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MAY 14., 1974
The regular mseting of the Board of T~stees was called to order at ?:12 p.m. at the
u~ual meetiag place at 130 1st Ave. S. W. by P~esident Fred Surlft, who presided.
Town Attorney, T~n Manager, Trustee Swift, Trustee McFadden ami Trustee Beach were
Trustee McFadden moved to approve the minutes of the last regular meet~r~ after a
correctic~ of the word "and" instead of "or" was made in the sent~ce regard~nE the
New Tc~rn ~dg. site on the Christian C2m%rch property. Mr. Beach seconded the motio~
and it passed unnn~mously.
Trustee McFadden moved to approve claims numbering 1277 thru 1701 tot~g $547,180.48,
Mr. Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
IC~ R1N~: I~ MkNAGE~ENT: INC.: Town Attorney introduced proposed ordinance authorizing
acquisition, comstruction and leasin~ of Economic Development facilities, the issuance
of revenue bonds to apply on the cost thereof, the safegu~ of the interest of the
holders of said bonds, approving and authorizing the lease and trast indenture
other matters relating thereto.
Trustee F~haw a~.A-ived at 7:20 p.m.
A discussion regar~-g the T~' s liability was held, since the wording of the ordi-
nance read _"Whereas the Tc~n has, by d~e corporate action, determ_~_--d to "borrow"
the sum of $700,000.00." Mr. Beach and Mr. ~inahaw felt that inasmuch as the documents
~re being reviewed by the Board fc~ the first time tonight, they were not familar
enough with the contents to act. Town Attorney and a representative from Ice
F~gement, Inc. stated the Trust Indenture was Just as intricate into the ordinance
and in fact a part of the ordinance and the bond, when it is issued, w~l have to say
what it says in the Trust Indenture, relieving the To~ of Carmel of liability.
Trustee McFadden moved to suspend the rules and act on the ordinance as read, Trustee
Swift seconded it and the vote was 2 ayes 2 nays. Trustee Hinsha~ and Trustee Beach
casting the nay votes. Clerk-Treasurer felt the Town Bo~ should have had the
documents to review beforehand, and cast a nay vote. Motion to suspend the rules
f~led 3-2. Representatives of Ice Management to co~m,n~ cate with T~n Attornsy
regarding necessity of special board meeting to pass the ordinance, otherwise action
w~]~ be taken at next board meeting.
PUBLIC HEAR/~G I~: SIG~I ORDI/~A~: Mr. D~ug ~h, author of the pr~osed si~
o~e ~s p~sent at t~ pubic ~ ~d ga~ ~e ~to~ of the ~e, ~
stated the o~ce comes ~ t~ B~ ~t~ ~m~s ~c~tion for passa~
~ the ~ ~ssion. ~ ~ no c~S or questi~ ~ t~ ~c. ~
~ the t~ e~nt ~vol~d ~ the ~cessity of rea~ t~ o~ t~e t~s
~f~e passa~, acti~ was tabled ~ n~ ~.
~S~ ~~ 51474-1: ~si~ ~ft ~ad pr~osed ~solution ~t~ ~e
~e~-~r to ~st a~ pubic ~s ~ her ~' ~d ~t~ ~ ~r her co~l
~out ~r ~ti~ ~ ~e B~ ~ ~es. ~. ~ ~d to ad~t ~solution
~ ~, ~. ~dden sec~ed it ~ it passed ~s~.
~ ~ ~ ~C: ~. ~t ~ad a ~tter ~ Woo~ ~ ~ub, ~c. (~si~s
of Ke~ Wo~) peti~ t~ T~ B~to w~ t~ ~r ~r ~osit of
$75.00, ~ as t~ ~ub is a n~-p~t co~oratio~ ~. ~ach ~d t~ B~
~t a~ t~ ~q~st ~d ~ keep t~ ~75.00 ~osit, ~. ~ second it ~ it
p~sed ~~.
page two
ORDINAN~ ~D-6~: Town Attorney introduced proposed Ordinance ~D-65, prohibiting
the parking of vehicles in fire lanes on privately owned public par~g lets.
