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The Travel Authority 06020135
vrLi�czi vim. u COPY # 1 Sec: Twp:18 Rng:3 Sub: B1k:24 Lot: PARCEL ID 1709240000044004 DATE ISSUED.......: 03/02/2006 RECEIPT #.... .. 21372 REFERENCE ID # 06020135 SITE ADDRESS 13610 MERIDIAN ST N SUBDIVISION ...... CITY CARMEL IMPACT AREA ...... OWNER ............: HERITAGE PROPERTY ADDRESS ..........: 131 DARTMOUTH ST CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: BOSTON, MA 02116 RECEIVED FROM ATLAS SIGN COMPANY CONTRACTOR LIC # COMPANY ........... ADDRESS .......... CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: TELEPHONE ........ FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL SIGNINSTAL SQUARE FEET 37.43 92.66 0.00 92.66 0.00 SIGNPERM FLAT RATE 1.00 77.25 0.00 77.25 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT _ - 169.91 - 0.00 169.91 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER CHECK 169.91 32972 TOTAL RECEIPT ~~ 169.91 SIGN COPY SIGN ADDRESS CITY OF CARMELICLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA 5iGN PERiVI1T APPLICATION DATE RECEIVED: PERMIT NUMBER: n O 2 p �� r NAME OF BUSINESS � ` !��/ PHONE: r% �- � 1 Q ADDRESS: �6 L� � - CITY: ��rr �7 f STATE: ZIP: PROPERTY OWNER I7�'�rr. ADDRESS: _ �1 �'ac •T .L CC PHONE: 1]- �J - `f3- 19 r xr- tJ�;1 .Yla CITY: - „ . e . ZONING DISTRICT: STATE: -1 I ZIP: OVERLAY ZONE: 31 421 431 OLD TOWN: YES _ NO REQUIRED APPROVALS: Plan Commission Docket 4 N- IS AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION PERMIT REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILQ NG/TENANT SPACE? ROCS Only IF YES, STATE PERMIT NUMBER ISSUED SIGN TYPE -circle one: WALL GROUND ROOF PROJECTING SUSPENDED PORCH WINDOW OTHER NO. OF SIDES I SIGN STATUS -circle appropriate response(s)-NNE EXISTING PERMANENT TEMPORARY OVERALL SIGN HEIGHT FROM GROUND: I�FT, OVERALL SIGN DIMENSIONS: TOTAL SIGN AREA: Requested y x� —137 3 SQ.FT.Permissible +,'Q SQ.FT. COLORS: BUILDING OR TENANT SPACE FRONTAGE DIMENSION:- (�C ,FT. BUILDINGTYPE: SETBACK OF SIGN FROM NEAREST RIGHT-OF-WAY: Z 4- LOGO DIMENSIONS: I'T LOGO IS —� PERCENT OF SIGN AREA ARE THERE ANY EXISTING SIGNS ON THIS SITE? IF YES, EXPLAIN SHOPPING CENTER OR COMPLEX NAME: er, I CERTIFY THAT A PICTURE OF THIS SIGN WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK AFTER ERECTION OF THE SIGN. I WOULD PREFER A $93.50 INSPECTION FEE BE ADDED TO THE COS`[' OF THIS PERMIT TO COVER THE COST OF THE STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES TAKING THIS PICTURE. TWO COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION PERMIT: ARE REQUIRED FOR THE REVIEW OF THIS SIGN * COMPLETED APPLICATION * SITE PLAN (depicting all dimensions, setbacks and proposed sign location) * SIGN ELEVATIONS (depicting all dimensions, copy and color) * BUILDING OR TENANT SPACE ELEVATION (depicting, frontage dimensions and proposed sign location) * LANDSCAPE PLAN: Required for ground signs (depicting the planting, mature heights and caliper) SIGN PERMIT FEES: * See Samples Attached -PERMIT APPLICATION ........................... $77.25 -SIGN ERECTION_ -REPLACEMENT OF SF:................................. $30.90 PER SIGN FACE PLUS $1.65 PER SQUARE FOOT IGN FACE IN AN EXISTING CABINET--$30.90 PLUS $1.65 PER SQUARE FOOT , (Continued On Page 2) l7 d9 -2y- pp_Oo - oyy, ooy Page 2 of 2 Carmel/Clay Sign Permit Application THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE FOREGOING SIGNATURES, STATEMENTS AND ANSWERS HE AND THE INFORMATION HEREWITH SUBMITTED ARE IN ALL RESPECTS TRUE AND CORRECT, AND THIS ERECTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INp IN CONTAINED ZONING OR OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, IIVDIANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERETO,I$ SIGN WILL BE ERECTED WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OR THIS PERMIT IS NULL AND VOIDIANA, AND THE AND SHALL 6E FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIED BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT ALL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ARE ADVISORY. