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NOVE~,~ER 26,
The regular meeting of the ~oard of Trustees was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by
Vice-President Fred Sv~lft. All Board members except William McFadden were pre-
sent. Town ~4muager and Town Attorney were present also.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read by the Clerk-Treasurer. Trustee
Beach instructed Clerk-Treasurer to add to the minutes the testimony of Robert
Bodner, owner and developer of Mohawk Hills Apartments, that he was paying less
than $13.00 per month per unit at Mohawk Hills for water and sewage. Trustee
Swift instructed Clerk-Treasurer to correct William Caskeys' title as To~rnship
Assessor instead of County Assessor. ~nutes were approved as corrected.
President William McFadden arrived at 7:40 p. m. and presided over the balance of
the meeting.
Ord. #D-75: Proposed ordinance #D-75 requiring the posting of performance bonds
in areas not within platted sub-divisions was road by Town Attorney. Trustee
Swift moved for adoption of ordir~unce #D-75 as read, Trustee Stevens seconded it
and it passed unanimously.
Fire Station Contribution Asreement: President McFadden read proposed agreement to
contribute equally towards p'reje'ct costs of new fire station, whereby the Tc~n of
Carmel and Clay Township agree to each contribute 50% of tetal cost of new fire
station presently under construction. Trustee Beach resolved the agreement be
accepted and executed, Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Chuck-Hole Patching: ~. PHil Reddick, Street Superintendent, stated chuck holes in
the newly annexed area of Rolling Acres is being done.
.P.0stage Meter: Clerk-Treasurer submitted information on postage meter wHich had
been asked for at previous board meeting.
Sidewalk Cost: To~a Engineer stated an estimate of cost of sidewalks from de~t~m
C'armel to Post Office had not been obtained yet.
Metal Poles: ~. Reddick stated the metal posts wHich no longer had signs on them
had be'~n removed from the dow~te~,n area.
Carmel Drive Lishts: No definite answer yet from State Highway Commission on whether
or not lights could be installed at the intersection of Carmel Drive and Keystone.
Ord[ #D-76..: President McFadden read proposed ordinance #D-76 elevating offices
with ~he police department and authorizing corresponding salaries. Trustee Swift
moved to adopt Ord. #D-76 as read, Trustee Stevens seconded it, and it passed unanimously.
HiEhway-Railway Grade Crossing Protection Passive Agreement: Letter from State High-
way Commissdon requesting Board to execute agreement presented at an earlier board
meeting was read. To~m Attorney to review statue and recommend at December lOth
meeting: To~ Attorney to write letter to Mm. Petty of the State Hig~mzay Commission
informing him of the status of the agreement.
Don Mc(~]]ou~h: Purchase of Indpls. Water Facility: ~. Don McCu!lough, Fiscal Con-
sultant to Tm. rn of Carmel, appeared before the board, to discuss additional means
of financing the purchase of the Indianapolis Water facility at 106th and Gray Road.
~. McC~llough stated Carmel wo~ju~d not be elegible for the 5% FHA fSmsacing. ~r.
McCullough stated Indianapolis ~Yater Co. wouldbe flexible as to hm.~ they recemve
pa~e t~o
payment. They would like most to have the To%~n bond for one-half the purchase price
~nd the rest be received over a 3-4 year period. Mr. McCu~lough stated the problem
of a lease-purchase type of arrangement would be that the To~m would have to go to
the PubLic Service Commission for approval of sale s~d purchase of property. Mr.
McC~llough stated the Public Service ~e,v their statues must assure the rates
charged ~re sufficient to cover capital outlays and all other expenditures. Mr.
McC~llough stated he wou2d say they would not approve rates which would only cover
h~ of this liability. ~r. McCullough stated revenue bond route financing seemed to
be the only way to go and would entail a rate increase. ~ir. Mc~]]ough stated his
recommended counter offer be .~i~1,155,000.00, to that the cost of tying it into the
present system, estimated to be another $179,000.00, cost of meters another 8 or
10 thousand. Total cost of project approximately $1,500,000.00. Softening equip-
ment another $370,000.00. Board agreed by consensus to authorize the counter
proposal as ~. McCullough outlined.
Fireman Ronald L~ Smith: Resi6nation: Chief S~,ails read letter of resignation from
Fireman Ronald L. Smith. Chief .~*ails stated Fireman S~dth was enlisting in the
Air Force. T~ustee Swift moved to make resignation effective November 19, 1974,
inasmuch as that was the last ~ull date of work. Trustee Hinshaw seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously. Clerk-Treasurer to pro-rate pay.
Stor ~e Shed. I~r. Phil Reddick, Street Superintendent, appeared before the board
to discuss buildin~ a pole barn storage shed to house the T~n's equipment. Shed
to be built on the grounds of the City building area owned by the I~Yater Utility.
Various estimates were given by Mr. Reddick. A drawing of the proposed building
was presented to the Board. ~r. Reddick and Mr. Boone Clark stated they could build
the shed themselves. Trustee Stevens moved to obtaiu price of construction labor
for someone else to build it. Trustee H~ushaw seconded it and the motion failed with
the vote 2 ayes - 3 nays. Trustees McFadden, Beach and S~rlft voting nay. Trustee
Beach moved to accept Mr. Reddick's recommendation to purchase the materials from
a local supplier at sn estimated cost of $5,600.00. Trustee Swift seconded it.
Trustee McFadden moved to a~end the motion to the effect authorization be given to
purchase materials for a 40 x 65 multi purpose pole building with asp ~halt shingled
roof with homosite sides with rolling doors. Trustee Swift seconded the ammendment.
A~nnendment passed 3 ayes - 2 nays. Trustees Stevens s~d Hin~haw voting r~y. Pres-
ident I~Fadden then called for a vote on the main motion. It passed 3 ayes - 2 ~ys.
Trustees Hinshaw and Stevens votiug nay. To~m attorney stated that inasmuch as materials
~re going to be purchased from different suppliers, bid~ need not be taken.
Fineber~ Re-zone: t.~. Doug Church representing ~&i!ton J. Fineberg appeared before
the Board to request a re-zone for Hamilton Park, from R-1 to B-3. Resolution from
Plan Commission reco~uending the request be denied was read by President McFadden.
~nutes of the Plan Co~mission ws~ also re~d. l~inutes and Resolution had different.
docket numbers on them. Trustee Hinshaw moved this roquest be tabled until the Dec.
loth meeting. Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed tus~m_tmously. A copy of the
corrected docket number to be sent to Mr. Fineberg.
2~nendment to Sanitar~ Sewer Easemont: Hunter Glen: To~n~ Engineer Fred Hohi appeared
before the Beard to request eo~ecution of amendment of Sanitary Sewer Easement
affecting the Hunters Glen Aps~tments, North side of Carmel Drive~ amendment needed
beck. use original Se~r easement did not include the entire ground in, along, upon
sad across which said sanitary sewer line has been installed and constructed, due
to scrivener's errors. Amendment was road by President McFadden. Trustee Reach
requested the regular plat be attached to the document. Trustee S~,ift moved adoption
of ~endment as read, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed 4-1. Trustee Beach
casting the nay vote.
.Dr. Filos. water bill: Dr. Fils of 11839 Somerset Way S.~ appeared before the Board
and stated that he had lived in his house for 1 ~ days and had received a water and
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11/2 6/?].~
sewer bill of $65.12, ~:~32.68 for water and $32.414 for sever. Subsequent months for
water alone was only :~7.00 and ~!~12 .O0. Dr. Filo stated an error had occurred.
