HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-11-25-75MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUST~ MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 1975 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President William McFadden, who presided. Ail Board members, Town Attorney and Town Manager were present. Trustee Hinshaw moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular meetiD~ and approve them as received, Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed u~-~mously. COR~ESPONDENCE: President McFadden read letter from a Clay-Township resident requesting police protection for all of Clay Township. Board instructed Clerk-Treasurer to direct a letter to the resident explaining that this has been discussed many times before and been determined that the cost would be double the budget, therefore impossible, at this point, to do anything about it. President McFadden read letter from Martha Nutt, Recording Clerk for Carmel Friends Meeting, in appreciation of the new sidewalks. ~.RNLEYBROS. CONTRACT: Mr. Steve ~3rj~of~lyde E. Willi-m~, appeared before the Board to request authorization for~=t~-~ect the leaking walls problem at the original Brookshire water plant. Mr. Uhrick stated the balaDceb~ing.retained on Hernley Bros. contract because of that problem is $h,802.62.~'~ml~mitted a bid of, $2,586.00 to do the job. Balance of what is owed Hernley ~%~s~unt we paid would have to be released to Rernley if we chose to select~~~k~Trustee Hinshaw moved to inform Hernley Bros. of the action taken and accept~A~ bid 5f $2,586.00 and authorize them to proceed ~mmediately with completing the job, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. ENGI~NGSERVICES: ~ELOCATING WASTEWATERT~E. ATMENT GE~ERATOR: President McFadden read letter from Clyde E. Williams & Associates, proposing to furnish engineering servicee necessary for relocating the generator from the ~6th Street Wastewater Treatment Plant.yPrioe not to exceed $3,700.00. Mr. Bougherty, Utilities Manager, etated he had received a bid of $~,700.00 from another firm. ~oard to discuss at a later date. BTUDY ON ~ECLAMATION OF BRINE FROM SOF~]~ER OPERATION: President Mcfadden read letter from Clyde E. Williams & Asso. stating a price not to exceed $3,500.00 to furnish engineering services necessary for a study to relaim brine for reuse out of softener regeneration wastewater from the Cam~nel water treatment plants. Utilities Manager recommended acceptance of the proposal. Trustee Hinehaw moved to go with Jim Dougherty's recommendation to employ Clyde E. WillL-m- for a fee not to exceed $3,500.00, as set out in their letter dated Nov. 24, ~975, for a study to reclaim brine for reuse out of softener regeneration wastewater from the Carmel Water Treatment Plants. Trustee Stevens seconded it. Town Manager asked Utilities Manager ~f this was required by the State Board of Health. Utilities Manager stated net yet. A hearing would be held in the future and at that time we would know if it was going to be required. Trustee Beach suggested we delay the study inasmuch as other communities were not doing it. Motion failed 3-2. Trustees Beach, McFadden and Swift voting nay. FACILITIES PLAN: Mr. Uhrick reported on the status of sewer study plan for the regional area. RELINQUISHMENT OF SR 2~: President McFadden read letter from the State Highway Dept. proposing the return of SR 234 in Carmel to local Jurisdiction. Mr. McFadden then read letter from Town ~N~gineer recommending the acceptance of the Road. Mr. Rohl stated they had not finished the striping of the road. Trustee Beach moved to accept the 2.00 miles of SR 234 from West City limits (East R/W line of old U. S. 3~) to East city limits except the west corner cut to east corner cut of SR 43~ with its /25/75 pa~e 2. junction of SR 232 (300 feet), Trustee Hinshaw seconded the motion. Trustee SWift moved to emend the motion to state acceptance of the road be contingent upon striping completion. Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and the emendment passed unanimously. Amended motion then passed unanimously. Board instructed Town Engineer to obtain the necessary signs to properly mawk the ro~i in accordance with our speed ]imtts and to check to see if an additional ordinance is needed for enforcement of that area. Board also instructed Mr. Hohl to obtain prices on signs indicating direction of police, fire departments and business district for placement on that road. Bring prices to next meeting. RESOLUTION ~112~7~-1 :WARREN HOME: President McFadden read proposed resolution granting the Carmel Chamber of Commerce permission to use the Warren home as thef~ office. Trustee S~ift moved to adopt proposed resolution as read, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed ,mar~Lmonsly. POLICE CAR BIDS: President MCFadden opened and read bids on advertised police cars as follows: SEAD~.A~D DODGE: 4 ca~s-dodges . .