HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Master Plan_9-10-2014Jackson’s Grant City of Carmel, Indiana Prepared For: Silvara Real Estate Company, LLC Prepared August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. Corporate Office 619 North Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Satellite Offices: Columbus, Ohio St. Louis, Missouri 1-877-668-8848 info@williamscreek.net Post-Construction Stormwater Master Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Stormwater Master Plan Page Table of Contents ................................................................................................. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 2 2.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POLICY ............................................................ 2 3.0 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN ....................................................................................... 2 4.0 STORMWATER MASTER PLANNING .................................................................. 3 5.0 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED DESIGN ..................................... 4 6.0 WATER QUALITY SUMMARY .............................................................................. 5 7.0 STORMWATER DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST .................................................... 7 FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Existing Land Use Aerial Photography Figure 3 – FEMA FIRM Map Figure 4 – Pre-Developed Watershed Map Figure 5 – Post-Developed Watershed Map Figure 6 – BMP Location Map APPENDICES Appendix A – Water Quality & Hydraulic Support Calculations Appendix B – BMP Operations & Maintenance Manual BMP DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 2 1.0 Introduction This Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) has been prepared based on guidelines published in the CITY OF CARMEL STORMWATER TECHNICAL STANDARDS MANUAL and the HAMILTON COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE STORMWATER DESIGN MANUAL. 1.1 Existing Site Information JACKSON’S GRANT is an approximately 266 acre parcel of land located in the City of Carmel, Indiana. The site is bordered by Clay Center Road to the west, Spring Mill Road to the east, 116th Street to the south and Claybridge Subdivision to the North. The site is located in Section 34, Township 18N, Range 3E in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. JACKSON’S GRANT is divided into four main watersheds discharging to two separate streams, Ams Run and Williams Creek. Both streams converge immediately downstream of the property site. The site is currently encumbered by a FEMA designated floodplain and floodway per FEMA map panel 18057C0208F. The 100-year base flood elevation across the site generally ranges from 834 at the south property boundary to 848 at the north property boundary. The Ams Run Watershed encompasses approximately 53.80 acres, 15.69 acres of which will remain undeveloped and 38.11 acres of which will be developed. The existing land use for the Ams Run Watershed is predominantly agricultural use and dense woods. The Williams Creek Watershed, which includes the Elliot Creek and Almond Ditch Watersheds, encompasses approximately 214.29 acres, 51.95 acres of which will remain undeveloped and 162.34 acres of which will be developed. The existing land use for the West Watershed is predominantly agricultural use with a mixture of dense woods and grassy meadow. 2.0 Stormwater Management Policy The purpose of this Stormwater Management Policy is to provide a stormwater management master plan for the entire planned JACKSON’S GRANT development. This JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan will provide supporting information to show that ordinances for both quantity and quality control as specified by the City of Carmel and Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office have been adhered to. This Stormwater Master Plan will also provide guidance for future build-out of this planned development. 3.0 Sustainable Design The JACKSON’S GRANT development takes an innovative approach to stormwater management. Through the use of sustainable measures, stormwater Best Management Practices have been strategically placed throughout the development creating passive recreational stormwater management areas in otherwise unutilized Common Area. By creating numerous low-key BMPs, the need for often typical wet detention basins will be eliminated. This provides a level of safety to the residents in the vicinity of the BMPs as well as unencumber significant acreage that would otherwise be rendered undevelopable. The JACKSON’S GRANT development utilizes BMPs to manage both stormwater quality and quantity per the City of Carmel and Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office standards. Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 3 4.0 Stormwater Master Planning The purpose of this SWMP for the JACKSON’S GRANT development is to allow future development to simply discharge to previously designed and approved stormwater collection systems without the need for supplemental measures. The limits and constraints of hydrologic and hydraulic parameters as set forth in Figure 6 shall be strictly adhered to. Any deviation will require written approval by the City of Carmel and/or the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office. Sufficient supporting information will be required prior to issuance of a variance from the standards set forth in this SWMP. Any potential land uses that could discharge concentrated pollutants to the BMPs designed as part of this Master Plan, i.e. industrial use, fuel stations, etc., may be required to install supplemental stormwater quality BMPs at the City of Carmel’s discretion. 4.1 Curve Number and Time of Concentration Hydrologic parameters for the SMWP consist of conservative post-development numbers. Constraints have been set in this report for the time-of-concentration and SCS Curve Numbers for each watershed discharging to BMPs located within JACKSON’S GRANT. Proposed future development within JACKSON’S GRANT that either meet or exceed the constraints set forth in Figures 5 & 6 are not required to install additional stormwater management systems. In lieu of a full drainage report, and to ensure compliance with this master plan the site engineer shall submit time of concentration and post developed curve numbers to confirm that the site design is in conformance with these constraints set forth in Figures 5 & 6. Proposed developments that are unable to adhere to the constraints set forth in Figures 5 & 6 will be required to submit full drainage plans and reports for the affected BMPs and include supporting information that the Stormwater Management System in its entirety remains in accordance with the City of Carmel and Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office ordinances for stormwater quality and quantity control. 4.2 Construction Phase Rule 5 Permitting Compliance with the SWMP does not relieve proposed developments from submitting a full construction phase Stormwater Prevention Pollution Plan (SWPPP) as required by the City of Carmel MS4. The SWPPP may reference the SWMP for purposes of compliance with post-construction BMP requirements, providing conditions of compliance outlined in the SWMP are met. All construction phase submittals to the City of Carmel are to include operations and maintenance manuals. 4.3 Stormwater Collection Systems and Outfalls Compliance with the SWMP does not relieve proposed developments from submitting engineering calculations in support of piping, swales, overland conveyances, and other collection systems that may be contained within a proposed development for the purpose of conveying stormwater to and from a master plan stormwater management area. Outfalls from collection systems must be designed with adequate outlet protection to prevent erosion or other damage to the SWMP stormwater management areas. Defined maintenance areas specific to proposed outfalls should be in compliance with the general operation and maintenance guidelines specific to the type of BMP receiving the discharge per information provided in the Operation and Maintenance Guidelines. Maintenance access to proposed maintenance areas must be provided on proposed plans. Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 4 During the construction of SWMP BMPs and infrastructure, any subsurface drain connections that are stubbed out for future connection to individual lot subsurface drains must have a cleanout installed at the end of the stub. 4.4 Peak Rate Control The JACKSON’S GRANT SWMP consists of multiple outlets as depicted in Figures 5 and 6. All stormwater management systems discharge to Ams Run, Elliot Ditch, Almond Ditch, and Williams Creek. Williams Creek is the ultimate receiving water for this development. Per the City of Carmel Technical Standards Manual (Section 302.03), peak release rate from developed areas shall be no more than 0.1 CFS per acre for storms with 10-year recurrence intervals and 0.3 CFS per acre for storms with 100-year recurrence intervals. 5.0 Developed Conditions and Proposed Design The JACKSON’S GRANT planned community will predominantly consist of single family residential developments with a small area to be dedicated to a future attached single family development. Watershed Analysis: The entire 266 acre property slated to become the JACKSON’S GRANT planned community has been analyzed to determine proper allowable discharge rates to Williams Creek and its ultimate outlet at the south property line. Per the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, the allowable release rate from a development shall not exceed the criteria therein. As shown on Figure 5, the entire site has been broken into developed watersheds and undeveloped watersheds. With a sizeable portion of the JACKSON’S GRANT property to remain undeveloped, runoff from such watersheds will be allowed to flow unrestricted as currently occurs. The only portions of the property subject to the peak rate control ordinance are those which will be developed. An additional 5.19 acres of offsite contributing runoff (remainder of the full thoroughfare plan right-of-way) has been accounted for in the model, resulting in a total watershed analyzed of 271.19 acres. Release Rates: To determine the allowable release rate for the post-developed condition, the acreage from all developed watersheds has been added together. As shown on Figure 5, the JACKSON’S GRANT planned community has a proposed developed acreage of 203.55 acres. This acreage is multiplied by 0.1 cfs / acre to determine the 10 – year post-developed allowable release rate and 0.3 cfs / acre to determine the 100 – year post developed allowable release rate. These values were then added to the undeveloped peak release rates to determine the total allowable site release rates. Refer to Table 4.1 for a summary of release rate values. Table 4.2 provides a summary of the modeled release rates. For reference, Table 4.3 shows the pre-developed release rates for the entire site. Table 4.1: Allowable Release Rates – Entire Site Storm Event Total Undeveloped Discharge Developed Acreage Rate Allowable Release 10-Year 117.68 cfs 203.55 Acreage x 0.1 cfs / Acre + 117.68 cfs 138.03 cfs. 100-Year 267.52 cfs 203.55 Acreage x 0.3 cfs / Acre + 267.52 cfs 328.58 cfs Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 5 6.0 Water Quality Summary The JACKSON’S GRANT SWMP is distributed among 73 on-site stormwater management facilities that also act as post-construction BMPs. Refer to Figure 6 for locations of all post-construction BMPs. Per the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, all runoff from impervious surfaces during a 1-inch, 24-hour Type II SCS rainfall event shall be treated to reduce Total Suspended Solids (TSS) by 80%. All stormwater management BMPS on-site are infiltration trenches/basins. Some of the BMPs also include low flow vegetated swales (that are hybrid constructed wetlands) to further enhance water quality. According to the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, infiltration measures remove 87% of TSS from the water quality rainfall event, while vegetated swales remove 80%. To be conservative, all low flow channels that mimic constructed wetlands have been assumed to remove only 60% TSS. Refer to the Appendix A for a chart showing the total treatment train for the site. In areas of the development where it will prove infeasible to treat the rear of lots, builders will be required to direct all drainage from impervious surfaces toward the collection systems. Other pervious areas will be allowed to discharge directly offsite via sheet and shallow concentrated flow. In small areas at stream crossings where it is infeasible to direct impervious area to a BMP, the last structures prior to discharge must have a minimum sump of 2 ft. and a floatables control, such as screen or snout, installed. This area has been counted as direct discharge from the development in release rate calculations and must be treated for water quality using sumps and floatable control. Table 4.2: Peak Discharge Results Watershed Simulation Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Site 10-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 128.19 Total Site 100-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 308.45 Table 4.3: Pre-Developed Peak Discharge Results Watershed Simulation Peak Discharge (cfs) Ams Run 10-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 64.80 Ams Run 100-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 153.32 Williams Creek 10-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 323.85 Williams Creek 100-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 744.90 Elliot Creek 10-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 14.34 Elliot Creek 100-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 34.26 Almond Ditch 10-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 19.36 Almond Ditch 100-Year 24-Hour SCS Type II 48.59 Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 6 Per the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, all runoff from the project area during a 1- inch, 24-hour Type II SCS rainfall event shall be routed through two separate BMPS prior to ultimate discharge. In all cases, runoff created by the water quality event on the JACKSON’S GRANT planned community will meet this requirement. In most cases, runoff will be routed through 3 or more BMPS prior to ultimate discharge. Basin Routing: The BMP location map is to be used by future developers and designers as a tool to determine allowable discharge locations. The overall design of the JACKSON’S GRANT SWMP is dependent on the identified watersheds properly routed in a manner similar to the SWMP assumptions. Developments that propose alternate discharge locations will be required to provide two BMP’s in series with supporting calculations as required by the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual prior to discharging to any SWMP stormwater management areas. Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 7 Silvara Real Estate Company, LLC. August 25, 2014 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP (Carmel Quadrangle) Jackson’s Grant Hamilton County, Indiana 619 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 Prepared for: Project No. 01.0561.A.1 Date: N NTS Approximate SITE Location Silvara Real Estate Company, LLC. August 25, 2014 FIGURE 2 Existing Land Use Aerial Photography Jackson’s Grant Hamilton County, Indiana 619 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 Prepared for: Project No. 01.0561.A.1 Date: N Approximate Site Location NTS Silvara Real Estate Company, LLC. August 25, 2014 FIGURE 3 FEMA FIRM (From Panel 18057C0208F) Jackson’s Grant Hamilton County, Indiana 619 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tel: 317-423-0690 Fax: 317-423-0696 Prepared for: Project No. 01.0561.A.1 Date: N NTS Approximate Site Location Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 8 APPENDIX A WATER QUALITY AND HYDRAULIC SUPPORT CALCULATIONS JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 9 APPENDIX A-1 HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC SUPPORT INFORMATION JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana Time of Concentration WorksheetPROJECT: Jackson's Grant     Based on TR‐55 JOB #: 01.0726.P.1Typical values for Manning's nOverland Flow Channel Flow2 year, 24 hour rainfall =2.66inches0.400 grass 0.025 minimum T_c =5minutes0.300 concrete 0.015 rip-rap 0.035 Overland flowseg. 1 Overland flowseg. 2 Shallow Concentrated Flow Channel Flow T_cBasin Length S n T_t Length S n T_t Length SPaved/UnVel. T_t Length a Pw r S n Vel. T_tname (ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % (P or U) (ft/s)(min) (ft) (s.f.) (ft) (ft) % (ft/s) (min) (min)Ams Und.100 2.47 0.40021.6 0467 2.47 U2.5 3.100.00 24.7WC Und.100 1.25 0.30022.6 0220 1.25 U1.8 2.000.00 24.6Ex. Ams100 0.80 0.30027.0 0998 0.80 U1.4 11.500.00 38.5Ex. WC100 1.98 0.30018.8 0962 1.98 U2.3 7.100.00 25.8Ex. Almond100 1.77 0.30019.6 0862 1.77 U2.1 6.700.00 26.3Ex. Elliot100 3.55 0.40018.7 0604 3.55 U3 3.300.00 22.0WoodsPasture/Crop Project Name: SILVARA Date: 8/25/2014 Hydrologic Unit Code Completed By: DAM Soil Group = D *Accounts for use of less pervious soil group due to construction activities SF SF SF SF AREA CN AREA CN AREA CN 10A 345,150             245,769              87 77,393             93.5 21,988                74.9 88 96                       10C 121,000             65,966                87 20,000             93.5 35,034                74.9 85 93                       11A 167,579             63,751                87 57,065             93.5 46,763                74.9 86 93                       9A 140,700             85,489                87 21,269             93.5 33,942                74.9 85 93                       9B 135,887             96,212                87 30,000             93.5 9,675                  74.9 88 96                       2C 81,774               35,445                87 35,529             93.5 10,800                74.9 88 96                       2A 250,988             167,355              87 50,508             93.5 33,125                74.9 87 95                       2B 19,065                ‐                       87 93.5 19,065                74.9 75 81                       11B 169,050             67,159                87 37,130             93.5 64,761                74.9 84 91                       4E 109,250             51,779                87 42,551             93.5 14,920                74.9 88 96                       OFF2 7,185                 7,185                  87 93.5 74.9 87 97                       7 232,337             107,636              87 83,826             93.5 40,875                74.9 87 95                       6C 61,000               47,000                87 93.5 14,000                74.9 84 93                       8 148,528             59,656                87 60,743             93.5 28,129                74.9 87 95                       1A 56,567               36,373                87 18,662             93.5 1,532                  74.9 89 97                       1B 23,054               12,781                87 93.5 10,273                74.9 82 90                       1C 47,883               24,860                87 10,751             93.5 12,272                74.9 85 93                       1D 125,022             62,022                87 30,000             93.5 33,000                74.9 85 93                       1E 61,128               828                      87 93.5 60,300                74.9 75 81                       6A 98,175               44,265                87 37,738             93.5 16,172                74.9 88 95                       6B 171,572             113,588              87 39,800             93.5 18,184                74.9 87 96                       5 112,880             85,335                87 15,455             93.5 12,090                74.9 87 96                       4A 73,347               47,585                87 15,097             93.5 10,665                74.9 87 95                       4B 9,339                  ‐                       87 93.5 9,339                  74.9 75 81                       4C 150,559             81,699                87 43,544             93.5 25,316                74.9 87 95                       4D 10,720                ‐                       87 93.5 10,720                74.9 75 81                       14A 230,600             180,639              86 47,546             93.5 2,415                  74.9 87 97                       14B 27,000                ‐                       86 93.5 27,000                74.9 75 81                       15A 191,711             160,954              86 20,408             93.5 10,349                74.9 86 96                       15C 128,486             91,169                86 17,244             93.5 20,073                74.9 85 95                       13A 142,822             105,117              86 22,165             93.5 15,540                74.9 86 96                       13C 287,781             151,951              86 80,871             93.5 54,959                74.9 86 95                       15B 24,080               20,513                86 ‐                   93.5 3,567                  74.9 84 95                       13D 14,664                ‐                       86 ‐                   93.5 14,664                74.9 75 81                       13B 12,091                ‐                       86 ‐                   93.5 12,091                74.9 75 81                       14C 82,455               55,000                86 ‐                   93.5 27,455                74.9 82 92                       12A 63,877               34,283                86 18,694             93.5 10,900                74.9 86 95                       12B 38,319               8,621                  86 14,535             93.5 15,163                74.9 84 91                       12C 65,759               37,034                86 20,389             93.5 8,336                  74.9 87 96                       12D 68,392               57,658                86 93.5 10,734                74.9 84 94                       12E 35,367               30,622                86 93.5 4,745                  74.9 85 95                       12F 77,135               37,248                86 12,117             93.5 27,770                74.9 83 92                       29A 73,048                ‐                       86 44,948             93.5 28,100                74.9 86 92                       29B 119,594             58,337                86 53,882             93.5 7,375                  74.9 89 97                       30 205,642             157,712              86 31,780             93.5 16,150                74.9 86 96                       34A 26,023               26,023                86 93.5 75.9 86 97                       34B 211,273             153,709              86 48,307             93.5 9,257                  76.9 87 97                       27 724,100             493,270              86 149,595          93.5 81,235                74.9 86 96                       26A 319,840             237,455              86 59,950             93.5 22,435                74.9 87 96                       26B 148,318             71,605                86 16,750             93.5 59,963                74.9 82 91                       37A 101,747             86 70,546             93.5 31,201                74.9 88 93                       37B 27,442               86 27,442             93.5 74.9 94 99                       25 170,402             63,264                86 10,564             93.5 96,574                74.9 80 88                       24 147,679             35,272                86 37,110             93.5 75,297                74.9 82 89                       22A 78,250               60,339                86 ‐                   93.5 17,911                74.9 83 93                       22B 81,447               52,597                86 ‐                   93.5 28,850                74.9 82 91                       21B 85,598               41,245                86 34,321             93.5 10,032                74.9 88 96                       21A 133,570             54,629                86 29,121             93.5 49,820                74.9 83 91                       20A 202,254             120,254              86 44,000             93.5 38,000                74.9 86 94                       20B 51,473               21,203                86 17,000             93.5 13,270                74.9 86 94                       19A 103,870             40,815                86 30,194               93.5 32,861                  74.9 85 93                        33A 28,496               7,607                  86 11,889             93.5 9,000                  74.9 86 93                       33B 21,304                ‐                       86 93.5 21,304                74.9 75 81                       33C 15,810                ‐                       86 93.5 15,810                74.9 75 81                       18B 118,665             89,803                86 16,289             93.5 12,573                74.9 86 96                       18A 101,700             55,887                86 31,293             93.5 14,520                74.9 87 95                       17A 99,142               72,397                86 18,799             93.5 7,946                  74.9 87 96                       17B 141,987             97,530                86 30,295             93.5 14,162                74.9 86 96                       16 232,165             152,165              86 55,000             93.5 25,000                74.9 87 96                       36A 23,734               23,734                86 93.5 74.9 86 97                       36B 57,677                ‐                       86 16,655             93.5 41,022                74.9 80 86                       36C 54,066                ‐                       86 93.5 54,066                74.9 75 81                       35 115,752             62,439                86 44,749             93.5 8,564                  74.9 88 97                       FUTURE DEV 1 122,218             94 99                       FUTURE DEV 2 302,056             94 99                       WC UNDEV 79 AMS UNDEV 77South WestModel Section Middle EastSouth EastNorth EastNorth WestWQ CNDRAINAGE BASIN WEIGHTED CN LOTS (75% Imp) RIGHT‐OF‐WAY (90% Imp) COMMON AREA (5% Imp)  TOTAL AREA  Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 10 APPENDIX A-2 PRE-DEVELOPED HYDROCAD REPORT JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana ALMOND Amond Ditch Watershed AMS Ams Run Watershed ELLIOT Elliot Creek Watershed WC Williams Creek Watershed Drainage Diagram for Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014 HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 2Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (selected nodes) Area (acres)CN Description (subcats) 53.585 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C (ALMOND,AMS,ELLIOT,WC) 99.023 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B (ALMOND,AMS,WC) 16.459 79 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG C (ELLIOT,WC) 103.928 82 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG C (AMS,WC) 272.995 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 3Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=5.00-20.