HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-08-27-74AUGUST ~7~ 197h
~,~r~ ~t~n~ of thc :oord of T~:stees ar'ss c~ed to order st 7:08 2.m. by
~esident ~e~ '-~rift ~ith [1 ] ~ board ~em~er~ present~. Toun T'~nager~ T~.m J~to~ey
present also.
T~stee 7:c~adden r~oved to c~ispensc w~th the r~r~r~in~ cf tho ~.nutes of the
~].!:-.r meet~nZ and :?pronto them r.g ~ce~ved: ~st. ee etevens second.eS it ::n(~.
~to.~.rd agreer~ to s~lrpen,q ~t_~,es r~F ,:.c., o~ orddD.?.nces progentod on +.bi~ ~?.±,e on
O~,~A~,,~L~,~ '~n_V~. President , ,~f_, read propo?cd o~'~'n' n~o /%73 ~pea]_ing C~in~.nce
~.~ ........ - "~' curze.~. ~astee ?each moved to adopt OrainTnco '%-7~ '~m ~e,~
~.stee cFadden seconded 5%~ e.n~ it passed
O~=W,t~-~ ,u~ Cu. President ?,,~_ft re~d oroposed Ord_ln~nce :i-"~-~$ ?.ending Ord-Lnnnce
~~.t.l~ t~cl~ traffic on ce~.ain public ~.sht2 of lmy
Ca,~e].~ ~'.no~ and p~_r~.5~ pear. lid.es for ~_o3.ation to f~clud, e ~!averstick ?nad.
The ~iord 's~: for "c~l" ~as chsn~d 5n tho t~rd para.apb ~:fter the ~s~ing.
~stee ] cFadden moved to ad~t ~dLnance ~"-~ as ~xd,~ed~ %~stee ~U_nsh?3l seconded
ORD~:zYTC:¢ ?~-71!: President '~£t re*d pr~msed Or,~5.n,'nc~ r0-?!: "..mending Orddn-~ne,~ ?-71
establishing )oeatior~~ of stop an~ Ff'.eld sdgns ut intersections ;~.thfn the T~m of
Cc:a~el, Indiana~ to inc]nde lhverstick Pond :md '"r?.n F!oce. Trustee ~each moved to
adopt Ordinance ii~'D-7!; as read; Trustee IbFr. dden seconde~ it :.nd it p-~sed ~m~n3.uously.
!~70LUTI0!i./~-8277L:~ Tastee T~cF~.dden no~,,d to ~.dopt resolution electing to join
~, ~ emp.!oyeo ' ~ retirement f~m;! begirmd_n,q
seconded ~t' and it o.-, ~°~o,-,ed~ r_n:~r~.mous]y.
_~.JOLUTIOL~ ,i!2-~77!!: T-~stee ~h~.ift moved to adopt resolution to sub~.t to the voters
within the ~.~mcdpa! Ifps!ts of C~21~ Indi?mu~ the questdon u.s to ~hether or not
said voters desto to beco~ a rough class city~ ~.stee 7te-;ens secon~d it and
O¢J'DE![DI~ ,;~A-!~[: Proposed ~,~ance ,J(~-h~ c!,~ri~-ng the rates and char~s established
for the use of and ce~rices rende~d by the ~m~e~mrks system of the To~,m of
~as ~ad by ~'esident ~ft. T~_s~e Steve~ mo~d to ad~t 0rdi~'mee ,j:A-}~ as ~ad~
T~tstee ![~.~'nox~ seco~/ed it end it passed ,~mam~ous!y.
,,~Ufq OEd'E~rIOU__: A let~r from !rs. R. !if . ~q '~ ~ ' ~ ' ~
JAYCF/~ C~[~CER ~'~ * -- ~ ~k_mo,>~e~tun~ to the
Jzycees conducting a ftmd raisd~g c~ive at 'the intersection of Ran~ Line ~und
ITt. l)avid Ad.~ts~ Past ~e~mden,, of the &%me,,~ ,~.o p~scnt and stated tlns d.~_ve had
been ve~/ sucess~D, and ['~s. Par!~.~~ objection ~as the o~~ one he !~,e~; a~t.
n ~ and did not !Cznr3er -~ '~
Team ¢a'~rd ut~eed the ~ve wac for ~. wo~tV c,u~e ~r,~f._c thr. t roach
and inc~cated they would probably /ye app~val for the s~ t~e ~ve ~:~ ~ar.
