HomeMy WebLinkAboutL204 PLANTING DETAILSFirehouse SquareCarmel, IndianaPREPARED FORPROJECTNORTH©2020 Anderson + Bohlander, LLC1054 Virginia Ave, Suite 210Indianapolis, Indiana 46201www.andersonbohlander.comSCALE :ADLS Set03/11/2020REVISIONSNo.DateIssueDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SHEET TITLESHEET NUMBERCARJDAOnyx + East1828 Central AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46202 R EGI STEREDSTATE OF INDIA NA LA21400024LANDSCAPEARCHIT ECT C R AI GA.ROWE01 05/12/2020 Updates per Review02 05/28/2020 Parking Islands/Transformers03 07/13/2020 Bike Racks & Planting Revs04 08/26/2020Bike Rack Spec.05 10/20/2020 Flats Building shift06 12/18/2020 SW Townhomes shiftL204PLANTING DETAILSSection - Planting Bed Edge Condition03Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"120.00 ° 2'-0"3"Undisturbed subgradeFinish grade and adjacent existingor seeded lawnSpade cut planting bed edge. cutexisting subgrade at a sharp angleRaise planting bed 2" above finishgradeTop of planting soil or amendedtopsoil shall be 2" lower than finishgrade to allow for mulch2"Section - Perennial and Groundcover Planting01Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"2'-0"Undisturbed subgrade scarify toplayer2" depth mulch. Work mulch underplant and taper depth at plant baseto 1" depth. raise plant bed 2"above finish gradeLoosen root mass of containergrown material or remove burlapfrom b&b material prior to plantingSet plants at same level as grown incontainerPrepare entire planting bed to adepth of 24" with planting soil oramended topsoil. SeespecificationsSection - Shrub Planting02Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"2'-0"3"Undisturbed subgrade scarify toplayer3" deep mulch. Work mulch underbranches and taper depth at trunkto 1" depth. Raise plant bed 3"above finish gradeLoosen root mass of containergrown material or remove burlapfrom b&b material prior to plantingPrepare entire planting bed to adepth of 24" with planting soil oramended topsoil. SeespecificationsCut and or remove any cords orwrapping around rootball and/ortrunkLimit pruning to removal of deadand or broken branchesSet plants at same level as grown incontainerSection - Deciduous Tree Planting04Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"Avoid placing soil on top of theroot ball, maintain exposure of rootflare. If root flare is not exposed,carefully remove excess soil. Setroot ball so that base of root flare is3" to 6" higher than adjacent finishgrade (root flare is typically 6"below bud graft union on graftedtrees)Deciduous shade tree with a strongcentral leader. Do not prune, stake,or wrap unless directed to do so. Ifpruning is required, do not cutcentral leaders and only prunebranches to encourage centralleader growthRemove any broken branches, treetags, and ribbons upon approval ofplantFlare and roughen planting holeedges and sides. hole size to betwice as wide as root ball diameter.backfill pit with amended topsoil.remove excess excavated materialfrom site and dispose of legallyCut and remove all cords, twine,rope, wire, burlap, and plastic wrapfrom around top half of root balland trunk. If root ball is enclosed ina wire basket remove wire basketprior to placing tree in hole.Set root ball on undisturbed orcompacted subgrade. If hole is toodeep, add and compact additionalfill before setting treeMulch, 3" depth in a 6' diameterring. no mulch shall be placed incontact with the tree trunk2 x Width of RootballDepth of Rootball PLANT SCHEDULECANOPY TREESKEYQTYSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMESIZESPACINGREMARKSGTI12Gleditsia triacanthos 'Draves'Street Keeper Honey Locust2.5"AS SHOWN6' Clear Trunk Min.LTF6Liriodendron tulipifera 'Fastigiatum'Columnar Tuliptree2.5"AS SHOWN6' Clear Trunk Min.QAA1Quercus albaWhite Oak2.5"AS SHOWN6' Clear Trunk Min.QBB14Quercus bicolor 'Bonnie and Mike'Beacon Oak2.5"AS SHOWN6' Clear Trunk Min.UNH9Ulmus 'Frontier'Frontier Elm2.5"AS SHOWN6' Clear Trunk Min.UNDERSTORY TREESKEYQTYSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMESIZESPACINGREMARKSOSV10Ostrya virginianaHophornbeam2"Single TrunkCCR13Cercis canadensisMultistem Eastern Redbud2"AS SHOWNMin. 