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=14.430 ac Runoff Depth>1.33"Subcatchment ALMOND: Amond Ditch Watershed Tc=26.3 min CN=74 Runoff=19.36 cfs 1.597 af Runoff Area=53.805 ac Runoff Depth>1.52"Subcatchment AMS: Ams Run Watershed Tc=38.5 min CN=77 Runoff=64.80 cfs 6.802 af Runoff Area=8.640 ac Runoff Depth>1.46"Subcatchment ELLIOT: Elliot Creek Watershed Tc=22.0 min CN=76 Runoff=14.34 cfs 1.051 af Runoff Area=196.120 ac Runoff Depth>1.59"Subcatchment WC: Williams Creek Watershed Tc=25.8 min CN=78 Runoff=323.85 cfs 26.056 af Total Runoff Area = 272.995 ac Runoff Volume = 35.507 af Average Runoff Depth = 1.56" 100.00% Pervious Area = 272.995 ac 0.00% Impervious Area = 0.000 ac Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 4Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment ALMOND: Amond Ditch Watershed Runoff = 19.36 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume= 1.597 af, Depth> 1.33" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Area (ac) CN Description 4.760 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 9.670 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B 14.430 74 Weighted Average 14.430 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 26.3 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment ALMOND: Amond Ditch Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Runoff Area=14.430 ac Runoff Volume=1.597 af Runoff Depth>1.33" Tc=26.3 min CN=74 19.36 cfs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 5Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment AMS: Ams Run Watershed Runoff = 64.80 cfs @ 12.36 hrs, Volume= 6.802 af, Depth> 1.52" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Area (ac) CN Description 18.016 82 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG C 18.016 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B 17.773 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 53.805 77 Weighted Average 53.805 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 38.5 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment AMS: Ams Run Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Runoff Area=53.805 ac Runoff Volume=6.802 af Runoff Depth>1.52" Tc=38.5 min CN=77 64.80 cfs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 6Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment ELLIOT: Elliot Creek Watershed Runoff = 14.34 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 1.051 af, Depth> 1.46" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Area (ac) CN Description 4.320 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 4.320 79 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG C 8.640 76 Weighted Average 8.640 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 22.0 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment ELLIOT: Elliot Creek Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Runoff Area=8.640 ac Runoff Volume=1.051 af Runoff Depth>1.46" Tc=22.0 min CN=76 14.34 cfs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 7Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment WC: Williams Creek Watershed Runoff = 323.85 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 26.056 af, Depth> 1.59" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Area (ac) CN Description 85.912 82 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG C 71.337 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B 12.139 79 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG C 26.732 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 196.120 78 Weighted Average 196.120 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 25.8 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment WC: Williams Creek Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Runoff Area=196.120 ac Runoff Volume=26.056 af Runoff Depth>1.59" Tc=25.8 min CN=78 323.85 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 8Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=5.00-20.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=14.430 ac Runoff Depth>3.28"Subcatchment ALMOND: Amond Ditch Watershed Tc=26.3 min CN=74 Runoff=48.59 cfs 3.948 af Runoff Area=53.805 ac Runoff Depth>3.57"Subcatchment AMS: Ams Run Watershed Tc=38.5 min CN=77 Runoff=153.32 cfs 15.987 af Runoff Area=8.640 ac Runoff Depth>3.49"Subcatchment ELLIOT: Elliot Creek Watershed Tc=22.0 min CN=76 Runoff=34.26 cfs 2.510 af Runoff Area=196.120 ac Runoff Depth>3.68"Subcatchment WC: Williams Creek Watershed Tc=25.8 min CN=78 Runoff=744.90 cfs 60.185 af Total Runoff Area = 272.995 ac Runoff Volume = 82.630 af Average Runoff Depth = 3.63" 100.00% Pervious Area = 272.995 ac 0.00% Impervious Area = 0.000 ac Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 9Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment ALMOND: Amond Ditch Watershed Runoff = 48.59 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 3.948 af, Depth> 3.28" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) CN Description 4.760 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 9.670 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B 14.430 74 Weighted Average 14.430 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 26.3 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment ALMOND: Amond Ditch Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Runoff Area=14.430 ac Runoff Volume=3.948 af Runoff Depth>3.28" Tc=26.3 min CN=74 48.59 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 10Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment AMS: Ams Run Watershed Runoff = 153.32 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 15.987 af, Depth> 3.57" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) CN Description 18.016 82 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG C 18.016 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B 17.773 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 53.805 77 Weighted Average 53.805 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 38.5 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment AMS: Ams Run Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Runoff Area=53.805 ac Runoff Volume=15.987 af Runoff Depth>3.57" Tc=38.5 min CN=77 153.32 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 11Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment ELLIOT: Elliot Creek Watershed Runoff = 34.26 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 2.510 af, Depth> 3.49" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) CN Description 4.320 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 4.320 79 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG C 8.640 76 Weighted Average 8.640 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 22.0 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment ELLIOT: Elliot Creek Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Runoff Area=8.640 ac Runoff Volume=2.510 af Runoff Depth>3.49" Tc=22.0 min CN=76 34.26 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 12Prepared by {enter your company name here} 5/23/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment WC: Williams Creek Watershed Runoff = 744.90 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 60.185 af, Depth> 3.68" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) CN Description 85.912 82 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG C 71.337 75 Row crops, SR + CR, Good, HSG B 12.139 79 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG C 26.732 73 Woods, Fair, HSG C 196.120 78 Weighted Average 196.120 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 25.8 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment WC: Williams Creek Watershed Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Runoff Area=196.120 ac Runoff Volume=60.185 af Runoff Depth>3.68" Tc=25.8 min CN=78 744.90 cfs Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 11 APPENDIX A-3 POST-PROJECT UNDEVELOPED HYDROCAD REPORT JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana AU Ams Run Undeveloped WCU Williams Creek Undeveloped 1L Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Drainage Diagram for Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014 HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 2Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (selected nodes) Area (acres)CN Description (subcats) 15.690 77 Woods, Good, HSG D (AU) 51.950 79 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG D (WCU) 67.640 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 3Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=5.00-20.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=15.690 ac Runoff Depth>1.53"Subcatchment AU: Ams Run Undeveloped Tc=24.7 min CN=77 Runoff=25.38 cfs 1.995 af Runoff Area=51.950 ac Runoff Depth>1.67"Subcatchment WCU: Williams Creek Undeveloped Tc=24.6 min CN=79 Runoff=92.30 cfs 7.212 af Inflow=117.68 cfs 9.207 afLink 1L: Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Primary=117.68 cfs 9.207 af Total Runoff Area = 67.640 ac Runoff Volume = 9.207 af Average Runoff Depth = 1.63" 100.00% Pervious Area = 67.640 ac 0.00% Impervious Area = 0.000 ac Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 4Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment AU: Ams Run Undeveloped Runoff = 25.38 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.995 af, Depth> 1.53" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Area (ac) CN Description 15.690 77 Woods, Good, HSG D 15.690 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 24.7 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment AU: Ams Run Undeveloped Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)25 20 15 10 5 0 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Runoff Area=15.690 ac Runoff Volume=1.995 af Runoff Depth>1.53" Tc=24.7 min CN=77 25.38 cfs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 5Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment WCU: Williams Creek Undeveloped Runoff = 92.30 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 7.212 af, Depth> 1.67" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Area (ac) CN Description 51.950 79 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG D 51.950 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 24.6 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment WCU: Williams Creek Undeveloped Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83" Runoff Area=51.950 ac Runoff Volume=7.212 af Runoff Depth>1.67" Tc=24.6 min CN=79 92.30 cfs Type II 24-hr 10YR-24HR Rainfall=3.83"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 6Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Link 1L: Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Inflow Area = 67.640 ac, Inflow Depth > 1.63" for 10YR-24HR event Inflow = 117.68 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 9.207 af Primary = 117.68 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 9.207 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Link 1L: Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Inflow Primary Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Inflow Area=67.640 ac 117.68 cfs117.68 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 7Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Time span=5.00-20.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=15.690 ac Runoff Depth>3.58"Subcatchment AU: Ams Run Undeveloped Tc=24.7 min CN=77 Runoff=59.54 cfs 4.685 af Runoff Area=51.950 ac Runoff Depth>3.79"Subcatchment WCU: Williams Creek Undeveloped Tc=24.6 min CN=79 Runoff=207.98 cfs 16.390 af Inflow=267.52 cfs 21.075 afLink 1L: Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Primary=267.52 cfs 21.075 af Total Runoff Area = 67.640 ac Runoff Volume = 21.075 af Average Runoff Depth = 3.74" 100.00% Pervious Area = 67.640 ac 0.00% Impervious Area = 0.000 ac Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 8Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment AU: Ams Run Undeveloped Runoff = 59.54 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 4.685 af, Depth> 3.58" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) CN Description 15.690 77 Woods, Good, HSG D 15.690 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 24.7 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment AU: Ams Run Undeveloped Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Runoff Area=15.690 ac Runoff Volume=4.685 af Runoff Depth>3.58" Tc=24.7 min CN=77 59.54 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 9Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment WCU: Williams Creek Undeveloped Runoff = 207.98 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 16.390 af, Depth> 3.79" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) CN Description 51.950 79 Woods/grass comb., Good, HSG D 51.950 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 24.6 Direct Entry, From Spreadsheet Subcatchment WCU: Williams Creek Undeveloped Runoff Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46" Runoff Area=51.950 ac Runoff Volume=16.390 af Runoff Depth>3.79" Tc=24.6 min CN=79 207.98 cfs Type II 24-hr 100YR-24HR Rainfall=6.46"Pre and Post Project Undeveloped Page 10Prepared by {enter your company name here} 8/25/2014HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004552 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Link 1L: Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Inflow Area = 67.640 ac, Inflow Depth > 3.74" for 100YR-24HR event Inflow = 267.52 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 21.075 af Primary = 267.52 cfs @ 12.18 hrs, Volume= 21.075 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Link 1L: Undeveloped Combined Hydrograph Inflow Primary Hydrograph Time (hours) 201918171615141312111098765Flow (cfs)250 200 150 100 50 0 Inflow Area=67.640 ac 267.52 cfs267.52 cfs Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 12 APPENDIX A-4 POST-DEVELOPED ICPR INPUT JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana Inputs ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Ams Undeveloped Node: W.C. Outlet Status: Onsite Group: Combined Model Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 24.70 Area(ac): 15.690 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 77.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 10A Node: Basin 10A Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 16.00 Area(ac): 7.920 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 10C Node: Basin 10C Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 2.780 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 11A Node: Basin 11A Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 3.850 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 11B Node: Basin 11B Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 3.880 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 84.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 12A Node: Basin 12A Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 31.10 Area(ac): 1.470 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 Page 1 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 12B Node: Basin 12B Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 12.90 Area(ac): 0.880 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 84.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 12C Node: Basin 12C Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 12.90 Area(ac): 1.510 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 12D Node: Basin 12D Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.20 Area(ac): 1.570 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 84.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 12E Node: Basin 12E Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.00 Area(ac): 0.810 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 12F Node: Basin 12F Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 18.30 Area(ac): 1.770 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 83.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 13A Node: Basin 13A Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 3.280 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 Page 2 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 13B Node: Basin 13B Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.280 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 13C Node: Basin 13D Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 16.80 Area(ac): 6.610 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 13D Node: Basin 13D Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.340 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 14A Node: Basin 14B Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 31.10 Area(ac): 5.290 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 14B Node: Basin 14B Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.20 Area(ac): 0.620 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 14C Node: Basin 14C Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.30 Area(ac): 1.890 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 82.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 Page 3 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 15A Node: Basin 15A Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 29.70 Area(ac): 4.400 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 15B Node: Basin 15B Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 0.550 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 84.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 15C Node: Basin 15C Status: Onsite Group: East Side Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 29.30 Area(ac): 2.950 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 16 Node: Basin 16 Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.70 Area(ac): 5.330 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 17A Node: Basin 17A Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.00 Area(ac): 2.280 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 17B Node: Basin 17B Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.70 Area(ac): 3.260 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 Page 4 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 18A Node: Basin 18A Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 2.330 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 6.56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 18B Node: Basin 18B Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.70 Area(ac): 2.720 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 19A Node: Basin 33C Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.10 Area(ac): 2.380 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 1A Node: Basin 1A Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 1.300 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 89.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 1B Node: Basin 1B Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.00 Area(ac): 0.530 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 82.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 1C Node: Basin 1C Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 1.100 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 Inputs Name: DA 1D Node: Basin 1D Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 2.870 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 1E Node: Basin 1E Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 1.400 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 20A Node: Basin 20A Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.60 Area(ac): 4.640 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 20B Node: Basin 20B Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.40 Area(ac): 1.180 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 21A Node: Basin 21A Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 16.10 Area(ac): 3.070 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 83.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 21B Node: Basin 21B Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.20 Area(ac): 1.970 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 22A Node: Basin 22A Status: Onsite Page 6 Inputs Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 11.70 Area(ac): 1.800 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 83.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 22B Node: Basin 22B Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 11.70 Area(ac): 1.870 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 82.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 24 Node: Basin 24 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.10 Area(ac): 3.390 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 82.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 25 Node: Basin 25 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 20.30 Area(ac): 3.910 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 80.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 26A Node: Basin 26A Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.90 Area(ac): 7.340 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 26B Node: Basin 26B Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.90 Area(ac): 3.400 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 82.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 27 Node: Basin 27 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Page 7 Inputs Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 30.00 Area(ac): 16.620 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 29A Node: Basin 29A Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 21.70 Area(ac): 1.680 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 29B Node: Basin 34 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.60 Area(ac): 2.750 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 89.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 2A Node: Basin 2A Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 5.760 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 2B Node: Basin 2B Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.440 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 2C Node: Basin 2C Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 1.880 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 30 Node: Basin 30 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Page 8 Inputs Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.60 Area(ac): 4.720 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 33A Node: Basin 33A Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 6.70 Area(ac): 0.650 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 33B Node: Basin 33B Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.490 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 33C Node: Basin 33C Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.360 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 34A Node: Basin 34 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 0.600 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 34B Node: Basin 34 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 20.00 Area(ac): 4.850 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 35 Node: Basin 35 Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Page 9 Inputs Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 13.30 Area(ac): 2.660 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 36A Node: Basin 35 Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.60 Area(ac): 0.540 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 86.