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NOVK~BER 11, 1975
The regular meeting of the Board of ~%-ustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
President William McFadden, who presided. Town M~-ger and all Board members except
Trustee Beach were present. Town Attorney was not present.
Trustee Swift ~loved to dispense with the reading of last meetings minutes and approve
them as received, Trustee Btevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
GEEY~0UND W,:,:K' PROCLAMATION: President McFadden read proposed proclamation desigXxating
the week of November 10 as "Greyhound Week". Copy is attached. Trustee ~wift moved
for adoption of proc] am,.tion as read, Trustee Ninshaw seconded it and it passed
CLAIMS: Trustee Swift moved to approve claims numbering 4860 thru 5946 totaling
$1,111,896.46, Trustee Stevens secoaded it and it passed unanimously.
WEISEN~E~ ~I'~.'R PIT: Dr. R. C. Weisenberger of 120 4th St., N.W., appeared before the
Board to protest a letter he had received from Town E~gineer, Fred Hohl, asking him to
take Immediate steps to have his meter pit raised to the level of the yard. Dr.
Weisenberger stated it had been that way for 20 years. He stated the water company
had put it in that way. President McFadden instructed Utilities Manager and Town
Engineer check it out and if it was a major problem, have the Town fix it, if it
wasn't a major problem-forget about it.
LITZSINGER: ZONING ORDINANCE CONTRACT: Plan Commission President, James Litzsinger,
appeared before the Board requesting passage of a resolution designating a signator
to sign the contract with the State of Indiana for zoning ordinance work for the
Plan Commission of the Town of Caxmel to be done by Harland Bartholomew~ Major
portion cost to be covered by a grant. Mr. Litzsinger stated the procedure required
by the State is that the Plan Commission and the Town of Carmel do not sign a contract
with Harland Bartholomew but that Bartholomew signs a contract with the State as does
the Town of Carmel. President McFadden read proposed resolution. Trustee McFadden
moved to adopt proposed resolution desigx~ating Fred Swift as signator with James
Litszinger as alternate amd Peggy ~mith to Attest, with Fran Gaskins as alternate,
Trustee Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed 3-0, Trustee Swift abstaining.
MUELLER PROPERTY: Town Manager stated the legal description on property needed for
extending Mohawk Road had been obtained and that Mrs. Mueller has looked it over.
President McFadden instructed Town Manager ask Mrs. Mueller to come to the 25th
Board meeting at 7 p.m.
SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS: Trustee Swift moved to authorize proceedings for special
appropriations for $3,500.00 to cover M~H deficit and $2,920.00 for paving police
lot, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
PHASE III-NEI~ARK-AUMAN PROJECT: Mr. Allan Weihe and Mr. Paul Green of Weihe Engineers
appeared before the Board to present for acceptance an agreement between the Town of
Carmel and Weihe Engineers for engineering work for final phases of storm sewers
and street paving for Newark-A,,man Addition. President McFadden read proposed
agreement. Trustee Hinshaw felt we should get an estimate from at least two other
engineering firms. Trustee Stevens felt we should have Town Attorney review the
agreement. Weihe's fee to be 12.2% of the project construction cost, est~meted to be
$61,344.00. Trustee Stevens moved to accept the a~reement for engineering service
page 2.
between the Town of Carmel and Weihe E~ineering Co. as read, pending approval of
City Attorney and City Engineer, Trustee McFadden seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Trustee Hinshaw stated he voted aye because he felt that the money that migh~ be
saved in engineering fees could be spent on time lost in obtaining other estimates.
Trustee Hinshaw stated he felt the people who live in that area should be notified
as to the progress of the project and exactly what is going to be done next year. ~
GENERATOR FOR DOWNTOWN WATER PLANT: Utilities Manager stated we are installing a new
stand-by generator at the 96th St. Wastewater Treatment Plant which will replace a
generator which we have had on the site for the past several years. The old generator
is good but will not serve the 96th St. plant. Mr. Dougherty stated the old generator
was large enough to b--dle the two water plants, the old plant plus the expansion,plus
the two downtown wells, behind the city bldg. and the fire station. He felt we should
have some stand-by power, which this generator would provide. ID~urance rates would
be lower. Cost of connection and building to house it is estimated to be $16,000.00.
Plans and specifications must be prepared for bids. Board instructed bls to proceed,
and obtain an estimate on the engineering cost from Clyde E. Williams & Co.
GRADLE DRIVE: Town Engineer stated several time, the subject of Gradle Drive West from
Range Line to L & N tracks has come up relative to the bad driving conditions. He
stated we are presently trying to put together the legal descriptions and now know there
are at least four owners involved, Indiana National Bank, Edwards and Delello, Smith
and Steckley, and L & N R~ilroad. He stated there is nothing we can do until we get
the legals to detezmine all involved and then try to persuade them to bring the street
up to our standards for dedication. Board instructed Town E~neer to take street
sign down and put up sigas at each end stating private drive.
AGI~ENT FOR FACILITIES PLAN PREPARATION: Mr. Steve Uhrick, of Clyde E. Williams &
Associates, appeared before the Board to present the map that was not attached to the
Agreement for Facilities Plan Preparation By and Between the Clay Township Regional
Waste District and the Town of Carmel, read at the previous Board meeting. Mr.
Uhrick also pointed out an error in section 6. Figure on last line should be $13,~00.00
instead of $2,500.00. Trustee ~wift moved to accept the agreement, Trustee RInsh~w
seconded it and it passed unanimously.
CO]'~u'.t'.~ PAYROLL ESTIMATES:'Clerk-Treasurer stated payroll could be computerized cheaper
than to do mar~,~lly and presented two quotes as follows:
ANTACOMP $.32 check, one-time conversion chg. of $1.00 per account, and progr~-,,ing
charge of $125.00.
C0~tUD ........ $.30 check, one-ti~m conversion chg. of $25.00. price gm,~anteed for 2 yrs.
Ms. -~mfth recommended accepting Comm~ud quote. Trustee Stevens moved to accept Com~_.~d
estimate as presented, effective Jaml,a~y 1, 1976, Trustee Swift seconded it and it
passed unanimously.
0~DINANCE B-82: President McFadden read proposed Ordinance ~B-82, transferring funds
within the General, Bldg. Comm., Town Court, MVE and Fire Dept. budgets. Trustee
RInshaw moved to adopt Ordinance #B-82 as read, ~ustee Stevens seconded it and it
passed unauimously.
0~INANCE ~B-8~: President MCFadden read proposed 0rclinance ~B-83 transferring
funds within the police dept. budget. Trustee Einshaw moved to adopt 0rd~n~nce
#B-83 as read, Tx,zstee Stevens seconded it and it p~ssed unanimously.
CA~MEL¥'i,.'~ DRIVE STRmm~, LIGHTS: Trustee Swift moved to authorize erection of four
street lights on Carmelview Drive, Trustee ~inshaw seconded it and it passed ,,~-~imously.
page 3.
BOND ~ELEASES: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee ~ift moved to adopt
Resolution #2-111175, releasing the performance bond for streets in Woodlands, Section
III, Stratford ~lace only, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Stevenes moved to adopt Resolution
#3-111175, releasing bonds on streets in Briar Creek, Sec. II, Streets, Curbs, Sanitary
and S%ozm Sewers, Water Mains and H~ts in Eden i~states, Sec. III, and curbs in
Briar Creek, Sec. II, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed u~n~mously.
116TH ST. CULVERT: Town Engineer presented cost breakdown of drainage shed-116th
St. culvert to lake.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.'17 p.m.
William D. McFadden, President
Peggy L0u S~nit~, Clerk 'Treasurer