HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-03-12-74the board to reques~ a re z~ne ea a trae~ ~ greund m the east side of 31. A
r~solub~en f~m tt~ ~ C~ssiea z'eo~nd:l,nf 'the z, eques'~, fo~ re-z~ be daaied was
~ead by l~sidamt l~d ~Aft. I~. Beach moved to adopt ~he resolu~e~ from ~ Plaa
~. Riushaw secoaded ~t ~ r~ome reques% f~a res~den+~l to eemmr~al be dealed~
it passed unaz~mmusly.
~_~-~ mast be erected and r~ad, "No ~.-. Peliee & Fire Emergeaey Laae. Fehieles
of Vielators ~ be re~ved,. Beard a/weed Teen E~r should order sigas with
oorreo% wcn,~h~g and have z~rchants post t__h~_ at Carm~X Shopp.~-_- Cente~ and F~2~
2. 30 M.P.R~ ~s in ~ ~f ~ mew areas with easel,e_ streets;Should be redueed %0
2% o~ 20 M.P.H. The~e a~e ~o ~l~m__anoes referring to stop signs, and Beax~ agreed Town
A~xney ahould prepare new ordi~am~s %o resolve the s~=-.~ limi~ and stop sign problems.
........ .----., u~ ~+. and £el% t~% it sheald Be elaA-ified be~o a4~e-
d~erea~es betweea a t~wa aud a eity. ~r. Oarretsen ~r~ere~ t~-~ ~-
}~W FII~, STATIOn, SA~m: Ru. ~ltekup sta$~i that he and ~. Hohl had ~ed ~new
fire statiau site a~proved by the b~rd at a premieus mee+_.*~ and h~d found the
Theeq~m has pledged $10,000.00 for the purchase.
it and it passed u~. Board
.LOC~, ROAD A~D ST~ET FUNDS: Upon the rec~===~datien of Tewn F~ineer, 1~. FeFaddan
~mved t~ approtn~Aa~ $62,2~0.00 £e~ Teen.s share ~f £edar*~? f~uded (70~) 116th
sign the eem~aet until afte~ the mee+.~-8 with Ne~U~m?a amd the Board, and ~eeeip% ef
area was zoned properly. A review of tbs ~ter Plan ~ap ~.S~a~. dafiaitim by the
_B~_~d, T~m ~a~ger, Deug Chnreh, James Li%zsinger, a~d Ralph Stepha~, det~t~d that
up with the Plan Ce~issim. Board ~tructed Bldg. ~sions~ obtain ocpies ~f the
WATER BOND ~S~F~: ~. Ed ~atz ~equested anthcrizaticm to dinette the Xa~a~ap~'~-
~ate~ ~ P~oJect and tbs 2%% rate increase frem the proposed water bend
as ~pr~ved at last regular ~e+.*~, a~t pro.ed with a bc~d ordinance for betee~
~r. ~h~haw seceded it and it passed ~azimc~ly.
page £ou~
Bob Lee's salary to $~0,000.OO pe~ y~a~, ~. ~inshaw seo~nded it and i% passed
pro-rate~ ~ce~. ~. ~eaoh seoondad it and it passed unaaim~7.
Pr~siden~ Fed Seift %hen recessed the meeting at 12~15 a.m., to reccaven~ Maroh 14
~ 14, 1~4=
be l~'ed tonight and that a specia~ meeting was sohe~-~*d for ~a~oh 22, 6 p~a. fe~
purpose of pas~n~, the or~.
POLVC~ ~R~; A dis~ussien was held r~garding the police £~ee being oonmermed with the
p~ssibi~tt7 e~ Xa~ s~i%s. Board agreed ~ ~inshaw, who is ,a ~he P, lice Ce~nissiene~s
and ot~' polioem~ ~ ~ ~o ~ Board ~ ~ A%tor~y about this.
Fred ~1, Town Eaginee~, reported h~ ~ ~n o~d ~ ~n
not ~ it in th~ ~ a~ it is a violation of' a' ~own O~--~oe, and that violatioa
bare to be oox~oted at thei~ ex~se. Town ~a~ge~ to w~ite Mr. Boring, a lette~ to
Town Enginee~ to research who is pa~Ang £o~ the lights within the proposed ~un~ation~
O-~O area, and if we wov.ld have to pay for them ai~e~ it is amaaxed into Oa~al.
the 3rd Taesda~ of the mmnth for that purpose,
Sohmel~b~p r~ad a l~ter he had w~Itten, sub~i%ting a price ~ $10,000.00,
Board requested ham ~o sign a~ send the le~te~.
~n ~AR~G: A disc~ssien c~a the ~oad situati~ was bald. Mr. Seh~elte~ gave
a repel% en the hsariug he attended and aanetu~ed he had sent a le%ter pr~tes+.~-_~ the
proposed eat baekef traekag~ in v,~A~a to State IO0 ~-~ ~ ~ CA=~. in Wash.
~A diseussi~n ena site £e~ a new to~n buXlding was held, B~a~d a~
library and church seemed te be ideal and i~str~eted ~. Schaelte~
adOl~ Ox~mau~e C-%0 as read, ~. Stev~s seceded it and it passed
~, m,,,.~,~ mmved ~o adOo~a, N~. Beach eeeamded it ,,,~ it passed m~d~msly at
10~30 po~.,