Utilities Ms, nager stated he had talked with Dr. Filo and he had no explanation for
the high bill. All indications pointed to the fact water had run through the meter
Dr. Filo Stated vandalism had occured before his move-in and that water had been
turned on and the house had been soaked. Paul Estridge was the builder. Trustee
McFadden moved the ?)32.4~,~ sewage portion be dropped frmu the bill, inasmuch as the
water did not go through the se~.~r. Tro~stee Beach seconded it and it passed 4 ayes
1 nay. Trustee Hinshaw casting the nay vote. Utilities manager to adjust.
He~ilton Co. Cable TV: Trustee Hinshaw stated he had received comple, ints from con-
stituents in his ward that workers for Hamilton Co., Cable TV sto~ted digging
knm~ing where the easements ~. I~epresentatives from the Ha~ilten County Cable TV
appeared before the Board and stated letters had been sent to the t~.,zo residents that
cables had been laid across their property in errer~ apologizing and that easements
would be ascertained in the future.
Flasher Lights: Moh~.~k Trails School: ~. Riad Shaheen, President of the Mohawk Trails
P.T.O. appeared before the board and requested two flasher lights be placed at
Moh~,~k Trails Elementary School. He stated the P.T.O. could contribute $~O0.00 of
the ~990.OO cost of the ligkts. The school wo~d install. Editor of News Journal,
Valarie l,Jaters, submitted the fact that the school system had a ~{?O0,000.OO surplus.
Board felt the school should pay for the lights. President McFadden stated he would
contact Dr. ~Hartmon within the ne~t two weeks and get back with the Board.
Plug Valve Prices: N~,~ Wastew-ater ,Plan. t,: Utilities l~Lnnager, Jim Dougherty, submitted
two prices for plug valves ~.~hich had been advertised t~*lce ~*lth no bids received.
Prices were as follies: Dezurik: $12,6~.9~ Homestead: $10,969.80. Prices to be
submitted to Clyde E. %~i]2iams and Associates for recommendation at December lOth
Fran Overstreet: ~. Fran Overstreet appeared before the board and submitted a
brochure on Ste. te Grants for Ludiana Emergency Vehicles. Brechnre referred to Fire
Chief ~Fails. }.~. Overstreet also submitted recommended changes for new city wards.
T~m M~mger stated he had written tho Census B~.reau for information on nmmber of
residents in each area and ~ould present information for recommendation at later date.
~: Clerk-Treasurer requested the Board to decide on new seal. T~stee
Hinshaw reeved to retain the old design - merely change +ord Tram to City. Trustee
Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Salar~r Ordin~%nce: President McFadden stated the deadline for first publication of
salary ordinan~ for elected officials was ~rch 2, 197~. ~r. McFadden requested
the Board to be prepared to discuss proposed salaries at the first meeting in Jan-
uary and reach a decision by the first meeting in February.
~t~ !!!o~]~ Road to !Jes%: Trustee,~ S~rift. suggested the Board consider extending
Mohawk Road Jeot. T~m Engineer to worlc up p±ans.
Storm Sa~.zer Expenditure: To~n~ Engineer requested authorization for e:~endittu~e
~pPrevs,1 for replacing storm se~,ter on ~.th Street across ~mnge Line Road. Board
authorized expenditure.
23~: Trustee S~¢ift asked T~m Engineer, if any word had been received regarding
roa---'~ #234~ from the State. Tm.~ Zngineer stated he had heard nothing new.
Street Lights:. Trustee Swift stated there were three street lights out. To~,rn
I,~anager to foll~ up to get them replaced.
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Purchase of Fire Veb_icles: President McFadden ~auounced authorization had been given
~e'f '~,~ils 5o purchase the foll~iug vekicle from Dan Young Chevrolet: 1974
Chev. 4 dr. sedan - ~;3,599.00; from Carmel ~Jel~ing & Supply: 1974 International
Pict~o~ ~! wheel ch'lve~ $4~375.O0~ making the overall total purcb~ses
There being no further ~tsiness, the meetJ_ug adjoined at 10:~!5 p.m.
?filliam O. l~Fadd~n, President
Pego~Y L0u~S~uit~, Clerk Treasurer