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 36B Node: W.C. Outlet Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 11.10 Area(ac): 1.320 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 80.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 36C Node: W.C. Outlet Status: Onsite Group: SW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 11.10 Area(ac): 1.240 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 37A Node: Basin 37 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 2.340 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 37B Node: Basin 37 Status: Onsite Group: NW Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.630 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 94.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 4A Node: Basin 4A Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Page 10 Inputs Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.00 Area(ac): 1.680 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 4B Node: Basin 4B Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.210 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 4C Node: Basin 4C Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 20.00 Area(ac): 3.460 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 4D Node: Basin 4D Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 5.00 Area(ac): 0.250 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 75.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 4E Node: Basin 4C Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 21.00 Area(ac): 2.510 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 5 Node: Basin 5 Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 20.00 Area(ac): 2.590 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 6A Node: Basin 6A Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 20.00 Page 11 Inputs Area(ac): 2.250 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 6B Node: Basin 6B Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 3.940 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 6C Node: Basin 6C Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 14.00 Area(ac): 1.400 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 84.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 7 Node: Basin 7 Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 5.330 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 8 Node: Basin 8 Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 17.00 Area(ac): 3.410 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 9A Node: Basin 9A Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 3.230 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 85.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA 9B Node: Basin 9B Status: Onsite Group: ME Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 15.00 Area(ac): 3.120 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Page 12 Inputs Curve Number: 88.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA FUTURE DEV 1 Node: FUTURE DEV 1 Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 2.810 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 93.50 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA FUTURE DEV 2 Node: FUTURE DEV 2 Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 6.930 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 93.50 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: DA OFF2 Node: W.C. Outlet Status: Onsite Group: SE Area Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 12.00 Area(ac): 0.160 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 87.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: W.C. Undevelope Node: W.C. Outlet Status: Onsite Group: Combined Model Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 24.60 Area(ac): 51.950 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 79.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Basin 10A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 854.500 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 860.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 854.500 0.0100 855.000 0.0100 857.990 0.0100 858.000 0.2600 859.000 0.3500 860.000 0.4600 900.000 0.4600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 10C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 847.500 Page 13 Inputs Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 856.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 847.500 0.0200 848.000 0.0200 851.990 0.0200 852.000 0.2000 853.000 0.2500 854.000 0.3500 855.000 0.4500 856.000 0.5500 900.000 0.5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 11A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 852.500 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 858.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 852.500 0.0200 853.000 0.0200 855.490 0.0200 855.500 0.0500 856.000 0.1800 857.000 0.3500 858.000 0.5100 900.000 0.5100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 11B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 852.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 858.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 852.500 0.0100 853.000 0.0100 855.490 0.0100 855.500 0.0300 856.000 0.2800 857.000 0.4100 858.000 0.5700 900.000 0.5700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 12A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 854.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 858.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 854.000 0.0001 855.990 0.0001 856.000 0.0020 857.000 0.0250 858.000 0.0750 900.000 0.0750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 12B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 851.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 851.000 0.0001 Page 14 Inputs 852.990 0.0001 853.000 0.0050 854.000 0.0490 855.000 0.0880 900.000 0.0880 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 12C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 848.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 853.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 848.000 0.0001 849.990 0.0001 850.000 0.0060 851.000 0.0270 852.000 0.0510 853.000 0.0850 900.000 0.0850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 12D Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 843.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 850.250 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 843.000 0.0028 845.990 0.0028 846.000 0.0070 847.000 0.0400 848.000 0.0710 849.000 0.1190 850.000 0.1750 900.000 0.1750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 12E Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 843.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 846.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 843.000 0.0090 844.000 0.0270 845.000 0.0470 846.000 0.0700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 12F Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 846.500 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 852.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 846.500 0.0100 847.500 0.0100 848.000 0.0400 849.000 0.0600 850.000 0.0800 851.000 0.1000 852.000 0.1300 900.000 0.1300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 13A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 845.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 850.000 Type: Stage/Area Page 15 Inputs Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 845.000 0.0100 846.000 0.0360 847.000 0.1610 848.000 0.1970 849.000 0.2350 850.000 0.2760 900.000 0.2760 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 13B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 844.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 848.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 844.000 0.0001 845.000 0.0001 845.500 0.0900 846.000 0.1230 847.000 0.1590 848.000 0.1970 900.000 0.1970 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 13D Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 846.500 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 851.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 846.500 0.0590 847.500 0.0960 848.000 0.4090 849.000 0.4680 850.000 0.5330 851.000 0.6000 900.000 0.6000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 14B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.000 0.0100 851.000 0.0500 852.000 0.3000 853.000 0.3700 854.000 0.4500 900.000 0.4500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 14C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 848.500 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 853.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 848.500 0.0200 849.500 0.0700 850.000 0.3100 851.000 0.4300 852.000 0.5300 853.000 0.6300 900.000 0.6300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 16 Inputs Name: Basin 15A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 851.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 851.000 0.0060 851.990 0.0060 853.000 0.1100 854.000 0.2150 900.000 0.2150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 15B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 851.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 851.000 0.0200 852.990 0.0200 853.000 0.0320 854.000 0.0710 900.000 0.0710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 15C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.000 0.0050 851.990 0.0050 852.000 0.0900 853.000 0.2000 854.000 0.3100 900.000 0.3100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 16 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 835.000 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 840.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 835.000 0.0230 835.750 0.0900 836.000 0.4400 837.000 0.5730 838.000 0.6500 839.000 0.7300 840.000 0.8100 900.000 0.8100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 17A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.000 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 851.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.000 0.0200 850.000 0.0500 851.000 0.0900 900.000 0.0900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 17B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 843.500 Page 17 Inputs Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 849.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 843.500 0.0040 844.000 0.0040 846.990 0.0050 847.000 0.0130 848.000 0.0530 849.000 0.1280 900.000 0.1280 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 18A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 851.500 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 856.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 851.500 0.0034 852.000 0.0034 853.990 0.0034 854.000 0.0860 855.000 0.1250 856.000 0.1660 900.000 0.1660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 18B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 851.000 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 851.000 0.0050 851.500 0.0050 852.990 0.0050 853.000 0.1660 854.000 0.2170 855.000 0.2720 900.000 0.2720 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 1A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 848.000 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 848.000 0.0001 851.990 0.0001 852.000 0.0010 853.000 0.0080 854.000 0.0200 900.000 0.0200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 1B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 845.000 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 852.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 845.000 0.0024 845.500 0.0024 848.490 0.0024 848.500 0.0060 849.000 0.0300 Page 18 Inputs 850.000 0.0500 851.000 0.0770 852.000 0.1110 900.000 0.1110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 1C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 841.000 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 845.500 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 840.500 0.0001 841.000 0.0001 842.990 0.0001 843.000 0.0290 844.000 0.0590 845.000 0.0980 845.500 0.1100 900.000 0.1100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 1D Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 841.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 846.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 841.500 0.0001 842.990 0.0001 843.000 0.0100 844.000 0.0300 845.000 0.0700 846.000 0.1100 900.000 0.1100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 1E Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 838.000 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 844.500 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 838.000 0.0120 839.000 0.0500 840.000 0.4500 841.000 0.5200 842.000 0.5900 843.000 0.6600 844.000 0.7400 844.500 0.7900 900.000 0.7900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 20A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 852.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 857.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 852.000 0.0070 852.500 0.0070 854.490 0.0070 854.500 0.1000 855.000 0.2030 856.000 0.2440 857.000 0.2850 900.000 0.2850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 20B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.000 Page 19 Inputs Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.000 0.0120 849.500 0.0120 851.990 0.0120 852.000 0.0800 853.000 0.1100 854.000 0.1500 900.000 0.1500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 21A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 858.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 861.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 858.000 0.1100 859.000 0.1400 860.000 0.1700 861.000 0.2100 900.000 0.2100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 21B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 855.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 860.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 855.000 0.0030 856.000 0.0030 857.990 0.0030 858.000 0.0600 859.000 0.0900 860.000 0.1100 900.000 0.1100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 22A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 859.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 864.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 859.000 0.0120 860.000 0.0120 861.490 0.0120 861.500 0.0110 862.000 0.1500 863.000 0.2490 864.000 0.3540 900.000 0.3540 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 22B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.500 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.500 0.0100 850.500 0.0100 851.000 0.0100 852.500 0.0250 852.990 0.0100 Page 20 Inputs 853.000 0.2310 854.000 0.3150 855.000 0.4030 900.000 0.4030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 24 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 843.500 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 851.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 843.500 0.0001 844.000 0.0001 845.990 0.0001 846.000 0.3000 847.000 0.3700 848.000 0.4400 849.000 0.5100 850.000 0.5800 851.000 0.6600 900.000 0.6600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 25 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 840.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 847.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 840.000 0.0300 840.750 0.1000 841.000 0.3700 842.000 0.7800 843.000 0.8600 844.000 0.9400 845.000 1.0300 900.000 1.0300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 26A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 852.500 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 858.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 852.500 0.0050 853.000 0.0050 855.490 0.0050 855.500 0.2500 856.000 0.2900 857.000 0.3740 858.000 0.4650 900.000 0.4650 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 26B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 848.500 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 848.500 0.0150 849.000 0.0150 852.490 0.0150 852.500 0.0400 853.000 0.1900 854.000 0.3150 855.000 0.4470 900.000 0.4470 Page 21 Inputs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 27 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 857.500 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 867.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 857.500 0.0240 858.000 0.0240 864.240 0.0240 864.250 0.3600 865.000 0.4500 866.000 0.6500 867.000 0.8600 900.000 0.8600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 29A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 866.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 869.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 866.000 0.0001 867.000 0.0240 868.000 0.0940 869.000 0.1900 900.000 0.3380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 2A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 843.000 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 848.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 843.000 0.0130 844.000 0.0550 844.500 0.2300 845.000 0.2700 846.000 0.3500 847.000 0.4400 848.000 0.5400 900.000 0.5400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 2B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 842.000 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 847.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 842.000 0.0100 843.000 0.0400 843.500 0.1500 844.000 0.1700 845.000 0.2200 846.000 0.2800 847.000 0.3500 900.000 0.3500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 2C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 845.000 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 850.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 845.000 0.0050 Page 22 Inputs 846.000 0.0210 847.000 0.1100 848.000 0.1800 849.000 0.2600 850.000 0.3500 900.000 0.3500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 30 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 858.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 864.500 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 858.000 0.0120 859.000 0.0430 860.000 0.1800 861.000 0.2400 862.000 0.2800 863.000 0.3200 864.000 0.3700 900.000 0.3700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 33A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 847.500 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 852.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 847.500 0.0020 848.000 0.0020 849.990 0.0020 850.000 0.0500 851.000 0.0870 852.000 0.1300 853.000 0.1780 854.000 0.2330 900.000 0.2330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 33B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 848.000 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 848.000 0.0050 849.000 0.0180 850.000 0.0860 851.000 0.1480 852.000 0.2160 853.000 0.2940 854.000 0.3750 900.000 0.3750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 33C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.000 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.000 0.0050 850.000 0.0390 851.000 0.0660 852.000 0.0960 853.000 0.1280 854.000 0.1630 900.000 0.1630 Page 23 Inputs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 34 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 861.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 866.100 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 861.000 0.0200 862.000 0.0200 863.990 0.0200 864.000 0.2100 865.000 0.3500 866.000 0.5300 900.000 0.5300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 35 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 843.500 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 848.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 843.500 0.0180 844.000 0.0180 845.990 0.0180 846.000 0.0900 847.000 0.1300 848.000 0.1800 900.000 0.1800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 37 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 842.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 845.500 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 842.000 0.0500 843.000 0.1100 844.000 0.1800 845.000 0.2500 845.500 0.2800 900.000 0.2800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 4A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.500 0.0010 851.000 0.0610 852.000 0.1140 853.000 0.1480 854.000 0.1840 900.000 0.1840 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 4B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 847.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 847.500 0.0001 848.000 0.0001 849.990 0.0001 850.000 0.0320 Page 24 Inputs 851.000 0.0490 852.000 0.0670 853.000 0.0880 854.000 0.1140 900.000 0.1140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 4C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 847.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 847.500 0.0100 848.000 0.0100 849.990 0.0100 850.000 0.0130 851.000 0.4400 852.000 0.5200 853.000 0.6000 854.000 0.6800 855.000 0.7400 900.000 0.7400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 4D Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 846.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 846.500 0.0017 847.000 0.0017 849.990 0.0017 850.000 0.0220 851.000 0.0500 852.000 0.0970 853.000 0.1430 854.000 0.2100 900.000 0.2100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 5 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.500 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.500 0.0710 851.000 0.0710 855.000 0.0710 900.000 0.0710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 6A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.500 0.0050 850.000 0.0050 851.490 0.0050 851.500 0.1300 852.000 0.1800 853.000 0.2300 854.000 0.2900 900.000 0.2900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 6B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 848.500 Page 25 Inputs Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 854.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 848.500 0.0040 849.500 0.0040 850.490 0.0040 850.500 0.1700 851.000 0.2200 852.000 0.2800 853.000 0.3400 900.000 0.3400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 6C Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.500 0.0060 851.000 0.0060 852.990 0.0060 853.000 0.0370 854.000 0.0800 855.000 0.1400 900.000 0.1400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 7 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.500 0.0070 850.000 0.0070 852.990 0.0070 853.000 0.5010 854.000 0.5850 855.000 0.6740 900.000 0.6740 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 8 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 857.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.500 0.0050 851.500 0.0050 852.990 0.0050 853.000 0.0100 854.000 0.0300 855.000 0.0600 856.000 0.1100 857.000 0.1600 900.000 0.1600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 9A Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 849.500 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 855.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 849.500 0.0280 Page 26 Inputs 850.000 0.0280 851.990 0.0280 852.000 0.1440 853.000 0.2210 854.000 0.3010 855.000 0.3840 900.000 0.3840 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Basin 9B Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 852.500 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 857.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 852.500 0.0200 853.000 0.0200 854.990 0.0200 855.000 0.0340 856.000 0.0900 857.000 0.1700 900.000 0.1700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: FUTURE DEV 1 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.500 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 857.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.500 0.1600 853.990 0.1600 854.000 0.0600 855.000 0.1000 856.000 0.1500 857.000 0.1900 900.000 0.1900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: FUTURE DEV 2 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 850.000 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 857.000 Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 850.000 0.1600 853.990 0.1600 854.000 0.0600 855.000 0.1000 856.000 0.1500 857.000 0.1900 900.000 0.1900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GWTME Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 835.000 Group: ME Area Warn Stage(ft): 835.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 835.000 9999.00 835.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GWTNE Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 835.000 Group: East Side Warn Stage(ft): 835.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) Page 27 Inputs --------------- --------------- 0.00 835.000 9999.00 835.