HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 04-20-21 Committee Comments: None
A Motion made by Rider and seconded by Westermeier to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to vote on this
item at tonight's meeting.
Approved 7-0,recused Zoccola,absent Potasnik.
A Motion made by Rider and seconded by Westermeier to approve Docket No. PZ-2021-00039 SW
Approved 7-0,recused Zoccola,absent Potasnik.
Old Business
1. Docket No.PZ-2021-00003 PP: Asherwood Primary Plat
2. Docket No.PZ-2021-00008 SW: Waiver—UDO 6.09: 600 ft.Max,Cul-de-sac Length,4,230 ft. requested.
3. Docket No.PZ-2021-00009 SW: Waiver—UDO 7.26: Private Streets Not Permitted,Private St.requested.
4. Docket No.PZ-2021-00010 SW: Waiver—UDO 7.28: Two Access Points from a Perimeter Street Required,
Only One Access Point requested.
The applicant seeks primary plat approval and design standards waiver approval for 41 lots on 85 acres. The site
is located at 10110 Ditch Road. It is zoned S-1/Residential. Filed by Brett Huff with,Kimley-Horn on behalf of
Gradison Design Build.
Petitioner: Justin Moffett,Old Town Companies:
• We addressed the concerns at the March 30th Committee meeting
• We presented our reasoning for the waiver requests due to all the constraints on the site
• We are seeking a covenant relief from the 75' front yard setback.This is not a City of Carmel rule.This covenant
runs with the land. We will seek this from the Hamilton County Courts.
• Staff did mention a concern with the width of our private streets. We agreed to narrow our ROW.
Department Report: Alexia Lopez
• Staff did request to keep the street width at 56' which is a requirement in the Ordinance for public streets,just
incase these private streets would become public
• Staff recommends approval of this item at tonight's meeting
Residential Committee Recap: Sue Westermeier—Chair
• We did forward this back to the full PC with a favorable recommendation,2-1.
Committee Comments:
Kevin: Is there another entrance/access planned for Phase II?Justin Moffett: Yes, another entryway will be included in
Phase II.
Jeff: Are there any other issues that would prohibited these private streets to become public streets?Are there any front
setbacks or building setback issues?Alexia: The streets will be installed with the City standards and correct widths for
public streets. The street ROW exists and will be reviewed by the Engineering Dept. This will also be reviewed during the
Secondary Plat process.
A Motion made by Rider and seconded by Hill to approve Docket Nos.PZ-2021-00003 PP,PZ-2021-00008 SW,PZ-
2021-00009 SW,and PZ-2021-00010 SW.
Approved 7-0,recused Zoccola,absent Potasnik.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
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J hestak Plan Commission Secretary Brad Grabow President
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 4-20-21