HomeMy WebLinkAboutOnex, Inc. S39.01H � SI(�T!•�I)I')ftI?SS_I.1-�L1__N,_Ieridian ONEX ( ZMI_I./CLr\1'_;l'OWN—Si _ll.l',fIAN11l.C1)N-C -(A IN-I,:i_.-INi)MNA SIGN ilf-,I II'r APPI IC:A HON I ?n I r RF. TIVId) _ -- APR 11 2001 PFRr�n r rll lr,nll.I� 7 - _ - t Inr.n ()I- iI[ (Sit n:,ti Does PI IOrll 686-4400 Ext. 2908 (-'I F Y: Carmel-- - ; l 1 I Fi IN 7.1I': 46032 -- - Y OWt ll•:R: — _ ['[ IOr1F• 5.80--2-4.3-0 —_--. 11)I )I?i.SS CITY ti l'\'f 1=: IN _ rIl' 46t} 2 ---C rtel — -- -- - -`nilit Gl)IS-fRICT _ _ OVERLAY ZONE: 31 — 431 421 Of.l) IOWt,l YIl.S NO "FO(IIP.I :O AI'i'ROVAi:S' I'lnn cnn`Innission Docket # �-D/ t5 f}I)r/UF ESZA Docket # _ _-_ i')O('1) Only PAi'1 iNIPROVFINIF-.NT LOCATION PFRMIT RF.(1U[RFU FOR THIS BUiLDIN(_/4-F-NANi• SIA(:i=.^IF .r I ..5. S'1 A I F I'ERNUT NUMHFR ISSUED __11 `Ic;11 I PF;-circlr.rrne: WA[.I. (.;RO[1T•li') ROOF PROJECTING SUSP1:?N[,)i:F.) P(?RC'[I WINDOW OTII1:R I(? I )F .SIDf:S SIGFJ S iA I'US-circle apptopiiate responsc(s): NEW FXISTW(; i I;MI'ORARY '\'I I?-\U, Sk'TIM 1IEIG1I F FROhJ (;RO): � I;T. (.)VFRA[,I, SIGN I)MIFNSIMIS I(HAI til(iiIr1RF.A Requested 39 3 So. FT Petrnissihle , 3 SO 1. 1'. C"I.OItti• Gold {t1 II1 DIIIG UPI'i T1A11'F SPA('F{ FROPJI AGE DiMENSIOII F I' Ill IfL,DING'rY'Pi:. ilulti Tenaut ` [ I I A(T, OF Si(;N FROM NEARFS 1' Ri(il IT -OF -WAY: 7 I O(:r) UfP 1J 11SIOiJS LOGO iS \IT I l IF•:PF ANY FXiS HNG SIGNS ( )N 11 iiS SiTT='' [I. YES. EXPLAIN GKE PF?R(TAT OF AAA OM'AMCF SiGN ARIA •I I( IfTlrlts U T "11=.R. OR (•'OtO ITX HAl`if=. •. Z�(,(P tmpj?—K_ �C� -- i ('FR IF_Y THAT A I'[(' FURF OF THIS SIGN WIT' HF SURM1"1 ll:i) 'FO II IF 1)1=Pr\R•F1v11 N"1' r)E. ('OMMlIh111 Y' OF VFLOPMEMT WITT HN ONE (1) WETiK AFTER FREC TION OF TI 1) SION - OR- i `.VOULD PREFER AI`1 ;\O1)I✓U � INS INSi'EC'i'[ON FEE TO Bf; ADDE;D "FO •I HF COS I' OF Fi 1fS PF.RMI'F "I•c) C'OVIT r1IF. C(.)S'r of T1IF.STAFF OF 1111'1- DFTAwrN1 .N'r oi. CUMMUMTY I)F VELt)PM1=.rJl TO FA};F. -11IIS PICTUi2F. VtVO COPIES OF TT -IF_•, FOi-,L.OWING DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED FOR I T•IF. RFVIEI�Y OFTHIS SiGN PERh11-I.: * COMPi_,ETED APPLICATION ' TI IF. SITE PLAN (depicting all dimensions, sethacks and proposed sign icx;ation) * Si(:rN ELEVATIONS (depicting all dirnenSions, copy and color) i I,M.DiNG OR TENANT SPACE ELEVATION (depicting ti•ontage dimensions and pri)pciscd sign Irx atiun) �\ LANDSCAPE PLAN Required For ground signS (depicting the planting, and mmme h(rinh1.3 and calificrI * See Samples Attached % I I* foe 3eON •� �I(}r•J Pr•Rl4ll�l' Fi:T:S� ��5!� �' r . H-'I II i- AI'P[ ICA HON PAV SO IZI't"I'It IN 'Sao") PFR S11014 I'ACIF, PLT 1SJy�IxF:R SQUARE F(Y)I' VI= 2. i,! SI )1 r:) ['I,' I I I i :1.1'1 A("T:�.TT N 1' ()F• SIGN FA(.']- IN AN I XIS•T'IN(: C'IIT IigE T ... �'. 1'1.1 rS `F 1 1'i it ';i +1 1�1i31=. t.1 u) I (►.Vl-R I S(rl 1.\1t1: ITT I r+(1111rrg•11 1 ill Pnw. 21 aaR' A 1 .60 Page 2 oV2 C Irmel/Clay Sign Permit Application THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE FOREGOING SIGNATURES, STATEMENTS AND ANSWERS HEREIN CONTAINED AND THE INFORMATION HEREWITH SUBMITTED ARE IN ALL RESPECTS TRUE AND CORRECT, AND THIS SIGN WILL BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. AND THE "ZONING ORDINANCE OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, INDIANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERETO, AND SHALL BE ERECTED WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OR THIS PERMIT IS NULL AND VOID. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIED BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT ALL REPRESENTATIONS BY THE DEPARTMENT F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ARE ADVISORY. XI'RbPERTY OWNER'S'SIGNATURE RRE $USI ESS OWNER'S SIGNATURE CP+1F tkJD(RW A%LLS PLC 17 S +4 bCSt-T PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME (PLEASE. PRINT) BUSINESS OWNER'S N IE {PLEASE PRINT} SIGN COMPANY: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE:632-45(7 ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: 1_ZIP:4A9 n�_ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE CONCERNS BY STAFF OR PRIOR COMMITMENTS THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO AS A CONDITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT (PLEASE INITIAL EACH INDIVIDUAL ITEM): SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN ERECTION - Improvement Permit INSPECTION FEE (Required if photography not provided) TOTAL FEE PERMIT ISSUED BY: " " FEE RECEIVED BY: RELEASED M , ..? "IJPA Sul "s� Q_.;'i dBt`sE@� RELEASED STAMP: — PAID STAMP: p-��„enrC.