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GWTNW Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 835.000 Group: NW Area Warn Stage(ft): 835.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 835.000 9999.00 835.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GWTSE Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 835.000 Group: SE Area Warn Stage(ft): 835.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 835.000 9999.00 835.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: GWTSW Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 832.000 Group: SW Area Warn Stage(ft): 832.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 832.000 9999.00 832.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: W.C. Outlet Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 0.000 Group: Combined Model Warn Stage(ft): 0.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 0.000 9999.00 0.000 ========================================================================================== ==== Pipes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 14B to 14C From Node: Basin 14B Length(ft): 38.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 14C Count: 1 Friction Equation: Automatic UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Exit Loss Coef: 1.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 849.500 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 28 Inputs Name: 17A to 17B From Node: Basin 17A Length(ft): 32.00 Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 17B Count: 1 Friction Equation: Automatic UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 6.00 6.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Rise(in): 6.00 6.00 Exit Loss Coef: 1.00 Invert(ft): 849.000 848.000 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33C to 33B From Node: Basin 33C Length(ft): 61.00 Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 33B Count: 1 Friction Equation: Automatic UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Geometry: Circular Circular Flow: Both Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Exit Loss Coef: 1.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 849.000 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Stabilizer Option: None Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 10A to 10C From Node: Basin 10A Length(ft): 280.00 Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 10C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 855.000 853.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 10A to 10C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 859.150 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 859.150 Page 29 Inputs *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 10A to 10C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 11.00 Invert(ft): 855.000 Rise(in): 11.00 Control Elev(ft): 855.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 10C to ME Outfa From Node: Basin 10C Length(ft): 40.00 Group: ME Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 848.000 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 10C to ME Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 854.200 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.200 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 10C to ME Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 10.00 Invert(ft): 848.000 Rise(in): 10.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 11A to 10C From Node: Basin 11A Length(ft): 60.00 Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 10C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 853.000 852.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 11A to 10C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Page 30 Inputs Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 856.920 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 856.920 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 11A to 10C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 11B to 7 From Node: Basin 11B Length(ft): 600.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 7 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 853.000 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 11B to 7 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 856.650 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 856.650 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 11B to 7 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12A to 12B From Node: Basin 12A Length(ft): 50.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 12B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 854.000 853.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 31 Inputs *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 12A to 12B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 857.000 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 857.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 12A to 12B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 854.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12B to 12C From Node: Basin 12B Length(ft): 40.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 12C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.500 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 12B to 12C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 854.000 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 12B to 12C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12C to 12D From Node: Basin 12C Length(ft): 275.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 12D Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 848.000 846.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 32 Inputs Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 12C to 12D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 851.250 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.250 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 12C to 12D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 848.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 12C to 12D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.250 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.250 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12D to NE Outfa From Node: Basin 12D Length(ft): 75.00 Group: East Side To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 843.000 842.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 12D to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 849.550 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.550 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 12D to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 843.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 843.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 12D to NE Outfa *** TABLE Page 33 Inputs Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 848.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12E to NE Outfa From Node: Basin 12E Length(ft): 150.00 Group: East Side To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 843.500 840.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 12E to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 844.850 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 844.850 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 12E to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 843.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 843.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12F to NE Outfa From Node: Basin 12F Length(ft): 30.00 Group: East Side To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 847.500 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 12F to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Page 34 Inputs Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 849.600 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.600 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 12F to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 847.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 13A to 13B From Node: Basin 13A Length(ft): 35.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 13B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 846.500 845.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 13A to 13B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 848.150 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.150 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 13A to 13B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 846.500 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 846.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 13B to NE Outfa From Node: Basin 13B Length(ft): 65.00 Group: East Side To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 7.00 7.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 7.00 7.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 845.500 845.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 13B to NE Outfa *** TABLE Page 35 Inputs Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 847.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 13B to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 845.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 845.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 13D to NE Outfa From Node: Basin 13D Length(ft): 195.00 Group: East Side To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 847.500 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 13D to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 36.00 Invert(ft): 850.150 Rise(in): 36.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.150 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 13D to NE Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 847.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 14C to NE Out From Node: Basin 14C Length(ft): 65.00 Group: East Side To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 849.000 848.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 36 Inputs *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 14C to NE Out *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 851.750 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.750 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 14C to NE Out *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 9.00 Invert(ft): 849.000 Rise(in): 9.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15A to 14B From Node: Basin 15A Length(ft): 20.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 14B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.000 851.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 15A to 14B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 15A to 14B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 853.500 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15B to 15C From Node: Basin 15B Length(ft): 70.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 15C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.000 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Page 37 Inputs Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 15B to 15C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 853.250 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.250 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 15B to 15C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15C to 13D From Node: Basin 15C Length(ft): 340.00 Group: East Side To Node: Basin 13D Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 850.000 848.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 15C to 13D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.150 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.150 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 15C to 13D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 16 to SW Outfa From Node: Basin 16 Length(ft): 80.00 Group: SW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Page 38 Inputs Invert(ft): 836.000 835.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 832.000000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 16 to SW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 838.350 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 838.350 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 16 to SW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 836.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 836.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 17C to 16A From Node: Basin 17B Length(ft): 297.00 Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 16 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 844.000 836.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 17C to 16A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 847.250 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.250 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 17C to 16A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 845.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 845.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 17C to 16A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Page 39 Inputs Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 847.100 Rise(in): 2.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 18A to 33C From Node: Basin 18A Length(ft): 250.00 Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 33C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 852.000 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 18A to 33C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 854.500 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 18A to 33C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 852.000 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 852.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 18B to 33C From Node: Basin 18B Length(ft): 115.00 Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 33C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.500 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 18B to 33C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 854.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.000 Page 40 Inputs *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 18B to 33C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1A to 1B From Node: Basin 1A Length(ft): 120.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 848.000 847.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 1 for Drop Structure 1A to 1B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 15.00 Invert(ft): 848.000 Rise(in): 15.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1B to 1C From Node: Basin 1B Length(ft): 68.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 845.500 843.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 1B to 1C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 1B to 1C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Page 41 Inputs Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 845.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 845.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1C to 1E From Node: Basin 1C Length(ft): 120.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1E Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 841.000 839.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 1C to 1E *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 844.500 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 844.500 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 1C to 1E *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 841.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 841.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 1C to 1E *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 843.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 843.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1D to 1E From Node: Basin 1D Length(ft): 65.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1E Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 6.00 6.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 6.00 6.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 842.000 839.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 42 Inputs *** Weir 1 of 1 for Drop Structure 1D to 1E *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 844.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 844.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1E to SE Outfal From Node: Basin 1E Length(ft): 50.00 Group: SE Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 839.000 838.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 1E to SE Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 842.850 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 842.850 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 1E to SE Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 839.000 Rise(in): 12.00 Control Elev(ft): 839.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 20A to 20B From Node: Basin 20A Length(ft): 30.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 20B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 852.500 852.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 20A to 20B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Page 43 Inputs Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 855.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 855.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 20A to 20B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 15.00 Invert(ft): 852.500 Rise(in): 15.00 Control Elev(ft): 852.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 20B to 24A From Node: Basin 20B Length(ft): 693.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 24 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 27.00 27.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 27.00 27.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 849.500 846.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 20B to 24A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.250 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.250 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 20B to 24A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 849.500 Rise(in): 12.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 21A to 21B From Node: Basin 21A Length(ft): 98.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 21B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 858.000 856.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 44 Inputs *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 21A to 21B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 859.200 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 859.200 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 21A to 21B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 858.500 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 858.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 21B to 20A From Node: Basin 21B Length(ft): 70.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 20A Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 855.500 854.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 21B to 20A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 858.600 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 858.600 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 21B to 20A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 15.00 Invert(ft): 855.500 Rise(in): 15.00 Control Elev(ft): 855.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 22A to 22B From Node: Basin 22A Length(ft): 70.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 22B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 858.000 855.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 45 Inputs Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 22A to 22B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 863.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 863.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 22A to 22B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 860.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 860.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 22B to 23 From Node: Basin 22B Length(ft): 338.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 24 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 850.500 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 22B to 23 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.600 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.600 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 22B to 23 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 24 to 25 From Node: Basin 24 Length(ft): 154.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 25 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 844.000 840.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Page 46 Inputs Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 24 to 25 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: None Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 849.500 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 24 to 25 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 846.000 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 846.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 25 to NW Outfa From Node: Basin 25 Length(ft): 59.00 Group: NW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 30.00 30.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 30.00 30.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 840.500 839.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 25 to NW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 36.00 Invert(ft): 845.600 Rise(in): 36.00 Control Elev(ft): 845.600 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 25 to NW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 10.00 Invert(ft): 841.000 Rise(in): 10.00 Control Elev(ft): 841.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 26A to 26B From Node: Basin 26A Length(ft): 48.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 26B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Page 47 Inputs Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 853.000 852.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 26A to 26B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 856.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 856.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 26A to 26B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 26B to 24A From Node: Basin 26B Length(ft): 61.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 24 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 849.000 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 26B to 24A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.750 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.750 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 26B to 24A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 849.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 26B to 24A *** Page 48 Inputs TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 27 to 28A From Node: Basin 27 Length(ft): 138.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 26A Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 858.000 855.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 27 to 28A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 865.650 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 865.650 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 27 to 28A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 15.00 Invert(ft): 858.000 Rise(in): 15.00 Control Elev(ft): 858.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 29A to 27 From Node: Basin 29A Length(ft): 386.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 27 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 10.00 10.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 10.00 10.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 866.000 858.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 29A to 27 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Page 49 Inputs Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 867.500 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 867.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 29A to 27 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 10.00 Invert(ft): 866.000 Rise(in): 10.00 Control Elev(ft): 866.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2A to 2B From Node: Basin 2A Length(ft): 56.00 Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 2B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 844.000 843.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 2A to 2B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 847.500 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 2A to 2B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 7.00 Invert(ft): 844.000 Rise(in): 7.00 Control Elev(ft): 844.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2B to ME Outfal From Node: Basin 2B Length(ft): 45.00 Group: ME Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 843.000 841.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 2B to ME Outfal *** Page 50 Inputs TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 846.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 846.