Trustee McFadden felt the amount of fine of not less than ten dollars nor more
than fifty dollars should be changed to not less than twenty-five dollars nor more
than one hundred dollars. Board agreed to change amount to not less than ten dollars
nor more than c~e hundred dollars. Mr. Pearce read or~-ance second time. Nr. Beach
moved to suspend the rmles and to act on the ordinance, Mr. Hinshaw seconded it and it
passed una~imously. Ordinance was than read a third t~me. Mr. Beach moved to pass
Ordinance ~'~D-65 as read, Mr. McFadden seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Trustee McFadden made the suggestion that whenever an ordimance is over twro pages in
length, in the interest of time, the erdi~nce be put on tape in advance of the
meeting. Board agreed this should be done.
ARCHITECT~.: RE: NE~ TOWN BLIP: Mr. Steele and Mr. M~er, representatives of Butler,
Fairman and Seufert, Inc. ~Lueering Firm, appeared before the Board to discuss the
possibility of their firm desig~ the new Town Build, nE. A background of the compan~
and rsferences were given. Mr. McFadden suggested the firm submit a letter to
Mr. Schmeltekop stating their charge for a preliminary survey. Board agreed.
Trustee ~M~Fadden left at 9:30 p.m.
Present Wastewater P~o~ect: Mr. Zetnsmeister, of C~yde E. Williams & Co., stated a
pre-ccmstructic~ comference would be held the week of the 20th, with the contractors
for the ~th Street Wastewater Project, and that Mr. Schmeltekop, Mr. Hohl, and
Mr. Dougherty should be in attendance.
Present Water Project: Mr. Zein.~meister stated that Burmudit, the Sol%ener Company,
could mot meet delivery. Mr. Zeins~eister stated he had gone as high as the President
of the C~an~ to verify the information, and the President had confirmed the fact.
~ir. Zeinemeister stated that an i~ferr~d threat to cancel the order had been tried,
to speed delivery date, and had been told t~ due to cost imcreases, it would be a
favor to them if the Tc~m did cancel. Mr. Z~ister stated they would talk with
Ebbars, the Co~tractor, to see what would be involved in moving the ~ remover unit
in and then move it out again when the softeners arrive. A price for this service
~.11 he presented at a later date.
HUGHEY: BBOOESHI~E NOR2H DRAINAGE: Mr. Eaghey and Mr. Gary Kern, ef Weihe Emgineers,
appeared before the board to again request the T~m of Carmel enter into an agreement
with Lumber Mart~ Iuc. whereby Lumber Ma~t, Inc. will com~truct drain outlet and
maiutain outlet drain until said area is annexed into the Tme~ of Carmel at which
time the To~ of Carmel would agree to maintain the drain. Mr. Bughey presented a
letter from Mrs. Hazel Foster, adjoining property c~rner, giving approval. ~r. Kern
presented a synopsis of proposed alternate outlet for William ~stard Drain amd explained
their efforts ts try to solve drainage problem. A proposed agreement was presented for
execution. A d.isoussion regarding the amount of line the T~*n would be required to
mad~tain was held. Mr. Kern stated they were not asking the Tram to m~int~in the
proposed lake, simply the outlet structure. Trustee M~Fadden moved to accept the
agreement as proposed. Motic~ died for lack of a second. Trustee ~nsh~ moved the
Town Board go an r~cord that if amd when Brookshire North is annexed to the Town of
Ca~mel, the Town ~1 accept the responsibility of m~nt~g a storm sewer so
constructed by the developer of that subdivision, if said plans for said sewer is in
writing amd totally approved by Town k~n~er in consultation with the T~m's engim~er-
lng firm of Clyde E. Williams & Co. Trustee Sh*lft seconded it and it passed unanimously.
page three
N~.xt Wastewater P~o,~ect: Mr. Zeinsmeister stated that procedares established by the
I~diana Stream PoLlution Control Board and the U.S. E.P.A. req~_ired that notice he
give~ to ~ewspapers notii~ the public of a public hearing regard~ tb~ proposed
project, an~ that this had been deno by the T~*m Manager tD~ previous week. A Pla~
of Study for Southern Hamilton Oounty Wastewater Regionalizati~ was presented for
the Board, s review. PresiS~t Swift solicited co~ents fx~m al! in attendance and
Een Thompson ashed wh~ the To~m of Carmel was studying such a large area. 1~. Hinshaw
stated we would have to take care of the sewage sooaer or later and the Town was going
to try to ~,~d sewers large enough so when the time that the need comes about x~ can
service the need. Mr. Zeinsmeister added tD~t the eight county Water Quality ~L~uagememt
Plsm was prepared under the auspice of Stanley 00m~ultants and has bee~ officially
accepted by E.P.A. , H.U.D. and is the Indiana Heartlands Co-ord*~atiug Counsel. In
the Water Qua2ity I~agement Pla~, this was the most cost-effective method to go and
as~ deviations from the plan would have to be decremented and cause delay. Iu other
words, it is an advautage to consider an entire district you can serve rather than
just a specLfic area. Mr. Zeinsmeister then read the following proposed resolution:
"At the regular meeting of the Town Board of Trustees of the T~m of Carm~, ~ May 14,
1974, the proposed water pollutio~ control project was discussed. This project co~s~s~s
generally of au expansion of the 96th Street Wastewater Treatment Plan; an Interceptor
Sewer Extensio~ frc~ the existing interceptor sewer at 106th Street and River Avenue,
to the existing North Wastewater Treatment Plant, ~ith said interceptor sewer adequately
sized to serve the regional area included im~ the Indiana Hear~s Co-ordinating Council
~pproved water quality master plan; and retirement of the North W~st~,ater Treatment
Local z~wspapers previded informatic~ the previous week to residents of the area that
this subject would he dis~ussed at the May 14~ 1~74, meeting; and letters inviting
key interested people in the area were also sent.
Comments were solicited fro~ all in attendance at the public meeting. There were no
objections or adverse cerements voiced, and by official action, the T~*n Board of
Trust~es resolved to proceed with the project, following the procedures established
b~ the Vr~iana Stream Pollution Control Board and the U. S. Envire~ment~l Protection
The stud~ plan presented was nnmbered as #1 and dated. Trustee Hinshaw moved to proceed
with plan of Study #1 dated ~L~y 14, 1974, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed
W~'~ Pa~t~a%i~xx: Trustee Beach moved to authorize Clyde E. WilLiams proceed with
stud~ of whole area, witheut Westfield's participation, at To~m cf Carmel,s expense,
Mr. M~n.~ha~ seceded it and it passed un~mously.
~atex~ Resolution: Mr. Fd~sh~ moved to designate Fred S~ift as official signatory
for grants~ Mr. Beach secc~ded it and it passed unanimously.
~ide~t Inspectima Projec~t Service: ~. Zeinsmeister requested authorization from the
board for two resident project engineers for the South Wast~*ater Plant, the ~ntercept~r
Sewer, the Rrookshire Plant E~pa~sion (part-time), and the North Wastewater Plant (part-
time). Mr. Beach moved to authorize Clyde E. Williams & Co. ik~rnish two resident
project representatives im accordance with the terms of the engiueerLug agreement, Mr.
~-.~b~w seconded it and it passed u~animously.
G~aut Award Requirements: ~r. Zei~r~ister listed feur requirements needed according
to the grant amendment, for the Treatment Plant. (1) Au operations and maintenance
manual must he provided by the time the job is 90% complete. (2) Operator training
page four
mast he provided...~ (3) Equitable cost recovery =~tem is stipulated to be provided.
This would merely he a statement to the effect there ar~ no significant industrial
users. (4) General project administration iuvolvimg a m~ltitute of p~er work
reviewing the monthly pay estimates, contractor's payrolls ~ submitting the
partial pay requests for E.P.A. and State. Ail these items are fu the budget. Mr.
Hiushaw m~ved to authorize the four items listed in accordance with our engi~eer~ug
agreement, Mr. Beach seccmied it and it passed unanimously.
Instrumentation Revision: Mr. Zeinmmeister recommended revision of 1natrumentation
portion of present plant to be constructed, by putting i~ control equipment as ~pposed
to indicatin~ equipment. Could be a 10% increase on that part of the contrast, but
will provide, a better plaut affluent and eliminate the necessity of parb of an
operator ami will m~e for a better operation. Mr. Mtnahaw moved to proceed with
authorization of a study of a plan of control ins~umentation at the South Wastewater
Plant, Mr. Beach seconded it and it passed uuantmously.