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE $USINESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME (PLEASE PRINT) BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME (PLEASE PRINT SIGN COMPANY: � � . ' J CONTACT PERSON 4 ADDRESS: ,.., r c� r r1lg PHONE&� " `/ I/ ' L ?� r f •J ) 1 CITY: _ �, . ��, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE CONCERNS BY STAFF OR PRIOR COMMITMENTS T STATE: IL/ ZIP: L��o r_ CONDITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT (PLEASE INITIAL EACH ITEM INDIVIDUALLY THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO AS A 1) x )• SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN ERECTION - Improvement Permit INSPECTION FEE (Required if photography not provided) 77.25 $ 9- + $93.50 OR Photo will be provided TOTAL FEE PERMIT ISSUED BY: FEE RECEIVED BY: RELEASED STAMP: PAID STAMP: s:\sign\appl revised 04/13/05 —+7� ` FEB-22-2006 03:01PM FROM- ERITAGE PROPERTY INVESTMENT TRUST, INC. Speedway SuperCenter 5852 crawfordsville Road Speedway, IN 46224 (317) 243-8219 (317) 241-8021 - FAX lr_� To: Bill Andrews Fax: (317 484-4630 Phone: Re: Si�orization T-112 From: Cynthia Boggs Pages: 3 Date: 2/22/06 CC: P.001/004 F-591 You should receive 4 page(s) including this one. If you do not receive all pages, please call (317) 243-8219 ext. 12. As requested, attached is a copy of the authorized store front sign drawings signed by the Property Manager, Bradley Sachs. Also attached is a copy of the site map and the legal description for Meridian Village. If you have any questions please contact me at the number above. Cynthia Boggs Administrative Assistant This transmittal is intended only for the user, individual, or entity named above. it may contain information that is privileged and/or confidential under applicable law, if you are not the intended recipient (or such recipient's employee or agent), then you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copy, or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. if you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us at (617) 247-2200 (coked,) and return the original transmission to us by mail, without making a copy. We will remit the cost of the postage to you by return mail. Thank you. FES-22-2006 03:o1pM FROM- T-117 P-002/004 F-591 -j I LLI z z 14� C.3 LU 0 > 2 51 z 00 LLM LLJai CO S Lu U12 < -UJ LU z %046 rb 0; Z w ' 'g L , L� t6 U, 0 'On V- Ul,w in 0' "Z LLI or- wmz) --0-'— =,-:z C, JL LL Lu Ow -S F PRI 0 ry w F-- J J w z z Q 2 U J Q 0 0 z 0 w C_z G J J z O z -44 -44 3 7 Q N O m m Q SEEN r P Zr �; w00 wo .. O 00 �Em 0 m CN r C O 1W co r� 111 O 4 co imw 0) 2 0 J J W z z Q 2 U _J ❑ Z) z 0) — O >� 0 z W 0 U W ir- Q _z J J �IH ABM90Bb ,,1 � Z O 06 Q_ �2 N X W O Z J ~ ~ � � J Q W oo Q m J J N U Q -i'o Z W W ZwUzPx x 2U25Xz�U z Wz Q ❑ < Ll j 2 z ❑_ JQECDJH �i LUF-Cf)0:2E O ❑xNW100 U zx07 -LLJ n ❑�O:EZW0JX ��mz�z��� pjZ2iapO <a- <Q Q LL. I 9 ! zF-�-)w�-DU0E- ®oo(r�� O=❑0=JUOJ 1 i ui� r= J d J J P u7 Q LL U Q a T T r r C4 CC CC P Q ,,O^^ r/ r M No —ON 0 ME Cig $i. a Ilk 3 N� ci o N E !! ! LL C Q i J TCi O m 0- N p LL O �r'ga3 � Q w a- z s W J U 0 T (n 0 O N Z v > a z aW ro �o cV m z m -a a) o- < U 0 CO Pei—��—�006 0�:01PM FROM— VNVI ,—ImqwD T-117 P-003/004 F-591 7� aDV7UA - w {�—17 -r i6 4 '� § a; N G u,�`� Vera r 3 d-vr s g r , i i r r r r r , YJ , r r r t , r r r r r 1 r r r r r r r r , r r r r r i rtt-22-2006 03:02Pf4 FROM- T-Ili P-004/004 F-591 n22LT,TB Part of -the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 . Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, describedhas f8 North, Beginning follows: g g at the Northeast Corner of said South 00 degrees 06 mfnutes 42 secondsEastdn; th bearing) along the east line of said centerline o Quarter Section 235.00 feet to the f a pipeZ�.ne easament to Shell Petrolet:m Cmrpto apt dated December .10, 1937 MisCellaReaus. Record 33 recorded- Deaenlber 29, 1937, in APril 22,.