HomeMy WebLinkAboutWyndham Garden Hotel S125.90MT M m N SIGN copy Vf j YNJ ©1414 Nl niN i)&kj ±km__ CARMEL CLAY 'YOIINS111111. HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA 111 SIGN PERMIT` APPLICATION 1�_ { otvc4z) ^ A - PERHIT NO: �j DATE: are ��`ii3lzg (f? APPLICANT NAHE (Realness Owner) :' : _ l 0744_� -7, PHONE: NAME OF BUSINESS t WN NIA t-lA M Address of signs 're PROPERTY ONNERt &161 t ORL- �Tp PHONE: ADDRESS t f M!S ra :_A -#[ v;: CF ads ZONING: �- •' s. REQUIRED APPROVALS: Plan Commission Docket No. BZA Docket e. Si�'2 ij� 5�1��`%�� 44 Dept. of Community Development . None VARIANCEi Yes No '''OLD TOKNBi Yea Na IbliLsrubma\vA _ �j��j �� Lrj011►► aw SIGN TYPf:� � No. of sidess W-qr�-�--Newtf - Existing; -7 Sign 11eighti { Colors? g� Dbnenslons ° 7-i ►• Total Sq. Ft. of Sign Face T + 61dq. or Unit Frontage ' 1-t Bldg. Type n CD Loa DascriVe , ( tp g ) ,�- 1Ytr]v?.r_ [rYtcez� {Size) sr ARE TI[ERL ANY E%TSTIHC SIGNS ON THE SITE? Explain ��,?•' t 1 ai SHOPPING CENTER NANF,s — -- �: 1G• SUPPORTING INYORFiATION NEEDED Ta Rn Attached), i Complete Drawings of Sign (including dimensions, colors, height) 51.,��1 2 Site Location Napa ae The undnrslgned agrees that any construction. reconstruction, onlargernrnt. ►'�' relocation or alterntlon of structure, or any change in the use of land or , Sw" 1 structures requested by this application w111 comply with, and conform to, 1� all applicable Yaws of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of • 1_ �i%J� Carmen. Indiana-198011, adopted under the authority of Acts of 19790 Puh11c i _.a++• 178eSec. I et teq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all ts' nsndatory thereto. I certify that a picture of this sign will be submitted to the �R Department of Community development within one (1) week after erection of the sign. S 1^ -OR- } I would prefer an added $35.00 inspection fee to be added to the cost of this permit to cover the cost of the Staff of the Department of Community Development to take this picture. L d kJ I CERTIFY THAT T1EI5 SIGH WILL BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED I3# ACCORDANCE kITH ZONING ORDINANCES OF CARHFL/CLAY TOWNS11Ip, ItAMILTON COUNTY, AND ERECTER 4,0 VAR WITHIN SIX (6) HONTIIS OR THIS PERAIT IS NULL AND VOID, APPLICATION FURTHER CERTIFIED BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT HE ItAS BEEN ADVISED THAT ALL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COKKUNITY DEVELOPMENT ARE ADVISORY ONLY AND T1LAT PPLI ANT 11OULD RELY ON THE LEGAL ADVICE OF HIS ATTORNEY. i Business Owne+��r''s{Signature Sign Contractt r Phone FAX !![ Address Sign Permit Appitcatlon �c�s PAID /� � � AU� � � ���� Sign Erection - Improvement; Perrmit A S -TO'PAL -Firs;- ISSUED IiYI FEE RECEIVED RYt Revised a/86i,-o4,) ;iA- — � Wa►J¢4l i� ptG e- fw)arn;l�•idC, !'R r� �i- T! %A(YNDHAM GARDEN HOTEL -71 � {' s� a 9 Vic �� ! ij 'N M"A m L GARDEN JJOTEL r;= l- IL HoLo -q0 Variance II The Applicant is desirous of permanently identifying the existence and location of the hotel by the placement of three wall signs on the building, each sign being more particularly identified on Sheets C-5 and C-6 of the plans. Sign I - Sign I will consist of individually mounted gold letters depicting Wyndham Garden Hotel located within an area 14 feet in length and 4 feet 2 inches in height on the front of the hotel facing Pennsylvania Street. (See Sheet C-5 of the Plans). (total square footage of sign - 58.24 square feet). Sign II and Sign III - Sign IT and Sign III will consist of individually mounted gold letters depicting Wyndham Garden Hotel located within an area 17 feet 8 inches in length and 5 feet 4 inches in height on the east and west end of the building (Gee Sheet C-6 of the Plans) (total square footage of Sign IT and Sign III respectively 94.12 square feet). The Applicant is requesting a variance from the following provision of the Carmel Sign ordinance: 1Q 1. 25.7.04-1(a)(ii) as to number of signs. Q 2. Sign Chart (c) (page 41) as to size (25.7.04-1(a)iii e 3. 25.7.02 - Definition of wall sign 4. 25.7.04-1(a)vi - Variance from Unified Center Signs For informational purposes, the hotel is 248 feet in length, is located 528 feet from the right-of-way of Pennsylvania Street and 61 feet from the right-of-way of Interstate 465. ,j Site Plan Notes I. III radii and street dlmenslons shall be measured to back of cflalrback curb or face of Integral curb and walk. 2. All radii to be 5 foot unless otherwise noted. 3. Bearings, dl—nslvns and easements are shown for reference only. Boundary Inf Grmellon provided by others. See record sut.{yc end plats for exact Infarmallon. 4. See architectural plans for details of buildings and building dimensions. 5. III ibef4 Ing areas to be curbed with 2 foot chalrbeck curb or Integral curb and walk. 6. III parkin'] S1,011s shall he 9.211 or 9x1B -horn sajacoer to Slduwalk or grass area. Who—Integral curly and .elk Is adjacent to a perking stnl 1, 2 Ien1 at sidewalk sna11 be url{Iced as parking •red Martian!). WYNDHAM HOTEL SITE Part of "COLLEGE PARK', tar plat of rhlch ass rrcvrtlptl I, 1922 t.n Coun in Dger.ord jrbrtl 13, pago-S 2 and 7 In th! Orleeo or the Recorder Hamilton ty, Inolana, (part or \a1d plat has been Y111!of ated by the Carmel Plan Commisylnn per Oorkat No. 1,3-87-Py 10tordrd September'20. 1;87 as Instrument t0r,3000 in said pecardor. 0,ftcel Incatrd , pw t of the Southeast O.+ar ter of Swcl ion II, 1gr,.sh,n I7 1rr,r th, gangw East n Hamilton Cnu.t" Ind,ana, fulleas: .note nnr[ICuleriy tllhcrlbed as Com.nenr lr.q nt tr, Nnrlh'4%1 Corner of sate SqutAea.t Ouarter S [bunco nq Cnr Ewst I,mr trip-eqf Sputa 00 dF was :iq �•�CIQnt met ohds Wryt lassvnry hrar, nql •19h.70 IoeLI tPkd"o' V%,th gq tleurrs 08 ,f,1) 54 Yee pntly Ww4! h6.93 fret tv .t Curer ha••Inq a rap�vy n01 135. p0 fret, ti,r Id i,•s nQInS pt whlC4 hears Hnr en Oq nnq•,.r.Y 3'! w, rwteS Oh seconds E.i♦[; [hence Vrzterly rlamq {aid rYrY! P!t,yo 1rt•[ Lv a Pn lr+t 'r lct, bL•ar•. i.outh .l6 nog,res hp all auto, lh seconds Wes! -row yelp red, ys pv..,l; ec thencr North 53 doorrry OA..tnuto, 411 second{ WCSL 1.ip, 5`+ felt to d Cur.! rid Y, nq a rad,.% n1 D00.00 fe,ir, the radlo% Palnt of ah.en Gra,a $path 35 tlegret•S 'a ,kn.to\ re, \¢eppris Llpsl! Shrnrr Westglrlyrer 3Vl nrj�i,u Sald Cuf .r 19e-.+q fret {0 noti,r rh lCh hFhri Nor Lh s,0 or LFY C6 swr Pads E.Se frvw Ya,d rdtl Itt ppyn(f thence eNorth 119 peQr of 2q iw,nu lws $6 •IFcpndi West IOlh.21 Irrt to a puree far laq a wadi.,^ of ���.SP IL•V(, trill ratltYY po[nt of aht4h bear: Npl Lh 00 dtgrves 31, „Bute\ 06 sernnd■ E45tI tnrnl:• We!tar IV algntl Said Curer 12A.`30 Fret to ■ point rhjeh bears Scutt- :IP tlrgr ols; 1[ n rnu res h7 seepntl{ Wey( Frain •a Id radrus r,oint[ thrngr North }7 prgr er{ r,g rlr..r (!Y f3 SPCQ,.CIS Wr{S lO`.y.ory fret? tl•anGe ljpu Lh J� dwdw\� of w12t e0u es ''�eCt. the wrreads Wr••,S 1110, 74 -rat to Lul-wp hwvinn ! negr@"% YQ altnut*% 13 aptorhri% Fa\t „'utne'+rwr llpy rhrrof hyral hnn r{altl Lur.! 66.6e felt la no,ptlrrr'ry North F+q no.1reau Eo . rortr. !i s.9 and\ [lost[ LhenCr rout" OO aerlrerh 3'+ ml nu thy 06 suculwlti WlYt [4P.71 fevtr Thar South 89 dlgr.rps 2P wl nudes !14 gr[tlnil. Cd:t S31.:1.1 tvvt to a cu, rw n„rinq r emus �f 7a, .,s ba-arL $evlh Or7 rw 00 I erl•t I the r„ i 1. , I,P I n! or E.ws i Fri IY, I./+w11' W 3v 'TyLL•s 06 ,lCpnV\ WRilr rht•n11. Y, $Ou chlr eStCrIY dtpn Bo,e,t rhlah 1+rrrY 504th rr saltl 9 -lur ona •hll vet Lp d ritlt„e rn d,r.t•h 93 t ny lt••, 4q •jt till, WV\[ rrvm PaI^t an,[h ly LA[• point of fleglnp, n,1! th Mew;P !inu lh 09 dMgr all a7 rainy [.s 06 St`C0nU5 WP%L 1211, 42 tV" th,enr L• rilwth [Iv QCIII-Ir 2P w1'F+Le\ Se. Sur allay Fast r4,ty(e IC•L•tj 1RenLu SINI[II v0 llyalr,•t•S ,Iv m nV lf• 01. +Icantl•. Leuyt 2:•I .:17 r!t.t io • r,a rat S1 04 0 sale ly r tqul 4t are [ na• r,r I„tvrY[,+ty Il fgii a..r I -r.6a. p" 1•• viol l r-h67-4-194t-l30, dr tt•W (,Nadi vy4r IwhS lllle ..It I,vr rarrs4•w ,., ,. Alnnrl ka111 I-46y rlrynt 9e a.Y 11„rir Irf ttle,,av Nm'1h p9 ,Ipq.yty ur4Y 2'. YlKpnoh Hrvt . rlt ]'r lvvtl tel [Horace Na/!l. B3 tl.rlryei el 6 w.r,y lQY yrrnngti WY•.t 70.1, •. reed t3t thencr North po ur.l_c.,, :Iw ,uL wy FyeLontl♦ l-4"1 6.Wr I,fMtl IhI Uh CV :'ipYtl, Q9 dw, r,rwiv+ O1 rnny ursl ti9.Ze f,,,•(I I`,.I them. Nnr sit I? tl,•irr+v up .dr Ols n+le wnuy F.wt ea7uc +t b.V..r ltrv[1 th.nct• Nor U, 00 deryruuy 3w w ? 'L's't; Lhsvco 4ouLt liv rrngrrr., 'cU hu tt•N utr•, :nrnnn+ ra.e tau.Ou rt.t.t; tNwr,ce Nnrth ^' '••, -Ve-md6 F..,•,' '1f3,01 fret to a putnt an v eve YvO rv[nllrvY•. $7 w,nq lt•\ ve. lure, r+.t• ad,W\ Pp lnt ul rih,c.k nears +cur th +'' r,id,ui ill '/h,011 ' Cnr,dy Lr•.r; t11ln Or tlegl Co- 2'1 wr nu rati al CV f,le ter ly rton9 Yald CUT I"a Ln ., f,n4nt •ai111'h bVdr1 $mylll VO tJ�rt•rb 3,r m ""W4 176 {t'e.0 •. W; •.l frown 1n 111 talus nnlnLt rhr'ier }awl" 1191 17t•gri•py 70 ,nl nut94 S4 slew Q. rile LHl 7.?u.ti/ fret in .. err Y,. r,,,rl„ry ,. raulu. n1 7h .00 frrt. ih,• lu•. poll,[ of rh. eh t,r.,r7 North uo 0 grs'vh :19 w ... 06 Uree,nd* F.•.l; L4C•a'H E..Y rr lY .I_C2 Sr id Cm Yv p.Or7 flrt to 4 Point whtcr, berry $pu In Ou ,a fVY 73 m, nu tr\ r.9 Aved"" I'asl rrQw sa1ll rrd,ulk peen[ w1•Iee. ,•• o fp,n1 nr rIlglnn, nq, Inntet,,,nq ,1,70 acre ], Marc- or 1rs1. .nap Graham Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 ZA (317)042-6777 Land Development Engineers/Land Surueyors/ Archilects/Land Planners CANNADY JACKSON W RYAN ARCHITECTS, INCORPORATED 23U NICE BLVD. RM 2K NOVSM, TX 77005 (Finns-5e75 Drawn by! B L Checked by: -4.e.kl Job No: p/• e, # 66 391- eee,90 a e: e: et Title: SITE PLAN eat C-2