HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for BZA 04-26-21(V) Cooke House Width Variance
670 1st Ave NE
Docket No. PZ ‐2021‐000555 V
City of Carmel
Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer Virtual Meeting
Monday, April 26 – 5:30 pm
Applicants: Jeffery C & Molly Norris Cooke
Glenn Gareis, GMG Architects LLC
Project Introduction
GMG Architects LLC is the Architect for Jeffery C and Molly Norris Cooke’s new custom home
located at 670 1st Avenue NE, Carmel, IN the Old Town Overlay Character Subarea (see aerial of
lot below and attached location map). The design character of the home is based on an Arts &
Craft Four‐Square style of Architecture. This style is in keeping with the historical character of
Old Town Overlay District (OT‐OL) and many of the new homes in the District.
The building mass of the home is divided into two‐wings with a narrow connecting corridor.
This form reads as two separate homes from the street even though it is a single structure. The
yard between the two wings also leaves open the option of subdividing the home into two
structures on separate lots in the future. The site plan shows the location of the future property
line and planned location for utilities serving each wing.
The north is wing one‐story and the south wing is two‐story wing, with the one‐story connector
towards the rear of these wings. A four‐car garage is attached to the west side or rear of the
south wing. A one‐car detached garage is located at the southwest corner of the property. The
wings of the home have their own street facades, with front doors, walks and porches. The
southern wing has a covered porch that includes a screened and open section. The north
wing’s covered porch is open. The connector is 28 to 30‐feet behind the front of south and
north wings respectively and thus is not apparent from the street.
Site improvements will include a driveway, walks, fences, outdoor living space and landscaping
such as shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, and ground planting consistent with the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. The landscaping will reinforce the ‘two‐wing’ form
of the home.
Statement of Variance
GMG Architects LLC is proposing the approval of (1) development standards variance for the
property located at 670 1st Avenue NE, Carmel, IN 46032 in order to build a new custom home
for Jeffery C and Molly Norris Cooke. The site is zoned R2/Residence District and is within the
Old Town Overlay Character Sub‐Area.
The application is identified with Docket Number: PZ‐2021‐00055V.
GMG Architects LLC has filed a request for approval of the Development Standards Variance
(i) UDO Section 3.64.C.1.b: Building widths shall not exceed forty‐five (45) feet, except
where the lot is greater than eighty (80) feet in width, in which case the building may be
up to fifty‐five (55) feet wide.
GMG Architects LLC looks forward to presenting and discussing this request for this project.
Statement of Support
To provide a home that meets the Cooke’s needs and embraces the spirit of the development
standards, the home is divided into two principal and distinct wings with a 5‐foot‐wide
connector hall at the rear that can be subdivided in the future. Each wing has its own street‐
side entrance, landscaping, and side yard to reinforce that they are individual structures.
The combined width of the two wings and connector is 83‐feet. While the combined width
exceeds the 55‐foot limit, the individual wings do not exceed the limit. The south wing is 40‐
feet wide, and the north wing is 26‐feet wide. The connector located between these wings is
17‐feet wide.
The wings are sited so the south wing appears to be on an 80‐foot‐wide lot and a north wing
appears to be on a 50‐foot‐wide lot. If the property is subdivided in the future the two lots
would be plated accordingly.
The connector, which could be remove in the future, is fourteen feet wide and located 28 to 30‐
feet behind the front of the wings, respectively. Located this far back the connector will not be
visible from the street and the two wings will read as separate structures from the street.
Each wing of the home will have separate utilities so the current or future owner can easily
subdivide the property. Limited remodeling (eliminating the connector and adding a kitchen)
will result in two individual houses. The side yards between the wings (if subdivided) will be 7‐
feet wide. Space is allocated so a driveway and garage can be added to the north of the north
wing to serve that structure if subdivided.
All landscaping (walks, planting, and fences) will also support the appearance that the two
wings are separate structures.