�959, and z®cordedPages 364 and 365 and amendment dated the Office of the Recorder Of Hamilton�CountDook 5S, page 50.in South 46 degrees 09 minutes 0.4 seconds West 1yl Indiana) feehence South 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 468.85 feet to - Deginnirtg Point � t � the East 'ng hence South 70.degrees 0a - feet; 0 seconds thence South 01 degree d3 minutes053 seconds East 712.46 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line for Highway 31. Per Warranty Deed recorded in U.S. office- the Recorder of Hamilton county, 248, Page 216 in five (5) described courses heirsaIndiana, [the next the said northwesterly r 9 continuous $nd contiguous with degrees 28 minutes IS scondshWest-WdY 125.85ife); thence South 56 . degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds 'gest 49. thence South 56 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds. West'208.718feeet; thence south 58 degrees 07 Minutes 50 seconds West 144.Q3.feet• thence South 71 degrees 51 thence South -88 g 43 minutes549SsecondsWWest2,450,23 feet; degrees thence North 0p. degrees 0g minutes 04 seconds East 776.600feett? thence North 46 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 119, 1 thence South 88 Point, containing 11.725 acres 50 feet to the Beginning of the southwest more or less. In -addition, Part 3 East i Quarter of Section 24., Township 18 North, Range n Hamilton County, Indiana, more aB folzaws� Commencing at..the Northeast cornerartieof athe described southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township Quarter count Y■ Indiana,; P Z8 North, Range 3 East, in seconds East thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 42 Quarter 1451.11sfeet) bthence3 an the East Line of said Southwest seconds West 1 thence North 88 degrees 00 utes 00 seconds West 715.003feet.' thence North 88 degrees 00 mrmiinutes 00 seconds thence South 01 degree 03 minutes 53 East 201.80 feet to the t tract herein.described; thehce Sourthue Point of beginning far the 324.67 feet, thence South 88 degrees 2 degrees 21 Seconds 365.87 feet to East Highway 31 the �larthwester�.y right-of-way line seconds East per Warranter Deed recorded in need Record 248r U.S. 216 in the office of the Recorder ❑f thence South Hamilton Count Pas; [this and the ex degrees- 54 minutes 30 seconds West+79.98ifeet right-of-way line);two [2) courses are on said Northwesterly West 151.3S feet thence South 48 degrees 52 minutes 37 seconds West 604.15 feet to ahline which South 56 sSoutY3inutes 18 second mtnutee 53 seconds East from the 41 degrees 03 01 degree o3•minutes 53 seconds Westhano hbegi ing; th nc g g; thence North fee- to the point of beginnin 73.02 less- t L 9', containing 5.000 acres Subject ee �c a� l legal caser�e�ats arc xiohts-c�-w.r. ' ror� or FFO-22-2006 03:01PM FROM- T-11T P.001/004 F-591 ERiTAGE PROPERTY INVESTMENT TRUST, INC. Speedway supercenter 5852 crawfordsAle Road Speedway, IN 46224 (317) 243-8219 (317) 241-8021 - FAX FAX To: Bill Andrews From: Cynthia Boggs Pax: �317 484-46 0 Phone: Pages: 3 Date: 2/22/06 Re: Sign Authorization - CC: You should receive 4 page(s) including this one. If you do not receive all pages, please call (317) 243-8219 ext. 12. Bill, As requested, attached is a copy of the authorized store front sign drawings signed b th Property Manager, Bradley Sachs. y e Also attached is a copy of the site map and the legal description for Meridian Village. If you have any questions please contact me at the number above, g Cynthia Boggs Administrative Assistant This transmittal is intended only for the user, individual, or entity named above. It may Contain information that is Privileged and/or confidential Under applicable taw. ernployee or agent), then If you are not the intended recipient (or such recipient's YOU are hereby notified that any dissemination, copy or disclosure of this cammuniraiion is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us at (617) 247-2200 (called) and return the Original transmission to us b mail, without making a co remit the rest of the postage tO you by return trail. Thank y 9 copy. We wi!! you. rtu-N -2006 03:01PM FROM- T-117 P-002/004 F-591 9 uj; zI bf s 1 6 r '1H. Aamw I.,,L 4 D' a'.f d �• u� Lu 7:-� LU:; �. -LU V M SC C3i� [LL fl. ' cli Z LLJ Q C.7 to .L7 4 iil fn -�.'� x _Z a:—w-P�0 aLU �A�zQ.¢Qa Z � W LUw SEW a a1 d a1 ry F— w J J w Z Z Q 2 U J Q Z) \_0 Z w Q CZ G J J Z EZI co O C N ME O N N c-0 .