L103 Landscape PlanSMOKEY HOLLOW PLACE136TH STREETKEYSTONE PARKWAY (US 431 )SMOKEY HOLLOW PLACE136TH STREETKEYSTONE PARKWAY (US 431 )SMOKEY HOLLOW PLACESMOKEY RIDGE TRACESMOKEY RIDGE TRAIL SMOKEY HOLLOW PLACESMOKEY RIDGE TRACESMOKEY RIDGE TRAIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 145 146 147 148149 L103 NORTH NORTHKEY STONE PARKWAY MILLGATE DRIVE SMOKEY RIDGE LANEMATT STREETNORTH APPROVAL PENDINGNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONTHE COURTYARDSOF CARMELPRIMARY PLATSouthwestern Perimeter along Keystone Parkway: This buffer yard shall be a thirty (30) foot greenbelt buffer yard and contain 6 shade trees, 2 ornamental trees and 15 shrubs per 100 linear feet. Existing trees may count toward the total requirement. (See Tree Preservation Areas language below.) Drainage improvements shall be permitted within the perimeter buffer yards. Tree Preservation Areas: Tree Preservation Areas shall be along the perimeter of the Real Estate and shall be twenty (20) feet in width, at minimum. After final engineering approval, the Tree Preservation Areas shall be extended within the forty (40) foot perimeter buffer yard to include those areas not needed for drainage, grading, and/or utilities. The following shall be required for all Tree Preservation Areas: i)Signs identifying the Tree Preservation Area shall be posted every five hundred (500) feet around the perimeter of all Tree Preservation Areas; ii)Tree protection barriers shall be utilized during site development and earth moving activities, which shall be specified on landscape plans. Such barriers shall remain in place during the site's construction activity, including landscaping. The City of Carmel tree preservation detail shall be used, and fence locations shall be shown on the landscape plan. iii)A local certified arborist shall be engaged to serve as a consultant throughout the development of the project with the objective of preserving trees within the twenty-foot Tree Preservation Areas adjacent to the neighboring residences to the east and north of the Real Estate. The arborist shall visit the Real Estate prior to development activity and shall provide suggestions for tree preservation within these areas. As development progresses, the arborist will revisit the site approximately every 60 days to continue monitoring progress and consulting with the preservation efforts until all adjacent homes are completed. iv)In addition, the Developer shall consult with the City's Urban Forester to: (i) identify any gaps of greater than 20' in the Tree Preservation Area (a “Gap Area”); (ii) select deciduous and/or evergreen trees from the City's Recommended Tree List, as appropriate, to supplement any Gap Areas (the “Supplemental Trees”); and (iii) plant the Supplemental Trees at a rate and in locations within the Gap Areas to best insure the health of the existing trees and the Supplemental Trees. The Supplemental Trees shall be planted by the first planting season following construction of the home adjacent to the Gap Area. Man Made Water Features Man-made Water Features (storm water management ponds) shall have a buffer area (i.e. not part of a developable lot) around the perimeter of the water feature shall be established that is at least twenty-five (25) feet in width and that is accessible from a public street. The buffer area shall be common area or a public access easement, planted and maintained as a wildlife habitat, and designed to allow persons to walk around the perimeter of the water feature.LANDSCAPEPLANBUFFERS ANDPOND*SEE PP SHEETS C300-C303 FOR ACREAGE East Perimeter, North Perimeter and West Perimeter Adjacent to Existing Single Family: These buffer yards shall be forty (40) feet in width and contain 5 shade trees, 1 ornamental tree and 20 shrubs per 100 linear feet. Existing vegetation may be applied towards perimeter buffer yards with approval of Urban Forester. (See Additional Tree Preservation Areas language below.) Drainage improvements shall be permitted within the perimeter buffer yards. Tree Survey: In order to maximize the opportunity to protect substantial trees, at the earliest appropriate time as determined by Developer's arborist and the City's Urban Forester, Developer shall conduct a tree survey within the second 20' of the 40' perimeter bufferyard to identify each deciduous tree greater than 4” DBH and each evergreen tree greater than 10' tall. As part of the tree survey, Developer's arborist also shall evaluate whether the first 20' of the 40' perimeter bufferyard meets the requirements of being wooded and identify those areas that include gaps of 20' in width or greater.  Developer's arborist will undertake this work in conjunction with the City's urban forester. This tree survey shall be completed and submitted to the City's Urban Forester and City Engineer prior to the Developer's submission of its construction plans for the neighborhood. NOTE: SEE SHEET L104 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE