HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-01-22-74Board of Trustees Meeting January 22, t974 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Fred S~.~ift with all board members~ To~n ,~ttorney and T~n Manager present. McFadden moved to waive reading of the last mirmtes and approve them as received~ Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. sett~no the salaries O~)~ANCE#B-46: ~. McFadden mo~d to adopt Ordinance ~B-46, ' ~ for all t~.m e~loy~es for 1974, ~. Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. ~. A1 Pickett, Building Co~m~issioner, appeared before the board to discuss ~modeling the old library building to acco~nodate more than the eight person restriction the Administrative Building Council had applied. I~. Pickett estimated tbs work required would cost appreximately~i~2,500.OO. ~. Beach moved the Board authorize tb~ $2,500.00 exqoenditttre as per ~. Picketts estimate and according to the Administrative Building Councils requirements, and to officially reco~d the State's pernission and portion of tt~se minutes pertainiu~ to said e~enditure, l~. McFadden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ~.~. S~.xift announced that the paperwork for the Sew~,ge I, Yorks Refunding Bevenue Bond of 197~ had been executed and the n~ bond for $~60,000.00 was registered in the of }~erchants National B~k and Trust Company of Indianapolis maturing June 1, 1974~ ~ith interest rate of ~,~ per annum. I,~. JLm Dougherty, utilities manager, appeared before the Board to recommend the acceptance of the bid for Fluoride and Chorine from ~id-State Chemical Co., as they were the low bidders Jo.n. 8, 1971-;. }ir. McFadden moved to accept the bid as recommended, ~lr. tSnshaw seconded it and it passed unanfi~uously. l,~r. Dougherty reco~mmnded acceptsnce of the bid received from I,Sckigan Salt Co. Jan. 8, for water softener salt. ~. McFadden r,~oved to accept the bid as reco~nmended~ Hfnshaw seconded it and it passed unarfig~ously. ~. Dougj~erty requested the salary of C~arlene Givens, Lab Techuician, be changed from ~;2.75 hour to ~i~6,400.00 annually. ~M. Hfi_nshaw moved to amend the Lab Technicians salary in the previously enacted B-46 Salary Ordinance, to an annual sale, fy of fm~t6~400.OO. ~.~. ~.~cFadden seconded it and it passed unanimously. ~'~. Pearce, T~m Attorney, announced that ?M. Ckristensen would be ~t the February 12 Board meeting to discuss the Senitary Ss~er District. ~,~. Christensen had planned on being ~.t this meeting. i.~. Pes~Ce presented the Bo~ ~.~ith copies of a ~'~aste Disposal Treatment Construction and Opero~tion ~%greement between the T~a~ of Carmel and l~Ir. ~Yilfong, and asked the board to revi~ it throughly and be prepared to ~e a decision on it by the Jan~'.ry 29 special board meeting. I.Ir. $h,~ft read a letter fror,~ the Board of Health appre~zing the ~Yilfong Plant. Phil P~nsl%mw announced the appoint, r,~nts the Police Co~m~issioners had made of 1,1alcolm Gunu and Gregory l.leeks .to patrolmen. ~. Ilinshaw asked for a motion to approve the appointments., l.ir. Mc~dden moved to do so for a 1 yr. prebationary period. 1,~. Stevens seconded it and it passed unanJ~nously. ~. I~5nsha~.,~ also asked for approval of John P. Etter~, a new dispatcher. I~. I.icFadden ~uoved to approve the appo~:ntmcnt of the dispatcher~ lit. Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. 1/2 2/?4 page 2. ~Lr. I-~nshaw asked the board to approve a claim for ~!~65.59 for official telephone calls placed by Chief of Police Jim Beard while attending the FBI Academy at Virginia. P~. D~cFadden moved to approve the claim, ~. Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. The board also approved a claim for $16.00 for lodging expense incurred by Chief Beard while traveling. Fred Hohl, Tc~a~ Engineer, appeared before the board to recommend the release of various performance bonds as follows: ~solution #1-12274: Curbs, gutters, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains and hydrants in Cool Creek Estates Section 10. ~.~. Beach moved to release the bonds as recommended, ~,~. ~U_ushaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. Resolution #2-12274: Curbs, gutters, sanitary & storm s~ers, water mains and hydrants in Cool Creek Section 11. ~. Z{inshawmoved to release the bonds as recommended. ~. Beach seconded it and it passed unaimously. Resolution i~3-12274: Curbs, gutters, sanitary & storm se~rs, water mains & hydrants im Cool Creek E~tates Section 9. ~,~. McFadden moved to release the bonds as recomnended, I~. Hinsh~ seconded it and it passed unanimously. Rssolution #4-12274: ~J~de',~a]dcs in Cool Creek Estates Section 7. ~r. Stevens moved to release the bonds as recommended, ~. ~,~Fadden seconded it and it passed un~.~timously. Resolution #5-12274: Sid~,alks in Cool C~eek E~tates Section 6. ~4r. Beach moved to release the bonds as reco~aended, ~. I~uushaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. ~. Hohl reco:muended t~ Board accept the bid for the I~ber Read ~intaiuer as submitted at the January 8 Board l~eting, accepting the items #3 and ~I~ at a lease ~lth option to purchase agreement. Lease to be$800.00 per month. Total price to be ~16,007.00. M?. McFadden moved to accept the bid as reco~n~ended by T~.~n Engineer, ~,~. Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. Mr. IicFadden left at 9 p.m. I1~. I~les and John PMrn!ey of }~rnley BreS. Const. Co. appeared before the Board to discuss a retainage of $18,000.00 the T~,n~ is holdiug from their contract fo~ the construction of the Brookshire Water Treatment Plant. ~.~r. Zins~eister of Clyde E. l,Iilliams told the bos. rd they had a punch list of itmms to be completed and ~as held up because of Lane Northerr~ 'failure to complete a chemical pump installation, l~. John Rernley said the balance of the p~ch list would be completed in a day or t~.~o. I.~. ~ift asked ~. Dougherty what his recommendation would be at this time and was told there was still a problem of le~ walls. Hern!eys stated they had sent a letter or had discussion with the project engineer at the beg~mnin4~ of the project recommending poured concrete in lieu of concrete blocks. But concrete block was what the Plant had, plus leak-y w~/ls and he was not sure ~here the responsibility !a~. ~. Zeinsmeister recommended the retainage be reduced to $4,000.00 unless the problem of the chemical punp and the leoJ~age problem could be resolved. ~r. I~nshaw moved to advance Her'-%ley Bros. $14,000.00 and balance of $4,000.00 be worked' out within three ~.~eeks with the ~onsulting engineering fin~. ~Lr. Stevens seconded it and it passed un'~o3m~ously. Board advised ~4r. Zeiusmeister keep them apprised of the situation. i.~r. Zeinsmsister stated sm official letter was needed from the Board advisiu~ the ~ two low bidders on the 96th Street lYastewater Disposal Plant Project that they had been given tentative awards contingent to financing. I.M. Pearce to prepare the letter and fo~.~ard copies to EPA. I~M. Zeinsmsister said EPA also needed a statement that page the Town of Carmel is capable of and will pro~lde the loco2~ share of the financiug for the project. ~. Zeinsmeister and ~-~r. Schmeltekop discussed ~th the board the need for a ~ster Sewer Plan at a cost of about $12,000 ~0 with reco~nsnded revisions to the present ordinance to acco~odk~te the problems that are occurring. Board requested ~,~. Zeinsm~ister prepare a scope of services and bring to next ~eting for beards consideration. ~. Schmeltekop discussed wi~h the Board the reduction of income from the building commissioners office in the last 6 monthe as compared to the last 6 months of 1972 Rsduction in ~ount of $1~,000.00, and roco~nded Ord. ~18 listing the various permit fees be reviev~d for possible adjusting. Board agreed and also requested Schz~ltekop direct a letter to ~. Ralph Stephens and his committee that the Tm~m Board approves of its engineers opinion that certain areas as he may outline are ser¢icable now and that we have no reason to want constr~ction to be unnecessarily delayed in areas wl~ere public se~zice are available. I~. Schmeltekop announced that word had been received from the County Council that a majority had given approval to the boards recommendation of Tom Quellhorst for the third member of the Econo:talc Development Commission, thereby f~l]ing the memberslzip. ~. Sct~eltekop discussed with the board the cost of the 2 easements for the 2 wells at the n~* school. At the ordinance rates, the charge to them for services would be ?7,604.00. ~. Schmeltekop stated he had dJ.scussed the easements ~.~lth I~. Hart~n and had been advised the school would let the Sodom ku~ the cost of the easements when they tm~ew the cost of the se~ices. 1~. Swift requested 1~. Scl~ueltekop subnit our cost to them. Upon the rocor.~endation of I,ir. Dougherty~ ~. Iiinshaw ~ved to lzire Jeanne Zeist for a utility bookkeeper at an annual salary of ~,~00.00. ~. Stevens seconded it it passed unsazt~ously. Upon the reco~endation of 1~. Dougherty, ~.~. I~_nshaw moved to hire David Pace as sa~ ~ssistant ~ the water department at an ann~al sala=y of $7,000.00. ~. Bc~uch secorzled it ~ad it passed unanimously. ~.~. I-~Lnshaw moved to adjourn, ~ir. Stevens seconded it and it passed Peggy *LOE~Sm~h ' Clerk-Treasurer