$19,879.76 without trade-ins. DON HINES: 2 cars-Gran Torinos : 20,219.16 with trade-ins. FOXWORTNY FO~rn: ~ cars-LPD's 20,365.02 with trade-ins. Trustee Beach moved to submit the bids to police commission for recommendation, T~ustee ~wift seconded it and it passed ,,~mously. HARRY ELLIOTT: NORTN PLANT HOOK-ON REQUEST: Mr. Harry Elliott appeared before the board to request hook on to the North Sewage Plant for 3 lots. Town ~gineer recommended the board allow his request. Board info~med Mr. Elliott they would have a decision by the December 9 meeting. Mr. Elliott stated he would be out of town then and request. ed the Board direct a letter to him informing ~tm of their decision. FIREPLUG PAINTING: Town Manager read letter from Fire Chief swails stating he had no objection to fireplugs being artistically painted. President McFadden stated there were two boy scouts that wanted to paint the fireplugs in a bi-centennial theme as part of their eagle project. Trustee McFadden moved the painting of hydrants in a bi-centennial theme by the boy scouts be allowed, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. Town Engineer, Fred Hohl, stated he had had a request from a resident to paint the fire- plug in front of their home. Trustee Stevens moved to pass a resolution allowing residents to go to the Carmel Utility for permission to paint hydrants and to authorize the Carmel Utility to make the decision of whether or net to allow the painting, Trustee Ninshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. 0~3)INANUE ~ B-84: Proposed Ordinance ~B-8~ transferring funds within the general, plan and police department budgets was read by President McFadden. Trustee Stevens moved to adopt proposed Ozx~inance #B-84 as read, Trustee Swift seconded it az~ it passed unanimously. BONDRELEASES: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Beach moved to adopt Resolution ~2-112575 releasing street bonds in Stonehedg~ Sec. III, Trustee swift seconded it and it passed unanimously. Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Beach moved to adopt Resolution #3-112575 releasing sidewalk bonds in Brookshire Section IV, TruStee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. Upon the recommendation of Town ~agineer, Trustee Beach moved to adopt Resolution ~-112575 releasing streets, excluding blacktop, sanitary and storm sewer bonds in Cool Creek North, Section 5, Trustee swift seconded it and it passed unanimously. Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Beachmoved to adopt Resolution ~5-112575 releasing Streets, excluding blacktop, bonds in Cool Creek North, SecJ VI, Trustee swift seconded it and it passed u~nlmous!y. 11/25/75 page 3 CAP~ELvJ~ STREET LIG~Pi~: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Swift moved to revise the authorization of last meeting of placing 4 street lights on Carmelview Drive to 6, contingent upon general approval of occupant in front of whose house those lights would be placed, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. $I~DG, CON. ~2~PLOYEE: Trustee Swift moved that the Building Commfssioner be authorized to hire his replacement on or after December I at a salary of up to $800.00 per month, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed ,,r~nimously. 1276 SAL~S: Board instructed Town Attorney prepare a salary ordinance for the coming year to be passed at next board meeting, using a general $800.00 increase for most employees. MECNANEY SALARY INCREASE: Upon the recommendation of Town M~gerand Town Engineer, Trustee Beach moved to increase Mike Mechaney salary $210.00 per year, Trustee Stevens seconded it an~ it passed unanimously. TALBERT ROESST~ PROPERTY: Town Manager requested guidance on Talbert-Roessler's offer to sell g~ound behind the utility building for $125,000.00. Approximately one acre. Trustee Beach stated he thought the building on the ground was a very somd one. M~. Beach stated we should check on the square footage. Trastee Niushaw stated we should take into consideration all the ground adjoining that which we already owned or could buy. Trustee Hinshaw then moved to authorize Town M~n~ger contact Mr. Roessler and ask for a six month option to purchase and that this to be the first order of business for the incoming council. T~ustee Stevens seconded it and it passed 4-0. Trustee Swift abstaining. COMPLAINTS ON POLICE ACTIVITY: Town Managerhad informed the Board of some complaints on police activity. Trustee Hinshaw stated that anyone having complaints to air should bring them before the Police Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ATTEST: Peggy Lou Smith Clerk-Treasurer William D. McFadden, President