HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-01-08-74 ~ILUTES OF
TRUS~'JES ~'~ ~
JAI~JARY 8~ 19711
President Fred Swift called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with T~,m Attorney~
Town I~.nager and ail board members except Stan Beach present.
for the 96th Street Wastewater Disposal Pro~ect were opened by Town Attorney
Pearce. Bids were as follows: and announced by ~. Sam Lyle of Clyde E. ~illia~ Co.
Eagle i~alley Construction Corp .- .............. ~796,973.00 ~ ~, ~ o
Ih~ssell F. Davis, Inc.- ....................... 3~,z~i.~i~.
Loitz Bros. Const. Co., Inc.- .................. 858,423.30
Joe R. Norm&u, Inc.- ........................... 862,722.73
Gradle Bros .- .................................. 1168, 6l~6.00
Avco Const. Co., Inc.- ......................... 3,4~0,000.O0
E. H. Hughes, Co., Inc.- ....................... 3,236,076.00
Sollitte Const. Co. - .......................... 3,571,O34.00
Bids were referred to the consulting engineer for a recommendation later in the
evening. One of the bidders asked the estimate and was told the estimate for ]~lv.
A was ~;2,7[d~,000.OO and Div. B :i~737,OO0.00.
~. McFadden moved to approve claSms numbering 1 thru 126 totaling '~226,53~ .70 be
approved. ~. Ttinshaw seconded it and it passed tuuanM,~ously.
~,:~. Hiushaw left at 6:55 p.m. to attend a Police ;~ommissioners meetir~z.
Mr. Beach arrived at 7 p.m.
l~r. S~lft announced that the ~h~in Lakes ~nnexation Ordinance had gone through last week
and had been properly record]ed arzl ~ffadavit filed.
~. McFadden moved to ~.~aive the reading of the minutes and approve them as ~,~ritten. ~.
Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
l~r. S~.rift opened the floor for a discussion on a reco~mvaendation to the County Council f~r
the third m~mber of the newly created Economic Development Co~nmission. ~. McFadden
moved to recommend to the County Council that they appoint Tom Quellhorst to the
Economic Development Commission. ~. Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
~. McFadden to notify George B~reL1 of the Board, s action.
UT~ERGROU~D LIGlYfING I~ WOOBI~ND SPEI~GS: T~n Manager read a letter from the Board of
Directors of ~oodland Springs, Inc. requesting underground street lighting for Woodland
Springs subdivision, ~ections 1~1,5,6,7 & 8. The ?)12,800.00 cost of the installation to
be paid by WooUla ~i Springs. ~. Beach moved to proceed ~th providing the underground
street lighting they requested providing they pay the installation cost as stipulated,
~. McFadden seconded it and it passed un~ui~ously. Mr. Stevens requested ~. Sc~Bltekop
& Tmon Engineer to check on ~.~hero the street lights would be placed.
L~nager announced that he had checked on delivery date for the new zerox copier
and had been told we wot~ld have it in a couple of weeks. Board advised 1.~. Schmeltekop
to give them until January 25 to deliver the copier or t~ To~.aa would cancel the order.
1/~/?'_,. ~age 2,
~. Sch~eltekop said he had talked with ~.~. %,~ilfong and had been told the State Board of
Health ~.~ould n~f approve the satellite plant and Mr. Wilfong would still l%ke to lease
it to the Tm.in for ~i~1.00 per year. I.h% Pearce said from a legal standpoint the lease
is acceptable. Board agreed leasing would be acceptable to them. ~. Sh¢ift a~d lit.
Schmeltekop to remiud Mr. ~'!ilfong that he had not submitted a financial report of ~
t~hmilton Uestern Utilities yet and this would have to be done before a contract was signed.
BIDS FOR SODIL~I FLUORIDE & LIQUID 6~{LORIh~: Bids were opened by T~,~n Engineer Fred Hohl
for the following:
I,~ID-STATE 6]~,iIC~iL & SUI°PLy CO.:
Sodiun Fluoride ---125 lb. drums ..... -$26.2~/c~t
Liquid Cl~lorine .... 150 lb. cylinders-- l?.20/m, rb plus cy. dep. of (~50.00 ea.
Sodium Fluoride---125 lb. drums ...... ~25.55/cv~
Liquid Chlorine---150 1~. cylinders--- 17.20/0wt plus cy. dep. of' ~50.00 ea.
Prices on a 30 day basis only.
Sodium Fluoride---lOO~ bags .......... v25.40/cwt
Liquid Chlorine---150 ~i~ cylinders--- 17.20/~t plus cy. dep. of ~.~50.00 ea.
200~ cylinders: 1 to 14 cylinders .... $1~..50 plus $400 dep. oncy.
15 to 29 " .... 11.50
Ulrich prices firm to3/31/74- 30 to 44 " .... 10.50 " " ,, ,,
then subject to quarterly revision. 45 to 59 " .... 10.00 "
60 or more" .... 9.50 " "" "
B~_BS FOR S~T: Bids were opened by Tm*n ~gineer Fred Hohl for the fo!imfing:
MORTON SALT CO.: ~fater Softener "'
Salt~,~25.80 per tn.-21 tn. minimum
Road Salt ........... 16.05 " " ' ,i u
DI~d-i0ND CRYSTAL SALT CO.: No bid-letter re~rett~g ~.
I?~IRLITION~kL S~£T CO.: Uater Softener o~.lt ........ ~32.00 per tn.-21 tn. mini~nnu
SALT 00.: Water Softener Ss~lt---(~25.60 per tn.-21 tn. minidraw-Price
firm for 1 year.
Ilr. Hohl reco~uend~d the Board accept Morton Salt Co. bid for Road S~&t of $16.05 and
refer the other bids to 1~. Daugherty, Utilities ~Ianager for recor~endation.
I,~. Beach moved to accept the Morton Road Salt bid as reco~mmnded, ~. HcFadden seconded
it and it passed unanimously.
}ir. Hobfl_ Llunounced we wo~ftd not receive ar~f hot asphalt bids tonight as advertised, but
re-advertise in Februo~-y.
COLD .~IIX ASPI5~LT bid was opened by Iir. Pbhl from H~ilton County Asphalt, Inc. for $12
ton plant pick-up in To~,m of'~Can~l Trucks. ~. Hohl recommended the bid be accepted. ~.
Beach ~oved to accept the bid as submitted, I'~. Stevens seconded it and it passed un~usly.
COiE~iO1J AC~Y~C~T~ bid ~as opened by 1tr. Rohl from ~anericg~ Aggregates Corp. for 3000 tons
or less as follows: ?72&53 Crushed ' ~ ~
' L~teotone--~d .85 per ton-delmve~d-.~2.55 per ton.
~73 ~s~d L~stone ~e 0--~1 .g5 per ton-del.-~2.65
i/53 " '~ -T .ype P ...... ')2.10 per ton-"
P ..... i~2.20 "-" )2.90
~,~8-9-11 Crushed -
" Gravel ........ 72.10 " "- f' :~2.80
F712 Gravel .................... ~]~1.45 " "-" (;2.15 " "
Fill Sand ................. y,--'i;1.00 '~ " '~ 71.70 " "
iir. ~l recommended the bid be accepted, l.ir. hcFadden moved t~ accept the bid as sub-
_t passed unan~usly.
mitred, lir. Stevens seconded it and ~
1/8/74 pa~ D
BID FOil ROAD i~tI~AI2,~R on lease-option to purchase basis was opened from Deeds Equipment
Co., Inc. for a new Hv:oer ?00 llodel as foll~s: '~ ~ u
Item #1---Ford D-172 Gasoline ~gine ~fdrostatic drive, Du]/Ldozer ~/lifting unit 1800-~6~
8 ply rear tires 900-16,10 ply front tires, Calciu~ Ckloride Solution iu Tires,
Hour L~eter Scarifier, moldbo~ mounted, including all standard equipment
described in bu/letin H.M.-700. Total Pr~_ce-?12,347.00-$600 per month.
Item i/2 Sa~ as Item ~/1, ~;ith Perm Leveler, including Hydraulic Tilt. Total Price-
$14,O77.O0 per month.
Item ~, 3 S~e as Item i~1 ~na 2 with ~OPS Open Type Canopy installed-Total Price-
$15,~O7.00-$750.00 per month.
Item //4 Sszm as Ite~ 1, ar~ 2 ~_th BOPS Cab, de!~e, ihall enclomuro, safety glass,
~.~indshield ~,rlper, heater, defroster mnst~.lled-Total-~16,237.00-~800.00 per ~o.
