HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Plat Sec 2 _ 08-17-21Surveyed and Prepared by: Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS Stoeppehveiih & Associates, Inc. '965 East 106th S(reet Fishers, Indiana 46039 Phone: (B 17) 849-5935 Entail: dolmstcad@stoeppelwerth.com Owner./SUbdiv ider: BC Gramercy 11, LLC 941 North Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Contact: Stephen franks Phonc: (3 17) 554-6759 Email; Stcphcn.Franksr�l(ruckinlhasu.com Submission Date: 05iO3/2019 Source of Ti(lc: Limited Warranty Deed - Insit. 201704 1743 Carmel/Clay Plan Cornmision N1o5. Primary Plat)lTezone Docket No. 17080014Z Secondary Plat Docket No. 19030uo2 SP Zoning: GRAMERCY WFS•f PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning PUD Ordinance #Z-630-18 See PUD Section 4.2 & Exhibit C for Lot Standards. Rorer to Exhibit D-H of PUD for Architectural Standards Par this project. Please refer also to Gramercy West PUD Section 4.6 and Cxhibits D-DI GRAMERCY SECTION TWO SECONDARY PLAT (PART O1= THE N. Y2 SEC, 31, T18N, 14r— HAMIL.TON CO., IN) FLOOD STATEMENT NO PORTION OF THIS SITE LIES WITHIN A "ZONE "X" (500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN) OR "ZONE "A" SCALED PER FIRM MAPS 18057CO2260 AND 18057CO228G BOTH DATED NOV. 19- 201 4.. BASED ON THE FE:MA. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FOR THIS AREA, THERE WILL BE NO POTENTIAL FLOODING OF THIS PROPERTY VIA OUTF'ALL OR STORM PIPING SYSTEMS, SUBDIVISION A40NUMENTATION PER ITNDIAINA ADMINISTRATIVE. CODE (iAC), 1-1-11-F 865 CAC 1.12-18, AN AFFIDAVIT, CROSS-REFERENCED TO THIS P1..A"1, W1L.. BE RECORDED AFTER THE SUBDIVISION MONUMENTATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND MAY BE DELAYED FOR I;P T'O TWO YEARS rR{. M THF, DATE OF RECORDATION OF THIS PI..AT. MONUMENTS SET OR TO BE STET INC-:LUDF SUBDIVISION PERIMETER CORNF..RS. CFNTFRL.1NE: INTERSEC:TION;S, C UNTERLIN E POINTS OF CURVATURE, CENTERLINE POINTS OF TANGENCY AND INTERIOR LOT/ PARCEL CORNERS (INCLUDING BEGINNING AND ENDS OF CURVES AND T1IE INTERSECTION OF 1-017PARCEL LINES). A 518"0-0" REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED "S&A FIRM 0008" SHALL ICE SET AT ALL LOT OR PARCEL CORNERS, INCLUDING BEGINNING AND ENDING OF CURVES AND THE INTERSECTION OF LINES. 0 DENOTES A 5/S"x36" REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED "S&A FIRM /00681T. ❑ DENOTES A 4N4"%'36" .1,ONG PRECAST' CO1NG RETE: NIONL'MENT WITH A CROSS CAST IN THE TOP, SET FLUSH WI"1'H THE: FINISH GRADE. • DENOTES A STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENT. EITHER A "COPPERWELD", A 518" GRAPHIC SCALE DIA. SFEE, L ROD 12" LONG WITH 1-112" DIA. TAPERED BRASS CAP HAVING; A CUT 250' 0 125' 250' "X" IN TOP. SET FLUSH WITH TILE FINISHED SURFACE COAT OR A 2" MAG NAIL, TEMPORARILY SET FLUSH WITH THE INTERMEDIATE COAT (BINDER). ( IN FEET } I" —'250 FT LEGEND 69 LOT NUMBER Lot Type A (lots 122-125) B.L. BUILDING LINE Min. lot area - 4,000 sq.ft. Min, width - 50' D.&U.E:. DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT Min. width at right-of-way - 20' DRAINAGE UTILITY & SANITARY SEWER Min. front setback - 10' Min. side setback - 5- D. C.1.&S.S.E. EASEMENT Min, rear setback - 5' I.E.E. INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT Lot Type 8f F (Town homes) C.A. COMMON AREA (lots 89-121) Min. lot area - 1,000 sq.ft. R/W RIGHT OF WAY Min. width -,16' Min. width right-of-way - 14' LANDSCAPE MAINT NANCE ACCESS L.1vI.A.k�. -' Min. front setback - 5' EASEMENT Min. side setback- 5' Min. rear setback - 5' S.L.E. S1G1-3T LINE EASEMENT Lot Type C P.A.E. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT (lotso- 125-141J Min.. l lot arree a - 1,60t} sq.ft. Min. width - 28' B,M.P.E. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES EASEMENT Min. width at right-of-way- 25' Min, front setback - 5' 1►tlr rrlrI Irrlr++f Min. side setback - 3' �.