HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-04-14-75 PROCLAMATION
WHER.EJ~, .~itiz~n§'6f this coinmuni~y~ and 6hose thro~hout our gre~t
'land~' 0njoy the bene'fi~s., Security~ and pride ~f home o*mership as in no
~th~r ~coun~ry in..the~world and
WHEREAS,' me~0ers pf the Hamilton. County Board. of REgLTORS have bden
'chiefly~ responsible .for encouraging home ownership t~rough their efforts
match the needs of buyers wzth 9vailable homes, counsel both buyers and
---sef'lers-and guide them throug~ the various steps necessary to complete a
WHEREAS; 'th~6'itizen~ of this community l{&ve'benefited fro~ REALTOR
effo~t~ to .protect.th~ right of real property owne~ship;.to p~ovide th~
"community .~it.h a so~nd.~co'nomy through use of their .professional
· n_ 16cgt~ng,,' appraising, and~managin~ fadtgries, ~tores, office buildih~s'~,. ·
and' ap'artment complexes and
WHERE~S., REALTORS ha~e further g~v, en o~ their time and'energies t~
this~-.c6mmunity by their 'activity in civic affairs, charitable 'causes,
programs and by being alert to the needs of their neighbors and
~-W'~EREAS, ~he Cod~' of Ethics~o which REALTORS 'subscribe places them
ih: the~:forefr?ht of 'th~ respohsible '~r'ganfza%ions 'ir~ 't~t~ couht~;;
NOW THEREFORE, I,-Wi~li'am McFaddgn, Presi~dent of the-Town Board of'~
Carmel, o'hereby p~ool m' Apr~fl 20 - 26 to ~e ~EALTOR Week and urge my
.fellow citiz~ens~ to. join with the ~Har~i!~on County Board~ of ~EALTORS; 'the
. Indiana'Ass~ciation~of ~REALTORS and th~ ~ore the 500,000'REALTORS &nd '"
REALTOR-ASSOCIATES:across .the'nation in this observance with appropriate
'and s~nificant programs Of .civic betterment during thi~ week 'and
throughout this year.
:~IN WIT .N~_~S. TI{EP~.,OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal
~the c~ty. of Carmel to.be ~afflxed th~s ~// day of Apr,!, 1975.
(Board C~ntact
and Telephone~~
(To local boards and state associations:
Please note suggestions in kit for use
of news releases.)
(Name of Board President)' , president of the (Name of Board) ,
today aqnounced plans for REALTOR® Week, April 20-26, and urged the public to
"Join with REALTORS® nationally in programs of civic improvement, programs that
will make AmeriAa even greater."
(Last Name of President) also urged local citizens to imclude in
their efforts "diligence in the safeguarding of one of the most fundamental of
hu~aan rights, the rig.hr of private real property Ownership." ·
Locally, the (Name of Board) is planning several activities to
demonstrate how the area "continues to benefit from services of individual
REALTORS® and the board."
The board will:
(List the activities planned in one paragraph for each. This release
should follow the Mayor's proclamation.)
"In these activities and others throughout the year, we can work together
for a better community. And it must be one with a sound economic future based
upon locally controlled, carefully planned land use.
"There are 500,000 REALTORS® and REALTOR~-ASSOCIATES nationally who will
be working along with us, (Last Name of President) said.