Item i75 Light package, turbo head lights, directional lights, revolvmno beacon also bamk
up alarm. Increase price of Items ?/3~J~ by %00.00 ar~ monthly rental by $50.00.
I~. Hohl recmmuended Board accept Item %~2 as a ~'~mi~mm but in preference he reco~mended
Item #3 plus Item ~5. This a~.~ard subject to analysis of present fiscal situation.
Decision to be ~de at next boa~l meeting-January 22, 1974.
A letter from ?hdonna Keesling of the Trend House was discussed reg~a~tin4~ some steel
shavings clogging up her se~r line and asking the T~.m to ro-imb%wse her plu~fl~ing bill
cost of removing them. Tram Engineer did not believe the shavinge c~m~ fro:u the sector
line and roco~n~%ed the Board not ro-imburse the lady. Bo~l a,~reed and asked ~. !Iokl
to advise l~s. Keesling of this.
Hr. Gsrretson appeared before the Board to discuss the action of the Cotmty Co~mzissioners
rejecting the possibility of giving Clay Tm.reship any ne%; precints, of doing ~ ne~,~
re-districting ~-rlthin the to~,~ship and stated that at the same time they approved over
a million dollars worth of bridge censtn~ction. ~. Garretson stated Clay To%;Ilship does
not get their fair share of ~;hat the Co%tory Commission does. ~. Garretson stated that
their excuse ~ms there was no money to provide voting r~achines for any ne~ precints and
~ould not go to the electronic voting machines. I~. Gsrretson stated that 42.4)~' of the
$300,000.00 for the OEtwm_ltive Bridge Fund to be spent csm%e from the residents of Clay
Tm~nship but there is not one ne~-~ bridge to be built in Clay To~a~ship from this fund~ ~
there are 5 in Co~mmissioner Hartleys district, and in 1 973 there ~ere 6 bridges built-
2 in Clay T~mship -2 in Jad~son To%reship. ~. Garretson pointed out also 'that last Ur.
Clay Tmmsl~ip received only 16% of the road construction money. Based on these points,
I~. Garretson recommended the Board publically protest and contact Senator ~vaL1 and
P~presentative Donaldson call/ng for a ~udated reapportiorm~nt of the County Co~ission
by the 1976 primary election. ~. llcFadden moved to authorize the Tram i~saager contact
Senator Duvall and Representi~e Donaldson as suggested by 1~. Gc~retson, 1~. Stevens
seconded it and it passed unr~mously. ~. HcFadden also ~oved the Board put in
resolution form these 3 points: 1. Critical of the Co~umf.ssions action on the precints
smd urge them to re consider this action 2. Protest their method of selection of
projects ~md their allocation of funds for road and bridge construction. 3. Col].
on C~m~issioner Davis to e~lain kis actions as a representative of ~ay Tounship.
~. Beach seconded it and it passed unar~'~mously.
I~M. Sclm~eltekop stated that Don il'cOullogh ~lyO~ld like to ii,et ~clth the board January 14
at 7 p.za. to discuss the bond issue and Board agreed to hold a special mtg. that ever~mg.
I~r. Schmeltekop requested the Boards approw.1 to refund 1,k% iMNo~uara the balo~ce of ~.;4,028.76
in the lit. Carmel Interceptor ~d and ;1 ~071 .O0 u~ is ~ ~e Interceptor ]~o~sion
~d ~d s~d ~ave been ~ the Mt. ~l ~terceptor ~d. 1,M. ~arce reco~:~en~d
~. Sc~ltekop get~ a copy of the si~ed ag~ement bet~een i.~:.~-~cN~ra ~d 1~.
and adv~e I~. HcN~ara that the Board ~-~o~d l~/~e for ~ to si~ an ag~e~nt ~ld~
the T~.~n of ~el han~ess ~ ~ demands ~,~. ~mJi~o~ ~gllt ~ce. ]~oard a~eed to all~
the ~d p~vidfmg !M. Schueltekop obta~ the ag~ements Iir. ~arce ~co~mended.
ST~ET I'D/D?ERING: T~.rn Hanager stressed the need for street re-numbering that he had
reco~,-~nded to the Board which ~ould leave numbering, as is bet~,;een K~ystone Ave. on the
E.st: 116th on the South, ~ridian (old route) on the ~[est and Gray Poad on the
~;orth. L~t leave both sides of 116th-Iudianapolis number~. ~. S~.rlft opened the
floor for a motfon to approve ~.~. Schmeltekop's suggestion. No motion ~,~as received.
