HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-03-03-99-03 Acq.of Real EstateResolution BPW-03-03-99-03 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACOUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Agreement for Right of Entry by and between the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission CCRC") and Helen M. Mueller, dated June 23rd, 1998 (the "Right- of-Entry"), the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Carmel, Indiana (the "BPW"), constructed a road and related improvements on that certain real estate described and/or depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Road Parcel"); and WHEREAS, the Right-of-Entry contemplated that CRC or a board, agency, or instrumentality of the City of Carmel, Indiana, would acquire fee title to the Road Parcel either through condemnation or through a negotiated settlement; and WHEREAS, a proposed settlement for acquisition of the Road Parcel has been negotiated (the "Negotiated Settlement"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Negotiated Settlement, the purchase price for the Road Parcel is One Million Seven Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($1,775,000.00); and WHEREAS, BPW desires to acquire fee title to the Road Parcel; and WHEREAS, BPW hereby shall authorize the acquisition of the Road Parcel pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Negotiated Settlement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Carreel Board of Public Works and Safety: 1. That BPW hereby authorizes the acquisition of the Road Parcel pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Negotiated Settlement. 2. That the members of BPW hereby are authorized to execute any and all documents required in connection with the acquisition of the Road Parcel (the "Acquisition Documents"). 3. That the members of BPW hereby are authorized to delegate the execution of the Acquisition Documents to appropriate representatives of BPW. Page One of Two Pages [eb:msword:c:\bpw-resolutionsXmuelleracquire.doc:3/3/99] Passed and Approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this 5 '''~ day of March, 1999, by a vote of ...? ayes and O nays. m Br Z~ 5-,~"Y?/q BltlykBe,mberDate Ma~ , , er, Member Date ATTEST: .: ; , Diana L.' Cordray, IAM asurer Date Prepared by Wallack Somers & Haas, Special Counsel to BPW BPW Resolution No. 03-03-99-03 Page Two of Two Pages [eb:msword:c:\bpw-resolutionsXmuelleracquire.doc:3/3/99] Jan. 6. I996 7:36AM No.0068 P, 3/i -,,r co~ ~r ,/, RIGHT'OF-WAY PARCEL ~T OLD lIONON RAILROAO R/W ~ *UNE "I*R I I -- - control over NOrth dr Eoet Coordinate~ O&'nfn~ns shown are from the reference recOrd o~,-ument& ?o the beat of nV, bowiedie and belief, tb~a plat. tolefJaer yrJUa tlae Y, ocetion teafro/Route ~urve7 Plat' reeorded me ~u~reJr Reoord Pe/w in &he OI)'lee of Uie Reool'del, o~ WeadrJek~ County, ladYIlia (iaeorporated and made a pert here~ b! reference) oomprlee .a Route ~azrve), executed in 0 100 "1 of 9" Jan. 6. t996 8:08AM RANG£1..IN£ ROAD EXtHBIT A RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PI~T t -I LINE: EXISt J,S' R/W PRAY. 4.V ..... ~[,j=..,."