• D, � t� +,f, Main. rear setback - 5' G\STF''� Lot Type D ° lots 84-88 Dennis D. Olmstead _ �QQa� Min. lot area 2,fl0E} sq.Ft. _ $ Professional Land Surveyor r�• I -- r • "' STATE O :' Min. width - 31' Min, width.ar right-of-way- 15' N❑ 940U1� y `'���• ''' Min. front setback - 5' •, �/ •• •.• r� �� '• ° Min. side setback - 3' '+ su�v [r �` Min. rear setback - 5' EAST CITY CENTER DRIVE I x _ d " SITE. a + fi I i I l EAS19C:ARAMGi. DRIVE t EAST ury CENTER DRIVE -F- 2021059979 PLAT $60.00 08/17/2021 12:32:10P 8 PGS Jennifer Hayden HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded ll lllll lllll if if 11IIf l llf ll lllll llll! IlI111I1f I IIH 11f l DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION 5u�iect to final oeeptance f r transfer day of -'w' r °20 Auditor of Hand1lon County Parcel # I� JOB No. 65840BKM-S2 SHEET I OF 8 V(!, co, c) [ I a-Q_ I Surveyed and Prepared by. Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS Stoeppelwenh & Associates, Inc. 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone: (317) 849-5935 Entail: dolmstead�a%stoeppelwerth.com Owner/Subdivider. BC Gramercy H, LLC 941 North Meridian St. Ind"ranapolis, IN 46204 Contact: Stephen Franks Phone. (317)554.6759 Email: Ste:phen.Franks@buckingharn.cont Submission Date: 05/03/2019 Source of Title: Limited Warraiity Deed - Instr. 2017041743 CarmellCIay Plan Comm is ion Nos. Primary Plat/Rezone Docket No. 17080014Z Secondary Plat Docket No. 1 c030002 SP Zoning: GRAMERCY WEST PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning PUD Ordinance #Z•630-1 S See PUD Section 4.2 & Exhibit C for Lot Standards. Refcr to Exhibit D-H of PUD for Architectural Standards for this project. Please rgfer also to Gramercy West Pita Section 4.6 and Exhibits D-DI GRAMERCY WEST SECTION TWO SECONDARY PLAT (HART OF THE N. Y2 SEC. 31, T18N, R4E, HAMILTON CO., IN) BC GRA1 TERCY I I_I.,[:' 941 N MERIDIAN ST. INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46204 N90000'00"E 192,21' 4 e N9o°ovaww LAGERF'IELD DRIVE Z r ! 1.43' �i 61iej 1s 30.a0' 70.03' T a C ALMAN'S ,' DDITIUN I INSTI g 53-3365 1.). B. 1318. PAGE 2 3 7 ` m 22 a C.A.#15 0 %% Q W �� 78 I i 79 � 125 Lo Ia 4,393 sq.ft. � w a O N9M'00'W 70.84' r N0D°00'00"E 19,75' 4.61' .; s' RL s.LL L VAR. 126 v 2,144 sq.tt. M 127 a m 1,883 sq.n. N90`UQ'00"E 65.5V .ti�5, rye/ EP 90 12 - STATE OF Dennis D. Olmstead ~" kr1'��i�v`. s�y'•�, Professional Land Surveyor No. 900012 2021059979 PLAT $60.00 08/17/2021 12132:10P a PGS Jennifer Hayden HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recordedi!!!I!NlIIINt11III11III4 !lllflll!lIIl1lI!!f1!lIIN11lIlIIlIlIII i I I i GRAPHIC SCALE i I 50' 0 25' Sa' { 1N FEET } 3 V 50 FT t iN90"0900" E 45.75' I F-1 4 W CL 4L' R11'; r- N90000'00" E 50.00' a P.O.B. V3 N90'00' "W 100-5U 1 .�5 5ti } r........... _.... ......._........................� G R:3 Mite Y lt' ( S"I SF,gI'l0N1 QNF'- C,A.# 14 a 4a -� 14,281 sq.ft. o ' INST.42018057148 VAR. D.U. 1'(�5 S1..I DEI0 i..M,A.t;.3�P.A.F.. terra 1 a 4.7 4S S00110010011W N900 '00"EE �53.00' 3.99' 11''°0 SW49'46"E i I24 ai N 28.75' 28.75' 28.75' 28.75' o N90-00'DW%V 66W 3 N9e°0[1'MIT46,00' C� a a 1].0 .5.t 25.19' 28.75' 28.75' 28.75' 4,3 l9 Sq.fl. l33 21' EE l34 = x z K, ` 1,898 sq.ft. m 1,898 sq.fU b v' f S e w � a ai y r e go oC � R w p 2-a a N90'00'00'W 6Fi_iYa' Y m V, N94"00'00"6 66,00' I 3 Q� w �p y La w DO H } N90`00'00"W 70.770 U N n $ CV $ M° 8 M $ O ija: o U b ee W b r+f m CT ? 2 T Iv, n r ri $ .. j o c �� I32 VAR. VAR. �5 a VAR- c ^ Ob .. eo 15 -4 x :z x v s.L.B. O.U.& a VAR. 9 2,620 sq.ft.s.LF� w a U 2.637 sq.ft. LfWA.E.� z z ? d' D.0 & 123 ai �i, BL 5' 4 S' Bt, eg ^� 5' FiL P'A'E' 5' UL 5'r31. 2$.75' _ . 5' 25.U0' S1.4G' S1.54' 25.00 _ P.A.E. a 4,069 sq.8. C�` 1[Y ~o �� krf I�-i ���`'' f 'rz p c34. N84°49'46'W 207.64' BLOCK_ "F" STi✓INBECK PLACE N89°S9'4s^w 257.53 [� 5' U ec.U—E. o� �° 1 r ^ a 15,416 sq.1t. C 4't 9 d3' '9gA0.aiL58R` !_ _ 4' 26,3 ' 2 26.33' 26.3 ' 33' 16 5' D.