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T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"Addition T/O WallEL: 16' -0"125513431W1W1W1W1W2W3100-1100-215W75591014113TYPTYPEXISTING BUILDINGT/O EntryEL: ±26' -0"T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"Addition T/O WallEL: 16' -0"2556108-2119T/O EntryEL: ±26' -0"147NEW CONSTRUCTIONEXISTING BUILDINGNORTHEXISTINGADDITIONMECHYARD2A3011A3012A3021A3023A3014A3025A3023A302ELEVATION KEYPLAN4A3015A301PLAN NORTHT/O Ground LevelEL: 0"Addition T/O WallEL: 16' -0"108-2W6W6W6561910NEW CONSTRUCTION3TYP11TYP14T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"137T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"137DRAWING TITLE:CERTIFIED BY:DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERREVISIONS:SCOPE DRAWINGS:PROJECT: These drawings indicate the general scope of the project in terms of architectural design concept, the dimensions of the building, the major architectural elements and the type of structural, mechanical and electrical systems. The drawings do not necessarily indicate or describe all work required for full performance and completion of the requirements of the Contract. On the basis of the general scope indicated or described, the trade contractors shall furnish all items required for the proper execution and completion of the work.ISSUE DATEDRAWN BY CHECKED BY© 2018 CSO Architects, Inc. All Rights ReservedDESIGN DEVELOPMENT -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPARISH LIFE CENTER PROJECTOUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH14598 OAK RIDGE RD, CARMEL, IN 4603206/04/21XXX XXX19038A301OVERALLBUILDINGELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3012NORTH BUILDING ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3011EAST BUILDING ELEVATIONELEVATION NOTES1 NEW BRICK VENEER - MATCH EXISTING.2 NEW ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL ASSEMBLY.3 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOW ASSEMBLY.4 FORMED METAL WALL PANEL ASSEMBLY.5 ALUMINUM FASCIA - MATCH EXISTING.6 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT ENTRANCE FRAME AND DOOR.7 NEW LOUVER - SEE MECHANICAL.8 BRICK SOLDIER COURSE.9 NEW STONE CAP - MATCH EXISTING.10 ACCENT BRICK VENEER.11 LIMESTONE SILL.12 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT ENTRANCE SYSTEM.13 INFILL FORMER LOUVER OPENING WITH BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING.14 SCREEN WALL AROUND MECHANICAL UNIT - FACE BRICK WITH CUT STONE CAP15 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT CLERESTORY WINDOWS.16 REUSED STAINED GLASS WINDOWS.SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3013PARTIAL EAST BUILDING ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3014PARTIAL SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3015PARTIAL SOUTHEAST BUILDING ELEVATIONEXISTING BUILDING T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"Addition T/O WallEL: 16' -0"6130-423333W5W5W5W5W7W8W76555117DSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDS129-115EXISTING BUILDINGT/O EntryEL: ±26' -0"415T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"Addition T/O WallEL: 16' -0"W10W10W4W9W7335W11W11W11W11W11DSDSDSDS1611117EXISTING BUILDING154T/O EntryEL: ±26' -0"NORTHEXISTINGADDITIONMECHYARD2A3011A3012A3021A3023A3014A3025A3023A302ELEVATION KEYPLAN4A3015A301PLAN NORTHT/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"W9511111W11W11W11W11T/O Sanctuary LevelEL: 8' -4 1/4"1331512T/O Ground LevelEL: 0"Addition T/O WallEL: 16' -0"130-31512DRAWING TITLE:CERTIFIED BY:DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERREVISIONS:SCOPE DRAWINGS:PROJECT: These drawings indicate the general scope of the project in terms of architectural design concept, the dimensions of the building, the major architectural elements and the type of structural, mechanical and electrical systems. The drawings do not necessarily indicate or describe all work required for full performance and completion of the requirements of the Contract. On the basis of the general scope indicated or described, the trade contractors shall furnish all items required for the proper execution and completion of the work.ISSUE DATEDRAWN BY CHECKED BY© 2018 CSO Architects, Inc. All Rights ReservedDESIGN DEVELOPMENT -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPARISH LIFE CENTER PROJECTOUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH14598 OAK RIDGE RD, CARMEL, IN 4603206/04/21AuthorChecker19038A302OVERALLBUILDINGELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3022WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3021SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATIONELEVATION NOTES1 NEW BRICK VENEER - MATCH EXISTING.2 NEW ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL ASSEMBLY.3 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOW ASSEMBLY.4 FORMED METAL WALL PANEL ASSEMBLY.5 ALUMINUM FASCIA - MATCH EXISTING.6 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT ENTRANCE FRAME AND DOOR.7 NEW LOUVER - SEE MECHANICAL.8 BRICK SOLDIER COURSE.9 NEW STONE CAP - MATCH EXISTING.10 ACCENT BRICK VENEER.11 LIMESTONE SILL.12 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT ENTRANCE SYSTEM.13 INFILL FORMER LOUVER OPENING WITH BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING.14 SCREEN WALL AROUND MECHANICAL UNIT - FACE BRICK WITH CUT STONE CAP15 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT CLERESTORY WINDOWS.16 REUSED STAINED GLASS WINDOWS.SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3024PARTIAL SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3025PARTIAL SOUTHWEST BUILDING ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"A3023PARTIAL EAST BUILDING ELEVATION