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 2B to ME Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 843.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 843.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2C to 2A From Node: Basin 2C Length(ft): 90.00 Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 2A Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 846.000 844.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 2C to 2A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 848.650 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.650 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 2C to 2A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 847.000 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 30 to NW Outfa From Node: Basin 30 Length(ft): 143.00 Group: NW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 859.000 858.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Page 51 Inputs Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 30 to NW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 863.550 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 863.550 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 30 to NW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 10.00 Invert(ft): 859.500 Rise(in): 10.00 Control Elev(ft): 859.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33A to SW Outfa From Node: Basin 33A Length(ft): 70.00 Group: SW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 848.000 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 33A to SW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 33A to SW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 848.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33B to SW Outfa From Node: Basin 33B Length(ft): 134.00 Group: SW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 10.00 10.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 10.00 10.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 847.500 846.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Page 52 Inputs Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 33B to SW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 852.750 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 852.750 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 33B to SW Outfa *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 849.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 34 to 30 From Node: Basin 34 Length(ft): 189.00 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 30 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 24.00 24.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 861.400 859.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 34 to 30 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 864.400 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 864.400 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 34 to 30 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 861.400 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 861.400 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 34 to 30 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 864.250 Page 53 Inputs Rise(in): 2.00 Control Elev(ft): 864.250 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 35 to SW Outfal From Node: Basin 35 Length(ft): 60.00 Group: SW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 844.000 840.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 35 to SW Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 847.350 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.350 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 35 to SW Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 844.000 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 844.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 36 to Outlet From Node: Basin 37 Length(ft): 86.00 Group: NW Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 842.500 841.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 36 to Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 10.00 Invert(ft): 842.500 Rise(in): 10.00 Control Elev(ft): 842.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 36 to Outlet *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Page 54 Inputs Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 844.300 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 844.300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4A to 4B From Node: Basin 4A Length(ft): 23.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 4B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.000 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 4A to 4B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 852.500 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 852.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 4A to 4B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4B to SE Outfal From Node: Basin 4B Length(ft): 55.00 Group: SE Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 848.000 846.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 4B to SE Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 851.500 Page 55 Inputs Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 4B to SE Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4C to 4D From Node: Basin 4C Length(ft): 35.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 4D Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 848.000 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 4C to 4D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.000 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 4C to 4D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 848.000 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 848.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 4C to 4D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 850.500 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4D to SE Outfal From Node: Basin 4D Length(ft): 55.00 Group: SE Area To Node: W.C. Outlet Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 10.00 10.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 10.00 10.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 847.000 846.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Page 56 Inputs Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 4D to SE Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 852.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 852.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 4D to SE Outfal *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 847.000 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 847.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 5 to 4C From Node: Basin 5 Length(ft): 400.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 4C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.000 848.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 1 for Drop Structure 5 to 4C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 18.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6A to 6B From Node: Basin 6A Length(ft): 50.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 6B Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 850.000 849.500 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Page 57 Inputs *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 6A to 6B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.300 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.300 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 6A to 6B *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6B to 1A From Node: Basin 6B Length(ft): 220.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1A Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 849.000 848.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 3 for Drop Structure 6B to 1A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 852.250 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 852.250 *** Weir 2 of 3 for Drop Structure 6B to 1A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 849.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 849.000 *** Weir 3 of 3 for Drop Structure 6B to 1A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.500 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6C to 1C From Node: Basin 6C Length(ft): 300.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1C Count: 1 Page 58 Inputs UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.000 843.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 6C to 1C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 854.050 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.050 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 6C to 1C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 7 to 1D From Node: Basin 7 Length(ft): 475.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1D Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 850.000 843.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 7 to 1D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 854.180 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.180 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 7 to 1D *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 10.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 Rise(in): 10.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.000 Page 59 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 8 to 7 From Node: Basin 8 Length(ft): 600.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 7 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 21.00 21.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 21.00 21.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.000 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 8 to 7 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 853.500 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 8 to 7 *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 851.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 9A to 2C From Node: Basin 9A Length(ft): 210.00 Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 2C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 850.000 847.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 9A to 2C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 854.000 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.000 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 9A to 2C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Page 60 Inputs Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 9B to 9A From Node: Basin 9B Length(ft): 40.00 Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 9A Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 8.00 8.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 8.00 8.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 853.000 852.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure 9B to 9A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 856.700 Rise(in): 24.00 Control Elev(ft): 856.700 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure 9B to 9A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Rise(in): 6.00 Control Elev(ft): 853.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: FUT DEV 1 to 6A From Node: FUTURE DEV 1 Length(ft): 82.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 6A Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 15.00 15.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 850.500 850.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure FUT DEV 1 to 6A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 8.00 Invert(ft): 850.500 Rise(in): 8.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.500 Page 61 Inputs *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure FUT DEV 1 to 6A *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 36.00 Invert(ft): 854.700 Rise(in): 36.00 Control Elev(ft): 854.700 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: FUT DEV 2 to 4C From Node: FUTURE DEV 2 Length(ft): 200.00 Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 4C Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 27.00 27.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 27.00 27.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 851.500 851.000 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure FUT DEV 2 to 4C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Vertical: Mavis Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Circular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 850.500 Rise(in): 12.00 Control Elev(ft): 850.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure FUT DEV 2 to 4C *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 36.00 Invert(ft): 856.050 Rise(in): 36.00 Control Elev(ft): 856.050 ========================================================================================== ==== Weirs =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 12A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 12A Group: East Side To Node: Basin 12B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 180.00 Rise(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 857.500 Control Elevation(ft): 857.500 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12B OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 12B Group: East Side To Node: Basin 12C Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Page 62 Inputs Span(in): 180.00 Rise(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 854.500 Control Elevation(ft): 854.500 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12C OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 12C Group: East Side To Node: Basin 12D Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 600.00 Rise(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.500 Control Elevation(ft): 853.500 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 14B OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 14B Group: East Side To Node: Basin 14C Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 600.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 853.750 Control Elevation(ft): 853.750 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 15A Group: East Side To Node: Basin 14B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 240.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 853.650 Control Elevation(ft): 853.650 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 17A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 17A Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 17B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 850.750 Control Elevation(ft): 850.750 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Page 63 Inputs Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 1A Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 851.750 Control Elevation(ft): 851.750 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1B OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 1B Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1C Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 240.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 851.000 Control Elevation(ft): 851.000 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1C OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 1C Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1E Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 240.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 845.000 Control Elevation(ft): 845.000 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1D OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 1D Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 1E Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 845.500 Control Elevation(ft): 845.500 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 64 Inputs Name: 22A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 22A Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 22B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 600.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 863.000 Control Elevation(ft): 863.000 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 24 OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 24 Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 25 Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 850.000 Control Elevation(ft): 850.000 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 26A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 26A Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 26B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 857.600 Control Elevation(ft): 857.600 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 26B WEIR From Node: Basin 26B Group: NW Area To Node: Basin 24 Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 854.650 Control Elevation(ft): 854.650 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 2A Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 2B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 600.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Page 65 Inputs Invert(ft): 847.750 Control Elevation(ft): 847.750 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33C Weir From Node: Basin 33C Group: SW Area To Node: Basin 33B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 360.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Control Elevation(ft): 853.000 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 3A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 2C Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 2A Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 600.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 849.750 Control Elevation(ft): 849.750 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 4A Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 4B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 240.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 853.000 Control Elevation(ft): 853.000 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6A OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 6A Group: SE Area To Node: Basin 6B Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 240.00 Rise(in): 6.00 Invert(ft): 853.800 Control Elevation(ft): 853.800 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 Page 66 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 9B OVERFLOW From Node: Basin 9B Group: ME Area To Node: Basin 9A Flow: Both Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 240.00 Rise(in): 12.00 Invert(ft): 856.750 Control Elevation(ft): 856.750 TABLE Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coef: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ========================================================================================== ==== Percolation Links =================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 10A PERC From Node: Basin 10A Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 900.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 900.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 900.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 21.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 10C PERC From Node: Basin 10C Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 480.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 480.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 480.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 15.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 11A PERC From Node: Basin 11A Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 1900.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 1900.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 1900.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 18.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 67 Inputs Name: 11B PERC From Node: Basin 11B Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 600.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 600.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 600.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 19.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12A PERC From Node: Basin 12A Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 300.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 300.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 300.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 19.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12B PERC From Node: Basin 12B Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 200.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 200.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 200.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 16.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12C PERC From Node: Basin 12C Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 170.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 170.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 170.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 14.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12D PERC From Node: Basin 12D Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 360.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 360.000 Page 68 Inputs *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 360.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 11.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12E PERC From Node: Basin 12E Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 150.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 150.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 150.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 6.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 12F PERC From Node: Basin 12F Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 9.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 13A PERC From Node: Basin 13A Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.100 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.100 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.309 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 20.880 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 10.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 13B PERC From Node: Basin 13B Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 350.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 350.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 350.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.100 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.100 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.309 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 20.880 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 8.000 Page 69 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 13D PERC From Node: Basin 13D Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 650.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 650.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 650.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 6.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 14B PERC From Node: Basin 14B Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 375.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 375.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 375.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 17.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 14C PERC From Node: Basin 14C Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 480.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 480.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 480.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 13.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15A PERC From Node: Basin 15A Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 950.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 950.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 950.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 16.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15B PERC From Node: Basin 15B Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Page 70 Inputs Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 300.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 300.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 300.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 16.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 15C PERC From Node: Basin 15C Flow: None Group: East Side To Node: GWTNE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 250.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 250.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 250.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 15.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 16 PERC From Node: Basin 16 Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 17A PERC From Node: Basin 17A Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 17B PERC From Node: Basin 17B Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Page 71 Inputs Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 18A PERC From Node: Basin 18A Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.800 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 19.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 18B PERC From Node: Basin 18B Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1B PERC From Node: Basin 1B Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 150.