&.L1.G Sd8`17d4"W 4-47' BL 51 al. 5' BL 5• AL 1)3L w 31_Sl' CC pp G �p+ pp bb C s or. ,n 0 3o r�'3 R? 3 oa 11, 3 t- H3 \J r6'r :n H 3-t u� 3 r1 ta 3 122 nt N 3Oy n 3 oa H 3 [� w 3�G u, 3 3 w 3 M �3 ri 3 N �r n C^a op =r '�' ev =r " ry a rn w'--' re a rr, 4rn -v ^ rv'v ^ N v ^ m =r *-' �r Q [V a ry c O O b 6,908sq.ft. o b 0 ^ CV - 3 �a ^' LV �, b •--' LK N - 3^Qb �-^ N - o_ _- .'^ N c �a Y N S �__' is - ^ N o �c �- N p E �--• ^ N =- E �o ^ C^i 2 �c ,--� ❑3• 4 N a �� ry s L v Trb -117— IU Lam. .CI.E. rj .&, ._. 311,0a' �F `1"' �6Z3' 4' _i,3 '633- iG9r` �aS3' 6-3 Ili.-• 2535� f3b33' 3� 3651 �r6:34' S3' d id- G, 3d' N89"49'46"W 560.36' N89049' 6"W 560.36' 5' P.A.E. .`•' P.A.E. 5' P.A.L_ BC GRAML,RCY 11.1 k,' 941 N MEtft.IDfAN ST i 1N1;)IANAPOLIS, IN 46204 v J 80 JOB No. 6584013KM-S2 SHEET 3 OF 8 Surveyed and Prepared by: Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone: (317) a49-5935 Entail: dolmstead(aystoeppelwerih.com Owncr/Subdi V ider: BC Gramercy 11, LLC 941 North Meridian St. Indianapolis, rN 46204 Contact: Stephen Franks Phone-. (317) 554-6759 Email. Stcphen-Fran kstrpbuckingham,com Submission Date: 05/03/2019 Source of Title: Limited Warranty Deed - Instr. 2 0110 41743 CarmeUClay Plan Commision Nos. Primary Plat/Rezone Docket No. 17080014Z Secondary Plat Docket No. 19030002 SP Zoning: GRAMERCY WEST PUD (Planned Unit Developmcnt) Zoning PUD Ordinance PZ-630• l8 See PUD Section 4.2 & Exhibii C for Lot Standards. Refer to Exhibit D-H of PUD for Architectural Standards for this prgject. Please refer also to Gramercy West PUD Section 4.6 and Exhibits D-D l GRAPHIC SCALE 50' 0 25` 50, IN FEET j 1"=50FT GRAMERCY WEST SECTION TWO SECONDARY PLAT (PART OF THE N. j2 SEC. 31, T18N, R4E, HAMILTON CO., 1N) GRANIER'Y WEST SECT ION ()NIF I N su.4'201805714S PC'5 SE..117E 910 5001100100"W N9000 `00"F 1 3.W 3.99' o - " , S$9 4946E 1g7.69 ' W 66.D0 NO-00'00"E 66.00' U.0 .SE. 25.19 ?8.75' 23.15' 28,75, 28,75' 28.75' 28.75' 3 21'i .r 134 N sq.R. 9i m 1,898 sq.ft. r a Q r 'W 66.00' r 7 b N h90°W'00.,E 0-00, L4 3 d w �p C cu C� ut 00 6 w 0% y y p cr t7G c C.7 rn tr r� ti m r'1 e M M = M 2 volt Ew VAR. 135 F- 00 o u& o 0 ^ oc 00 o '-- 00 00 C ti r� oo 4cc c ""' M '° 00 a �° g N89°4946"W sLr , sq.ft. 4� u1 sL� 2,631s .ft. `:� q a x. i..M.A.E.& z z x x z 16.44 h RI. 51-54' P,A.E. 25.00' S'RL _. 13 a'13T. _ ,75' _ 513E SOQ01Q'14"w w 10 z i3�OCK t�E1f STEINBECK PLACE N89°4946"W 257,5a 21.00' 13,416 sq.ft. vale} n .33' 26.3" 26 -33' or, I v IG 16.34' ' RL Rl. 5' RL n c= 30 3 av r" oC Cr 3 t— r�3 .o �3 Ln 3� h 3 rh r fy a d C.S e O r,3 `• O r.7 "' Q C) C4 :6 Q t4 4 C7 r.T d 1V r•I v+ ^ r7 r l ^ a+ rl iA r y r!. ✓CI! V/ (A OVI VI VJ X . t], 3' _ "S i 6. _ 6. �76.3 3 _ti.3 N :"'11 � 11 .�� 4. , G N, �K -�- No. 9ooa12 = .� STATE OF /NbiAO''r t b is D. Olmstead Professional Land Silrvcyor No. 900012 2021059979 PLAT $60.00 08/17/2021 12:32:10P 8 PG5 Jennifer Hayden HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented !IlIII! NIIII lilllllll IIIII IIIIIiiilliillilfll�lllllll�ll Illl! If Illlll .86', 10.5U' 1.18', - c S83.2243 "E 580006'31 "E 21.00, 30.02' N89°47'06% 25.35' C.A.#12� r 70aj35' ion 562°44`37la 5,014 sq.R " 1,955 sq.ft. 10.84' VAK. D.U.6e N89°47'06"i 66.56' L.M-A-E.& N.A.E. ni o "' N84°49' 6"W 60.36' 0.73' 71 5' P.A.E. 5' PA.E. M� 1,914 sq.Ct. c` S89147'06"W 77.50' - .i s i n I00i I,SyB sq.@. N 041 s ..� S89147V6"W 77.50' I ;�F",`t:.•1"Et;•iN i.. li=. 99 73 �= I N ST .#20180`, 148 1,266 sq.fi. xrLt li 1,883 sq.rl.�� PC7 SLIDE 910 589°47'06-W 77-W 3 PAA S.3-1� o- N89'S7'06"G 65.50' j 98 74 2,041 sq.ft, 1,883 sq.ft. n ui S89'4706"W 77.50' w +189 47G6"L 65.50 �C 97 rn r 2,041 S IL m ' 75 �= S89'4T66"W 77.50' � 1,883 sq.l[. �-. 96 [ N89'47'06"E 65.11tr BC GRAKI EERCY I LLC N 1,266 sq.ft. r 941 N NIEERIDI.AN ST `y M S99'AWWW 77,50' 76 0 ° INDUN- NA1'(71."IS. IN'4620 95 1,Ss3 sq.fz. n n 2,041 sq.ft. �+ n m r 89°47Yi6"C 65.S17 W1 SW4T06"W 77.sn 94 77 L'. A.,41 Z 2,041 sq.ft. �' 1,883 sq.ft. L'V`I. [ f'C)1�'[7 S8947'06"W 77.Y)' N89`483 65.50' 93 p 1,266 sq. ft. N 78 SW47'06"W 77.50' R a .0 1,883 sq.tt. Ila fi.7i' 92 2,041 -a "' N89`4706"E 65.50' �r> sq.iL ry 0 8 r, s9914706'w 77.srr j # 1 C.A,1 3,3815q.ft.VAR � °' 91 2,048 sq.ft. q 79AT r D,Uh L.un.L.&P.A, '� 2�ys 1-9 79 S89°47'06"W & 8,M.P.E � � In 90a P 1,338 s .11. 80 a 589°47'06"W 95.61' 3,045 Sq. �b0. ,a q 89 2s a s89°4706' w 30.47'' 82 70.00' �/ ��l ?� 2.010 sq.l Al SEE SHEET 5 JOB No. 65840BKM•S2 SI4EET 4 OF 8 �- LIZ 01 % C. Surveyed and Prepared by: Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 7965 East 106th Strcet Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone. (317)849-5935 Email. dolmstead@stocppc,werth.com Owner/Subdivider: 13C Gramercy 11, LLC 941 North Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Contact: Stephen Franks Phone: (317) 554-6759 Email: Stephen.Franks@buckingham.com Submission Date: 05/03/2019 Source of7'itle: Limited Warranty Deed - Instr- 2017041743 Carn[el/Clay Plan Commision Nos. Primary Plat/Rezone Docket No. 17080014Z Secondary Plat Docket No. 19030002 SP Zoning: GRAMERCY WEST PUD (Planned Unit Developmcnt) Zoning PUD Ordinance #Z-630-18 See PUD Section 4.2 & Exhibit C for Lot Standards. Refer to Exhibit D•H of PUD for Architectural Standards for this project. Please refer also to Gramercy West PUD Section 4.6 and Exhibits D-D I GRAPHIC SCALE 50' 1 0 25' 50' { IN FEET j I"=50FT k 90 k. 1,338 s ,ft, w ' S89"47 [16"W' 86.61' J t T T• 48 89 4 &11.E42 S89°47'06"W 80,47' 989°47'06"W 70.00' GRAMERCY WEST SECTION TWO SECONDARY PLAT (PART OF THEN. Y2 SEC. 31, T18N, R4E, HAMILTON CO., IN) .8 Js 83 i�- FI 1' 110NI D 2,486 sq.11 N00° 12'54'W J S8904T06"W 86.77' � '' ,�84 - 0 R. N-I R CY WEST ' 21.58' r 3,382 sq.ft. SEC "i'ION ONE 14500'03'i9"L �� _ INS142018057148 ,'►►►►►ID tru�i�u�Jrrr � : �r�G15T�R�-� • ��n v'= No. 960012 STATE OF •'NbASpr: e ms D, Olmstead + + rrRv4 ��. `•• Professional Land Surveyor �r��'� • �''++rrr�riiii++►►►►y No. 900012 2021059979 PLAT $60.00 08/17/2021 12:32:10P 8 PGS Jennifer Hayden HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented llllll!!II!!Illllf11111N!! I�llllllllillll I!!Il111l�llllll1111111!!ll! SEE SHEET 4 s� C.A.#11 0� fps°' �3/. 3,381 sq.ft. VAk.l3.tf.& L.M.A,E.&P-A.E. sir 79 2,181 sq.fi. CV 80 a° -045 sq. �ba. 81 28 BC GIIAMERC'Y I LIX 941 N MERIDIAN S.I.. INDIANAPOiA& IN 46204 Yv. tit SG 67' N90°00'00"W 56.67' w �£ 2,383 sq.ft, 86 2,309 sq..fr, rb3 5 87 2,338 sq.11. C.A.# 10 , ' a e ft. ryy.a 13,981 sq..' G r6388 n V,AIL LLUA 2,472 sq. ft. s°'a w ❑=24°29'38" I R=200.00' 1 L=85.50', r T=43.4 1 3 I J S79059'39"E 39.93' G r r 3=6047'48" J R=200,00' 0=4°45'S8" C.A.#9 i23.72, T=11876 R=705.00' 714 sq. R, . VAR. D.U.& L7--58.65, , 1 L.M.A.E.&F A-E.& E.MY.E. '7"29.3 A !1 =' 1 l JJ�FV P.U.B. (Addu. RIW) 1 s° A=503 ['39" S)OSV IC, Bp aU, R=705.00' L=68.01'. V BC GRA1wIERC"Y 11.A..C:' 94] N lt•9E1k[DIAN 3T INNDIANA1:OLIS, IN 46204 R _785.i10' L=75.79, SEE SHEET G JOB No. 6584013KM-S2 SHEET 5 OF 8 Surveyed and Prepared by: l V Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS Stoeppelwerth & Associaces, Inc. 7965 East I06th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone; (317) 849-5935 Email: dolmstead@stoeppelwenh.corn Owner/Subdivider: BC Gramercy 11, LLC 941 North Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Contact: Stephen Franks Phone; (317) 554-6759 Email: Stephen.Franks@buckingham.com Submission Date; 05/03/2019 Source df Title: Limited Warranty Deed - Instr. 