ESCP. Oi! AG_~EEi?Z%*T: i~rGI~S !TiTAn'.rAGE CO~PLCT: ~r. Drvd.d Idioms, ~i~reso~ing
appea~d before the Boord with !-r. G~nt Worton~ of E. U. !dj. shes ~.~ Inc. and p~sente~
a p~posed Escr~ lg~em~ut bettmen the T~m~ E. H. ~aghes Co., Inc. cad l~nion
T~emk ~S Esc~w Ag~t to ~.11~ contract ~trfnage ~md~ to be investea l,y the c~tractor.
~,~stee ~each uovcd the Tots :'o~.rd ~esident be aut!".ori~ed to e:~eeute t~ 'tgreenen%
Trustee T~cFarlden seconded it :~nd it passe~
page t~.~o.
befo~ t~e._ ?oard a~d presented p~oposod Ord~ce ~-l~t~ re-zon~ p~.ro~ "Lot ~,4 ~m
~ie I~.gk~ay Addition to !Ion~ ~ce ~om 2-3 to ~-1. A re:~olut~.on f~m the ~an
Co~ssion ~co~nd~g demi~l of the B-1 request uas read by Yr. ~t. ~e Plan
m_o zoning. .:% ~so~t~sion ~,~ held ~a ~'~ '
Co~ssion had prefe~ed a , ~ .~ ~ ~o r,-z:-a the d~ference
bet~een 2-1 and ~-3. ~az~e 'Pnshcm felt a!] ao:mtoun bus,ness a~as sho~d be 2-1.
Tr~.stee ~each felt so:~ re~f~atmons shm~!f be ~,~pl-e ~o'2o~ed or~sace ~ms ~ad by
Ur. ~t. Tram Aiio~y questio~d the wording in the legal desc~_ption of the
orrU_nance. Secti~ I uas re-read by ~. ~ift rafter chan~_n~ t~ ~ord ,pa~, to read
"East b~". T~stee ~,~cF dden noved to ~.dom~ Or~nnce 2Z-1 ~2 as re~z,_,ed~
Stevens seconded it smd t~ ~-zone fsi!ed to pass ~fith the vote 3-1. ~r. Ueach
cast~g the ~,~ vote~ ~. -,~f~ 0~+~ ~ ~ a '
n , ~,~_. ~ .......... n_~. T~m Attorney~.ooes-tea ..... ma]~g the
fled ~ .... -o ~
~ng~ee~ c storey a pa~ off the ord~mnce ~'~ ~ahibit A. Ur. ~_cF~dden ~d
adopt Ordnance ,:~ ~-1~:= as os~.ended to ~'~ ~ A
..... n:~e E:fi~ibit for tho heres smd boumds
de~c~ptmon ~ the o~!~n'.nce. ~. Ste~e~z seconded ms. and :_"'~, passed rm,~n~mously.
Doug ~:~cb 3~pecmeS. before the Bo~d to reiter'-te his req. est of' 'll~St ])O:~r~
on beha~ of ~ ~'~ .Ti!fo~, of !Nmilton Vestern ~t.O.zt.,_e~,, to obt~:.zn ~he To~.m's
~ " .... '~ 'OicT~ ',,~lli'~.m~ for bis
pe~.~sion oo sell 75~000 ga!lonz ~..oe capacity to.,
:.:et., O.~rdens. Nm. ~ '~' ~ bis
.... llz-m., an5 Atto~ey, Ooug
Fe!ton~ ?ere p~se~ also. ~ztee UcF dden nove~ t'oe..~ E~i ~_~ ~ to~,r' ' co~ent for
docvPonts beimS dra~m up by Tram Atto~ey and I~. ~rch and the documents boJ.n~ app~ea
~,~e e~, seconded the motion an':~ ~ ..... ~ ]71. ~- ~ ..... -~' -
the nsy vote.
mud Urban )eve!o~nt. ~,?zest~.g our pn~cieJ~.?tion in their ~oo:! -n...r_nee ~ m~ .... pro~ .n
refe~ed to tho T~,m '~" r,~
reco~.en~ .... on at ~ !:~ter c~ate.
Tn?_tee :~cF~k!en !eft at ~:2~ F.n.'
~EDICATIO~! OF !~th ~t: ~?n ~<:ksr: ;~on the rceo-'~z~,n,'!ation of
~each ~ove-' to accept the ~edicaticn of 1.76 ac~ of read, say of !°Sth St. fron
n. RancburC of ~fn ~,ahes~ e:'zc% !ef/g 5escript~on in ?~'~ication. ~as-hee
neconde:! 5.t~ an~ it ?acsed