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 150.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 150.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 12.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1C PERC From Node: Basin 1C Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 175.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 175.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 175.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 6.000 Page 72 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1D PERC From Node: Basin 1D Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 250.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 250.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 250.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 5.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 1E PERC From Node: Basin 1E Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 650.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 650.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 650.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 2.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 2.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 1.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 20A PERC From Node: Basin 20A Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 20B PERC From Node: Basin 20B Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 350.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 350.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 350.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 29.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 21A PERC From Node: Basin 21A Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 220.000 Page 73 Inputs Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 220.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 220.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 24.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 21B PERC From Node: Basin 21B Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 450.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 450.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 450.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 24.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 22A PERC From Node: Basin 22A Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 700.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 700.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 700.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 25.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 22B PERC From Node: Basin 22B Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 580.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 580.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 580.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 16.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 24A PERC From Node: Basin 24 Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 11.000 Page 74 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 25 PERC From Node: Basin 25 Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 880.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 880.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 880.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 2.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 2.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 5.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 26A PERC From Node: Basin 26A Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 650.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 650.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 650.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 19.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 26B PERC From Node: Basin 26B Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 850.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 850.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 850.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 16.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 27 PERC From Node: Basin 27 Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 1500.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 1500.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 1500.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 25.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 29A PERC From Node: Basin 29A Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Page 75 Inputs Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 525.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 525.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 525.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 30.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2A PERC From Node: Basin 2A Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 600.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 600.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 600.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 8.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2B PERC From Node: Basin 2B Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 2.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 2.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 6.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2C PERC From Node: Basin 2C Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 260.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 260.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 260.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 4.100 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 4.100 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.309 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 20.880 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 13.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 30B PERC From Node: Basin 30 Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 270.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 270.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 270.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Page 76 Inputs Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 24.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33A PERC From Node: Basin 33A Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 260.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 260.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 260.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 26.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33B PERC From Node: Basin 33B Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 33C PERC From Node: Basin 33C Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 400.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 400.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 400.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 34B PERC From Node: Basin 34 Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 330.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 500.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 335.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 500.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 500.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.432 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 27.300 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 27.000 Page 77 Inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 35 PERC From Node: Basin 35 Flow: None Group: SW Area To Node: GWTSW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 250.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 832.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 250.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 250.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 37 PERC From Node: Basin 37 Flow: None Group: NW Area To Node: GWTNW Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 2000.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 2000.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 2000.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 20.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 80.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 12.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4A PERC From Node: Basin 4A Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 170.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 170.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 170.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 15.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4B PERC From Node: Basin 4B Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 100.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 100.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 100.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 14.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4C PERC From Node: Basin 4C Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Page 78 Inputs Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 320.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 320.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 320.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 18.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 4D PERC From Node: Basin 4D Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 150.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 150.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 150.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 14.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 5 PERC From Node: Basin 5 Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 525.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 525.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 525.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 17.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6A PERC From Node: Basin 6A Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 350.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 350.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 350.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.432 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 27.300 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 17.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6B PERC From Node: Basin 6B Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 210.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 210.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 210.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.432 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 27.300 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Page 79 Inputs Layer Thickness(ft): 16.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 6C PERC From Node: Basin 6C Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 850.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 850.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 850.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 3.700 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 15.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 7 PERC From Node: Basin 7 Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 600.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 600.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 600.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.432 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 27.300 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 19.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 8 PERC From Node: Basin 8 Flow: None Group: SE Area To Node: GWTSE Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 325.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 325.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 325.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.432 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 27.300 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 18.500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 9A PERC From Node: Basin 9A Flow: None Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 1250.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 1250.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 1250.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.400 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.486 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 16.680 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 17.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 9B PERC From Node: Basin 9B Flow: None Page 80 Inputs Group: ME Area To Node: GWTME Count: 1 Surface Area Option: Use 1st Point in Stage/Area Table Vertical Flow Termination: Horizontal Flow Algorithm Aquifer Base Elev(ft): 830.000 Perimeter 1(ft): 575.000 Water Table Elev(ft): 835.000 Perimeter 2(ft): 575.000 *****************************0.000 Perimeter 3(ft): 575.000 Horiz Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 1 to 2(ft): 2.000 Vert Conductivity(ft/day): 1.200 Distance 2 to 3(ft): 8.000 Effective Porosity(dec): 0.432 Num Cells 1 to 2: 2 Suction Head(in): 27.300 Num Cells 2 to 3: 8 Layer Thickness(ft): 20.000 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 100YR-24HR Filename: C:\Users\dmarks\Desktop\Silvara Stuff\Final\100YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount(in): 6.46 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 96.000 2.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 10YR-24HR Filename: C:\Users\dmarks\Desktop\Silvara Stuff\Final\10YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount(in): 3.83 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 96.000 2.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2YR-24HR Filename: C:\Users\dmarks\Desktop\Silvara Stuff\Final\2YR-24HR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: NRCS Type II Rainfall Amount(in): 2.66 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 30.000 2.50 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 100YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 100YR-24HR Filename: C:\Users\dmarks\Desktop\Silvara Stuff\Final\100YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 48.00 Page 81 Inputs Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 999.000 5.000 Group Run --------------- ----- Combined Model Yes East Side Yes ME Area Yes NW Area Yes SE Area Yes SW Area Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 10YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 10YR-24HR Filename: C:\Users\dmarks\Desktop\Silvara Stuff\Final\10YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 48.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 999.000 5.000 Group Run --------------- ----- Combined Model Yes East Side Yes ME Area Yes NW Area Yes SE Area Yes SW Area Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 2YR-24HR Hydrology Sim: 2YR-24HR Filename: C:\Users\dmarks\Desktop\Silvara Stuff\Final\2YR-24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 60.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 999.000 5.000 Group Run --------------- ----- Combined Model Yes East Side Yes ME Area Yes NW Area Yes SE Area Yes SW Area Yes Page 82 Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 13 APPENDIX A-5 POST-DEVELOPED ICPR RESULTS JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana                          Max Warning Max Delta Max Surface  Max   Max      Name Simulation  Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Outflow                           ft    ft    ft  ft2   cfs   cfs Basin 10A 100YR‐24HR 860.03 860.00 0.01 20038.00 38.79 22.13 Basin 10A  10YR‐24HR 859.34 860.00 0.01 16856.00 19.80 7.50 Basin 10A   2YR‐24HR 858.60 860.00 0.00 13664.00 11.52 5.02 Basin 10C 100YR‐24HR 855.92 856.00 0.00 23593.00 33.47 10.29 Basin 10C  10YR‐24HR 854.32 856.00 0.00 16644.00 12.62 5.91 Basin 10C   2YR‐24HR 853.33 856.00 0.00 12312.00 9.34 4.72 Basin 11A 100YR‐24HR 857.79 858.00 0.00 20769.00 18.47 2.37 Basin 11A  10YR‐24HR 856.81 858.00 0.00 13840.00 9.11 1.46 Basin 11A   2YR‐24HR 856.20 858.00 0.00 9292.00 5.11 1.38 Basin 11B 100YR‐24HR 857.45 858.00 0.00 21001.00 17.82 2.38 Basin 11B  10YR‐24HR 856.56 858.00 0.00 15383.00 8.47 1.28 Basin 11B   2YR‐24HR 856.06 858.00 0.00 12549.00 4.56 1.28 Basin 12A 100YR‐24HR 857.36 858.00 0.01 1870.00 5.13 5.08 Basin 12A  10YR‐24HR 857.15 858.00 0.00 1409.00 2.55 2.45 Basin 12A   2YR‐24HR 856.49 858.00 0.00 574.00 1.46 1.27 Basin 12B 100YR‐24HR 854.57 855.00 0.00 3106.00 7.75 7.70 Basin 12B  10YR‐24HR 854.24 855.00 0.00 2540.00 3.48 3.34 Basin 12B   2YR‐24HR 854.05 855.00 0.00 2218.00 2.01 1.48 Basin 12C 100YR‐24HR 851.83 853.00 0.00 2047.00 13.02 12.78 Basin 12C  10YR‐24HR 851.47 853.00 0.00 1670.00 5.37 5.32 Basin 12C   2YR‐24HR 851.26 853.00 0.00 1448.00 3.31 2.57 Basin 12D 100YR‐24HR 850.20 850.25 0.01 7623.00 19.47 16.33 Basin 12D  10YR‐24HR 849.52 850.25 0.01 6459.00 8.20 3.29 Basin 12D   2YR‐24HR 848.29 850.25 0.01 3692.00 4.13 2.19 Basin 12E 100YR‐24HR 845.49 846.00 0.00 2538.00 4.13 2.09 Basin 12E  10YR‐24HR 844.87 846.00 0.00 1936.00 1.99 0.87 Basin 12E   2YR‐24HR 844.29 846.00 0.00 1432.00 1.09 0.52 Basin 12F 100YR‐24HR 850.82 852.00 0.00 4203.00 7.32 2.93 Basin 12F  10YR‐24HR 849.63 852.00 0.00 3166.00 3.41 1.20 Basin 12F   2YR‐24HR 848.72 852.00 0.00 2371.00 1.80 0.74 Basin 13A 100YR‐24HR 849.58 850.00 0.00 11274.00 16.41 2.74 Basin 13A  10YR‐24HR 848.14 850.00 0.00 8810.00 8.03 1.33 Basin 13A   2YR‐24HR 847.36 850.00 0.00 7579.00 4.46 0.79 Basin 13B 100YR‐24HR 847.88 848.00 0.00 8377.00 3.13 1.46 Basin 13B  10YR‐24HR 846.92 848.00 0.00 6801.00 1.45 0.75 Basin 13B   2YR‐24HR 846.19 848.00 0.00 5658.00 0.82 0.44 Basin 13D 100YR‐24HR 850.96 851.00 0.00 26025.00 32.75 9.98 Basin 13D  10YR‐24HR 850.11 851.00 0.00 23548.00 16.53 1.34 Basin 13D   2YR‐24HR 849.03 851.00 0.00 20460.00 9.67 0.96 Basin 14B 100YR‐24HR 853.93 854.00 0.00 19371.00 34.87 31.33 Basin 14B  10YR‐24HR 853.34 854.00 0.00 17291.00 16.63 5.11 Basin 14B   2YR‐24HR 852.33 854.00 0.00 14085.00 6.75 3.25 Basin 14C 100YR‐24HR 852.93 853.00 0.00 27125.00 34.64 6.89 Basin 14C  10YR‐24HR 851.71 853.00 0.00 21826.00 6.20 2.67 Basin 14C   2YR‐24HR 850.70 853.00 0.00 17206.00 3.56 1.92 Basin 15A 100YR‐24HR 853.98 854.00 0.00 9264.00 15.74 15.06 Basin 15A  10YR‐24HR 853.75 854.00 0.00 8205.00 7.83 7.14 Basin 15A   2YR‐24HR 853.63 854.00 0.00 7662.00 4.45 1.90 Basin 15B 100YR‐24HR 853.78 854.00 0.00 2718.00 2.63 1.68 Basin 15B  10YR‐24HR 853.17 854.00 0.00 1682.00 1.24 0.56 Basin 15B   2YR‐24HR 852.50 854.00 0.00 871.00 0.66 0.53 Basin 15C 100YR‐24HR 853.77 854.00 0.00 12383.00 11.76 5.41 Basin 15C  10YR‐24HR 853.15 854.00 0.00 9434.00 5.45 1.49 Basin 15C   2YR‐24HR 852.49 854.00 0.00 6269.00 2.97 1.29  Basin 16 100YR‐24HR 839.86 840.00 0.00 34802.00 47.42 4.94  Basin 16  10YR‐24HR 838.35 840.00 0.00 29528.00 24.12 1.19  Basin 16   2YR‐24HR 837.36 840.00 0.00 26174.00 12.16 0.74 Basin 17A 100YR‐24HR 850.90 851.00 0.00 3738.00 12.14 12.02 Basin 17A  10YR‐24HR 850.82 851.00 0.00 3614.00 6.07 5.12 Basin 17A   2YR‐24HR 850.74 851.00 0.00 3466.00 3.46 1.17 Basin 17B 100YR‐24HR 848.63 849.00 0.00 4383.00 27.17 23.22 Basin 17B  10YR‐24HR 847.77 849.00 0.00 1907.00 12.47 12.09 Basin 17B   2YR‐24HR 847.48 849.00 0.01 1409.00 5.17 5.13 Basin 18A 100YR‐24HR 855.95 856.00 0.00 7150.00 11.91 3.47 Basin 18A  10YR‐24HR 854.60 856.00 0.01 4771.00 5.94 3.30 Basin 18A   2YR‐24HR 853.88 856.00 0.00 148.00 3.37 3.18 Basin 18B 100YR‐24HR 854.79 855.00 0.00 11349.00 12.89 3.57 Basin 18B  10YR‐24HR 854.03 855.00 0.00 9513.00 6.35 1.04 Basin 18B   2YR‐24HR 853.44 855.00 0.00 8219.00 3.55 1.09  Basin 1A 100YR‐24HR 851.87 854.00 0.01 113.00 10.61 10.60  Basin 1A  10YR‐24HR 851.69 854.00 0.01 113.00 3.57 3.25  Basin 1A   2YR‐24HR 850.88 854.00 0.00 113.00 3.00 2.84  Basin 1B 100YR‐24HR 851.09 852.00 0.01 3491.00 12.40 12.15  Basin 1B  10YR‐24HR 850.20 852.00 0.01 2410.00 4.36 3.90  Basin 1B   2YR‐24HR 850.09 852.00 0.01 2286.00 3.40 2.49  Basin 1C 100YR‐24HR 845.24 845.50 0.01 4519.00 20.72 20.53  Basin 1C  10YR‐24HR 845.01 845.50 0.00 4277.00 7.11 5.66  Basin 1C   2YR‐24HR 844.67 845.50 0.01 3708.00 4.26 4.02  Basin 1D 100YR‐24HR 845.71 846.00 0.01 4291.00 20.62 20.59  Basin 1D  10YR‐24HR 845.63 846.00 0.01 4141.00 10.48 10.44  Basin 1D   2YR‐24HR 845.59 846.00 0.01 4084.00 7.36 7.24  Basin 1E 100YR‐24HR 844.48 844.50 0.00 34306.00 43.43 17.50  Basin 1E  10YR‐24HR 842.76 844.50 0.00 28004.00 16.58 5.78  Basin 1E   2YR‐24HR 841.54 844.50 0.00 24312.00 10.03 4.42 Basin 20A 100YR‐24HR 857.03 857.00 0.00 12415.00 29.88 15.69 Basin 20A  10YR‐24HR 855.52 857.00 0.00 9777.00 16.09 11.62 Basin 20A   2YR‐24HR 854.96 857.00 0.00 8461.00 8.90 5.94 Basin 20B 100YR‐24HR 853.95 854.00 0.00 6447.00 18.81 18.14 Basin 20B  10YR‐24HR 853.66 854.00 0.00 5939.00 13.28 12.47 Basin 20B   2YR‐24HR 852.83 854.00 0.00 4575.00 7.11 5.63 Basin 21A 100YR‐24HR 861.01 861.00 0.00 9148.00 13.48 4.39 Basin 21A  10YR‐24HR 859.48 861.00 0.00 6728.00 6.25 3.35 Basin 21A   2YR‐24HR 859.09 861.00 0.00 6210.00 3.28 0.75 Basin 21B 100YR‐24HR 859.31 860.00 0.00 4187.00 12.57 9.59 Basin 21B  10YR‐24HR 858.23 860.00 0.01 2913.00 6.80 5.86 Basin 21B   2YR‐24HR 856.81 860.00 0.00 131.00 2.77 2.76 Basin 22A 100YR‐24HR 862.96 864.00 0.00 10687.00 9.05 1.56 Basin 22A  10YR‐24HR 862.18 864.00 0.00 7323.00 4.21 1.31 Basin 22A   2YR‐24HR 861.75 864.00 0.00 3498.00 2.21 1.16 Basin 22B 100YR‐24HR 854.69 855.00 0.00 16362.00 10.51 1.36 Basin 22B  10YR‐24HR 853.71 855.00 0.00 12644.00 5.37 1.23 Basin 22B   2YR‐24HR 853.17 855.00 0.00 10678.00 3.08 1.22  Basin 24 100YR‐24HR 850.54 851.00 0.01 27162.00 85.77 83.12  Basin 24  10YR‐24HR 850.26 851.00 0.01 26183.00 36.55 30.17  Basin 24   2YR‐24HR 850.14 851.00 0.01 25752.00 18.50 13.64  Basin 25 100YR‐24HR 846.84 847.00 0.00 44867.00 95.44 46.90  Basin 25  10YR‐24HR 845.59 847.00 0.00 44867.00 31.44 5.30  Basin 25   2YR‐24HR 842.88 847.00 0.00 37061.00 14.09 3.18 Basin 26A 100YR‐24HR 857.91 858.00 0.01 19918.00 50.29 46.15 Basin 26A  10YR‐24HR 857.74 858.00 0.01 19212.00 30.26 21.62 Basin 26A   2YR‐24HR 857.49 858.00 0.01 18241.00 20.25 11.25 Basin 26B 100YR‐24HR 854.95 855.00 0.01 19168.00 58.71 55.91 Basin 26B  10YR‐24HR 854.60 855.00 0.00 17174.00 25.02 20.37 Basin 26B   2YR‐24HR 854.25 855.00 0.01 15142.00 12.86 11.66  Basin 27 100YR‐24HR 866.88 867.00 0.01 36369.00 60.94 32.18  Basin 27  10YR‐24HR 865.65 867.00 0.01 25278.00 31.32 13.89  Basin 27   2YR‐24HR 864.53 867.00 0.00 17163.00 18.29 12.62 Basin 29A 100YR‐24HR 869.01 869.00 0.00 8279.00 6.90 1.86 Basin 29A  10YR‐24HR 867.89 869.00 0.00 3746.00 3.41 1.79 Basin 29A   2YR‐24HR 867.22 869.00 0.00 1702.00 1.92 1.53  Basin 2A 100YR‐24HR 847.86 848.00 0.00 22930.00 30.10 18.04  Basin 2A  10YR‐24HR 847.42 848.00 0.00 20998.00 15.25 1.85  Basin 2A   2YR‐24HR 846.10 848.00 0.00 15628.00 8.11 1.46  Basin 2B 100YR‐24HR 846.75 847.00 0.00 14496.00 18.24 9.99  Basin 2B  10YR‐24HR 845.85 847.00 0.00 11798.00 1.88 1.41  Basin 2B   2YR‐24HR 844.97 847.00 0.00 9528.00 1.48 1.13  Basin 2C 100YR‐24HR 849.83 850.00 0.00 14562.00 16.01 11.18  Basin 2C  10YR‐24HR 848.60 850.00 0.00 9915.00 6.09 1.89  Basin 2C   2YR‐24HR 848.10 850.00 0.00 8176.00 3.96 1.47  Basin 30 100YR‐24HR 864.43 864.50 0.00 16117.00 40.53 21.92  Basin 30  10YR‐24HR 863.55 864.50 0.00 15144.00 22.39 4.89  Basin 30   2YR‐24HR 861.79 864.50 0.00 11830.00 11.02 3.56 Basin 33A 100YR‐24HR 850.77 852.00 0.01 3412.00 4.72 1.36 Basin 33A  10YR‐24HR 850.15 852.00 0.01 2420.00 2.30 1.16 Basin 33A   2YR‐24HR 849.69 852.00 0.00 113.00 1.28 0.99 Basin 33B 100YR‐24HR 853.80 854.00 0.00 15641.00 17.75 4.64 Basin 33B  10YR‐24HR 852.41 854.00 0.00 10809.00 5.28 1.68 Basin 33B   2YR‐24HR 851.52 854.00 0.00 7988.00 4.67 1.42 Basin 33C 100YR‐24HR 853.81 854.00 0.00 6807.00 16.65 16.40 Basin 33C  10YR‐24HR 853.02 854.00 0.00 5600.00 9.95 4.79 Basin 33C   2YR‐24HR 852.03 854.00 0.00 4231.00 7.33 4.49  Basin 34 100YR‐24HR 866.08 866.10 0.00 23087.00 36.81 19.49  Basin 34  10YR‐24HR 864.97 866.10 0.00 15037.00 18.72 14.17  Basin 34   2YR‐24HR 864.68 866.10 0.00 13265.00 10.85 6.97  Basin 35 100YR‐24HR 847.94 848.00 0.00 7702.00 16.90 10.27  Basin 35  10YR‐24HR 847.35 848.00 0.00 6433.00 8.55 2.63  Basin 35   2YR‐24HR 846.51 848.00 0.00 4810.00 4.93 2.19  Basin 37 100YR‐24HR 844.94 845.50 0.00 10720.00 18.26 7.40  Basin 37  10YR‐24HR 844.28 845.50 0.00 8706.00 9.50 2.46  Basin 37   2YR‐24HR 843.65 845.50 0.00 6770.00 5.66 1.71  Basin 4A 100YR‐24HR 852.95 854.00 0.00 6374.00 7.80 4.35  Basin 4A  10YR‐24HR 852.45 854.00 0.00 5633.00 3.90 0.90  Basin 4A   2YR‐24HR 851.86 854.00 0.00 4632.00 2.23 0.62  Basin 4B 100YR‐24HR 852.24 854.00 0.01 3136.00 4.66 3.35  Basin 4B  10YR‐24HR 851.39 854.00 0.00 2437.00 1.00 0.75  Basin 4B   2YR‐24HR 851.05 854.00 0.00 2171.00 0.65 0.49  Basin 4C 100YR‐24HR 854.82 855.00 0.01 31765.00 60.44 9.49  Basin 4C  10YR‐24HR 853.01 855.00 0.01 26154.00 22.58 3.52  Basin 4C   2YR‐24HR 851.81 855.00 0.00 21994.00 12.10 2.97  Basin 4D 100YR‐24HR 853.89 854.00 0.00 8818.00 9.90 6.45  Basin 4D  10YR‐24HR 851.99 854.00 0.00 4202.00 3.62 3.01  Basin 4D   2YR‐24HR 851.04 854.00 0.00 2259.00 3.00 2.67   Basin 5 100YR‐24HR 855.42 855.50 0.00 3093.00 11.29 4.17   Basin 5  10YR‐24HR 853.01 855.50 0.00 3093.00 5.69 3.70   Basin 5   2YR‐24HR 851.92 855.50 0.00 3093.00 3.28 2.02  Basin 6A 100YR‐24HR 853.88 854.00 0.00 12331.00 12.18 6.26  Basin 6A  10YR‐24HR 852.80 854.00 0.00 9575.00 6.10 1.25  Basin 6A   2YR‐24HR 852.02 854.00 0.00 7888.00 3.44 1.31  Basin 6B 100YR‐24HR 853.30 854.00 0.00 14810.00 19.80 7.30  Basin 6B  10YR‐24HR 852.29 854.00 0.01 12966.00 10.69 2.20  Basin 6B   2YR‐24HR 851.56 854.00 0.00 11048.00 6.76 1.74  Basin 6C 100YR‐24HR 854.33 855.00 0.00 4337.00 6.69 4.75  Basin 6C  10YR‐24HR 853.78 855.00 0.00 3077.00 3.15 1.36  Basin 6C   2YR‐24HR 853.13 855.00 0.00 1846.00 1.69 1.15   Basin 7 100YR‐24HR 854.95 855.00 0.00 29153.00 34.68 13.56   Basin 7  10YR‐24HR 854.17 855.00 0.00 26147.00 20.04 4.53   Basin 7   2YR‐24HR 853.57 855.00 0.00 23899.00 12.96 4.10   Basin 8 100YR‐24HR 856.64 857.00 0.00 6175.00 15.84 7.98   Basin 8  10YR‐24HR 854.79 857.00 0.00 2338.00 7.92 5.99   Basin 8   2YR‐24HR 853.86 857.00 0.00 1185.00 4.53 4.29  Basin 9A 100YR‐24HR 854.97 855.00 0.00 16636.00 29.16 9.13  Basin 9A  10YR‐24HR 853.84 855.00 0.00 12571.00 9.12 1.67  Basin 9A   2YR‐24HR 852.92 855.00 0.01 9366.00 5.19 1.42  Basin 9B 100YR‐24HR 856.95 857.00 0.00 7227.00 15.57 14.62  Basin 9B  10YR‐24HR 856.82 857.00 0.00 6769.00 7.97 4.58  Basin 9B   2YR‐24HR 856.25 857.00 0.00 4778.00 4.65 1.39 FUTURE DEV 1 100YR‐24HR 854.93 857.00 0.00 4240.00 19.02 5.46 FUTURE DEV 1  10YR‐24HR 852.97 857.00 0.00 6970.00 10.60 1.02 FUTURE DEV 1   2YR‐24HR 852.13 857.00 0.00 6970.00 6.80 0.68 FUTURE DEV 2 100YR‐24HR 856.90 857.00 0.01 8095.00 46.91 31.01 FUTURE DEV 2  10YR‐24HR 856.02 857.00 0.00 6567.00 26.15 6.83 FUTURE DEV 2   2YR‐24HR 853.54 857.00 0.00 6970.00 16.78 3.96 W.C.Outlet 100YR‐24HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 308.45 0.00 W.C.Outlet  10YR‐24HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.19 0.00 W.C.Outlet   2YR‐24HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68.38 0.00 Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 14 APPENDIX A-6 WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana BMP BMP Type Calculation Type Length Req'd (ft) Length Provided  (ft) Volume Req'd     (cf) Volume Provided  (cf) 1A Native Dry Detention Volume 3467 810 1B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 874 9570 1C Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 2356 5336 1D Native Dry Detention Volume 5505 6970 1E Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 14 250 2A Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 288 300 2B Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 5 175 2C Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 107 120 4A Native Dry Detention Volume 4037 18099 4B Native Dry Detention Volume 72 12066 4C Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 14541 67409 4D Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 86 18461 5 Permeable Paver Infiltration  Basin Volume 6393 5567 6A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 5342 30383 6B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 9854 37026 6C Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 3456 8930 7 Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 12232 63206 8 Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 5588 7405 9A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 7458 41034 9B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 7597 11718 10A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 20533 38333 10C Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 4344 31581 11A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 5915 20691 11B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 8151 23958 12A Native Dry Detention Volume 3484 2818 12B Native Dry Detention Volume 1683 4160 12C Native Dry Detention Volume 3777 5380 12D Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 3315 14562 12E Native Dry Detention Volume 1894 4944 12F Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 42 70 13A Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 193 190 13B Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 4 140 13D Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 4 250 14B Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 4 250 14C Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 148 380 15A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 11292 9866 15B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 1659 3071 15C Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 6546 19711 16 Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale  (Constructed Wetland)Flow‐Through 435 550 17A Native Dry Detention Volume 5279 4574 17B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 7538 6578 18A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 8479 10934 18B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 3810 23152 20A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 10362 30949 20B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 2609 13373 21A Native Dry Detention Volume 3881 20473 21B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 4333 9322 22A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 3551 27138 22B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 3394 35393 24 Native Dry Detention Volume 11563 103673 25 Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale  (Constructed Wetland)Flow‐Through 192 490 26A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 17246 50704 26B Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 5949 36416 27 Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 41025 76448 29A Native Dry Detention Volume 2649 8756 30 Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 232 235 33A Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 1165 29272 33B Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 3 100 33C Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 4 100 34 Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 13106 30971 35 Native Dry Detention w/  Infiltration Trench Volume 5888 15115 37 Native Dry Detention w/  Low Flow Vegetated Swale Flow‐Through 178 200 BMP SUMMARY TABLE BMP P (in) Area (Ac) % Impervious Rv WQv Req'd (cf) 1A 1 1.30 78 0.75 3549 1B 1 0.53 44 0.45 858 1C 1 1.10 60 0.59 2356 1D 1 2.87 60 0.59 6147 4A 1 1.68 68 0.66 4037 4B 1 0.21 5 0.10 72 4C 1 3.46 68 0.66 8315 4D 1 0.25 5 0.10 86 5 1 2.59 70 0.68 6393 6A 1 2.25 69 0.67 5480 6B 1 3.94 71 0.69 9854 6C 1 1.40 59 0.58 2953 7 1 5.33 68 0.66 12808 8 1 3.41 68 0.66 8194 9A 1 3.23 60 0.59 6918 9B 1 3.12 73 0.71 8007 10A 1 7.92 74 0.72 20585 10C 1 2.78 57 0.56 5681 11A 1 3.85 61 0.60 8371 11B 1 3.88 51 0.51 7169 12A 1 1.47 67 0.65 3484 12B 1 0.88 53 0.53 1683 12C 1 1.51 71 0.69 3777 12D 1 1.57 64 0.63 3568 12E 1 0.81 66 0.64 1894 15A 1 4.40 73 0.71 11292 15B 1 0.55 65 0.64 1268 15C 1 2.95 66 0.64 6896 17A 1 2.28 72 0.70 5777 17B 1 3.26 71 0.69 8153 18A 1 2.33 70 0.68 5751 18B 1 2.72 70 0.68 6714 20A 1 4.64 65 0.64 10695 20B 1 1.18 62 0.61 2604 21A 1 3.07 52 0.52 5773 21B 1 1.97 73 0.71 5056 22A 1 1.80 59 0.58 3796 22B 1 1.87 50 0.50 3394 24 1 3.39 43 0.44 5378 26A 1 7.34 73 0.71 18837 26B 1 3.40 48 0.48 5949 27 1 16.62 70 0.68 41025 29A 1 1.68 57 0.56 3433 33A 1 0.65 59 0.58 1371 34 1 5.45 75 0.73 14343 35 1 2.66 76 0.73 7087 VOLUME BMP CALCULATIONS BMP Flow Rate (cfs) Manning's Roughness (n) Swale Area (sf) Velocity (ft/s) Residence Time (min) Min Length (ft)1E 0.08 0.025 6 0.01 9 142A 3.20 0.025 6 0.53 9 2882B 0.03 0.025 6 0.01 9 52C 1.19 0.025 6 0.20 9 10712F 0.60 0.025 6 0.10 7 4213A2.14 0.025 6 0.36 9 19313B 0.02 0.025 6 0.00 9 413D 0.02 0.025 6 0.00 9 414B 0.04 0.025 6 0.01 9 414C 0.82 0.025 6 0.14 9 14816 3.11 0.025 6 0.52 7 43525 0.71 0.025 4 0.18 9 19230 2.76 0.025 10 0.28 7 23233B 0.03 0.025 6 0.01 9 333C 0.02 0.025 6 0.00 9 437 2.12 0.025 10 0.21 7 178Doubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeLOW FLOW VEGETATED SWALE CALCULATIONSNotesDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to dischargeDoubled to account for two BMPs in series prior to discharge Simulation Basin Time Max Flow Max Volume Volume hrs cfs in ft3 WQ Event DA 10A 11.91 4.84 0.629 18094 WQ Event DA 10C 11.9 1.18 0.45 4539 WQ Event DA 11A 11.9 1.63 0.45 6286 WQ Event DA 11B 11.93 1.23 0.359 5053 WQ Event DA 12A 12.16 0.6 0.562 3001 WQ Event DA 12B 11.9 0.3 0.359 1146 WQ Event DA 12C 11.87 1.02 0.629 3449 WQ Event DA 12D 11.9 0.78 0.503 2866 WQ Event DA 12E 11.87 0.48 0.562 1654 WQ Event DA 12F 12 0.6 0.402 2582 WQ Event DA 13A 11.88 2.14 0.629 7492 WQ Event DA 13B 12.02 0.02 0.098 99 WQ Event DA 13C 11.95 3.49 0.562 13494 WQ Event DA 13D 12.02 0.02 0.098 121 WQ Event DA 14A 12.09 2.7 0.704 13528 WQ Event DA 14B 12.02 0.04 0.098 220 WQ Event DA 14C 11.86 0.82 0.402 2757 WQ Event DA 15A 12.14 2.07 0.629 10047 WQ Event DA 15B 11.88 0.32 0.563 1123 WQ Event DA 15C 12.11 1.24 0.562 6022 WQ Event DA 16 11.96 3.11 0.629 12176 WQ Event DA 17A 11.87 1.54 0.629 5208 WQ Event DA 17B 11.9 2.01 0.629 7445 WQ Event DA 18A 11.88 1.34 0.563 4758 WQ Event DA 18B 11.9 1.68 0.629 6212 WQ Event DA 19A 11.91 1.01 0.45 3885 WQ Event DA 1A 11.88 0.96 0.705 3325 WQ Event DA 1B 11.9 0.15 0.32 615 WQ Event DA 1C 11.9 0.47 0.45 1796 WQ Event DA 1D 11.9 1.21 0.45 4686 WQ Event DA 1E 12.07 0.08 0.098 497 WQ Event DA 20A 11.91 2.29 0.503 8471 WQ Event DA 20B 11.88 0.61 0.503 2154 WQ Event DA 21A 11.95 0.95 0.359 3996 WQ Event DA 21B 11.93 1.17 0.629 4499 WQ Event DA 22A 11.86 0.85 0.45 2939 WQ Event DA 22B 11.88 0.66 0.359 2435 WQ Event DA 24 12.01 0.75 0.284 3501 WQ Event DA 25 12.09 0.71 0.253 3586 WQ Event DA 26A 11.89 4.8 0.629 16763 WQ Event DA 26B 11.89 1.11 0.359 4426 WQ Event DA 27 12.13 7.8 0.629 37970 WQ Event DA 29A 12.06 0.54 0.402 2450 WQ Event DA 29B 11.93 1.81 0.704 7032 WQ Event DA 2A 11.9 3.2 0.563 11763 WQ Event DA 2B 12.02 0.03 0.098 156 WQ Event DA 2C 11.9 1.19 0.629 4295 WQ Event DA 30 11.93 2.76 0.629 10780 WQ Event DA 33A 11.81 0.41 0.45 1061 WQ Event DA 33B 12.02 0.03 0.098 174 WQ Event DA 33C 12.02 0.02 0.098 128 WQ Event DA 34A 11.88 0.44 0.705 1534 WQ Event DA 34B 12 3.02 0.705 12405 WQ Event DA 35 11.88 2 0.705 6803 WQ Event DA 36A 11.91 0.39 0.704 1381 WQ Event DA 36B 12.04 0.19 0.197 945 WQ Event DA 36C 12.09 0.06 0.098 440 WQ Event DA 37A 11.84 1.21 0.45 3821 WQ Event DA 37B 11.78 0.91 0.887 2029 WQ Event DA 4A 11.94 0.88 0.563 3430 WQ Event DA 4B 12.02 0.01 0.098 75 WQ Event DA 4C 12 1.71 0.563 7066 WQ Event DA 4D 12.02 0.02 0.098 89 WQ Event DA 4E 11.99 1.36 0.629 5733 WQ Event DA 5 12 1.44 0.629 5917 WQ Event DA 6A 12 1.11 0.563 4595 WQ Event DA 6B 11.9 2.48 0.629 9001 WQ Event DA 6C 11.88 0.61 0.45 2285 WQ Event DA 7 11.9 2.96 0.563 10885 WQ Event DA 8 11.94 1.79 0.563 6963 WQ Event DA 9A 11.9 1.37 0.45 5274 WQ Event DA 9B 11.9 1.97 0.629 7128 WQ Event DA FUTURE DEV 1 11.82 2.96 0.887 9048 WQ Event DA FUTURE DEV 2 11.82 7.31 0.887 22314 WQ Event DA OFF2 11.87 0.13 0.705 409 Jackson’s Grant- Stormwater Management Master Plan City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana August 25, 2014 Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. 15 APPENDIX B BMP O&M MANUAL INFORMATION JACKSON’S GRANT Stormwater Master Plan City of Carmel, Indiana Prepared for: Republic Development, LLC The Jackson’s Grant - Carmel, Indiana Operations and Maintenance Manual Prepared by: Williams Creek Consulting Inc. 619 N. Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 1.877.688.8848 info@williamscreek.net August 2014 Page Intentionally Left Blank POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I C Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA 1 Introduction Preface Purpose Owner Contact Information Owner Acknowledgement Agreement BMP Summary Table 4 Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench BMPs Introduction Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench BMPs Monthly Inspections Maintenance Mowing Plan Fertilizer Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist 10 Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMPs Introduction Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMPs Monthly Inspections Maintenance Summary Mowing Plan Fertilizer Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist 17 Native Dry Detention Introduction Native Dry Detention BMPs Monthly Inspections Maintenance Mowing Plan Fertilizer Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist 23 Permeable Paver BMPs Introduction Monthly Inspections Spill Response Plan Maintenance Checklist Table of Contents D I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA 28 Appendix Invasive Species BMP Details POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 1 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Preface This Operations and Maintenance Manual (O&M) has been prepared based on guidelines published in the CITY OF CARMEL STORMWATER TECHNICAL STANDARDS MANUAL for Republic Development, LLC (OWNER). Stormwater Management Guidelines Jackson’s Grant is a 266 acre +/- development located in the Williams creek watershed. The main purpose of the stormwater management BMPs is for water quantity and quality control by reducing peak runoff and pollutant loading that would discharge to Williams Creek from the increased impervious nature of residential development. Per the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, runoff from development must be routed through two separate BMPs prior to discharge. This project utilizes numerous small, distributed stormwater BMPs to achieve the required TSS removal. These BMPs include native dry detention basins with combinations of low flow swales, infiltration trenches, and constructed wetlands. In general, stormwater runoff is directed into depressed areas with wet tolerant native plantings, allowed to percolate, and then discharged. The invert of all BMPs has been depressed to promote infiltration, temperature control, pollutant load reduction, and suspended solids settlement. Purpose This Operation and Maintenance manual defines requirements for operating, inspecting and maintaining Jackson’s Grant including all Best Management Practices (BMPs) constructed as part of the sustainable sites engineering plans prepared by Williams Creek Consulting (ENGINEER) on behalf of the OWNER. The proposed BMPs intend to provide natural and sustainable water quality improvement. The OWNER will be responsible for all maintenance and costs associated with routine inspections and maintenance of the integrated stormwater management system BMPs. Brief descriptions of what each BMP is intended to accomplish and the physical processes which govern its behavior are included within the following manual. Inspection and maintenance guidelines specified in this manual should be implemented in order to ensure that BMPs achieve their full performance capabilities. Introduction 2 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Contact Information for OWNER: Republic Development, LLC 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 Office: 317.770.1818 The OWNER is responsible for all maintenance activities and costs associated with said activities within the BMPs. The OWNER hereby grants right of access to the City of Carmel to inspect and maintain the BMPs as necessary. POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 3 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA 4 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench BMPs (BMPs 1B, 1C, 4C, 4D, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10C, 11A, 11B, 12D, 15A, 15B, 15C, 17B, 18A, 18B, 20A, 20B, 21B, 22A, 22B, 26A, 26B, 27, 33A, 34, 35) POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 5 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Introduction This document defines responsibilities for operating, inspecting and maintaining the Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench Best Management Practices (BMPs) within Jackson’s Grant within Carmel, Indiana. An annual report will need to be submitted to the City of Carmel Engineering Department, Attn: Storm Water Administrator, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Native Dry Detention with Infiltration Trench BMP City of Carmel as well as Hamilton County personnel will have the right to enter the premises to perform compliance inspections of all permanent BMPs. However, routine monthly and annual inspection of the native/infiltration basin BMP is the responsibility of the owner. Additional inspections (using the monthly checklist) are required within 48 hours of the end of any significant rainfall event (2 inches or more within 24 hours). Sample monthly inspection logs are included within this manual. Monthly Inspections The following areas should be inspected on a monthly basis: Vegetation • Some species of plants are considered invasive and should be eradicated within one month of discovery. Invasive species include reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), common reed (Phragmites australis), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia.). The Appendix contains photos of these four common invasive species. • If invasive volunteer trees appear, they should be documented for removal. • Landscaped area of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized and re-seeded with the appropriate native seed mixtures. Floating Pollutants • Remove all floatable debris. • Note visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water • Remove shoreline pollution such as trash or oily liquids • Miscellaneous debris Erosion • Inspect inlet, outlet, headwall and endwall areas for erosion and undercutting. If erosion is occurring, then additional scour protection measures will need to be employed. • Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard should be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. Outlet • All pond outlets shall be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions that disrupt the flow within the storm water management system. If any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. Embankments • Animal burrows – Burrowing mammals should be controlled or eradicated when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by their burrowing must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing mammal control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Mammals that may be of concern are beavers (Castor canadensis), and muskrat (Ondatra zibethica). 6 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA• Slope protection failure – Inspect the slopes of the BMP for any sliding or scour protection displacement. Please note location and describe the failure. • Infiltration Trench Inspection – The subsurface stone storage serves as the primary infiltration medium for stormwater runoff within this BMP. The major source of sediment build-up in the subsurface stone comes from construction activities; however, there are still potential clogging issues at the surface of the stone trench that must be inspected regularly. Visually inspect the surface layer of the stone trench for floatable debris and trash. Areas of ponding or stagnant water indicate that the top layer of the stone has clogged. Maintenance Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. Data sheets are included to evaluate each area of concern. Vegetation Although the BMP is expected to develop into a system that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first 2 years following construction in order to give the new vegetation communities a chance to become well established. Precautionary measures must be taken to prevent invasive species from establishing. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by qualified plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, it must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Replant or reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed in compliance to original planting specifications. Infiltration Trench Although subsurface stone within the infiltration trench will be relatively maintenance free, it is imperative that the surface layer undergo maintenance if areas of ponding occur that indicate clogging. The entire stone trench will be wrapped in geotextile fabric to prolong the life of the subsurface stone section. The top of the trench will then be capped with river cobble. Any maintenance operations should be limited to the top layer of the trench. Areas of the stone trench found to be clogged with debris or sediment build-up shall undergo proper maintenance. This consists of picking up large debris, removing the river cobble cap above the geotextile fabric, removing sediment build-up, and replacing the cleaned river cobble. In extreme cases, the entire stone trench may need to be excavated if it is determined that clogging is occurring within the wrapped stone envelope. Mowing Plan If turf grass surrounds BMP, once established, turf grass height shall be maintained at a minimum height of four (4) inches to control weeds. Not more than ½ of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial cutting or subsequent cutting. Do not mow any live native herbaceous plant area. Fertilizer No fertilizer is to be used unless soil testing has found specific deficiencies in nutrients. Herbicide and Pesticide Guidance Throughout the first year, treat any weeds, non-native or invasive species with glyphosate herbicide approved for use around water (Rodeo) by spot-spraying or other means that minimize incidental herbicide POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 7 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA drift. Herbicide application should be conducted on, windless days so that the chemical does not spread or volatize. Re-seed and/or replant any die-back resulting from incidental treatment with herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides to be used on upland areas adjacent to stormwater management BMPs and other native landscape areas without native seed, or at least one year following seed installation, consist of prodiamine herbicides such as Barricade. Pre-emergent herbicides shall not be applied to plantings located in standing water. All herbicides must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Spill Response Plan The proposed land use will consist of single family residential houses. The pollutants and sources of each pollutant normally expected from these types of land uses are listed below: • Pollutant Source: Passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, and trucks o Type of Pollutant: Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, any hydrocarbon associated with vehicular fuels and lubricants, grease, antifreeze, windshield cleaner solution, brake fluid, brake dust, rubber, glass, metal and plastic fragments, grit, road de-icing materials • Pollutant Source: Residence o Type of Pollutant: Cleaning solutions or solvents, leaks from HVAC equipment, grit from roof drainage, aggregate or rubber fragments from roofing system • Pollutant Source: Roadway o Type of Pollutant: Any pollutant associated with vehicular sources, grit from asphalt wearing surface, bituminous compounds from periodic maintenance (sealing, resurfacing and patching), pavement de-icing materials, wind-blown litter from off-site sources, and elevated water temperatures from contact with impervious surfaces • Pollutant Source: Lawn and landscape areas o Type of Pollutant: Fertilizers, herbicides, organic material (leaves, mulch, grass clippings) and pesticides. 