2017041743 CarmcXlay Plan Commision Rios. Primary Plat/Rezone Docket No. 17080014Z Secondary Plat Docket No. 19030002 SP Zoning: GRAMERCY WEST PUD (Planocd Unit Dcvelopmcnt) Zoning PUD Ordinance #Z-630-18 See PUD Section 4.2 & Exhibit C For Lot Standards. Rehr to Exhibit D-H of PUD for Architectural Standards for this project. Please refer also to Gramercy West PUD Section 4.6 and Exhibits D-D i GRAMERCY WEST SECTION TWO SECONDARY PLAT (PART OF THE N. l/ SEC. 3 t, T18N, R4E, HAMILTON CO., IN) GRAMERCY WEST SECTION TWO 2021059979 PLAT $60.00 08/17/2021 12:32:10P a PG5 Jennifer Hayden 14AMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented f iNlf Illfllill�lfillllilflllllililllllllllllllllllllllll�lllllllil�ll 1, the undersigned Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the included plat correctly represents a subdivision of a part of the Northeast Quarter acid a part ofthe Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 45 in Gramercy West, Section One, recorded as instrument number 2019057148, Plat Cabinet 5, Slide 910 in the Office ofthe Recorder for Hamilton County, Indiana; the following nineteen (19) courses being on and along the boundary of said Gramercy West, Section One: l) South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 90.25 feet; 2) North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 153.00 feet; 3) South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 3.99 feet; 4) South 89 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds East 197.69 feet; 5) South 00 degrees 10 minutes 14 seconds West 65.50 feet to a point on the North R/W of Steinbeck Place; 6) North 89 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds West 16.44 feet along said North R/W; 7) South 00 degrees 10 minutes 14 seconds West 21,00 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southwesterly, the radius paint of said curve being South 00 degrees 10 minutes 14 seconds West 19.50 feet from said point said point also being a point on the South R/W of Steinbeck PIace; 8) southeasterly along said curve 33.86 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being South 80 degrees 20 minutes 04 seconds East 19.50 feet from the radius point of said curve, said point also being a point on a curve concave easterly, the radius point of said curve being South 80 degrees 20 minutes 04 seconds Last 210.50 feet from said point said point also being on the East R/W of Valentine Lane; 9) southerly along said curve 1 1.1 8 feet along said R/W to a point on said curve, said point being North 83 degrees 22 minutes 43 seconds West 210.50 feet from the radius point of said curve; 10) South 83 degrees 22 minutes 43 seconds East 21.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Valentine Lane, said point also being a point on a carve concave easterly, the radius point of said curve being South 83 degrees 22 minutes 43 seconds East 189.50 feet from said point; 1 I) northerly along said curve 5.25 feet along said R/W to a point on said curve, said point being North 81 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds West 189.50 feet from the radius point of said curve; 12) South 80 degrees 06 minutes 31 seconds East 30.02 feet; 13) North 89 degrees 47 minutes 06 seconds East 25.35 feet; 14) South 62 degrees 44 minutes 37 seconds East 10.84 feet; 15) South 00 degrees 12 minutes 56 seconds East 52.44 feet; 16) South 01 degree 54 minutes 18 seconds West 28.77 feet; 17) South 00 degrees 12 minutes 54 seconds East 165.79 feet; 18) South 52 degrees 56 minutes 51 seconds East 192.74 feet; 19) South 26 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds East 169.46 feet to a point on a curve concave southerly, the radius point being South 14 degrees 29 minutes 14 seconds East 200.00 feet from said point; said point also being on the boundary of land owned by Mohawk WB, LLC recorded as Instrument42014-001.787 and instrument #2014-001788 in the aforesaid Recorder's Office; the following eleven (11) courses being on and along the boundary ofsaid Mohawk WB, LLC land: 1) westerly along the aforesaid curve 23.72 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being North 21 degrees 17 in 02 seconds West 200.00 feet from the radius point of said curve; 2) South 68 degrees 42 minutes 58 seconds West t28.50 feet; 3) North 21 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West 100.53 feet; 4) North 00 degrees 18 minutes 57 seconds East 49.46 feet; 5 j North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 56.67 feet; 6) North 00 degrees 06 minutes 27 seconds West 51.00 feet; 7) South 89 degrees 47 minutes 06 seconds West 86,77 feet; 8) North 00 degrees 12 minutes 54 seconds West 21.58 feet; 9) South 89 degrees 47 minutes 06 seconds West 70.00 feet; 10) North 00 degrees 12 minutes 54 seconds West 322,29 feet; 1 1) North 89 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds West 560.36 feet to a point on the East right-of-way of East Auman Drive as shown oft the plat of Autnan's Addition recorded as Instrument 953-3365 D.B. 138, page 273 is the aforesaid Recorder's Office; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 45 seconds West along said right -of --way 302.43 feet to a point on the boundary of land owned by Mohawk WB, LLC: recorded as Instrument #2014-001786 in the aforesaid Recorder's Office; the following three (3) courses being on and along said boundary: 1) North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 192.21 feet to a point on the West Right -of -Way of Templeton Drive; 2) North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East t9.75 feet along said Right -of -Way, 3) North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 45,75 feet to a point on the boundary of the aforesaid Gramercy West, Section 1, said point also tieing on the East Right -of -Way of Templeton Drive; the following two (2) courses being on and along said boundary: 1) South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 69.75 feet; 2) North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 50.00 feet to the place ofbegiraiing, Containing 5.457 acres, more or less, subject to all legal highways, rights -of -ways, easements, and restrictions of record. This subdivision consists of 72 lots numbered 70-141 (all inclusive), 7 Common Areas labeled C.A.99, C.A. 410, C.A. 1#11, C-A. 412, C.A. #13, C.A. #14 and C.A. 415, and 2 Blocks labeled Block "D" & Block "E". The size of lots and width of streets are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof. ALSO: ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY for Kenzer Drive described as follows: A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 18 North, Range 04, East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeastern most point of Compton Area ##9 as shown herein, said point also being on the boundary of the aforesaid Gramercy West, Section One, said point being on a curve concave southerly the radius point being South 14 degrees 29 minutes 12 seconds East, 200.00 feet from said point; the following four (4) courses being on and along said boundary; I) easterly along said curve 8 5.5 0 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being North 10 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East 20 0. 00 `eet from the radius point of said curve; 2) South 79 degrees 59 minutes 39 seconds East 3 9.9 3 feet to a point on the West right -of way line of Kinzer Avenue, said point also being a point on a curve concave westerly, the radius point being North 79 degrees 51 minutes 35 seconds West 705.00 feet from said point; 3) southerly along said curve 58.65 feet to a point on said curve, said point being South 75 degrees 05 in inutes 36 seconds East 705,00 feet from the radius point of said curve, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; 4) South 75 degrees 05 tninutes 36 seconds East 80.