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Firehouse SquareCarmel, IndianaPREPARED FORPROJECTNORTH©2020 Anderson + Bohlander, LLC1054 Virginia Ave, Suite 210Indianapolis, Indiana 46201www.andersonbohlander.comSCALE :ADLS Set03/11/2020REVISIONSNo.DateIssueDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SHEET TITLESHEET NUMBERCARJDAOnXW East1828 Central AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46202 R EGI STEREDSTATE OF INDIA NA LA21400024LANDSCAPEARCHIT ECT C R AI GA.ROWE01 05/12/2020 Updates per Review02 05/28/2020 Parking Islands/Transformers03 07/13/2020 Bike Racks & Planting RevsAS SHOWNL401LANDSCAPE DETAILSPrecast Pier UndercopingPrecast Baluster (foreground)Precast Pier PlinthUnit PavingOn Rigid Base05L400Precast Pier CapPrecast Wide UndercopingPrecast BalusterPrecast Baluster PlinthUnit PavingOn Rigid Base05L400#4 Rebar reinforcement, 12" o.c.Precast Baluster Rail1'-6"1'-3"3'-3"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"Cast in place concrete retaining wallCast in place concrete spread footingRain water infiltration basinForm liner finish#4 Rebar reinforcement, 12" o.c.1'-6"1'-3"3'-3"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"Cast in place concrete retaining wallCast in place concrete spread footingRain water infiltration basinForm liner finishBalustrade Rail - Section01Scale: 1" = 1'-0"d-conc band-24Balustrade Pier - Section03Scale: 1" = 1'-0"d-conc band-24Balustrade Pier & Rail Elevation05Scale: 1" = 1'-0"d-conc band-24Precast UndercopingPrecast BalusterPrecast PlinthUnit PavingOn Rigid Base05L400Precast PierPrecast RailBalustrade & PiersManufacturer: HaddonstoneWeb:haddonstone.comBalustrade: Product:K533G - Standard Balusters Style:(FC) Flat Central Run-in Spacing:12" Centers Rail:T110 Rail Plinth:T900 Plinth Under-Coping: T930 - Wide Undercoping Notes:Custom Radius at 63.625' (63'-7.5")Piers: Pier:87 kg (192 lbs) to match K533G Baluster Cap:K120A Plinth:Standard Under-Copings: K120KPlanters:Sheraton Vase A6103" Thick precast wall capUnit PavingOn Rigid Base05L400#4 Rebar reinforcement, 12" o.c.1'-6"9"2'-9"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"Cast in place concrete retaining wallCast in place concrete spread footingRain water infiltration basinForm liner finishPlanter Wall - Adjacent to Unit Paving02Scale: 1" = 1'-0"d-conc band-243" Thick precast wall cap#4 Rebar reinforcement, 12" o.c.1'-6"9"2'-9"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"Cast in place concrete retaining wallCast in place concrete spread footingRain water infiltration basinForm liner finish - Both SidesPlanter Wall - Adjacent to Lawn04Scale: 1" = 1'-0"d-conc band-24Varies 0" to 12"SodHold top of wall level, do not slope.Refer to grading planHold top of wall level, do not slope.Refer to grading planPrecast Pier1'-10" 1'-10"1'-10" 1'-10" Varies maintain finish 4" below grade 1'-9"5"5 1/2"Notes:1.Top of assembled rails & pier to remain level.2.Install balustrade and piers per manufacturer'sinstruction.3.Refer to Balustrade General AssemblyRecommendations tech sheet (GAR1) bymanufacturer.4.Refer to Secure Assembly Recommendationstech sheet (GAR4) by manufacturer.5.Refer to general handling instructions tech sheet(GAR5) by manufacturer.6.Refer to cutting recommendations tech sheetprovided by manufacturer.7.Refer to Balustrade Assembly Recommendations,step-by-step photo instructions.8.Refer to Haddonstone pointingrecommendations, step-by-step photoinstructions. Utilize semi-dry pointing mix,provided by manufacturer.9"7 1/2"1'-2 7/8"Precast PlanterRefer to plan for locations, not allpiers receive plantersForm liner:Manufacturer: Fitzgerald FormlinersProduct: 16991 Medium Sandblast FinishNotes: Install per. manufacturer'sinstruction. Extend minimum 4" belowfinish grade.Concrete Stair Section06Scale: 1" = 1'-0"d-conc stair section34" @ Stair Nosing 6" Typ.3'-0"1'-3"1'-0"1'-3"1'-0"3"1'-0"3"Unit PavingOn Rigid Base05L40014" Radius#3 Nosing bar#4 Horizontal rebar @ 12"o.c.Cast-in-place concrete foundation#3 Vertical rebar @ 12"o.c.1 1/2"O.D. Stainless steel railBlack Paint FinishMaintain constant 34" height abovesurface at nosing of stairs.Core drill and epoxy set upper post,caulk joint to match. 4" Min.embeddmentThickened rigid base at stair transitionDowel rigid base to concrete stair8" 4'-0" 3'-0"3'-6"