HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-04-09-74APR.I~ 9, 197~
The Board of T~ustees of ~e Town of Carmel met at the usual ~aetimg place of the
Board in the To~n ~ in said Town on the 9~h day
7 p.m. in regal~r session.
The meeting was called to order by ~ed T. S~Aft, President of the Board of T~stees,
who presided. .All board members except ~4~am N~l~dden and ph~l B~-,haw were present.
~ At~ornsy and Town ~ger were present.
Mr. Stevens moved to appreve ~he minutes as received, Mr. Beach seconded it and it
passed ~uimeusly.
CLAIMS: Mr. Beach moved to approve claims numbering 955 thru 1275 totsq4n_m $158,625.41,
Mr. Stevens seconded it and it passed
Mr. ~4usha~ a~-~.ved at 7:05 p.m.
ORDINANCE ~B-~O: Mr. S~ift read a request ~ the Police C~,~A~ssi~cers to transfer.
$373.~3 from Acct. ~2-2%1, ~,~2 and structures repairs i~to the foll~ at.ts.
~722-Motor Equipment--$36~.66, #725-Office Equi?,aut--$3.77. Mr. Beach moved to
allow the +~rensfer, Mr. Stevens se¢o_-~_~i it and it passed unanimously.
consulting engineer, to discuss the feasibility of Westfield partieipat~-~ in the
regional se~r preJeet with Carmel at th~s time. Mr. Zero-meister, of C3~de E.
~lliams & Co., stated t~t the stud~ area only, nseds to be defined by Westfiold for
the ~rant I applica~ion. Mrs. Eoberts s~ted there were man~ problems facing West-
i~eld at this time, an~ a decision had not been reached as yet by their board as
to whether or not Westfield would be financially able to handle the 15% local cost
of th~ ~roJeet. Mr. Zeinsmeister suggested he and a Carmel representative (Tc~n
Manager) and Mr. ~,~vam and a ~estfield representative, along with their attorneys,
meet with the Board of Health to clarify what Westfield would be c~+.*r~_~themselves
to, and what the Board of ~ealth would require for an agreement, the size of s~ers,
etc.. Board and Westfield representatives agreed that sbo~ld be dons. Westfiold to
mak~ S~ir decision after the meetly. Mr. Ze4-~m~ister to set ~p the meeting and
no~Ty participants. Mr. ~haw m~v~d to go ahead without Westfiold, if ~stfield
did not ~A-i~ at a decision by our next meet~-~.
ANneXATION ¢~.~ES: T~wn Attorney stated there were two ~atic~ eases pending. The
rema~-~-S por~ion of T~Zu Lakes (Th~nhurst) is one. Mr. Pearce stated that summons
w~ld be fort~a~ soon. Mr. Pearee stat~i that the Judge had signed an order
dismiss~ the o_*,~r annexation case (Ord. #0-42-R~-~ Meade, s) dne to lack of
sufficient signatures. Mr. Pearce said there was a possib~*~ of an ~al a~guement
on the dismtssial, i~smuch as the ~tber atto~ey did not feel the auditor was
right on the cert~ied signatures, but as of tonight, the ordinance was in effect.
~O ATTO~2~Y.' Mr. Pearce stated he had been representing the Economic Development
Ca~m~ssion, "'and felt he should have s~ sor~ of official authorization fr~m the
~o~tssion's ~ppointment of John Pearse as their attorney, Mr. Beach secomied it,
and it passed 3-1, Mr. ~lnshaw casting?~ nay v?te because he felt he did~ fully
~ the nsed for the Town Board s apprevax.
~ANSIN AG~.,:~L'f: F~. Pearee read a letter he had received from M~. ~ Rose,
~Vrney for Mr. Ausiu requesting re-~m~ursement of the $100,000.00 less 6% ~
,000.00 m~aid frmn May 1, 1~73 thrm Eeo. 31, 1973, or $1,600;00 plus $11,300.00
as re-~-~urse~m~ for engi~erimg' fees, by June 30, l~?h, as per se~er service
agreement. Board 1~tructod Mr. Pesrce send a repl~ stat~g the re-imburssment
would be made ~n the' amount of $100,000.00 less $14,~00.00, which is $11,300.00
e~erimg fees plus $3,600.00 interest.
L~M DAY .P~0~,AMATION: T~n Attorney read proposed Law Day PADclam~ti~n ~
Wednesday, Nay 1, ~'~4, as LAW DAY U~A in Carmel, v,~,~, to coincide with $~e
17th A,.w~l matic~ide observance of Law Day. Theme to be "YOUNG A~KTCA~ Lead
the W~y.. Mr. m-.-~-w m~ved to adopt La~ Day Proclamation as read, Mr. Stev=~
seconded it and it passed un~.
.FIRE S~N SI~E: Mr. Schmeltek~p read a letter he h~d received ~ attorneys for
~Lusel Estate regarding +.he Town's offer ef $10,000.00 for the as~ of laud for a
~ stattcm site. The letter stated they c~ld not accept an offer less
~he Town should de-~ the $1~,000.00, as it w~ld he setting a precedent for ~he
p~ice of land in that area. Mr. Sehmeltekop stated desisicas ~a right-of-ways at
106th Street needed to be resolved and stated he w~,l~ have right-of-way ~-*ormatic~
by Ap~LI 18, and requested a special m~e%ing with ~he Board to ~.~cuss this
othe~ +-~-~-s. Board ag~ssd to meet with To~n Manager on that date at ~- office.
~ IN C~TY BLDG.: T~n Manager stated ~ta Bowle~ had contacted him to request
the use of the City B~uldi~g as a vo%img Static~A for the May 7th primary. Board
ag~ced to ~ the request.
TOWN AU~O~Bw.mS: Tram F~mager stated a '69 Dodge Pick-~p, ~d ~ ~ W~ ~.,
~ for +~- ~ ~~, ~ p~ ~% ~ 1~ o~ ~ ~ ~
Lincoln-l~rcury, to obtain his opinica. Mr. Sel~eltekop stated he +_.~_~g~ we
cov.ld be opera$.~ more cheaply, and ~tended to go to Y. ndianapo~l~ and discuss with
them tbs ~a~ge they a~e get~ with their police oa~s~, the size they are using,
when they bu~ cars and if we ooold get in ~a their ~t~ bu~s. Board requested
~AS~R WATER ~.~: A ~*cusstm %~gar~4~ acoept~ the Master Water Plan, as
presented, was held. M~. Htashaw moved ~o table final action cn ~h4~ u~il %~
meet~-~ a~ ~ de~isi~a ~bem. ~r. Stevem se¢~ it a~ it passe~ ~.
STORAaE BIrI~D~NG: Town Manager stated he had received a lette~ ~Axm W. R. ~-aoe & Co.
allow~r~Z_ the Town u~l April 30 to bu~ the storage ~4~4~g discussed at ~
board mee~. Town 4~+~ructed Toga Manager. cc~tao~ them about leasing it for
for $~ ,000.00.
There being no furt~ar business, ~r. Beach moved to ad, emro, Mr. S~vaas seconded
it and it passed unazdm~osly at 10:~0