HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-08-12-75MI~TES OF TEE BOA2D OF TRUST, S MEETING AUGUST 12, 1975 The regul~rmeetingof the Board of Trustees was cs~lled to order at 7:30 p.m. by President William McFadden, who presided. All Board members except Tz~stee Stevens were present. Town Attorney & Town M~A~er were present also. Trustee Swift moved to waive the reading of the minutes amd approve them as received, Trustee Hi~h~w seconded it and it passed unanimously. Claims: Tz-astee LLtnshaw moved to approve claims numbering 3350 thru 3887 totaling $1,027,235.91. Trustee McPadden seconded it, Trustee McFadden questioned claim #3628 to Lee E. Dolen in the amount of $88.12 for re-imbursement for entertaining Scotland Yard men. Trustee Hinshaw moved to amend his motion to exclude claim #3628, Trustee McFadden seconded the amendment and it passed unanimously. President McFadden then called for the vote on the amended motion and it passed unanimously. Police Commissioners to clarify claim and present at a later d~te. Correspondence: President McFadden read letter from Robert I. Campbell, ~m~nistrative officer of the local government tax control board stating the tax levy for Carmel Civil City h~ been fixed at $1.55. President McFadden then read letter from McCullough ~ Associates stating that due to the continuauce of the hearing on the Indiau~polis Water punch,se to September 30, the ~ccounting cut off date would be up-dated to June 30, 1975. President McFadden then ~ead letter from Fire Chief Swa&ls announcing the open house for the new fire station #3 would be held August 17, 1975 from the hours of 1-5 p.m. Next Board Meetin~ - Aunt 2~th: President ~Fadden annoumO.ed that the next board meeting would be held Monday, August 25 instead of August 26, inasmuch ~s the adoption of the budget must be done on August 25th. Con~tulatoz~ Letter to Jim Dou~herty: President McFadden read letter to Jim Bougherty, Utilities ~,~nager, from the Board congratulating b{m on receiving his sewage treatment plant operator class ~ certification. Extension of 126th Street: Upon the recommendation of Town Manager and Town Engineer, Trustee Hinshaw moved to proceed with the expansion of preliminary plan & design of 126th Street and get it done as soon as possible, Trustee Swift seconded it aud it passed unanimously. Steve b~ick: EPA C18062~01 Facilities Plan: Upon the reco~endation of Steve Uhrick, of Clyde E. Williams & Associates, Trustee Swift moved to authorize Clyde E. Williams & Associates, to proceed with the preliminary Industrial S~ey as required in Facilities planning, at a cost of $475; s-ud to proceed at the appropriate time with the necessary administrative services required for preparation of Step II grant application for the Facilities Plan for the South H~,~lton Cour~y Regior~ Wastewater Project, ~ustee Hinsh~w seconded it and it passed unanimously. Trustee Stevens arrived at 8:00 p.m. Carmel Mini - Warehouse Re-zone: Attorney Jim Nelson appeared before the Board to re- quest a re-zone from R-1 to I-1 for 3.~ acres, behind the properties fronting on the 100 block of West Carmel Drive. Petitioner proposing to build mini-warehouses. Pre- sident McFadden read minutes of Plan Commission meeting and resolution from the Plan Commission recomending ~pproval of the request. Trustee McFadden then read proposed ordinance ~Z-I~ re-zoning the area from R-1 to I-1. Trustee Swift moved to adopt the ordinance as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. page 2 8/12/75; Speed L~mtt on Carmel Drive: Trustee Swift stated he had talked withMr. Hiram Hash, who expressed concern about the speeders on Carmel Drive from K,ystone to 2angeline Road, and felt we should place speed ]lm~t signs up. Board in- structed Town Engineer, Fred Hohl, put up a 30 m.p.h, speed limit sig~. Ordinance ~D-8~: President McFadden read proposed ordinance D-85 amending ordinance D-85 and transferim~ funds within the police budget. Trustee Hinshaw moved to adopt ordinance D-85 as read, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. Ordinance B-77: President McFadden read proposed ordinance B-77 transferring funds within the police dept. ~,~et. Trustee Swift moved to adopt the ordinance, Trustee Htnshaw seconded it and it passed ,~r~n~mously. .Ordinance B-78: President Mc Fadden read proposed ordiauamce B-78, transferring funds within the police dept. budget. Trustee Stevens moved to adopt ordinance B-?8, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. Ordinance B-~: President McFadden read proposed ordinance B-79 transferring funds within the Court and General budgets. Trustee Hinshaw moved to adopt ordinance B-79, Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed unanimously. Carmel Waterworks Adjudicator~Hearin~Procedures: Upon the recommendation of Utilities Manager, Jim Dougherty, Trustee Stevens moved to authorize Clyde E. Williams to proceed with the preparation of a "request for an adjudicatory hearing" in reg~ard to NPDESPermit for the Carmel ~ater Treatment Plant, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. EASE Invoices: Utilities Manager stated the computer service failed to figure the new summer rates on the water and sewer bills, requiring the utility clerks to manually bill the customers. He recommended ajusting the invoice to compen- sate for this error. Trustee Hinshaw moved to hold payment on the invoice until clarification could be received from Tow~ Attorney on proper procedure to follow, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. Railroad Depot: A discussion