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Packet for PC 07-20-21
Ambleside Point PZ-2021-00032 ADLS Townhome ADLS CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA July 20, 2021 Carmel Plan Commission Applicant: Hoffman Developer, LLC Attorneys: Nelson & Frankenberger, LLC Jim Shinaver, Attorney Jon C. Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional 317-844-0106 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Explanation of Request 2. Color Landscape Plan of Townhome area 3. Engineered Landscape Plan 4. Typical Plot Plan illustrating A/C Unit screening 5. Bench, Bike Parking and Cluster Mailbox Units 6. Townhome Site Plan with Side Building Elevation Enhancements (Minimum 40% as noted on plan) End Unit elevation Examples 7. Townhome Color Elevation Sample 8. Townhome ADLS – Detailed Building Elevations 4-Unit Building 5-unit Building 6-unit Building 9. 5-Unit Building Front Entry Elevations along 146th Street 10. 6-Unit Buildings Front Entry Elevation (Four 6-Unit Buildings) TAB 1 EXPLANATION OF REQUEST The applicant, Hoffman Developer, LLC, (“Hoffman”) has filed requests seeking Development Plan (“DP”) approval of the overall site and architectural design, landscaping, lighting and signage approval (“ADLS”) for proposed townhome buildings. The parcels that are the subject of the requests consist of approximately 60 acres, are generally located south of and adjacent to 146th Street and approximately 1/8 mile east of Towne Road and has a common address of 2135 W. 146th Street, Carmel, IN 46074 (collectively, the “Real Estate”). While Hoffman is seeking both Development Plan and ADLS approval to implement the development of the Real Estate, the Residential Committee returned the Development Plan back to the full Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation and it was subsequently approved on May 18th. The Residential Committee met again on July 6th and completed its review of the ADLS including engineered landscaping plans and final building elevations. At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee voted 3-0 to forward the ADLS back to the full Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation subject to three (3) conditions. In this regard, the below is a summary enhancements made to the ADLS submittal since it was first in front of the Plan Commission in April which includes the three (30 conditions noted in blue text. List of Townhome ADLS modifications: 1. Updated color elevations (See Tab 7): a. Color elevation provided for front and rear elevations. Board and Batten added to elevations. See Tab 7 and Tab 8 on all building types. The elevations exceed the 40% minimum masonry requirement in the Ordinance. b. Consistent design theme provided for all building types (4-unit, 5-unit, and 6-unit) – See Tab 8. c. Header detail added to all windows including the rear elevation as shown under Tab 8. d. Masonry where required per the PUD has been added to the rear elevations. e. Enhanced masonry is provided on side building elevations as shown in blue on the site plan under Tab 6. This addition is voluntary. The PUD only required 40% masonry and only for the elevations marked in red on the exhibit under Tab 6. Each side of the enhanced elevations is 55% masonry, as shown (15% more than the PUD requires). f. See the second page under Tab 6 for side elevation samples which will be consistent for all 4 –unit side elevations (noted in red and blue one page one of Tab 6). g. The four (4) 6-unit buildings facing will include front door entries rather than side entries. This is illustrated on the exhibit under Tab 9. h. The five-unit buildings facing 146th Street will have one side of the townhome building with a front entry and one with a side entry as illustrated under Tab 10. For both the 5-unit and 6- unit building with front entries the side door will be replaced with a window and still include enhanced masonry as illustrated on page 2 under Tab 6. i. Added windows on side facades instead of previous locations which provided shutters only. j. Rear elevation colors now to match the front elevation color (See Tab 7). k. Trim board on the deck on the rear elevations shall be painted to match the siding color of the subject dwelling. l. The dormer windows above the roofline will be clear glass. 