HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrudential S52.90SIGN COPY:_ C I11F1 op e tl o I 0L- lil f 014 S /ZEAL-7`d!� S CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA IF fc'tc C",u a 1y SIGN PERMIT APPLICATfON PERMIT NO.:S 5'a—1 o DATE: * APPLICANT NAME (Business Owner): �/77 : �?�� ONE: -3�� NAME OF BUSINESS: Address of s x en: '�Ie * PROPERTY OW�NE�R: 2D�S 1AIG'ifF, '�:f lv%SPHO E: �'yy ADDRESS:ti_ ��Rn1 �� ^.__.r.���—•lI�`s� * ZONING: _3 1; REQUIRED APPROVALS: Plan Commission DZA Dticket No.: Y _ 9 V "99 Dept. of Community Development None * VARIANCE: Yes No * OLD TOUNE: Yes - No , L) /vz— -- /i�S L L r ❑ I L' I S 7 / i� �S 1611 � * SIGN TYPE,.1219L/_11QNo. of Sides: flew: Existing: Sign Height: �f�, _ ColorsTe ` / — %`f131-t'E GC%�% Dimensions+ if{�Total Sq. Ft. of Sign Face(s) Bldg. or Unit Frontage Bldg. Type Logo (Desert be)_PXV 0F1Vr144- Z lT- (,Si, * ARE THERE ANY EXISTING SIGNS 014 THE SITE? Explain: e,5 r- � ��� �t�j fly * SHOPPING CENTER NAME: V 1 * SUPPORTING INFORMATION NEEDED (To be attached): ;p 2 Complete Drawings of Sign (Including dimensions, colors, 2 Site Location Maps height) s' * The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or �a,± alteration of structure, or any change In the use of land or structures requested by this �Cti < . application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws or the State of Indiana, �, ELLI w and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980", adopted under the authority of Acts 0 Z of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1 et seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all rr Acts amendatory thereto. w LL. I CERTIFY THAT THIS SIGN WILL BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ZONING ] -4 0 � ORDINANCES OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, AND ERECTED•WITHIN SIX (b) MONTHS OR �- �' " }- THIS PERMIT IS NULL AND VOID. 1 : T 1— f,LI ,fie APPLICATION FURTHER CERTIFIED BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT HE HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT ALLi) L �, REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEPARTHENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ARE ADVISORY ONLY AND THAT APPLICANT SHOULD RELY ON THE LEGAL ADVICE OF HIS ATTORNEY. Bus ess 0 etls 11gnature 5agn Contractor PhqAe 0 Address Sign Permit Application Sign Erection - Improvement Permit ® ISSUED BY. �` � S 0� �` FEE RECEIVED BY: % Revised 9/85 * 4?S 0o v,,Ncj sae �►alve;X �F� ��c +µ "�` City of Carmel Wesley G. Bucher DWX=CR • DFPT. OF OOMMUNMY DEVF7.OPMFM' Dorodhy J. Hancock MAYOR November 13, 1989 Coots, Henke & Wheeler Attn: E. Davis Coots 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 — 2634 RE: Developmental Standards Sign Variance— —letter and information submitted 11/10/89 Dear Mr. Coots: After reviewing the letter and information submitted Friday I have the following comments: our Notice of Public Hearing Sheet should include the section number of the armel/Clay Sign Ordinance from which you are requestin a variance (i.e. question number five (5)). � ;�., * .5 -.+ . w.e� Pictures of the existing landscaping the t of the hearing is adequate, however verification, in writing or in the form of a�—Ia.Lx will be required prior to the issuance of a sign permit. Section 25.. of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance states: "ground signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the sign area". '--,,j —Need seven copies of site plans that show the required setback of sign from the Right — of — Way. — Need to submit to this office, at least five working days prior to hearing, the following — —proof of publication (certifications from the newspapers), the white stamped receipts from your adjacent property owners notification, and a completed Petitioners Affidavit —notarized. I am returning the affidavit dated the 8th of November. Dave, how can you certify you mailed the notices before you mail them or did you mail them without a docket number and date of hearing? 40 EAST MAIN STREET CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/844-6433 City Of Carmel Dorothy J. Hancock MAYOR Attn: John Lewis John Lewis Realtors 205 East Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Dear Mr. Lewis: Wesley G. Bucher DW=OR • DEFT. OF OOMMUNrrY DEVFLOPMFNr November 7, 1989 RE: Developmental Standards Sign Variance After reviewing the above referenced application I have the following comments: �— Question number 14 needs to identify the method in which you will be noticing your adjacent and abutting property owners, however the notice in the two newspapers is a mandatory. `---..`k— Need two (2) copies of your list of adjacent and abutting property owners certified by the Hamilton County Auditors Office. \.-% — Need two copies of the signature page of the application. 0(our Notice of Public Hearing Sheet needs to be more complete. The description of your request should to be incorporated into your Notice (i.e. question number five (5)). Please realize, due to this being a special hearing, the location of the meeting must be changed on the form provided with the application (a sample Public Notice is enclosed). e44s eed seven copies of the proposed landscape plan — —per section 25.7.04 —1a.ix of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance "ground signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the sign area". J31L-X� �7 X L4"U C- f. '---_i,- Need seven copies of the sign elevations depicting all dimensions, heights, and sign area. Need seven copies of site plans that show the required Eii�pf sign from the Right — of — Way. —Need filing fee paid — $50.00 per section being varied. 40 EAST MAIN STREET CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3171844.6433 1.J V � y C b � Q A VA f_ round gign' 5' setback �i0y\- .. r '•L=,,, i, i�y!i� .�• . '7ry3 ��FI�s l ; •i• �'� � ! • i •+ -�61S tZ TV, • V; , '•sit •��•�'•'•{�• / :�•hl,.:r! ;1. � -� ' .' ... _ J .. , •}. i '�,+ '•=•/ n� ,I , A 4 ,• �y A M � �w 1� 1 V a, � � '�1ys Zp `� }! 51� i •%. Fl.arr,r, . -.fy.+s. ;1 ° i +`•,, , , ;� =•� P/•Y.1• •al � , r .•-'—e• `411'. it /� �,. r • e re •.� �, 'Y 1 h! T .— M I• J � ,•r%'1 "ry w s, �l ! C>. �! • V I r.' ni Ir rn * Y�;� ' .ti. r• ••r tip! t i•j. � fir' .r� ►�•r� . p t� , •i 'i� �• °•• . . .ram, ,n; ::•': {r I 'n +1 •� ., ., is .';r: y' �.Y 5r S'' I,,�r•. 4;• '. � N. , � � ,� •-. t e•r . I Di.reGtory * �• f _ N G a Uyrn SiqTf O t r 1 I, I� . r 1 •' ,r�' r�\,y3•.111a�;:: •' Alt/ . 1 ; �+ ' 4� U • YrJ. La 0 00 i I wall sign ,* + ' `�, ! 0 _ j 15 sq. ft. �' Svrn m Op" r-,4-0-WZX s FRS