L400 Landscape PlanL400LANDSCAPEDETAILSAPPROVAL PENDINGNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONTHE COURTYARDSOF CARMELPRIMARY PLATRootball Preparation Deciduous Tree Planting Shrub Planting Planting Bed Edge Rootball Setting GENERAL NOTES 1.Prior to installation, the landscape contractor shall inspect the general site conditions and verify the subgrade, elevations, utility locations and topsoil provided by general contractor. The landscape contractor shall notify the general contractor of any unsatisfactory conditions and work shall not proceed until such conditions have been corrected and are acceptable to the landscape contractor. 2.All plants shall meet or exceed standards set in the American Standard for Nursery Stock, ANSI Z60.1, current edition. All plants shall equal or exceed the measurements and sizes specified in the schedule. 3.Substitutions shall only be permitted with notification and written approval from the Owner. Substituted material shall be equivalent or greater in size than the specified plant. Substituted plants shall have the same essential characteristics and growth habit of the specified plant. 4.Confirm location of all utilities and subsurface drain lines prior to plant installation. 5.A pre-installation conference shall be conducted prior to planting operations with Owner and Contractor present. 6.Contractor may slightly field adjust plant locations as necessary to avoid utilities. Finished planting beds shall be graded to provide positive drainage. 7.Irrigation system, if applicable, shall be complete and operational prior to landscape planting. 8.Contractor shall repair all lawn areas disturbed during construction with seed and warrant a healthy, weed free lawn prior to project acceptance. 9.Seed all areas within contract limits that are not covered by paving, buildings or planting beds unless otherwise noted. Seeding shall not begin until area has received topsoil and finished grade. 10.Mulch planting beds with shredded hardwood mulch of uniform dark brown color. It shall be free of twigs, leaves, disease, pest or other material unsightly or injurious to plants. Average applied thickness shall be 3" depth. Mulch hedges in a continuous bed. 11.Planting beds shall be covered with pre-emergent herbicide applied at product specified rate unless otherwise noted. 12.Bed edge shall be smooth, consistent, hand trenched 4" deep and "V" shaped unless otherwise noted. All excavated material shall be removed from the bed edge and planting bed. 13.All planting bed edges to be smooth flowing arcs or straight lines as shown on plan. Plant locations and layout of beds shall be located by Contractor and approved by Landscape Architect prior to planting. 14.Install all plants in accordance with planting details and specifications. 15.Parking lot and street trees shall have a clear canopy height of 6' min. 16.Trees shall be placed a minimum of 3' from sidewalks and curbs. 17.Planting Mix shall be blended, manufactured soil consisting of three (3) parts topsoil, one (1) part compost, one (1) part sand. Topsoil shall be per ASTM D5268, ph range of 5.5 to 7, min. 4 percent organic material, free of stones and soil clumps 3/4 inch and larger. Compost shall be yard waste compost from an EPA rated Class IV compost facility or Com-til compost from City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities. Sand shall be per Item ASTM C33. Proprietary manufactured Planting Mix such as Kurtz Bros. Professional Blend or Jones SuperSoil may be used. Submit product data for review by Owner. Place Planting Mix in settled 6 inch lifts. 18.Mix Mycorrhizal Fungi into Planting Mix during placement of Planting Mix. Application rate shall be according to manufacturer's written recommendations. Mycorrhizal Fungi shall be a dry, granular inoculant containing vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and ectomycorrhizal fungi. 19.Excavate planting beds to a depth of 12 inches, unless otherwise indicated. Roto-til subgrade of excavation to a depth of 4 inches, unless otherwise indicated. Incorporate a 6 inch lift of planting mix into subrade. Place remaining Planting Mix in settled 6 inch lifts. 20.Planting beds, including mulch, shall be no higher than 6 inches above adjacent grade and shall not impede surface drainage. 21.Lawn areas shall be backfilled with Planting Mix to a minimum settled thickness of 6 inches. Roto-Til subgrade below lawns to a depth of 4 inches, unless otherwise indicated, prior to placement of Planting Mix. 22.Composition and application rate of lawn fertilizer shall be sufficient to amend soil according to recommendations of a qualified soil testing agency. Submit soil test results and amendment recommendations to Owner. Lawn fertilizer shall be in a dry granular form. 23.Contractor to determine plant list quantities from the plan. Graphic representation on plan supersedes in case of discrepancy with quantities on schedule. 24.Any item or areas damaged during construction shall be repaired or replaced to its original condition at the contractor expense. 25.Contractor shall thoroughly water all plants at time of installation and as needed until project acceptance by owner. Contractor shall guarantee all plants installed (except annuals) for one full year from date of acceptance by the Owner. All plants shall be alive and at a vigorous rate of growth at the end of the guarantee period. 26.All annuals to be provided by Contractor from available seasonal stock. 27.Lawn seed mix shall proportioned by weight as follows: 10 percent NuBlue or Blue Chip Kentucky Bluegrass; 10 percent Caddieshack or GoalKeeper Perennial Ryegrass; 80 percent Quest, Inferno, Arid 3 and/or Pixie Tall Fescue (select 2). Sodded lawns shall match seeded lawns. Seeding rate shall be 8 to 10 pounds per 1000 square feet. 28.Lawn seed shall not have less than 98 percent purity and not have less than 90 percent germination. Rootball Preparation Typical 6' Bench 4 Rail Horse Fence Painted Dark Green 4 Rail Horse Fence 12 X 12 Post Condition Painted Dark Green Artificial Turf 71 3/8" PICKET SPACING PER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS HEIGHT PER LOCAL REQ. .625" x .625" PICKET 1.00" x 1.25" CHANNEL Decorative Pool Aluminum Fence