PlanK E Y S T O N E P A R KW A Y ( U S 4 3 1 ) K E Y S T O N E P A R KW A Y ( U S 4 3 1 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 891011121314 15 16 148149 L102 NORTH NORTHKEY STONE PARKWAY MILLGATE DRIVE SMOKEY RIDGE LANEMATT STREETAPPROVAL PENDINGNOT FORCO NST R U CTI O N THE COURTYARDSOF CARMELPRIMARY PLATSouthwestern Perimeter along Keystone Parkway: This buffer yard shall be a thirty (30) foot greenbelt buffer yard and contain 6 shade trees, 2 ornamental trees and 15 shrubs per 100 linear feet. Existing trees may count toward the total requirement. (See Tree Preservation Areas language below.) Drainage improvements shall be permitted within the perimeter buffer yards. Man Made Water Features Man-made Water Features (storm water management ponds) shall have a buffer area (i.e. not part of a developable lot) around the perimeter of the water feature shall be established that is at least twenty-five (25) feet in width and that is accessible from a public street. The buffer area shall be common area or a public access easement, planted and maintained as a wildlife habitat, and designed to allow persons to walk around the perimeter of the water feature.LANDSCAPEPLANBUFFERS ANDPOND*SEE PP SHEETS C300-C303 FOR ACREAGE NOTE: SEE SHEET L104 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE