HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-07-23-74 F'IL~ ~y!'E S OF
J~y 23, 1974
~e re.mr ~eet~ of t~ Po~i of T~mt~es ~am c~l!e~ to o~er ~t 7:03
by p~i~ent F~d ~ft~ who pre~i~e~. M~ti~ w~ ~ld ~t 40 ~t M~ St.
All Board mem~rs ~ T~ ¥~o~ager ~nd T~ Atto~ey ~m~ present.
~s~e McFad~n ~d to dispense with the ~a~ng of the ~-tes of t~ last
~ar ~et~g and a~rove t~m as ~cei~d, ~stee ~e~ns seconded it and
it passed ~sly.
~[ .~. ,-~ ~* bhe Uoar~ of zo~ng Appea~ · S~aver ~co~nded
Charles S~naver, ~m~- -- ~st~c~d b~ ~ers to be
t~ apparent of Te~ Jonson. ~.~.. ~t
thi~ ab~t the need to fill the vac~y, c~ated by 1.~. S~.na~r, ~d
p~pa~d to act on it at the n~t bo~d ~ti~: Au~st 13.
'~i~ fro~ ~be~ ~r of t~ Li~s ~ub if t~ T~ Board ~uld allow t~m
to use a pubic ad, ss s~tem ~ ad~ise their a~al fish f~. ~ey wo'~.d
use it app~X~ately e.~o h~ a day for 2 or 3 ~ys per ~ar. Bo~d ~t~cted
~erk-'~a~r ~o~ them ~ssion ~.ms ~ted by concensus to use t~ p~o!ic
ad, ss system as stated. T~ AtOmY sta~d it ~olated no ~lations.
R. V. ~.: ~ M~ager sub~t~d a p~posed ~p~ ~ had co~osed ~ ~r to
~let~r sub~t~d ~ t~ Tram Bo~d ~ 1 2 ~ ~'~. Robe~ V. ?[elch ~ a
solution to the se~r problem ~ ~ay T~ship. }~. l{elch ~ad stated he, }M. Ga~t,
~d ~,~. ~th ~lieved that procee~g with a Re~o~l Dist~ct pro~ for ~e
f~ci~ of the se~r ex~ion is t~ ~st alte~ative, and ~ld entail pe-
titio~ t~ S~a~ St~ Pollution Board to c~a~ this ~giomal ~strict and
t~ District: ~hen created, wo~d ~ t~ Eng~e~ ~, c~tract ~th the
T~ of Ca~el to acce~ the sewa~, issue the bon&~, ~d ~stall the sewers.
~.~. %,felch ~d listed 6 po~ts t~ Tram B~%rd wo~ld a~e too. }~. Steve~ ~d
not t~ To~ }.~r's rep~ ~.~red the 6 ps,ts ~ ~. ?lelch's letter.
~s~.~ ~d not a~e ~th the ~o~l o~ ~wer open. ~d a~ed that T~m
Atto~ey and ~s~e Stevens s~ld ~.~rk ~.~th ~. Sc~eltekop to co~ose a
acceptable ~-
~71 pressed at last
~s {~ ~ and ~eld si~S at ~te~ectmono
t s a~ g
~.th~ the T~m of ~el, ~a. ~. McFadden ~ved to ad~t pressed 0~.
what was ~vo!ved sh~.d ~ .- ~ .... ~nt ~ made up%e T~m Atty.
Atto~ey sta~d it wo~d ~ ~qum~ ~,
a~t pas~d by the ~ard.
~ ~d ~pl~ I}~2~IO~~~ T~tee ~t ~t~ced p~posed
~s ~d ~st~ct~ p~k~
ors!~a~e ~D-72 estab~s~ me~D ~ ,~s ..... par~S zoO. }M. ~ft
at pretty of ~tersection ~d c~ati~ o~ h~
asked t~ au~ce ~ ~o~ ~d ~ counts to m~e ~ga~ t~s subject.
Joe ~dgers spoke for about 15 ~presentatives of the t~ ~s~ess a~a ~vol~d.
Points m~de by I,~. ~d~rs ~ as foll~s:
st~p~ at t~ ~te~ection was do~, not one car ~ 25 ma~
1. S~ce the new, ~ ~ No~h or South c~ st~y ~ p~per lane.
right ~ tu~ o_z }~ S~eet
2. One hour parkinE ordin~nee all tP~t is needed.
3. Prob3~m at intersection only bad during rush hours. Left turn 1.~ue shou_ld
be restricted to one or two hours in merndng and evening duriug rush hours.
4. 26 park~ng spaces taken m~ay.
~. If at any time in the future any spot available that could be pttrchased,
m~rchants would go together and purchase it and -make a public or private parking
lot £or downto~en merch~%uts.
6. Enforce strongly, one hour parking.
~[r. S~.rift stated:
1. 26 parking spaces were not taken away.
2. Traffic counts showed a definite problem of congestion at intersection,
with 12, O00 cars going through intersection on Range!ine daily and about 6,000
on 234.
3. Presented ~r. Z~_~te!,s suggestion of June 27, ~972, acco.~panied hy Mr. Robert
Ferrin,s approval, represent~n~ the C~mel Chamber of Co~nerce, which includes
most all of the Ca~mel businessmen, which suggested left turn lanes at this
· ntersection very similar to the ones at the intersectio~ nm,.
4. Matter has been discussed m~ times since then, therefore, merchants should
not say they were ~rprised by it.
5. ~ction was not an arbitrary attempt to cut out d~nt~ merchants.
6. ~e .b~d heard n~r~ c~-~nts of improved traffic movement ~ince the left ~
lanes ~ere striped. Martha Nutt, in the audi~nce, Counted h~, improved it had
been pas~ her house on Rathe!inc.
7. If left t~ns were not allowed until a block after 234 and Ran~eline, a worse
congestion ~ould happen there, inasmuch as there are no sigr~ls there, merely
stop sig~s.
~U~tee Mcfadden moved to introduce Ordinance #D-72 for first re-ding, Trustee
Stevens seconded it, and it passed un~mously. To~n ~&ttorney read proposed
.ordin~nce. President S~_ft then asked for ~urther questions and ccmm~nts. Load~_
~ zone suggested is covered in old B-~ ordinance. Street Dep~rtment merely
needs to post signs indioatin~ such. Zone to be in front of cleaners. T~ustee
McFadden moved to suspend rules and act on ordinance at first present~tion, ~.
~nshaw seconded it and it passed 4 ayes-1 nay. ~. Beach castin~ nay vote.
To~ &ttorney read ord&nance second time. Trustee ~inehaw moved to a~m~nd o~inance
to the effect that dr~ dated June 2~, ~74, of T~n of C~rmel Intersection
markin~ Main Street and ~estfield Blvd. be ~de a part of the ordnance as "E~hibit
A", Mr. Beach seconded it and it ~n~ it passed un~imously. T~n &ttorney read
ordinance t~ird time. TrUstee Hinehaw moved to amend ordinance to read one hour
p~rk.ing restriction to be effective from ? a.m. to 5 p.~. ~nday thru S~turd~y.
Mr~ Beach seconded it and it passed un~i~ously. T~n &ttorney then read ord~nce
D-?2 as ~nm~nded (~) ~n~ (2), Mr. N~l~dden moved to pass ordinance %%D-72 as
sm~ended, ~r. ~nsh~, seconded it and it passed unanimously. Board instructed
T~ Engineer to replace sign~ that were vandalized and begi~ er~orcing th~ one
hoar parP~n~ under the 1~56 B-1 ordinanoe u~til the D-?2 ordinance becomes effecti~.
Trustee McFadden instructed Mr. Hohl have the curbs that ~ro painted yello~ where
~e e~cecded the three par~n~ space limit be re-p~inted white immediately, as
in ~ibit "~,. Trustee ~haw instructed T~ Manager inform Econ~ Elevator
what h~s transpired here a~ they did no~ have a representative present. &lso, to
inform all other merchants about the one hou~ p~r~i~ lf~it which ~*~11 be in effect
KEN THO~PSO.~:: ~5r. Ken Thompson rsquested the Boord allm,~ the Indi-3~no. polis I~ater
_~-~-~,~o sel~e semen lots adjecent to the Indi~%ua ·
of 106th Street in s--~' ........ polms main on the nor%h md
~un ~ou~ o!- ~ne ~';oodlands addition. Trustee Mc_Whdde~ Ge
moved to all~ the reGuest' Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
pa~e three
S~CIAL BOARD ~ETING JULY 2~: President Swift r~minded other Board members
of the special board meeting set up for July 29, to pass a special appropriation
ordi~%uce and to talk about the budget.
SHOStD1E DPd?/E: President 5%rlft ias~me~ed 1,~. I~ look at ~e ~'lest bo~d lane
or the No~h ha~ of S~sho~ i~i~ ~d ~t an est5_~%~ on cost of ~pa~.
O~]~L~ //Z-141: Atto~ey Beerb~.~er, ~p~s~t~ P~I ~sb~w, ap~a~d ~
request t~ bo~ ~-zo~ a tra~ of l~d on ~e ~%h side of West F~ S~et
~ ~ 200 block from ~4 to B-1. T~ee ~h~ d~qua~fied ~se~ f~
vot~ ~ t~s p~sentation. ~si~nt ~.~ft read ~solution f~ Plan C~m.dssion
~co~ ~a be ~-zoned. ~3. ~r. l-~w gave ~aso~ w~ ~ felt ~a
s~d ~ B-1 as fo~s:
1. B-1 is t~ best use for this p~bi~ar piece of p~perhy.
2. ~ol~rty ~dia~ ~ ~st is zend B-2.
3. ~ ~,m~m ~si~sses ~ B-1 or B-2.
4. Ho re~nstrato~ appea~d at the public ~a~ w~n B-1 was ~quested, ~d
one ~-solici~d ~ol~s~ ~oke for the re-z~ ~uest.
5. He o~.ms the p~perty ~a~ly west of tract_n~ euestion. ~d li~s t~re
~ pl~ to cont~ue li~ the~.
~. ~ft ~ad pressed Ord~ ~Z 141 ~quest~ ~-zo~ ~om ~4 to B-1.
McFad~n ~d to s~e~ ~es, Mr. Ste-~ seconded it a~ it passed ~s~.
O~ce ~ms ~ad a tki~ t~. ~. M~dden ~d to adopt ~ce /,~Z-3 hl as
~ad, Mr. Stevem~ seconded it ~d it passed ~us~, 4-0.
STEVE URICK: G~Y~E E. F~,T,L~: ~!r. Ufc~ck, of ~%e E. ~ill~ & ~., stated
a let~r ~ E.P.A. ~%d ~o~d us t~t after ~eiv~ a let~r f~m ~stead
Val~ Co. co~!ai~ t~.t th~ we~ not a~owed to bid on t~ v~ves for ~v.
B ~terceptor ~nst~ction for the ~orth %~ast~.;ater S~-~or ~a~nt ~ve~nts,
we k~.d t~ee alte~ati~s to a~id Jeopa~zing ~e g~%nt. (1) accept }~o~stead
valves as they ~re~ ori~al~ sent to ~gi~er's office. (2) co~letely ~-bid
~ti~ project. (3~) ad~ise and ~-bid for just the valves ~ q~stion.
Jeer Faz~kas, ~p~se~ I~s~ad V~, was p~sent and gave ~ orato~ ~
~ t~ let~r ~ms sen~,. ~. I~cF~den mo~d to ~-bid valve~ as soon as possible,
~r. ~k~ seconded it and it passed 4-1. t~. ~ch casting the nay vote. ~ard
e~ssed st~ng disapp~val for tactics used by Homestead Vat~ Co.
I~N ~E~LZR LDID: Trastee H~nsh~-t stated he had talked with Yrs. ~e!ler and
told her that in the event I-~ghes Constn~ction Co. did not put back the fences
on her property~ the T~.*n ~;ou!d stand beh~md the responsibility of puttin~ the
fences back in good o~ler. ~oo-rd a~om-eed.
~.rS CO~ST. CO.: Upon recommon~.tion of T~m Hs~ager, ~. McFadden mo~d to
~.utho~ze ~ ~t. ~. ~stal! filters which a~ in tro~sit at present, ut
a cost of 5~OOO.OO~ befoE the bond sole. ~r. ~t seconded it and it
pm?StUd mmu~u~ous!y. Lork ir~ on ne~ ~oolmbL~ Utter E:~on'~ion ~oject.
02DL~2I~E ;~B-~;: I~on reco.~u~ndation of To~rn ]Isnage~r, ?.~r. ~fcFadden moved to adopt
O~nance ~-~).~c~oi~ ~c .... e ~e. Sn~ ............ ~ ,~500.00 ~er ~ear :m~] to
:.nc~o~e' Da~.d ~etcher :)400.00 ~o~ :~ar~ Ur. Beach seconded it and it passed
AO~E.t~I:IT ~ tDT~ .I~T _r'L.'~,~ OPEPf. TOR: To~m L%na~er stated he had ta~ked ?f_th
~- In~. Co. regarding prospective ne~-~ emplc~yee for utility dep~bment
who has on occassion~! Te~5~or~l Lobe Zeizure ~nc~ k~d been advised Tram %:o~ld be
p~tected sho~ld he be k'~rt cn the job. Board ~greed to hire h~u upon receipt
of letter fror~ Ir~rance Co. ve~--f.in3 the fact.
~.~GL,~, ~,L~X,!ZY ~LQ.~GE OE~E,, '~,,-1 .- Upon rcc~enfmtion of Vti!ities
:~7 ~cFad~n roved to authoriz~ ~.~. ~ si~ change o~r i~,sing p~_ce of
project ~,:,27, ,OO.~: ~%v. B: ~rcop+,or~._ ~lo~h T~a~ent Correction.
l.~sha~ seco~ted it sad it p~sed ~mtsly. ~.
'Ti~s sto~d tkq,t it~ had ~en tel+, out of the o~:.~ .1 ~d ~d ~zou]_d
be co~letety covo~d by ~ant
P_.~_~RT!TION UT,ILIT'Z OFF!CZ~: Utilities I;~na~r rec3tected pe~ssion 'bo partition
around the desks of Utility Clerk's ~o reduce noise and ~.ake for more office
space. Eoard agreed to all~,~ r~'. to procccd ~ith the p~rtzon..ng.
.~ere being no ~urther ~ts~ss~ the ~.~cting t,~as adjovrned at 11:0~ p.]~.
Pe~zy .~,ou SrLith,
C!erk-Treo. surer
Fred T.' Drif% President
Doard of Tz~stees f