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Kinzer Avenue, said point also being a point on a curve concave westerly. the radius point being North 75 degrees 06 minutes 38 seconds West 785.00 feet from said point; thence southerly along said curve 75.70 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being South 69 degrees 35 minutes 06 seconds East 785.00 feet from the radius point of said curve; thence South 20 degrees 25 minutes 42 seconds West 150,79 feet to the paint of curvature of a curve concave easterly, the radius point being South 69 degrees 34 minutes 18 seconds Last 715.00 feet from said point; thence southerly along said curve 254,93 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 715.00 feet from the radius point of said curve; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 176.04 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 34 seconds West 80.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 175.84 feet to the point of curvature of curve concave easterly, the radius point being South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 795.00 feet from said point; thence northerly along said curve 283.45 Feet to the point or tangency of said curve, said point being North 69 degrees 34 minutes 18 seconds West 795.00 feet from the radius point of said curve; thence North 20 degrees 25 minutes 42 seconds East 150.77 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave westerly, the radius point being North 69 degrees 35 minutes 06 seconds West 705.00 feet from said point; thence northerly along said curve 68.01 feet to a point on said curve, said paint being South 75 degrees 06 minutes 45 seconds East 705.00 feet from the radius point of said carve; said point also being the place of beginning, Containing 1.226 acres, more or less, subject to all legal highways, riglits-ofways, easements, and restrictions of record. Cross -Reference is hereby inane to a survey dated April 25, 20 19 prepared by Stoeppclwerth & Associates, Inc. in accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Chapter 12 ofthe Indiana Administrative Code recorded as Instrument Number 2019017865 in the Office of the Recorder for Hamilton County, Indiana. I, farther certify that I am a Professional Land Surveyor, licensed iit compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana and that the within plat represents a subdivision of the lands surveyed within the cross referenced survey, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief there has been no change from the matters of survey revealed byt h�igo ��+.efcrenGe survey on any lines that are common with the new subdivision. �i1� O1 ` I ffr���r� Witness my signature this 15� day of - LJI� 2021. } �GV1S� R�`J'y7s'S� w 1 �C d :� _ 900012 Den WD-61instead - Professional Land Surveyor STATE OF No. 900012 '.�-q,� _ ..NDWO' a�$ I''l+l+rli! utNi����4 JOB No. 65840BKM-S? SHEET 701'K VQ- Le Z3i1 Surveyed and Prepared by. Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone. (317) 849-5935 Email: dolmstead@stoeppclwcrih.com Owner/Subdivider: BC Gramercy IT, LLC 941 Nonh Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Contact: Stephen Franks Phone: (.317)554-6759 Email: Stephen.Franks@buckinghxm.com Submission Date: 05/03/2019 Source orTitle: Limited Warranty Deed - Instr. 2017041743 Carmel/Clay Plan Commision Nos. Primary Plot/Rezone pocket No. 17080014Z Secondary Plat Docket No. 19030002 SP Zoning: GRAMERCY WEST PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning PUD Ordinance #Z-630-18 See PUD Section 4.2 & Exhibit C for Lot Standards. Rcferto ExhibisD-H of PUD for Architectural Standards for this project. Please refer also to Gramercy West PUD Seed on 4.6 and Exhibits D-D l GRAMERCY WEST SECTION TWO SECONDARY PLAT (PART OF THE N. Y2 SEC. 31, T1 SN, R4E, HAMILTON CO., IN) The subdivision shall be known and designated as Gramercy West, Section Two, a subdivision in Hamilton County, Indiana, Front and side yard building setback lines are hereby established as shown and/or stated on this plat, between which lines and the property lines of the street there shall he erected or maintained no building or structure. identified on this Secondary Plat are strips of ground designated as easements. These are identified