HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication_PP Revised 3/3/2021 Page 1
Fee*: $1,150 plus $149 per lot (or $377 plus $149 per lot)
DATE: ________________________ DOCKET NO. _______________________
The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any
change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws
of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980", adopted under the authority of Acts of
1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1, et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto.
Name of Applicant: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person:____________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________ Phone:__________________
Eplan Review Contact Person:____________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Owner: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Name of Subdivision: _______________________________________________________________________
Approximate Address/Location of Subdivision: ___________________________________________________
Tax ID Parcel No(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached)
Area (in acres): ____________ Number of Lots: ____________ Zoning classification: ____________________________
Length (in miles) of new streets to be dedicated to public use: ___________________________________
Surveyor certifying plat: ____________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________ Phone:____________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________
STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF ___________________________, SS:
The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or she is
informed and believes.
Applicant Signature: _______________________________________
Print name:________________________________________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of _______________, 20 ____.
My Commission Expires:_________________________ ____________________________
Notary Public
Filename: Primary Plat 2021
Office Use Only
*This is a PDF version of the application. The official application should be filled out online at the link below or at
UDO 9.11 Application for Primary Plat. Electronic copies of the primary plat, together with supporting documents, shall
be submitted on-line to the Dept. of Community Services’ Planning/Zoning Division with the application. As of January
1, 2019, electronic-only submittals are accepted. You can submit an electronic application through Carmel's Public
Portal, our on-line application website. Afterwards, plans and documents are to be submitted electronically through
ProjectDox, Carmel’s ePlan review software. Please see the ProjectDox PC & BZA User Guide for more information on
the process and what needs to be submitted. Plans are to be distributed to all Technical Advisory Committee authorities
by the applicant, by the filing deadline as well.
A.Plat to Illustrate:
Filename: Primary Plat 2021 Revised 3/3/2021 Page 5
_____ 1. Name of subdivision (7.08)
_____ 2. Words "PRIMARY PLAT"
_____ 3. Date of submission of latest revisions
_____ 4. Name of subdivision designer
_____ 5. Present zoning classification
_____ 6. Total acreage of the plat
_____ 7. Name, address, telephone number of owner, subdivider & registered land surveyor
_____ 8. Street and rights-of-way (7.25)
a. Locations
b. Names
c. Street width
d. Right-of-way width
_____ 9. Location, size and capacity of:
a. Proposed sanitary sewers
b. Water mains, hydrants
c. Drainage system
_____ 10. Layout of lots showing dimensions, lot number & square footage
_____ 11. Parcels to be dedicated or reserved for public use
_____ 12. Contour slopes
_____ 13. Tract boundary lines showing dimensions, angle bearings, existing monuments, markers and benchmarks.
_____ 14. Location of flood plains (FP, FF and FW)
_____ 15. Building setback lines
_____ 16. Legends and notes
_____ 17. Docket Number(s)
_____ 18. Reserve 4” W x 4” H area on the upper right corner of the drawing for the approval stamp
B. Supporting Data:
_____ 1. Area location map of 1" = 500' to show:
a) Existing adjacent uses
b) Watershed boundaries
c)Thoroughfares directly related to proposed subdivision
d) Existing adjoining zoning classifications and proposed uses
e)Title on area location map, its scale, north arrow and date information was placed on map
Filename: Primary Plat 2021 Revised 3/3/2021 Page 6
_____ 2. Service reports or statements as you receive them
a)Police and Sheriff
b)Fire Department
c) Water and sanitary sewer utilities
d)Electric, gas and telephone utilities
e) Carmel/Clay schools
f)Hamilton County Health Department
g)Surveyor, Drainage Board, County Commissioners
h)Indiana Natural Resources Commission
i)Carmel Board of Public Works
j)Director of the Dept. of Community Services
_____ 3. Report describing water system, sanitary sewer system and storm drainage system
_____ 4. Statement from State Highway, County Highway or City Street Dept.
_____ 5. Soils map and report from Hamilton County Soils & Water Districts
_____ 6. A description of the protective covenants or private restrictions
_____ 7. Erosion control plan. (The Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office requires all Erosion Control Plans be
labeled as “Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans”, aka SWPPP Plans.)
_____ 8. Statement from the Carmel Board of Public Works or other appropriate authority stating that said authority
has capacity for sewer/water hookups
_____ 9. Engineered Landscape plan
_____ 10. Proposed Signage plan
_____ 11. Estimated cost to comply with the Thoroughfare Plan & Alternative Transportation Plan per UDO Section
1.07.E. and 1.07.F (Contact Carmel Engineering Dept. for more info, at 317-571-2441.)
_____ 12. Open Space Plan: According to Sec. 7.19 of the Unified Development Ordinance, (if applicable).
_____ 13. Traffic Analysis
Contact Information
1. Owner and Applicant: 17-09-20-00-00-001.000
Lamb Property Developer, LCC
c/o Paul Rioux, Platinum Properties Management Company
9757 Westpointe Drive, Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Phone: 317-818-2900
Email: prioux@platinum-properties.com
2. Attorney/ Jim, Shinaver, Attorney
Land Use Professional: Jon C. Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional
Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC
550 Congressional Blvd., Suite 210
Carmel, IN 46032
Phone: 317-844-0106
Fax: 317-846-8782
Email: jims@nf-law.com
Email: jon@nf-law.com
3. Engineer HWC Engineering
c/o Kyle Eichhorn
135 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 2800
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-347-3663
Email: keichhorn@hwcengineering.com
The applicant, Lamb Property Developer, LLC has filed Primary and Secondary Plat
applications pertaining to a parcel of real estate that consist of approximately 36 acres which is
located at the southeast intersection of 146th Street and Shelborne Road, having a common
address of 14407 Shelborne Road (collectively, the “Real Estate”). The Real Estate is shown on
the enclosed site location map and is currently the subject of a rezone application to the “Albany
Village Planned Unit Development District”.