3 Trunk Clump, Min. 8' TallCFR6Cornus florida 'Rubra'Pink Flowering Dogwood2"4' Clear TrunkSHRUBSKEYQTYSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMESIZESPACINGREMARKSCEA88Ceanothus americanusNew Jersey Tea24" TALL3' O.C.F.T.B.COS20Cephalanthus occidentalis 'Sugar Shack'Sugar Shack Buttonbush24" TALL3' O.C.F.T.B.CAC50Clethra alnifolia 'Compacta' or 'Tom's Compact'Dwarf Summersweet24" TALL3' O.C.F.T.B.HQR25Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers'Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea30" TALL48" O.C.F.T.B.HKG130Hypericum kalmianum 'Gemo'Gemo St. John's Wort18" TALL30" O.C.F.T.B.IGC71Ilex glabra 'Compacta'Compact Inkberry24" TALL36" O.C.F.T.B.IVH150Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire30" TALL3' O.C.F.T.B.LBE18Lindera benzoinSpicebush5-6' TALLAS SHOWNLarge Specimen PlantPFA28Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood'Abbotswood Potentilla3 GAL30" O.C.F.T.BVDB61Viburnum dentatum 'Christom'Blue Muffin Viburnum36" TALL4' O.C.F.T.B.ORNAMENTAL GRASSESKEYQTYSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMESIZESPACINGREMARKSBGBBouteloua gracilis ' Blonde Ambition'Blonde Ambition Blue Grama Grass3 GAL24" O.C.CAF312Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Forester'Karl Forester's Feather Reed Grass3 GAL24" O.C.CMU160Carex muskingumensisMuskingum Palm Sedge1 QT18" O.C.PERENNIALSKEYQTYSCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMESIZESPACINGREMARKSAMV175Achillea millefolium 'New Vintage Violet'New Vintage Violet Yarrow1 GAL24" O.C.ATA36Amsonia tabernaemontanaEastern Blue Star1 GALAS SHOWNAQL27Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'Little Lanterns Eastern Red Columbine1 GALAS SHOWNAYL50Astilbe 'Younique Lilac'Younique Lilac Astilbe1 QT15" O.C.CVS40Chrysogonum virginianum 'Superstar'Superstar Goldenstar1 GAL15" O.C.CBS77Coreopsis 'Lil Bang Starlight'Lil Bang Starlight Coreopsis1 GAL18" O.C.GER420Geranium 'Dily's'Dily's Hardy Geranium1 GAL18" O.C.HVM98Heuchera x villosa 'Mocha'Mocha Alumroot/Coral Bells1 GAL18" O.C.HKR41Hosta 'Krossa Regal'Krossa Regal Hosta1 GAL18" O.C.LPY12Liatris pycnostachyaPrairie Blazing Star1 GALAS SHOWNPDT72Penstemon 'Dark Towers'Dark Towers Penstemon1 GAL18" O.C.PHV24Physostegia virginianaObedience Plant1 GALAS SHOWNSNM262Salvia numerosa 'Color Spires Violet Riot'Violet Riot Salvia1 GAL18" O.C.ANNUALSKEYQTYREMARKSARC4Annual Containers - Seasonal SelectionTURFKEYQTYTYPENAMESODFine Bladed Fescue SodRebel III. Install in all Disturbed AreasNOTESF.T.B. = Full To Base126PER PLANREMARKSRepair all turf areas disturbed by constructionASC184Asarum canadenseWild Ginger1 GAL15" O.C.CHL207Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'Hot Lips Pink Turtlehead1 GAL24" O.C.PXC24Paxistima canbyiCliff Green / Canby's Mountain-Lover1 GAL24" O.C.F.T.BSIC0Sisyrinchium campestrePrairie Blue-Eyed Grass1 QT12" O.C.AS SHOWNAS SHOWNNSW6Nyssa sylvatica 'Wildfire'Wildfire Black Gum2.5"AS SHOWN6' Clear Trunk Min.TOH6Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup'Holmstrup Arborvitae54" TALLF.T.B3' O.C.TOW22Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardii'Woodward Arborvitae36" TALLF.T.B4' O.C.