Master Water Plan: Mr. Zei~smeister stated the i~voice for the master water pl~ n we~ld
be submitted in Ju~e. Amount will be in the amount of $12~900.00. Gomtract was for
$10,000.00. Additional amount is for three specific aspects covered, which w~ net
enc~assed in the origiual study. (1) on softeners (2) T~dianapclis Water GO.
negogiations. (3) Detail study re: ~s revisions. ~oard agreed to amount.
NEW P(~ICEMAN: Upon the recmm~endatio~ of Police ~ssioners, Mr. Hfnmhaw moved to
~pprove the hiring of Paul Douglas W~_lsou as a nmw patrolman~ Mr. Beach seconded it a~d
it passed unanimously.
DOUG' CP~YRGE: SITE FOR ~E:.Y TO~N BLDG.: Attorney Doug Church appeared bef~-~heBourd
with ~is clients Bo'$ E~rards, Gordon Mess and Bob Deleo to offer a site for a new
T~m BuilS~g for the Boards consideration. A drawing sh~iug the area was presented
to the Board. Site herders on Rmngel~ue Road and Gradle Drive. Proposed site
consisted of seven acres. A discussion regarding the acreage adjoining, ~med by
Helen l~AeLler~was held. Boated felt that acreage might be more acceptable to tham~
Mr. Hinshaw to talk to F~s. Mueller ~ let Mr. Church know. 400 foot frontage was
sUggested. Mr. C~:urch stated they would proceed with a preli~ program based on
the needs of the T~*n, to present to the Board for their perusal.
POLICE IEPT. VACATION PLAN: President S~nkft read proposed vacation plan recommended by
the Police C~m~ssio~ers for the Police Dept. Mr. S~rift moved to adopt the vacation
plan as presented~ ~. Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE ~D-66: 1~. ~*lft read proposed Ordinance #D-66, authorizing th~ hirim~ of
aUSt~eet C~.:ssi~mer, pb~ Reddick~ ~_'~_ setting for~h his salary. Mr. Beach moved
to adopt Ordinance ~D-66 as road, ~r. F~Lushs~ seconded it and it passed unanimously.
FiRE STATID_N. SITE: Board agreed to price cf $17,500.00 for fire statica~ site and right
cf ~ays. Town N~ger to follow up with a letter.
iudianap~11.~ Water Co. Treatment .Plant: Board agreed Town should enter into negogiatioms
as to hc~ to pum~hase amd give a price for the Zudda~mpo.lis Water Plaut. Bosrd agreed
to authorize T~rn Manager offer $750,000.00 for the Plamm. Tm~ Manager to consult with
Ik~ Mccollough, Fiscal C~msultaut, Delegation of service area bo~udaries to he eAm~uty
l~e and 465. West boundary ~ to he Town Read, which includes ~rooked ~tick.
Mr. Zei~.~ister requested authorization to look more in depth ~an was done in the ~
Master Water Plan, irate whether to soften or not to soften. Board agreed to give
page five
Rm~ENUE SHARING ~. USE REPORT: ~r. Eimshaw moved to designate mo~ies to be
received i~ the entitlement period of July 1, 1974, through Jume 30, 1975, to be
spent on a new T~m Building. Mr. Beach seconded it and it passed unaimous~y.
Clex~-Treasurer to publish report.
WELC~ SEWER: To~m Nanager requested Board to decide on what to tell Mr. Welch regardi~
the T~wn being involved with him in putting in a sewer. Board requested T~ea Manager
t~ write a letter to Mr. Welch informing him to put his sewer in, as per our S-20
ORDINAN~ ~D-6~ Upo~ the reccmm~ndatima of T~m Manager, Board agreed to hire Bob
Hoyt for the Utility Depart~nt at a salary of $10,800.00.
S~ER ...C~EANER BID AI4At~D: ~pon the recommendation of To~m ~hgineer, Mr. Beach moved
to m.~ard Sewer C~'aner Bid opened at last regular meeting to M~nicipal Equipment
Services Co. and to include the optien~! equipment they had bid ~n for a total of
$8,282.00. ~. M~haw seconded it aud it passed unanimously.
~re bei~ no further business, 1.fr. Beach moved to adjourn, Mr. Hi~haw seconded
it and it p~ssed unaLmously at 12:30 ~m.
Fred T. ~wift,- Preside~
Board cf Trustees