2. Updated engineered landscape plan for Townhome area provided (see Tab 3). Enhancements include: a. Three (3) shrubs added in the rear yards between driveways (one close to the alley, and two close to building to screen A/C Units and avoid people exiting vehicles and stepping on them) with river rock base. See typical plot plan provided under Tab 4 and detailed on the engineered landscape plan (Tab 3). b. A thoughtful design of the spaces between building fronting one another and along public spaces has been provided, including landscaping above and beyond the requirements of the Ordinance in particular in the vicinity of the subdivision entrances and interior seating and short term bicycle parking areas. c. The public spaces include a wider distribution of short term bicycle parking, sidewalks, benches, and cluster mail box locations rather than only a few areas as originally planned (see Bench, Bike Loop and mail box details under Tab 5). Both bike parking and cluster mailboxes spread out as much as possible, while providing consistent and logical distribution. d. Adjustments have been made in response to three (3) comments received from the Urban Forester regarding landscaping. The Plans included in this informational submittal reflect the requested revisions. We look forward to presenting the Request to you on July 20, 2021. Respectfully submitted, TAB 2 © 2020 HWC ENGINEERING AMBLESIDE TOWNHOMES CARMEL, INDIANA JUNE 18, 2021 PREPARED FOR: HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLC NORTH 60’15’30’0 SCALE: 1”=30’ OLD 146TH STREET DALWOOD DRIVE (PRIVATE) BLENKER DRIVE (PRIVATE)BEAUMENT BOULEVARDELSMERE LANE (PRIVATE)HANFORD LANE (PRIVATE)POMONA LANE (PRIVATE)BRECON LANE (PRIVATE)MAULDIN STREETRENDERED SITE PLAN TAB 3 OLD 146TH STREET DALWOOD DRIVEBEAUMENT BOULEVARDBLENKER DRIVE ELSMERE LANEELSMERE LANEHANFORD LANEHANFORD LANE(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)OLD 146TH STREET DALWOOD DRIVE MAULDIN STREETPOMONA LANEPOMONA LANEBRECON LANEBRECON LANEOLD 146TH STREET (PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)MAULDIN STREETBEAUMENT BOULEVARDBLENKER DRIVE (PRIVATE) Call 811 or 800-382-5544 Before you Dig!ABLESIDE TOWNHOMESREVISIONS INDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTE LAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANY www.hwcengineering.com OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY DRAFT CD SET JUNE 11, 2021HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLCL100 L102 L101 L103 L000 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN 0' (IN FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 40'80'120' OLD 146TH STREET BEAUMENT BOULEVARDBLENKER DRIVE ELSMERE LANEHANFORD LANE(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)0' (IN FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 20'40'60' Call 811 or 800-382-5544 Before you Dig!HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLCAMBLESIDE TOWNHOMESL100 REVISIONS INDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTE LAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANY www.hwcengineering.com LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLANMATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L101 MATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L102KEY MAP PLANT SCHEDULE LEGEND: KEYNOTES: STATE OF LA22000023REGISTERED IND I A N ALAND S CAPE A R C H ITECTREBE C C A M.LU D WI GLANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS L102 L103L101 IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES: DALWOOD DRIVEELSMERE LANEHANFORD LANE(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)BEAUMENT BOULEVARD0' (IN FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 20'40'60' Call 811 or 800-382-5544 Before you Dig!AMBLESIDE TOWNHOMESL101 REVISIONS INDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTE LAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANY www.hwcengineering.com LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLANMATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L100 MATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L103KEY MAP HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLCLEGEND: NOTE: SEE SHEET L100 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE. KEYNOTES: STATE OF LA22000023REGISTER E DI ND I A N ALAND S CAPE A R C H ITECTREBE C C A M.LU D WI GL102 L103 L100 OLD 146TH STREET MAULDIN STREETPOMONA LANEBRECON LANEOLD 146TH STREET (PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)BLENKER DRIVE (PRIVATE) 0' (IN FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 20'40'60' Call 811 or 800-382-5544 Before you Dig!AMBLESIDE TOWNHOMESL102 REVISIONS INDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTE LAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANY www.hwcengineering.com LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLANMATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L103MATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L100KEY MAP HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLCLEGEND: NOTE: SEE SHEET L100 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE. KEYNOTES: STATE OF LA22000023REGISTER E DI ND I A N ALAND S CAPE A R C H ITECTREBE C C A M.LU D WI GL100 L103L101 LANDSCAPE GENERAL NOTES: DALWOOD DRIVEPOMONA LANEBRECON LANE(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)MAULDIN STREET0' (IN FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 20'40'60' Call 811 or 800-382-5544 Before you Dig!AMBLESIDE TOWNHOMESL103 REVISIONS INDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTE LAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANY www.hwcengineering.com LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLANMATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L102 MATCH LINE, SEE SHEET L101KEY MAP HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLCLEGEND: NOTE: SEE SHEET L100 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE. KEYNOTES: STATE OF LA22000023REGISTER E DI ND I A N ALAND S CAPE A R C H ITECTREBE C C A M.LU D WI GL100 L102 L101 L201REVISIONSINDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTELAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANYwww.hwcengineering.comAMBLESIDE TOWNHOMES LANDSCAPE DETAILSGROUNDCOVER4PERENNIALS AND GRASSES5PLANTING BED PERIMETER6DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING1EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING2SHRUB PLANTING3HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLC LANDSCAPEDETAILSSTATE OFLA22000023R EGISTEREDINDIANALANDSCAPE ARCHI T ECT RE B ECCAM.LUDWIGSTEEL EDGE8STONE MULCH BED7AMENITY AREA ENLARGEMENT7NOTE: SEE SHEET L100 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE.KEYNOTES: REVISIONSINDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTELAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANYwww.hwcengineering.comAMBLESIDE TOWNHOMES LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONSL202HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLC LANDSCAPESPECIFICATIONS“”¾”STATE OFLA22000023R EGISTEREDINDIANALANDSCAPE ARCHI T ECT RE B ECCAM.LUDWIG TAB 4 Front vs. Side Entry Typical Plot Plan A/C Unit, screened by 2 shrubs as required per the PUD TAB 5 REVISIONSINDIANAPOLIS - TERRE HAUTELAFAYETTE - MUNCIE - NEW ALBANYwww.hwcengineering.comAMBLESIDE TOWNHOMES SITE DETAILSMAILBOX1BENCH3BIKE RACK2NOTES:NOTES:NOTES:L200HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLCSITE DETAILSCONCRETE SIDEWALK4CONCRETE JOINTS5STATE OFLA22000023R EGISTEREDINDIANALANDSCAPE ARCHI T ECT RE B ECCAM.LUDWIG TAB 6 © 2020 HWC ENGINEERING AMBLESIDE TOWNHOMES CARMEL, INDIANA JUNE 18, 2021 PREPARED FOR: HOFFMAN DEVELOPER LLC NORTH 60’15’30’0 SCALE: 1”=30’ OLD 146TH STREET DALWOOD DRIVE (PRIVATE) BLENKER DRIVE (PRIVATE)BEAUMENT BOULEVARDELSMERE LANE (PRIVATE)HANFORD LANE (PRIVATE)POMONA LANE (PRIVATE)BRECON LANE (PRIVATE)MAULDIN STREETRENDERED SITE PLAN TAB 7 Siding Colors Masonry Colors Window, Trim, and Gutter Colors Color Scheme A Midnight Stillness Siding Colors Masonry Colors Window, Trim, and Gutter Colors Color Scheme A Midnight Stillness TAB 8 Property of Pulte Homes. No part of this plan may be used by others without express written consent of Pulte Homes.FRANKTON/FAIRWOOD - FOUR (4) UNIT BUILDINGPULTE Homes - Indiana DivisionCarmel, IN 4603211590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530April 20, 2021AMBLESIDE Property of Pulte Homes. No part of this plan may be used by others without express written consent of Pulte Homes.FRANKTON/FAIRWOOD - FIVE (5) UNIT BUILDINGPULTE Homes - Indiana DivisionCarmel, IN 4603211590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530April 20, 2021AMBLESIDE Property of Pulte Homes. No part of this plan may be used by others without express written consent of Pulte Homes.FRANKTON/FAIRWOOD - SIX (6) UNIT BUILDINGPULTE Homes - Indiana DivisionCarmel, IN 4603211590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530April 20, 2021AMBLESIDE TAB 9 End Unit Front Entry TAB 10 End Unit Front Entry