The current use of the Real Estate is agricultural. The properties on the north side of
146th Street, in the City of Westfield, are agricultural and residential in use with a portion being
developed as a Del Webb community by Pulte Homes. On the south side of 146th Street, the
Tallyns Ridge subdivision is located to the east, the Trails at Hayden Run subdivision is located
to the southeast, the Albany Place subdivision is located to the south and to the west of the Real
Estate, across Shelborne Road, is a single family residence and real estate owned by Carmel Clay
Lamb Property Developer, LLC is seeking plat approval for the Real Estate in order to
develop a high-quality, for sale, residential community to be known as “Albany Village”
consisting of both single family detached homes and two-family attached paired villas consisting
of eighty-two (82) homes on the Real Estate.
As illustrated on the Site Plan, the single family detached homes are to be constructed on
lots are located along the eastern and southern perimeter of the Real Estate next to the Tallyns
Ridge subdivision and Albany Place subdivision. The two-family attached paired villa homes
will be constructed along the west perimeter of the Real Estate near the intersection of 146th
Street and Shelborne Road. As shown on the Site Plan, access to the Real Estate will be provided
to the west via a subdivision entrance on Shelborne Road, as well as a street connection to the
south connecting to Marsdale Place in the Albany Place subdivision and Trahan Drive in Tallyns
Modernized Land Description
A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 18
North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being a part of the
William Lamb property described in Instrument Number 2018037539 in the Recorders
Office of Hamilton County, Indian and being described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of a tract of real estate conveyed to Hamilton
County, Indiana, as described in Instrument Number 2018037540, said point being along
the North line of said Quarter section, North 89 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds East,
513.36 feet, from the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter, marked by a Harrison
monument; thence continue along said North line, North 89 degrees 36 minutes 02
seconds East 811.71 feet to the Northeast corner of said Quarter-Quarter section, also
being the Northwest corner of Tallyn’s Ridge subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in
Instrument Number 2016048354; thence along the west line of said subdivision and east
line of said quarter-quarter, South 00 degrees 04 minutes 02 seconds West, 1314.83 feet
to a capped rebar at the Southeast corner of said quarter-quarter (said point also
being the Southwest corner of said Tallyn’s Ridge and the Northeast corner of Albany
Place Section 2 as per plat thereof recorded as Instrument Number 2018050330 in said
Recorders office); thence along the South line of said quarter-quarter section(and north
line of said Albany Place Section 2 and the North line of Haskell property described in
Instrument Number 9427730), South 89 degrees 36 minutes 47 seconds West, 1325.57
feet to a point on the West line of said Northwest Quarter; Also being Southwest corner
of said quarter-quarter section thence along said West line, North 00 degrees, 05
minutes 20 seconds East, 789.55 feet to the Southwest corner of said Hamilton County
property; thence along the Eastern boundary thereof the following nine (9) courses: 1)
South 89 degrees 53 minutes 48 seconds East, 10.87 feet, 2) North 68 degrees 36 minutes
20 seconds East, 67.78 feet to a point of curvature of a non-tangent curve to the left,
having a radius of 205.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of
North 69 degrees 33 minutes 03 seconds East, 155.69 feet; 3) thence along said curve
an arc distance of 159.70 feet; 4) North 33 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East, 65.23
feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 200.00 feet and
subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 14 degrees 27 minutes 47
seconds East, 98.72 feet; 5) thence along said curve an arc distance of 99.75 feet; 6)
North 00 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds East, 144.07 feet to a point of a tangent curve
to the right, having a radius of 110.00 feet and subtended by a long chord of North 44
degrees 53 minutes 18 seconds East, 154.78 feet, 7) thence along said curve an arc
distance of 171.68 feet; 8) North 89 degrees 31 minutes 43 seconds East, 124.14 feet; 9)
North 00 degrees 23 minutes 13 seconds West, 44.84 feet to the Point of Beginning,
containing 36.649 acres more or less.
Subject to all easements and Rights-of-way of record
Filename: Primary Plat 2021 Page 7
Carmel Plan Commission
Carmel, Indiana
DOCKET NO. ___________________ SUBDIVISION NAME: __________________________________
PETITIONER: _____________________________
_____ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and
certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Services, I determine that the plat
complies with standards of the Carmel Unified Development Ordinance.
_____ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed
to by the petitioner.
Condition 1. _________________________________________________________________________
Condition 2. _________________________________________________________________________
Condition 3. _________________________________________________________________________
_____ I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons:
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
DATED THIS __________ DAY OF ______________________________, 20 _______.
Commission Member
Revised 3/3/2021
Albany Village
Site Location Map / Aerial PhotographShelborne RoadNORTH
141st Street
146th Street