571-2442), City of Carmel Engineering (317-571-2441), and the IDEM Spill Hotline (317-233-7745). F.10 Responsible Parties The following owner information is responsible for funding and maintenance of the BMP’s listed in the manual: Owners Name: Republic Development, LLC. Owners Address: 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 8 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Native Dry Detention with Infiltration TrenchRaingarden Inspection Checklist Site Name BMP – ID “As Built” Plans Available? Inspection Date ___________________________ Inspection Time Days since Previous Rainfall ______________ Depth of Previous Rainfall Inspector Inspector Signature Maintenance Item Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Notes Overflow Devices Inspect Overflow Devices Other:______________________________ Adjacent Areas Inspect for Root Intrusion Inspect surface BMPs to determine if functioning correctly Inspect adjacent areas for ponding Other:______________________________ Debris Remove debris from surface BMP Remove debris from overflow devices Vegetation Remove exotic species not included on the approved/provided species list Remove any dead vegetative debris Replenish mulch seasonally Other:______________________________ Actions to be taken: To be Completed by (Date): POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 9 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Maintenance Item Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Notes Overflow Devices Inspect Overflow Devices Other:______________________________ Adjacent Areas Inspect for Root Intrusion Inspect surface BMPs to determine if functioning correctly Inspect adjacent areas for ponding Other:______________________________ Debris Remove debris from surface BMP Remove debris from overflow devices Other:______________________________ Actions to be taken: To be Completed by (Date): InfIltratIon trench & SubSurface Storage InSpectIon checklISt Site Name BMP – ID “As Built” Plans Available? Inspection Date Inspection Time Days Since Previous Rainfall Depth of Previous Rainfall Inspector Inspector Signature 10 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale (BMPs 1E, 2A, 2B, 2C, 12F, 13A, 13B, 13D, 14B, 14C, 16, 25, 30, 33B, 33C, 37) POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 11 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Introduction This document defines responsibilities for operating, inspecting and maintaining the Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMPs within Jackson’s Grant in the City of Carmel, Indiana. The proposed BMP intends to provide natural and sustainable water quality improvement and natural habitats to support wildlife and native plants. In order to maintain water quality and vegetative health within the BMP, inspection and light maintenance activities will be needed. An annual report will need to be submitted to the City of Carmel Engineering Department, Attn: Storm Water Administrator, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMP This BMP was designed to incorporate natural and sustainable water quality improvements into an aesthetically pleasing site landscaping feature. The planting plans were developed with the goal of providing a diverse, native plant community extending from the bottom of the channel elevations to the top of bank. Although the BMP is expected to develop into dynamic ecosystems that will eventually require little vegetation maintenance, the following inspection, monitoring and maintenance schedule was developed to ensure that the BMP is properly installed and are developed in accordance with intended design goals. Monthly Inspections The City of Carmel as well as Hamilton County personnel will have the right to enter the premises to per- form compliance inspections of all permanent BMPs. However, routine monthly and annual inspection & monitoring of the BMPs are the responsibility of the owner. The following areas should be inspected on a monthly basis for the first two years after construction of the wetland: Vegetation • Vegetation cover should be greater than 85%. • Vegetation should be healthy. • Vegetation species should be consistent with plans. • Some species of plants such as reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), common reed (Phragmites australis), and cattails (Typha spp.) are considered invasive and should be eradicated within one month of discovery. Invasive species will be documented during the monthly inspections according to species, location and approximate percent cover. Photos of these species are included in the Appendix for reference. • Landscaped areas of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized and re-seeded or plugged with the appropriate plant type. Pollutants • Remove all floatable debris. • Remove visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water. • If sediment accumulation is impairing flow of storm water into raingardens, the sediments should be removed. Erosion • There should be no exposed earth on banks. • Other evidence of erosion will be noted • Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard will be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. 12 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Annual Monitoring Annual monitoring will be performed for three years after construction to document the development of the BMP. The following information will be collected as part of the annual monitoring. • A letter report will be issued that includes monitoring forms, a summary of monthly inspections, and recommendations for routine or special maintenance activities. Maintenance Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. If regular inspection and maintenance guidelines are not followed, the BMP may fail to attain water quality objectives set forth in the City of Carmel regulations. Vegetation A species rich community of raingarden and swale plugs will be planted in the portions located within the appropriate locations on the BMP location map. Although the constructed wetland BMP is expected to develop into a dynamic ecosystem that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first 2 years following construction in order to give the new vegetation communities a chance to become well established. If the inspection and monitoring indicates the presence of invasive species, measures will need to be taken to prevent these species from establishing themselves in the new BMP. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by qualified native wetland plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, it must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Replant or reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed, in compliance to original planting specifications. Debris • Debris shall be removed from the constructed wetland BMP in order to maintain a functioning and aesthetically pleasing landscape feature. Nuisance Animals • Burrowing mammals should be controlled or eradicated when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by their burrowing must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing mammal control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Removal of burrowing mammals in other areas of the wetland may not be necessary. Mammals that may be of concern are beavers (Castor canadensis), and muskrat (Ondatra zibethica • If animals are burrowing into the berm areas, then a certified wildlife damage control expert should be contacted to remove the beavers and/or dam, and muskrats. • The dense wetland vegetation proposed would not be an attractive habitat for geese since they prefer open water and mowed vegetation. Outlets and Forebays • Outlets – All outlets shall be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions which disrupts the flow within the BMP. If any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 13 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Summary The objective of the operation and maintenance manual is to assist the owner of the Stormwater BMPs in operating, inspecting and maintaining the low-flow water quality swales within Jackson’s Grant located in the City of Carmel, Indiana. An Inspection Checklist is included to ensure that all the required maintenance is conducted to maintain the integrity and design features of the wetland BMPs. Mowing Plan If turf grass surrounds BMP, once established, turf grass height shall be maintained at a minimum height of four (4) inches to control weeds. Not more than ½ of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial cut- ting or subsequent cutting. Do not mow any live native herbaceous plant area. Fertilizer No fertilizer is to be used unless soil testing has found specific deficiencies in nutrients. Herbicide and Pesticide Guidance Throughout the first year, treat any weeds, non-native or invasive species with glyphosate herbicide approved for use around water (Rodeo) by spot-spraying or other means that minimize incidental herbicide drift. Herbicide application should be conducted on, windless days so that the chemical does not spread or volatize. Re-seed and/or replant any die-back resulting from incidental treatment with herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides to be used on upland areas adjacent to stormwater management BMPs and other native landscape areas without native seed, or at least one year following seed installation, consist of prodiamine herbicides such as Barricade. Pre-emergent herbicides shall not be applied to plantings located in standing water. All herbicides must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Spill Response Plan The proposed land use will consist of single family residential houses. The pollutants and sources of each pollutant normally expected from these types of land uses are listed below: • Pollutant Source: Passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, and trucks o Type of Pollutant: Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, any hydrocarbon associated with vehicular fuels and lubricants, grease, antifreeze, windshield cleaner solution, brake fluid, brake dust, rubber, glass, metal and plastic fragments, grit, road de-icing materials • Pollutant Source: Residence o Type of Pollutant: Cleaning solutions or solvents, leaks from HVAC equipment, grit from roof drainage, aggregate or rubber fragments from roofing system • Pollutant Source: Roadway o Type of Pollutant: Any pollutant associated with vehicular sources, grit from asphalt wearing surface, bituminous compounds from periodic maintenance (sealing, resurfacing and patching), pavement de-icing materials, wind-blown litter from off-site sources, and elevated water temperatures from contact with impervious surfaces • Pollutant Source: Lawn and landscape areas o Type of Pollutant: Fertilizers, herbicides, organic material (leaves, mulch, grass clippings) and pesticides. 14 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA In case of spill, contact the City of Carmel Fire Department (317-571-2625), City of Carmel Utilities (317- 571-2442), City of Carmel Engineering (317-571-2441), and the IDEM Spill Hotline (317-233-7745). Responsible Parties The following owner information is responsible for funding and maintenance of the BMP’s listed in the manual: Owners Name: Republic Development, LLC Owners Address: 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 15 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Native Dry Detention with Low Flow Vegetated Swale BMPRaingarden Inspection Checklist Site Name BMP – ID “As Built” Plans Available? Inspection Date ___________________________ Inspection Time Days since Previous Rainfall ______________ Depth of Previous Rainfall Inspector Inspector Signature Maintenance Item Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Notes Overflow Devices Inspect Overflow Devices Other:______________________________ Adjacent Areas Inspect for Root Intrusion Inspect surface BMPs to determine if functioning correctly Inspect adjacent areas for ponding Other:______________________________ Debris Remove debris from surface BMP Remove debris from overflow devices Vegetation Remove exotic species not included on the approved/provided species list Remove any dead vegetative debris Replenish mulch seasonally Other:______________________________ Actions to be taken: To be Completed by (Date): 16 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Page Intentionally Left Blank POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 17 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Native Dry Detention BMPs (BMPs 1A, 1D, 4A, 4B, 12A, 12B, 12C, 12E, 17A, 21A, 24, 29A) 18 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Introduction This document defines responsibilities for operating, inspecting and maintaining the Native Dry Detention Basin Best Management Practices (BMPs) within Jackson’s Grant within Carmel, Indiana. An annual report will need to be submitted to the City of Carmel Engineering Department, Attn: Storm Water Administrator, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Native Dry Detention BMP City of Carmel as well as Hamilton County personnel will have the right to enter the premises to perform compliance inspections of all permanent BMPs. However, routine monthly and annual inspection of the native/infiltration basin BMP is the responsibility of the owner. Additional inspections (using the monthly checklist) are required within 48 hours of the end of any significant rainfall event (2 inches or more within 24 hours). Sample monthly inspection logs are included within this manual. Monthly Inspections The following areas should be inspected on a monthly basis: Vegetation • Some species of plants are considered invasive and should be eradicated within one month of discovery. Invasive species include reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), common reed (Phragmites australis), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia.). The Appendix contains photos of these four common invasive species. • If invasive volunteer trees appear, they should be documented for removal. • Landscaped area of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized and re-seeded with the appropriate native seed mixtures. Floating Pollutants • Remove all floatable debris. • Note visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water • Remove shoreline pollution such as trash or oily liquids • Miscellaneous debris Erosion • Inspect inlet, outlet, headwall and endwall areas for erosion and undercutting. If erosion is occurring, then additional scour protection measures will need to be employed. • Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard should be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. Outlet • All pond outlets shall be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions that disrupt the flow within the storm water management system. If any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. Embankments • Animal burrows – Burrowing mammals should be controlled or eradicated when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by their burrowing must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing mammal control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Mammals that may be of concern are beavers (Castor canadensis), and muskrat (Ondatra zibethica). POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 19 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA• Slope protection failure – Inspect the slopes of the BMP for any sliding or scour protection displacement. Please note location and describe the failure. Maintenance Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. Data sheets are included to evaluate each area of concern. Vegetation Although the BMP is expected to develop into a system that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first 2 years following construction in order to give the new vegetation communities a chance to become well established. Precautionary measures must be taken to prevent invasive species from establishing. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by qualified plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, it must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Replant or reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed in compliance to original planting specifications. Mowing Plan If turf grass surrounds BMP, once established, turf grass height shall be maintained at a minimum height of four (4) inches to control weeds. Not more than ½ of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial cutting or subsequent cutting. Do not mow any live native herbaceous plant area. Fertilizer No fertilizer is to be used unless soil testing has found specific deficiencies in nutrients. Herbicide and Pesticide Guidance Throughout the first year, treat any weeds, non-native or invasive species with glyphosate herbicide approved for use around water (Rodeo) by spot-spraying or other means that minimize incidental herbicide drift. Herbicide application should be conducted on, windless days so that the chemical does not spread or volatize. Re-seed and/or replant any die-back resulting from incidental treatment with herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides to be used on upland areas adjacent to stormwater management BMPs and other native landscape areas without native seed, or at least one year following seed installation, consist of prodiamine herbicides such as Barricade. Pre-emergent herbicides shall not be applied to plantings located in standing water. All herbicides must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Spill Response Plan The proposed land use will consist of single family residential houses. The pollutants and sources of each pollutant normally expected from these types of land uses are listed below: • Pollutant Source: Passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, and trucks o Type of Pollutant: Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, any hydrocarbon associated with vehicular fuels and lubricants, grease, antifreeze, windshield cleaner solution, brake fluid, brake dust, rubber, glass, metal and plastic fragments, grit, road de-icing materials • Pollutant Source: Residence 20 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA o Type of Pollutant: Cleaning solutions or solvents, leaks from HVAC equipment, grit from roof drainage, aggregate or rubber fragments from roofing system • Pollutant Source: Roadway o Type of Pollutant: Any pollutant associated with vehicular sources, grit from asphalt wearing surface, bituminous compounds from periodic maintenance (sealing, resurfacing and patching), pavement de-icing materials, wind-blown litter from off-site sources, and elevated water temperatures from contact with impervious surfaces • Pollutant Source: Lawn and landscape areas o Type of Pollutant: Fertilizers, herbicides, organic material (leaves, mulch, grass clippings) and pesticides. 571-2442), City of Carmel Engineering (317-571-2441), and the IDEM Spill Hotline (317-233-7745). F.10 Responsible Parties The following owner information is responsible for funding and maintenance of the BMP’s listed in the manual: Owners Name: Republic Development, LLC. Owners Address: 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 21 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Permeable Paver BMPs Inspection Checklist Site Name BMP – ID “As Built” Plans Available? Inspection Date Inspection Time Days Since Previous Rainfall Depth of Previous Rainfall Inspector Inspector Signature Maintenance Item Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Notes Permeable Pavement Surface Sediment Debris (leaves, mulch, trash, etc.) Ponding of water Other:______________________________ Structural Integrity Other:______________________________ Adjacent Area Erosion from underdrain Exposed soil in discharge area or adjacent to porous pavement area Sediment accumulation Other:______________________________ Overflow Devices Debris (leaves, mulch, trash, etc.) Other:______________________________ Actions to be taken: To be Completed by (Date): Native Dry Detention BMP Checklist 22 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Page Intentionally Left Blank POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 23 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Permeable Paver BMPs (BMP 5) 24 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Introduction This document defines responsibilities for operating, inspecting and maintaining the Permeable Paver BMPs within Jackson’s Grant in the City of Carmel, Indiana. The proposed BMP intends to provide natural and sustainable water quality improvement through infiltration. In order to maintain water quality within the BMP, inspection and light maintenance activities will be needed. An annual report will need to be submitted to the City of Carmel Engineering Department, Attn: Storm Water Administrator, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. Permeable Paver BMP The permeable paver BMPs to be installed within the development are intended to filter solids and sedi- ments from stormwater runoff prior to entering washed aggregate subgrade storage. The objective of the BMP is to provide a usable hardscape, promote immediate storm water filtration and groundwater recharge via infiltration from the subsurface storage. Because this BMP is required to filter solids from stormwater runoff, maintenance activities are necessary throughout the life of the BMP. Monthly Inspections Inspection of the permeable paver system will be required on an annual basis. More frequent inspections should be expected during periods of construction until full site development is concluded and acceptable performance is established. To adequately inspect the permeable paver BMP, these areas need to be observed during and subsequent to rain events. If no surface ponding is observed, then the permeable pavers are functioning adequately to meet the design goals of the stormwater management system. If ponding does occur, maintenance activities will be required as soon as practical. Sample monthly inspection logs are included at the end of this section. Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. The majority of permeable pavers function well with little or no maintenance. Maintenance of permeable pavers consists primarily of prevention of clogging of the void structure. Vacuuming annually or more often may be necessary to remove debris from the surface of the pavers. Other cleaning options may include power blowing and pressure washing. Pressure washing of a clogged permeable pavers has restored 80% to 90% of the permeability in some cases. Spill Response Plan The proposed land use will consist of single family residential houses. The pollutants and sources of each pollutant normally expected from these types of land uses are listed below: • Pollutant Source: Passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, and trucks o Type of Pollutant: Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, any hydrocarbon associated with vehicular fuels and lubricants, grease, antifreeze, windshield cleaner solution, brake fluid, brake dust, rubber, glass, metal and plastic fragments, grit, road de-icing materials • Pollutant Source: Residence o Type of Pollutant: Cleaning solutions or solvents, leaks from HVAC equipment, grit from roof drainage, aggregate or rubber fragments from roofing system • Pollutant Source: Roadway o Type of Pollutant: Any pollutant associated with vehicular sources, grit from asphalt wearing surface, bituminous compounds from periodic maintenance (sealing, resurfacing and patching), pavement de-icing materials, wind-blown litter from off-site sources, and elevated water temperatures from contact with impervious surfaces POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 25 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA• Pollutant Source: Lawn and landscape areas o Type of Pollutant: Fertilizers, herbicides, organic material (leaves, mulch, grass clippings) and pesticides. In case of spill, contact the City of Carmel Fire Department (317-571-2625), City of Carmel Utilities (317- 571-2442), City of Carmel Engineering (317-571-2441), and the IDEM Spill Hotline (317-233-7745). Responsible Parties The following owner information is responsible for funding and maintenance of the BMP’s listed in the manual: Owners Name: Republic Development, LLC Owners Address: 13578 East 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46037 26 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Permeable Paver BMPs Inspection Checklist Site Name BMP – ID “As Built” Plans Available? Inspection Date Inspection Time Days Since Previous Rainfall Depth of Previous Rainfall Inspector Inspector Signature Maintenance Item Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Notes Permeable Pavement Surface Sediment Debris (leaves, mulch, trash, etc.) Ponding of water Other:______________________________ Structural Integrity Other:______________________________ Adjacent Area Erosion from underdrain Exposed soil in discharge area or adjacent to porous pavement area Sediment accumulation Other:______________________________ Overflow Devices Debris (leaves, mulch, trash, etc.) Other:______________________________ Actions to be taken: To be Completed by (Date): POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 27 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Page Intentionally Left Blank 28 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Appendix POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. I 29 Jackson's Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Typha angustifolia Narrowleaf Cattail Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife Phalaris arundinacea Reed Canary Grass Phragmites australis Common Reed Below are photos of invasive species and a species list that are commonly be found within the vegetat- ed areas: 30 I POST CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I WILLIAMS CREEK CONSULTING, INC. Jackson’s Grant I CARMEL, INDIANA Cirsium arvense Canada Thistle Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Below is a list of invasive species that may be found within the vegetated areas: • Asian Bush Honeysuckle • Autumn Olive • Black Locust • Buckthron • Chinese Silvergrass • Common Reed • Creeping Charlie • Creeping Jenny • Crown Vetch • Dame’s Rocket • Japanese Hedge Parsley • Japanese Honeysuckle • Japanese Knotweed • Multiflora Rose • Norway Maple • Periwinkle • Privet • Purple Lossestrife • Purple Winter Creeper • Reed Canary Grass • Russian Olive • Siberian Elm • Smooth Brome • Star-of-Bethlehem • Sweet Clover • Tall Fescue • Tree-of-Heaven • White Mulberry • Winged Burning Bush The link below is an exhaustive list of Indiana’s Invasive Plants: http://extension.entm.purdue.edu/CAPS/