in the legend and reserved for drainage and utilities and die installation of water and sewer mains, pules, ducts, lines and wires, subject at all times to the proper authorities and to the easements herein reserved. No pemtanent or other structures are to be erected or maintained within said strips of land, but owners of lots in this subdivision shall take their tides subject to the rights oFIhe public utilities. This plat is subject to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and any amendments thereto as follows: Master Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions of the 0ram ercy West recorded as Instrument No. 20 t 805 65 04 ! Witness oar Hands and Seals this day of !Jl 2 02 1. Owner/Subdivider: BC Grainer II, LLC Bradley B. Chambers. Manager STATE OF INDIANA } } SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON } Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Bradley B. Chambers, Manager, for BC Gramercy II LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, and acknowledged the execution of this irtmmen t as their voluntary act and deed and aMxed their signature thereto. XWitness my hand and notarial seal this day oc 22021. ot1 W11►111111j Y Issic1¢� Ga A ti fl'?p �` • Ln Sign atu _ NCTAHy w PUBLIC % % My Commission expires: / _ I am a resident of Hamilton County. 3 �; _ ?i� SEAL a LA � My Commission Na: �1 v [ � i 4 O �r�V[� nh 1` .�'����'Ho �rN�° T �•�� bt��r~�� tF10�� 1 EXECUTED ARID DELIVERED in my presence: -WUNESS: '..� v Witness's Signature Witness's Printed Name State of Indiana } SS: County of r Before me, a Notary Public lit and for said County and State, personally appeared R0rJ1 D Cosen7r [Witness's Name], being known to me to br the person whose name is subscribed as a witness to the foregoin r in rumertt, oho, being duly sworn by me, deposes and says that die foregoing instrument was executed and delivered by P! [Grantor's or other Signet's Name] in the above -named subscribing witness's presence. lr) W itriess my hand and Notarial Seal this 157 day of (JU� , 20_ Not ublic 4;e-�L Printed Na sti County of Residence: My Commission Expires: • `�/o2-1 r511ttYt iS C 11111/i P, G 4-10.20�, NOT4py w1 E ;o PUBLIC 3 SEAL ,? d'� m4e�N� 2021059979 PLAT $50.00 08/17/2021 12:32:10P 8 PGS Jennifer Hayden HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented Illlllllllllllllllllll IIlfIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt�IIIl�I�llIIIIIIld1 Plan Commision Under authority provided by Inthan a Code 36-7A-710. and ordinances adopted by the Common Council oFthc City or Carmel, Indiana; this plat was given approval by the City ❑fCannel as Follows: Granted Administrative approval by Site Department orComm rnity ervices pursuant to Article XI of the CarmellClay Plan Commission's Rules or Procedure on 1 . , 2021. By: rm� 001 Michael P. Holliligh, DirectorDepa OOL Community Sery s Carmel, Indian Board of Public Works and Safety This Plat was approved by the Board of Public arks and cry of City of Carmel, Indiana, at a meeting held on the day ❑ IN " Ann Burp, NI'ember Lori Watson, Member luk 260 JF Sue WaIfgaag, Cier f -t City 92 Registered Land Surveyor's Certificate-. 1, Dennis D. ❑ tin stcad, hereby certify that l am a Professional Land Surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana. That all the monuments shown herein wil l be set at the location shown within two (2) years of the recording of th s plat and the size, type and material are accurately shown: And that ail requirements specired in the subdivision ordinance or the City of Carmel have been met. I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that 1 have taken reasonable care to redact each social security number in this document, unless required by law. Dennis D. Olmstead -?A Professional Land Surveyor No. 900012 '',��ty�. u r r rrrr rrrr f+Ir D. Q pt7 900012 = STATE OF 1,%Rye,.,•` JOB No. 65840BKM-S2 SHEET OF 9