was held regarding the possible purchase of the ra~l- road depot and restoring it as a historical site. Trustee Swift moved to authorize Town Mana~r write to L & N Railroad expressing the Boards interest in purchasing the depot, but convey to them the need to find a site to locate it on, and ask for clarification of the 100 foot rule and inquire as to whether the rule could be ad- Justed for historical purposes, and at the same time, contact Farm Bureau and ask them if they would consider a long t~rm lease or sale of a small piece of ground large e~ou~h for the building to sit on with some a~ess room. Trustee Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Woodland Green Drainage Ditch: President McFadden read letter from Tom Shellenberger regarding W~odland Green drainage ditch problem, stating it would not be feasible to close the drainage ditch, as the homeowners had requested at previous Board meeting.' President McFadden instructed Building Commissioner, A1 Pickett, write a letter to the homeowners amd inform them that nothing could be done. Dump Truck Bids: Town Engineer, Fred Hohl presented three dump truck bids as fol~:ows: Allied Truck Equipment - $1,888.00 Chucks Body ~orks - $2,013 90 Tebco Truck Equipment - 2~230.00 Tewn Engineer stated he recommended Chucks Body Work, because of reputation and the fact they are located nearest Carmel. Trustee McFadden moved to accept Chucks Body Works bid, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. 8/12/?5 UnSerbo~¥ Plow: Town E~-ineer submitted a quotation from Deeds Equipment Co. for an underbody plow for the new truck for $3,983.00. Trustee Hinshaw moved to accept the quote as submitted, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unaninously. ~2~4 Sidewalk Pro~ect: Town Engineer stated that bids had been advertised for side- walk work from railroad on ~23~ to Guilford. Town Engineer stated a bridge would be required over little cool creek. Various alternatives of bridges were explained by Mr. Hohl. Trustee Swift moved to go with the least expensive bridge of a 100 year design, Trustee McFadden seconded it and it passed unanimously. Police Dept. Clothin~ Allowance: Trustee Hinshaw stated that it was the recommendation of the police commissioners to issue checks to the policemen for their clothing allowance rather than pay the invoices directly. Trustee McFadden moved to re-imburse each officer the balance of their clothing allowance fund and hereafter, unless other- wise changed, clothing allowance be paid to each officer semi-annuaIly on Jmnuary 1st and July 1st to be used to purchase clothing articles. After a discussion, Trustee McFadden withdrew his motion. Trustee Hinshaw moved that as of September 1, 1975, the Clerk-Treasurer shall pay to those employees entitled to a clothing allowance the balance of their 1975 clothing allowance, and as a policy beginning January 1, 1976, each employee entitled to a clothing allowance be paid semi ~mnually, July 1 and December 30, the clothing nllowance allowed in the budgot to be used as clothing allowance. Trustee McFadden seconded it and it failed 2 ayes 3 nays. Trustee Stevens, Beach & Swift voting nay. Trustee Hinshaw stated he would like a discussion at the next meeting as to why the sane policy is not followed for the fire department. Plan Commission Appointment: Trustee Swift moved to appoint Robert Speed to fill the vacancy in the Plan Con~ission created by the resignation of Dong Marsh, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it £ailed 2 ayes 3 nays. Trustees Hinshaw, Beach and McFadden voting nay. Trustee Beach moved to appoint Mr. Lewis to the vacancy. Motion died for lack of second. Chitty and McKillip's Salar~ Increases: Upon the recommendation of Utilities Manager, Jim Dougherty, Trustee McFadden moved to increase James Chitty's salary from $13,780 to $1~200 and Harry McKillip from $8,692.00 to $9,500.00, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously. Sheffer request for Sewage BillinK: Town Manager stated Mr. Bob Sheffer wants to develop 102 acres on the southeast corner of Oak Ridge Road and l~6th Street in single fanily homes. He stated Mr. Wilfongwould furnish him water and sewage services. He asked if his addition is served water by Mr. Wilfong's utility, would the Town Board be willing to bill the occupants of these homes for sewsA, e if furnished water meter readings. President McFadden instructed Town Manager to inform Mr. Sheffer that the Town Board would not be willing to bill them for sewage until the whole thing on the north plant is cleared up. Salar~ Increases$/Upon the recommendation of Town ~r, Trustee McFadden moved to increase seSeM~power emploY~ from $6,800.00 to $7,100.00 annually and Billy Ward from $6,890.00 to $?,~00.O0, and to increase Town Engineer's secretary, Janice Callahan from $6,61~.00 to $6,91~.00 annually, Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed unanimously. City Building: Town Manager stated he had written Mrs. Jefferies, Mr & Mrs Whelchel and Talbert-Roessler asking if they would be interested in selling their property to the Town. He stated he had received negative replies from Mrs Jefferies and Talbert- Roessler and no reply from the Welchels. President McFadden instructed Town M~n~er diremt a letter to the Shulls and inform them the Board would be interested in their proposal for a City Buildi~ if they could find more property for parking. There being no f~rther business the meeting was adjot~rned at 9:45 p.m. Peg~" LoU Smith' ~lerk-~easurer William D. McFadden, President