...,' OLD MONON RAILROAD R/'W f tp I LINE "fit' contrc~ over North t East Coord&~otes c D~nendon# fawn ore from the relereneed reaord documents. 0 Mlrk It. Peeps Lad tao. Rsllmtered a~ ~urvei,or 8800088 '* ' ~ ENLBGOO 2G ] \ ST^TO Or / OWNER MUELI.ER, 14EI.~N MOFIriT WOOLPaT LIP PARCEL IH SECTION 34 ~ m ~I2M PROJECT 126114 Sll~[T TOMISHIP t8 N. ~ 317.,te./500 IMPROV~MENT~ RANG~ 3 E. COUNTY HAMILTON DRAWN BY: .LA, Ir0STTR 2-8-98 CHECKED BY: MoW,/EEP~ 2-9-98 "2 of 9" Jan. 8. t998 8:09AM I I I i EXIilBIT A RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL HAT No. 0068 P. 5/I "~arcel A" OLD NONON RAILROAD t- Control points a: offae(f from Le;atlon F. ontrol control over North ,~ lea! Coord/~ofe# t over Bearlap It ~!!#tonee& O/rnen#/~nf el;own m'e from f/at referenced record document& "' 0 I00 ' 200 re the bet of m~ howledIs and bellel. thb plat, rolethat with the 'l, oomtlen i C~ ~ule ~y PJat' ~ed ee h~ R~ Pep ~ rode · ~ hater, ,raNnee) ~m~be m ~ute ~u~y e~outed M ~ .~... ~ g ~~ ~ ~ L86000 ~~T ~P PQ 1M ~C~ ~ ~~ e .He PR~CT 126~ S~[ET TO~S~P 18 N. e ~ p~ 3ttM.~ IMPRO~[N~ R~OE 3 E. COUNTY HAMILTON DRAWN BY: J.A. FOS1ER 2-8-9 CHECI(ED BY: M.W. 1EEPE 2-9-98 "3 of 9" Jan. 6, 1996 8:09AM EXI-BIT A glO HT-OF-W~ PAnCEL PI~T No.0068 P. 6/11 "Parcel B" I26TH STREET EXTENTION POINT RDrER~"NCT CHART PARCEL .... "' .. . ~-~z-}ji.~-li~ :z:,t.~ sol S;; .,,~,,.,. ,,--.- i~ ,~p~ .... C~/rol pel~/e it off~ele from Locetl~ C~tr~ RNte Sway ~ to c~trd o~ N~th ~ ~aft C~at~ , o~ S~gu t ~t~¢e& ~o the bed d m~ ~owiq and beH~ this ~at. tqe~ ~ ghe ~a~on Con~ ~u/e ~y PJet' mo~ed u ~7 Re~d Pqe ~ ~e O~oe of ~e ReooHer ~ Hen~ ¢o~7, ~Me (m~p~t~ and made a ~ hersK b7 ~emnoe) oom~se a Route ~y u~gted ~ ao~rdao~ vi~ ~a A~n~U~ Cede ~6 ~C ]-]~. (~ule X~'). Mapk ~. ~ee~e · ~te of Indiana 200 :., /' NO, * i\ ENL8600026 1 "...... ,,.. ..'~ "4 nf 9" jan, 6. 1996 / _.-+ 126TH ST. 8:10AM J 0 200 400 HXH~ITA RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PLaT No. 0068 P. 7/11 "P&l:'c~l. pl- | LINIr 'K" Central l~tnte i offaete kern Leeatte. Central Route Survey ere to CeefrOI over Nortl~ I~ lost Coordinotes & over Bearings & Dfstonceg Dimensions 8hown ere from the referenced record documente. g' Cartflied Ude ? I day o! d'anuai"y, i To Uie beet of m), Imoeledle .mad ~U~ ~il plat, tF~er ~ ~e ~Mtloa Con~J Route Z~7 Plat' ~~ u ~m~ ~c~ PMe ~ ~e O!