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Change_Order__3_-_Lykins_Contracting,_Inc; ($998,739.00); Water Mains; CO #3; Utilities
000uoign Envelope ID:nyn000 eFe4A88 APPROVED E~C~~°_� �°���°.wm�x�/«2�) Ma�a��.�""~~°� ��°��COMMITTEE Change Order No. 3 Date of Issuance: April 2, 202l Effective Date: (Per Owner Owner: City of Carmel Utilities Owner's Contract No.: Contractor: Lykiox Contracting, Inc. Contractor's Project No.: Engineer: VYeux\er Engineering, Iuu. Engineer's Project No.: 20651886.001 Project: Division& &t8 West Carmel and Home Place Contract Name: The Contract is modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: This change order adds the additional water main projects identified /n F7M No. 13 (issued February 1S, JDJ1)into the above-mentioned project. Lykins Contracting has provided updated unit prices for their original bid items based upon material price changes since their original bid in September 2019, and also unit prices for new items anticipated for the projects/nFTM No. 13. An additional$29(l120.O0is requested by the Contractor for the difyerence /n material prices and additional new pay items. The overall cost oƒadding theudd/dono/w/oter/no/nsboLyWns'[ontroct is$998,739.01 Attachments: FTM No. 13(plan sheets not included), Contractor's Unit Pricing Summary, Emailfrom Lykins requesting 2I5 additional days. CHANGE |N CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES [Milestone date remains unchanged] Original Contract Price: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: 570 $ 7'995'22D.00 Ready for Final Payment: 600 Days Increase from previously approved Change Orders No.1 No Change from previously approved Change Orders to No. 2_: No._1_ toNo. 2 : Substantial Completion: U $42'085.63 Ready for Final Payment: D Days Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 670 $8'O37'3U5.G3 Ready for Final Payment: 600 Days Increase of this Change Order: Increase of this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 135 $ 99@,739.O0 Ready for Final Payment: 135 Dates/Days Contract Prime incorporating this Change Order: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 705 $ 9'U36,O44.63 Ready for Final Payment: 735 Dates/Days R.Tgineer W1 ACCEPTED: ACCEPTED: 8y� � 8y' By: ' ` ~— - � '(ifreduired) Owner(Authorized Signature) Contractor(Authorized Signature) Title: Project Manager Title Tide # � Date: April 2, 2O21 Date Date ocoC*c+94z'Change Order. Prepared and published 2u1abw the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. ou420-z , n~ � DocuSign Envelope ID:590D0BF9-FB77-43A8-955D-3B08FBF84A88 FTM NO. 013 WESSLER ENGINEERING, INC. DIVISION A & B — UNSERVED AREAS CARMEL WEST AND HOME PLACE FIELD TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM CONTRACTOR 1 MONTH DAY YEAR Lykins Contracting, LLC February 15 2021 SUBJECT: Additional Water Main Projects in Home Place and West Carmel REFERENCE: Design Drawing Sheets and Exhibits This field transmittal memorandum incorporates the following projects into the Division A & B — Unserved Areas Carmel West and Home Place contract between the City and Lykins Contracting, Inc. • 106th and Arthur Tie-Over (previously completed) • 107th and Park Tie-Over • 107th and Broadway Tie-Over • 106th and Central Connection • Central Avenue Tie-Overs and Connection • 106th Street Disconnection (between Broadway and College) • College Avenue Water Main Extension • Highland Drive (North Circle) Extensions • Oak Tree Way Water Main Extension • Towne Road Water Main Extension • Shelborne Road Water Main Extension Design sheets and/or exhibits are attached for each project. Current contract unit prices will be utilized for each project. Any additional items will be paid for through an approved change order incorporating the new items (unit price or lump sum) into the project. Please provide an updated construction schedule incorporating these projects using the sequential order listed above on or before February 22, 2021. cc: Carmel Utilities Wessler RPR Carmel Utilities RPR WESSLER ENGINEERING, INC. By 74AAoLi.)). Name: A drew D. Go on, RE. Title: Project Manager II 00410-1 DocuSign Envelope ID:590D0BF9-FB77-43A8-955D-3B08FBF84A88 74 c) c ca c) cc c) c 0 cD CD 0 CD CD 0 0 CD CD CD CD 0 cDC) CD CD CD C:D C CD 0 p CD CD CD • kr) • CD • • p • • • • p CD 0 ,.....• 00 c) 0, 7i- 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 c) 0, 0 0 kn C> 0 '.." 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U c.) 5 (..) 6 I 1_, a) a) . cc CD 0 .-. c,) i< 0 0 az .5 .5 IT IS C.0 '-'1 CS 0 C (1) 1-El r3 C'3 0 0 CA -. 0 = m E c4 ,— .— E .5 .5 8 .R g E 0.)" o = v) ag c.) -o -o to .23 023 ,°;,' 0 0 .--i ,4 .--1 .— • -0 4.) .--- -. CU CI.) c) c) a) rzi < 5.' .5: uouu U ,c) ,r) In e73' = a) a) (1) ..., O. O. (L) > > C..) C.) V) rn rry ....„ ., CU aq CO P4 ;-. '• ,M r ,., v w 0_, Co .- r: CI x - VD M C.D (., Z U 0 F-' .,.''-' 0 - - .1, = ,r 4 4 4 ----,.- 4 . NCa vC Fo ) Corc IC v ) - : Q. — — 00 - - 00 - - W - - - N op - - cry - - N - - ,. ,0o- - 000uoign Envelope ID:nyn000 eFe4A88 Andrew Gordon From: Bob Stindt ^bsiindt@|ykinsinczom> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2OZ1 8:02AK4 To: Andrew Gordon Cc: Monte Gardner Subject: Updated Project Schedule and Revised Unit Pricing for Added Work. Attachments: Division A and B Water Main Bid Added Work New Unit Pricing Summary.pdf, Carmel Updated Schedule for Progress Meeting 3-24-21.pdf "WARNING: External email, verify sender before opening attachments or clicking mnlinka.** Andrew, In regards to the ADDED work, after going back over these drawings we are looking at roughly 135 working days to install this work. This is slightly more than the preliminary schedule I gave you for this work. Please let me know if you need anything else regarding this matter. Once vve have final direction and change order for this work we can provide a better schedule for the work. Thanks, Bob St|ndt GM Operations 77 12783 N State Road1ol Sunman, IN 47041 Office:8t2-623-2244 Fox:812-823-4258 CmU:5Y3-5Y5-8670 bstinclig&Rry,ginc,coin z ��� DocuSign Envelope ID:590D0BF9-FB77-43A8-955D-3B08FBF84A88 Approved and Adopted this day of 8/18/2021 , 20 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety BY: Not Present James Brainard, Presiding Officer Date: �DocuSigned by: M.alA 1lJiUA 150.0- `-6E37C�'C068E4C4... Mary Ann Burke, Member Date: 8/18/2021 ,—DocuSigned by: Lbvi watsbw AFJD 0 434... Lon . atson Member Date: 8/18/2021 ATTEST: (—DocuSigned by: sue. (A.X4Cro `-6 9 844C5... Sue Wolfgang, Clerk Date: Ti /z