-LL Z 70 O .0 CL U) O O M 7 Z C 45 0 Q cn _ U) of Lu Lu J J W z z Q 2 U _J ❑ D Z C) p — O >� 0 z w C) U LU a� Q _z J J O LO 00 iW Aemgc)eH ,,L Q Z Q O 2 F= 06 Q = X 2 N 5� x w 0 Z J ~LLJ J Q Q J M U¢ W W Lu O� 0 U z*OZ00Pw z< 'If Qw Qz2Q z Q c+J ❑ 2 Z C]XNwccF-0 O z� z x 0 0 -W fl1 ❑�Ozw❑J� Z=U-F-=) z2iaa-0 CO J,Q0-zE<<Z WlL1Z w< 9 i ZF�IIII-�WV]� O ❑❑=�I{--70J Lu __ J9,! J a NEW M CY O L� p? coo � O oc" I_ r� M Ga-ME i fill t It o N CC fge C C Q fn O_ O r c y y Yi ti O a0 O N O �L Y13 Y Q ❑ i w J Q U O 0 0 Z w O J W n 0 CL N = a MD-4—zone 03,01PM FROM- T-117 P-003/004 F-591 1 ������4�� 9rPM.=cos- res�raarow Wc� CY Lu W m Q ~ m m ce _U6 to •� /t W RY` R 13 - Q q Lot n n 14 , ' 1 _ It 1 : 1 e !1 1to i 1 1 1 +1 r 1 e wn to r f 1 �1 W 1 / 11 W / I Qlwrw 6 1 WI ' rt� TI W 1 jr �► oe► � I� d Q i i iii i i 1 ~ a MWOM 1 1 1 i •, `I IIII I,"I,IIIIIIV 11 1 1 \-_I IT1f1T1f 1 1 r r ; ; 11 1 � hkb-ZZ=Z006 03:02P1,4 FROM- T-117 P-004/004 P-691 Part of -the Southwest Quarter of Section 24,' Township'18 North Range 3-East in Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said South 00 degrees 06 inutes 42 seondsQEa.ste{AssumedSection8earira9] along the east line of said Quarter Section 235.00 feet to the centerline Of a PiPcline easement to Shell Petrale corporation dated December 10, 1937, recorded. December �9,- orp April 22,. Ous195 1�eGorrd 33, Pages 364 and 36$ and amendment dated the office of and retarded May 7, 1959, in Hook 55, then dffice o,f the Recc�x'der Of Hamilton Count Pale 50 3n South 46 degrees 09 minutes 4 Y, Indiana; thence South 70 degrees 00 minutes 00csecondss� 1704.90 feet; thence Beginning Pcint* thence South 70•degrees Oast 468.85 feet to the East 39.45 feet; thence SQuth 01 degree 03 minutes053 seconds East 712.46 feet to the northwesterly right-af-wa nds Highway 31., per Warranty Deed recorded in -Book 248, for 6 i the office of the Recorder Of Hamilton count ` Page 216 in five (5) described courses beingY, Indiana, {the neat the said northwester) continuous and contiguous with. degrees 28 ininutes 18 s Conde West-].25.65ife); thence South 56 , degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds west 49_18 feet. thence South 56 degrees 21 minutes 42-seconds West 248.74 feet;` thence south 58 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds west 08-743eet; thence South 71 degrees 51 minutes.52 seconds West 269.23 thence North 00. 88 degrees 03 minutes 49 seconds- West 450-, 00ffeet: thencetthenee North DD degrees 09 minutes Q4 seconds East 776.60 feet 4e degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Fast 119.50r themes South 88 Point, containing 11.715 acres feet to the Beginning Of -the Southwest more or less. In,.addition, Part 3 Bast Quarter Of Section 24-, Township 18 North, Range in Hamilton County► Indiana, more as follows: Commencing at. -the Northeast corner the southwely st Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North southwest Hamilton County. Indiana,; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 42 in seconds East (assumed bearin Quarter 1451.11 feet e on the East Line of said southwest seconds West 40.03�fsetnce North 88 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 715.00 theme© North 88 degrees 00 minutes Q0 8econds feet; thence south 01 degree 03 -minutes 53 East 207..80 feet to the true tract herein described . Point of beginxiing for the 324.67 feet• l thence -south 62 degrees 2x seconds East thence South 88 degre �55.87 feet to the es 00 minutes 00 seconds East $i❑rthWesterZ Highway 31 per Warranty Deed recordedhInoD� d Retard 2fgr U.S.e 216 in the office of the Recorder line g thence South ❑f H ilton County, 8, pax5 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West 79.98 feet (this and the next two (2) courses are terl right-of-way line);'thence South 48 degreesn52$aid minutesr37Wsecands West 151.33 feet; thence South 56 degrees 28 West 604.15 feet to a line which extends Soutminutes 18 seconds minutes 53 seconds East from the h 0; degrees 03 01 degree 03-minutes 53 seconds Westnonathee14s3ex>4eth thence North fees t❑ the xzofmt of beginning, aantainin less. Subj act tc all l legal. ea„erients o `? 5.000 acresI Ti�ar or