~. IIcF,zdden ~,~ved to direct the Build/r~ Cmm,~issioners office to st~u~t on a project
on re-num,,~beriug ~e houses in the Car~,~l area, retaiuing the V~udianapolis numbering
s~ystem ~o. and So. and using Westfield Dl~d. as the center going East &:[est. ?~.
Stever~ secor~ted it and it passed 3 ayes-1 nay-l.~, bh,rift c~,sting the nay vote. A
disc%~ssion regarding the eerier lfne follow,ed. 1-~. McFadden moved to revoke the notion
just passed, ~. Stevens seconded it and it passed un~rd~,~.ously. ~. ilcFadden then moved
to re-number the hcm~s iu Car~l Clay area retaining Indianapolis nu~berin~ s$~tem~ L~orth
~o South ond Es. st to ?Zest and reto. ining Old ~:eridian (Koko~o Ave. ) as the dividing line
East and ?Yest ~,rlth an Lmaginary line projected North ~rom approximately 126th Street
effective January 1, 1 97~. ~. Stevens seconded it and the vote was 2 ayes 2 opposed.
Eeach and ,%~ift c~,sting the npposition votes. Clerk-Troasurer then casting ~'n aye
vote ~l the motion passed 3-2.
I2I'. l~cFadden moved to change Range Line R~ad to ?festfie!d Blvd. effective Jarna~y 1, 197~.
~2r. Death seoon¢%~d it and it passed unani~,ously. T~n Attorney and Tm,n/ l,D~uager to research
procedure to follc~.
?~ard ren~_uded T~n ]~Ianager to foll~.~ up on cle~ng the basement of the ]biild3_ug
Cor~issioners office so meetiugs co~2~d be held there.
~. ~,~Lft recessed t]~ meeting at 9:1~ p.m.
Vice-President ;~Fadden re-convened the ~meting at 9:2~ p.m. inasmuch as l~. bYrlft
had not returned.
]~. Ssn Lyle, fre~,~ the Consulting Engineering finu, recor, r,,ended the Doard ~u~dfe a tentative
a~ard to the l~ bidder of E. H. ~5~ghes Co. for Division A of the ?Yastewater Disposal
PToject subject to these contingencies:
1. In~zr~nce coverages ~ere less than specified and Bo~mrd should ask for proof the
specified coverage be furnished.
2. Statment that a bon~U~ngo co~p~ ~ill furnish them a co~.~letion labor and ,~aterial bnd
~;hich was ~tissing from their contract.
3. A proposal pc. per listing the sub-contractors which they intended to e~,~loy ~.;as missing
and this should be i%zrnished ~m,uecLiately.
L!. Jeed to sign~ a non-discrir~in~,tory section.
~. Subject to the T~n~ obtairdng proper financing.
6, Financial statement be satisfactor~y.
~. Stevens roved to a~a~d a tentative a~ard to E. H. L%~ghes for the amount submitted
upon proof of the contingencies outlined by I~. Lyle. ~. Beach seconded it. I,~. S%.rift
arrived at this time. ~-iotion repeated and it passed unamimously.
11%'. Lyle recommended the Doard give a tentative a~ard to the lo~,~ bidder, Eagle Valley
Construction Co. for Division B of the ?[aste%mter Disposal Project subject to t~%e
contractor furniski~g proof they ~]] provide the specified insurance coverage and subject
to the T~nms obts, dming necessary f~aa~cing, i:r. S~,~ift ~ved to tentatively c~,~ard.' the
contract for Di~sion B ~ Eagle Valley Const. Co. su3oject to contingencies ou~alined by
I~. Lyle, ~. Stevens seconded it arm! it passed un~33m0nsly. Consulting ]~fneers to
follo~ up on co~pli~ce of the bids.
ih-. Stevens requested Tram i.~.~r draw up an organizational cheat of the To~n~ listiug
the nsz~s and duties of the er, ployeees.
1/8/7h paCe 5.
Iir. Swift ~ved to adjourn the meetin~ at ~:h~ p.m., ~-~. Deach seconded it and it
pas s ed~unard~uously.
Tram of ~rmel
Pegg~ L6u~omi~h ~ -- ~