HomeMy WebLinkAboutMainscape, Inc./STREET/$60,500/Janitorial Services - ASACzTfshfzHsfdivlijobu4;62qn-Tfq12-3132 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0CD3F9CC-5635-4395-A495-376EA75AABCC -------- 9/15/2021 Not Present 9/15/2021 9/15/2021 City of Carmel 2021Holiday Event Custodial Services The City of Carmel Street Department is requesting prices for custodial services duringwinterfestival events. This service would requirefivestaff members present during operation hours of theholiday events, aswell as time afterclosing tofully clean.Two of the five staff must primarily be stationed in the Pavilion area of the event to bus tables, wipe down/ sanitize tables and chairs during eachevent, as well as empty trashcans.The City will provide trash bags and fill propane tanks for the events.The winter event hours and dates are listed below. Thefivestaff members would be requiredto fulfil the following duties: Change trash can bags, and bring them to atemporary storage area within event location Clean off tables in the Pavilion and throughout the event area General custodial cleanup (sweep up debrisfrom the event) At the beginning of the event, staff members must turn on all propane heaters located throughout the event (approximately 15 heaters) At the end of each event evening, staff members must turn off all propane heaters located throughoutthe event (approximately 15 heaters) At the end of each evening event, driveall trashbags from temporary storage areas to dumpsters located approximately halfa mile away At the end of each evening event, empty gray water containers for approximately 12 vendorsinto a nearby location Dates/ Hours of Open Event please note that it will take an additional 1-2hours for cleanup after event has closedto perform all custodialduties): thNovember20th -December 24 Regular Hours (seebelowfor Special Holiday Hours) Monday -Closed Tuesday -Closed Wednesday -4pm-9pm Thursday -4pm-9pm Friday -12pm -9pm Saturday -12pm-9pm Sunday -12pm-9pm Closed -Thursday, November 25th forThanksgiving Day Closed -Saturday, December 25th forChristmas Day Special Holiday Hours: EXTENDED HOURS:Wednesday, November 24: 12pm -9pm OPEN:Monday, December 20: 12pm -9pm OPEN:Tuesday, December 21: 12pm -9pm EXTENDED HOURS:Wednesday, December 22: 12pm -9pm EXTENDED HOURS:Thursday, December 23: 12pm -9pm SPECIAL HOURS:Friday, December 24: 12pm -3pm DocuSign Envelope ID: 0CD3F9CC-5635-4395-A495-376EA75AABCC Page 1 TRUE DATE PROPOSAL8/23/2021 SELECT BRANCH:Indy North sameSERVICEADDRESSBRANCH ADDRESSBILLINGADDRESSPROPERTYCONTACTINFORMATION Full Name:Carmel Street Department Crystal EdmondsonMAINSCAPE, INC. Address:13418 Britton Park Rd City, State:Fishers,IN 46038 ZIP: Phone:(317)714-7481 Email Address:www.mainscape.comcedmondson@carmel.in.gov COMMUNITY & WORK PERFORMED BYWORKORDER #PROPOSED BYPROPERTYNAME Ben Robles SERVICE CODE AND DESCRIPTION 1499 - OTHER LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SPECIFICS, DESCRIPTION, & INSTRUCTIONS UNIT PRICEUOMSIZEQTY.TOTAL NTE $60,500 @$50 per hour $ 60,500.00Janitorialservices5peoplefromNovember20thtoDecember 24th1$ 60,500.00 Notes: TOTAL:$ 60,500.00 Conditions: Theabove price isgood for30daysfrom dateofproposal. Any additional tripstothesitecaused bythecustomer forreasons uncontrolled byMainscape, Inc. willresult ina $65.00 ‘tripcharge’ perevent. No warranty ontransplanted material. Allmaterial isguaranteed tobeasspecified. Transplanted plant material isnotcovered under warranty. Allwork istobecompleted inaworkmanlike manner according tostandard practices. Allagreements arecontingent uponstrikes, accidents, orother delays beyond our control. Thepurchaser istocarry fire, tornado, andothernecessary insurance. Mainscape, Inc. isinsured forworkman'scompensation, general liability, andautomobile liability. Certificates ofinsurance areavailable upon request. Terms: Netdue uponreceipt, subject toa2% permonth latecharge onpastdueaccounts withcostsincurred incollection ofthiscontract, including reasonable attorney'sfees, tobepaidbythepurchaser. Acceptance ofProposal: Theabove prices, specifications, method ofpayment, conditions andterms ofpayment aresatisfactory and hereby accepted. Mainscape, Inc. isauthorized todothework asspecified. Mainscape or Purchaser maycancel thiscontract atanytimeupon giving a30-daynotice orupon customer default ofpayment terms. Plant warranty: Trees provided and installed byMainscape, Inc. shallbewarrantied foraperiod ofone (1) year from dateofinstallation. Shrubs andgroundcovers provided andinstalled byMainscape, Inc. shallbewarrantied for aperiod ofsix (6) months from installation. Sodprovided and installed byMainscape, Inc. shallbewarrantied foraperiod ofthirty (30) daysfrom installation. Annual flowers provided and installed byMainscape, Inc. shallbe warrantied forthirty (30) daysfromthedateofinstallation. Transplanted plants arenotcovered under thiswarranty. Allwarranties arecontingent on plantsreceiving proper maintenance.Plants thatare damaged ordiedue toacts ofGod arenotcovered underthiswarranty. Plantsthataredamaged ordieduetodiseases andinsectsforwhich there isnoknown curearenotcovered under thiswarranty. Mainscape’sterms andconditions areincorporated herein, andsupersede anyprovisions herein thatareinconsistent with those termsandconditions. www.mainscape.com/termsandconditions Purchaser’s SignatureContractor’sSignature Name Title DateName Title Date DocuSign Envelope ID: 0CD3F9CC-5635-4395-A495-376EA75AABCC DocuSign Envelope ID: 0CD3F9CC-5635-4395-A495-376EA75AABCC