~ of the Re~er of ~o~ CountT. Int~e (m~orat~ end made · peg he~of b~ ~fe~qee) eomprle · Route a~o~sa~ ~th ~dl~s A~a~U~ Code 8~ J(m.k F. ~'eepe Za d Regletered n ~urveTer eeO00~ State of Indiana , W00U'IIT OWNER MUEU,.ER, HELEN UOlqrlT WOOLPERT LLP PARCEL IF ~CI'ION 36 (ICIANAP~ IN 48268 PROJECT 12611'.1 STREET TOWNSHIP 18 N, Ira. 317.ag.7500 IMPROVEMENTS RANGE 3 E. y '× 'i,E . COUNTY HAMILTON DRAWN BY: J.A, FOSI[R 2-8-e8 CHECKED BY: M.W, 1EEPE 2-9-98 Jan, 6. 1996 8:IOAM 126N ST. UNE 'K' EXHIBIT A RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PIAT 0068 P. "Pa.t~], 0 200 400 ' ~tate N' indiana O~sf~a ~o~ ~e fr~ the re~ ~wd docum~tB. re ~e ~at of m7 bof~8 ~d beD~ ~ ~tt Ce~l ~u/e ~7 Plat' ~~ am ~Y b~ made a ~ be~ by ~e~n~) c~ a ~u~ a~e Wa bdlMe A~~Ue C~e 865 I~C CerUfied Uda ~ I day d lanua~r, 1998. Rark V. Teepe Relleterod Zand $urveJ,or no. 88000/16 Jan. 6. 1996 8:11AM EXHn~IT A BIOHT-OF-WAY PAR~ PIAT I' 1 ' I ~() ! 3RD'AVE. \ - LINE 'S- 1-K" Control points k offlet# from Locetfon Control Route Survwy erw to control over North k Eo~t COOrd~note8 k over Bearing8 a Datenee& Oknendorw# shown ere from the referahead reeerd document& S' o 200 ' fb the beet of mY kaovleqe asld bellel, Uda plat. tqetber wiga ~e '~gloa ~n~ buts ~ Plat' In the 0~ d made a ~ h~eof 400 OWNER MUELLER, HELEN MOFFIT WOOLPERT U,P PARCEL $A ~C/ION ~ 7140 WAUi~I~ ~ le~AN,4~ ne 4s2M PROJECT 128114 SIREET TO'/ReSHIP 18 X. ;h. )ll.2~L?M0 IMPROVEMENTS RANGE 3 [. COUNTY HAMII,,I'QN DRA~htl BY: J,A, FOS"ER 2-8,,,,M CHECKED BY: tilt ~ 2-9-H "7 Of 9" Jan. 6. ]896 I _ \ 8:tlAM EXHIBIT A, RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL l No,0068 P, "Parcel C" Control pother If offlate from Locoti~ ¢*~mtrol R~te ~y ore to con~ o~ North k ~oat Co~d~atu k o~ Beor~gs k Dimtahoe& s~o~ ~~ ...................... In ~e ~fi~ of ~e a~ of W~dH~ Count7. Indiana (ia~ml~ and ~IIIIWII~ / w~~ ~ * ~~L86000~6; d ~r no. ~[RT ~ P~L IK ~C~ ~ m ~a PR~CT 126~ S~EET TO~IP 1B N. ~A~ BY: ~A F~R 2-8-H "R nf 9" jan. 6. t996 8:t2AM I~IGXT--0F-~AY PARCE], PLak,T No.0068:elP. | I i.., ..r,;,' '"--_: _ _-_"_ ,, !!! _ . centrol ovor North I real Coordinates EErie5 ' Dimeslena shown ere from the refe'enced ~,~ documente. 0 200 400 ......... .... .._ .... . ,.. =~...__.. re tile beg of m3r kaovledle end belief, LbJa pJ,,t, toleUaer rlt, b Ule ~,eoeUon Control J~oute 8urvey Pbt' recorded aa Survey Record Page M tlae Otfioe of Uae Recorder d ArendrJoke County, lndlene (iaeer]Nreted end ~ made · pert hereof by referenoe) eomprbe ,, Rouge 8urvw! executed ~ ' ~ ,.~,,, '~* e,.~..ordanoe rJt~ [ridlane d:lmlnletrmtive Code see ~0 1-1~, (~ule :~, ~,,:,,.~TSr~.,, Cert~,d ' UUe ~ I day o! ,lanuar,~ 1eee. FOOZ,,PIR? Z2.P , ~,~ssoooa6 STATE: DIr Me'Jr i', reepe ....... ~tmte o/Indiana ......... " ' ........ I ...... HATCHE"D ARE:A IS TIlE/d=PR0XlIdATI: ., .. ~ MUELL~:R, HELEN MO4rFIT WOOLPERT ~ ~ PARCt3, iO 5[CTION 36 COUNTY HAIdLTON MmANAPQUt N 4126e, *PROii:CT 'I2~,TH S'IR~'[T TOmSHIP 16-N. DRAWN BY: J.A. le. 317,299,7500 ~ :BIPRDtF, MENTS --RANGe: If.. CHECKED-BY: ......... _