�:.:-:,.:. _ q .�ppay I� C ��'�E''S.,, a-.'�2\',., `���..4 Yl tc AFia:�u i P" fI RAD ANA. ~ \— �jj� APR T 6 2001 Revised 7/17/90--m:\sign\permitl.app 39 1 /2 in 12'-1 3/8" This Is an original unpublished rendering, created by yy�y S'P•0, Inc � n iWrmkO W !� Gerxyw uu in Nr.'Cnion .11haO*d6eb4dWnedra M45Wg&*`� Inc t1h not b bt Wta to wrp , php& ow WVNZ".. aWis it 14 de reproduced, copied ar c6bited inayt] Oim t,A4MM. Ml or my part of this design (exceptiig re4und VXnr4,) reraYn the property of Staley Sgns, Inc Approved By: Date:_ West Elevation CLEAR LE PASS" f TRANSFORM Thls Is an arignal unpubished rendering, created by 5111759M.Im Abskffdnfd iae Yoko personal use es[oMetso. rdlh lia psojeel being planned 6r pu br 51 alaY Ygn1, nC E R nbs it be shMM le aRyane O.Wt YW os ganlr+tng. nook It 10 be sapsssdu<ed /aped n els;bHed n an1 lasNogrlsaueesrr M es aq pael el eis desf�s (e.sepWg nplslrnd sadrmes151 remain dse property nl Slalry Signs, I - LETTERS act TER C-E 100 Gold EON UBE nit . -,t.,//M/ swo 3" = 1' Approved By: Date: 3675 North Pat Road Vincent J. Schneider, PE LS, President Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 John V. Schneider PE LS, V.P. (317) 898-8282 Job #438 Mailing Address P. U Box26069 Sheet 1 of 2 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING CORPORATION Civil Engineers - Land Surveyors CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct print of a :survey made on the 3rd day of October , 1983, on the following described real estate: Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the said Southwest Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds West (Assumed Bearing) along the Enst line of the said Quarter Section 728.45 feet; thence North 75 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds West 58.58 feet to a curve having a radius of 117.00 feet, the radius point of which bears North 14 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds East; thence Northwesterly along the said curve 61.26 feet to a point which bears South 44 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds West from said radius point; thence North 45 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds West 287.00 feet; thence South 44 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds West 145.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds West 172.39 feet to the East right-of-way line of U.S. Highway #31 (the next two (2) described courses being along the said East right-of-way line); thence South 00 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds Last 819.16 feet; thence South 58 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds East 44.51 feet; thence South 00 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds East 45.01 feet to the South line of the said Quarter Section; thence North 88 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds East along the said South line 549.26 feet to the Beginning Point, containing 11.629 acres, more or less. I further certify that the lands described above i_ie outside the flood hazard areas as delineated on Community -Panel Number 180081- 0001 B of the City of Carmel, Indiana, map revised l"l�roh 10, 1978, and published by the U.S. Department of Housing Development, Federal Insurance Administration. rr e. ck qz/ 'iroxm Pxoecrlbsd bp• SPut Hanrdol ,. -. �-... ..- ... ,,...., .. .,. - .; . _.. •-�•-c..+�+.•.-y�r��,.-�r-...,,� �-me^ .^•':-Rrsx�e RCGCl16Tl 'SO..Ym Forma 8rihms. •lduaato. IA GEHHRA,C FOAM NO. 'Js2 1Rt RECEIPT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES FUND CARMEL IN_ ppf:::l # RECEIVED FROM THE SUM OF �'� =. t ON ACCOUNT OF ►'`' r 1' ' c� PAYMENT TYPE &AMOUNT _ t CASH CHECK f�•� M.O. E.F.T.• C.C,18,C. OTHER Form prescribed by State Board of Accounts Boyce Forms Sw- • `undm In .. . N° 151 v C , too ' DOLLARS AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE EENRRAt Vn IBM Pin, a52 •PR'