Location Map
Scale: 1/8" - 1'-0"SITE PLAN1NORTHSEA Group, Land SurveyorsSEA Group, Land SurveyorsCooke, Jeffrey C. & Molly NorrisInst. #2012-482981st AVENUE NE(ASPHALT ST W/CURB)SEA Group, Land Surveyors SEA Group, Land Surveyors
830831832833834835835834833832831830SOUTH WINGCONNECTORNORTH WINGSquare Footage of StructuresGSF - Gross Square FeetHOUSE*Basements = 3465 gsfFirst Floor (conditioned) = 3647 gsfFirst Floor (4-car garage) = 1160 gsfSecond Floor = 1620 gsfPorches = 843 gsf*GSF for Detached Garage, North Wing,Connector and South Wing are listed onFloor Plan drawing in the set.Square Footage of SiteGSF - Gross Square FeetFULL SITE = 2265 gsfSOUTH WING FUTURE LOT = 13,945 gsfNORTH WING FUTURE LOT = 8,660 GSFLot CoverageFULL SITE = 34%SOUTH WING FUTURE LOT**= 45%NORTH WING FUTURE LOT ***= 19%**Includes footprint of South Wing andDetached Garage***Includes footprint of North Wing.NOTE - Connector does not apply to futurelot coverage calculations.GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDYNot for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460321C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:13 PM
CL16 16CLALFAROOEMALFAROOEMSquare FootageGSF - Gross Square FeetSOUTH WINGBasement = 2000 gsfFirst Floor (conditioned) = 2055 gsfFirst Floor (4-car garage) = 3215 gsfFront Porch = 573 gsfRear Porch = 30 gsfGarage Porch = 82 gsfNORTH
GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460322C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:18 PM
Square FootageGSF - Gross Square FeetCONNECTORFirst Floor = 107 gsfPorch = 44 gsfNORTH WINGBasement = 1465 gsfFirst Floor = 1485 gsfFront Porch = 114 gsfNORTH
GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460323C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:23 PM
Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"SECOND FLOOR SOUTH WING1Square FootageGSF - Gross Square FeetSOUTH WINGSecond Floor = 1620 gsfNORTH
GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460324C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:28 PM
Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"SOUTH WING SOUTH ELEVATION2Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"SOUTH WING NORTH ELEVATION1GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460325C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:33 PM
Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"NORTH & SOUTH WING EAST ELEVATION2Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"NORTH & SOUTH WING WEST ELEVATION1GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460326C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:38 PM
Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"NORTH WING SOUTH ELEVATION 2Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"NORTH WING NORTH ELEVATION 1Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"GARAGE WEST ELEVATION3GMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460327C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:43 PM
Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"1-CAR GARAGE EAST ELEVATION5Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"1-CAR GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION3Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"1-CAR GARAGE WEST ELEVATION2Scale: 1/4' = 1'-0"1-CAR GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION4ALFAROOEMALFAROOEMALFAROOEMScale: 1/4' = 1'-0"1-CAR GARAGE PLAN1Square FootageGSF - Gross Square FeetDETACHED 1-CAR GARAGEFloor Area = 310 gsfNORTHGMG Architects LLC484 E. Carmel DriveCarmel, IN 460334.13.21CopyrightThis drawing is the property ofGMG Architects LLC. Anyunathorized use or reproductionof these drawings in prohibited.DESIGN STUDY
Not for Construction2020.12New Home670 1st Ave NECarmel, IN 46032Jeff & Molly Cooke14018 Pondview DrCarmel, IN 460328C:\Users\Glenn Gareis\OneDrive - GMG Architects\Documents\0_GMG Architects LLC\Projects\2020.12 - (Cooke) New Home\0 - Computer Drawings\(Cooke) New Home 4.13.21 for Variance.dwg, 4/13/2021 12:43:48 PM
(Petitioner to fill out 1st two blanks only)
Docket No.: PZ-2021-00055 V
Petitioner: GMG Architects LLC on behalf of Jeffery C and Molly Norris Cooke
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
DATED THIS ________________ DAY OF ________________________________, 20 ___________.
Board Member
(Petitioner to fill out 1-3 + first two blanks)
Docket No.: PZ-2021-00055 V
Petitioner: GMG Architects LLC on behalf of Jeffery C and Molly Norris Cooke
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general
welfare of the community because:
The design for the home includes multiple building massing features that reinforce the
appearance of the home as two separate structures. Both structures are no wider than
allowed by the Uniform Development Standards for the Old Town Overlay District. It is also
possible to subdivide the property in the future.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected
in a substantially adverse manner because:
As described in #1 above and shown on the attached drawings the massing and character
of the home is consistent with the Old Town District and the adjoining properties.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because:
The Development Standard’s width restrictions are based on a design that presents itself
as a single structure from the street. By dividing the home into separate wings, it is possible
to provide the space the Owner needs and still fit into the neighborhood. This includes
complying with open space requirements, which would not be possible for a home of this
size on a narrower lot.
IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards
Variance Docket No. ___________________________ is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the
minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Adopted this _______________ day of __________________________________, 20 _______.
_____________________________________________ _
HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
_____________________________________________ _
SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant.