HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-10-14-75 MI~u','.:S OF
OCTOBER 14, 1975
The regalarmeetingof the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
President William McFadden, who presided. Ail Board members and Town Manager were
Trustee McFadden moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting
and approve them as received, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Trustee Swift moved to approve claims numbering 4308 thru 4857 totaling $886,285.21,
Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
CHANGE ORDERS: Upon the recommendation of Mr. ~maswamy of Clyde E. Williams and Co.,
Utilities Manager James Bougherty and Town Engineer Fred Hohl, Trustee Hinshaw moved
to approve cb.n~ order ~E-7 increasing E. H. Hughes Co. contract $49,245.00, Trustee
Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation offer. Ram~swamy, Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Hohl, Trustee Beach
moved to approve change order #E-8 increasing E. H. Hughes contract $11,709.65,
Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation of Mr. Ramaswamy, Mr. Bougherty and Mr. Hohl, Trustee Stevens
moved to approve change order#E-9 authorizing an extension of time by 24days in the
E. H. ~,gbes Co. contract, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation of Mr. Ramaswamy, Mr. Bougherty, and Mr. Hohl, Trustee Hinshaw
moved to approve change order ~-10 increasing the E. H. Hughes contract by $15,171.18,
Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
ANTACOMP COMPuT~R SERVICE: Mr. Pred Williams, of Anacomp, Inc., appeared before the
Board and explained why his computer service was late in getting out the utility bills.
He stated that it was a one time delay and now that his company has all the information
and the material organized, it would not happen again. Board instructed Utilities
Manager to keep them posted on the company's perform-nce.
the bide for a traffic light at Carmel Drive and Rangeline Road as follows:
Signal Light ...Cresent Electric Co.
Installation-----Pass Electric
" Watson-Flagg Electric
Trustee Swift moved to refer bids to Town Engineer for recommendation later in the evening,
Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed ,,n~nimously.
L & N DEPOT: Town Manager read letter from L & N R~ilroad giving the Town a one year
option to purchase the depot for $100 with the stipulation it be removed from their
property. Letter asked for signature of acceptance of the option. Trustee Hinshaw
moved to authorize Town Man-ger to sign the letter, Trustee Swift seconded it and it
passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: Town Manager read notice of Plan Cc,w.~asion public hearing for 21st
day of October for an amendment to zoning ordinance for property at Keystone and 106th ~t.
He also read notice of public hearing for the same night relative to change in development
plan filed by Ben Boleman for Carmel Hills-Fourth Section.
Regional Sewer System: Town M~ger read letter f~ m Fishers stating they have instructed
their Town Engineer ~'o proceed with engineering plans for Phase I of the facilities
page 2
ORDINANCE ~B-81: President McFadden road proposed 'Ordinance #B-81 transferring funds
within the General, Bldg. Comm., Town Court, MVH and Police budgets. Trustee Swift
moved for adoption of proposed Ordinance ~B-81 as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and
it passed unanimously.
BOND R~I,~.ASE: BRIAR CRk~.~K SECTION II: Upon the recommendation of Fred Hohl, Town
Engineer, Trustee S~ift moved to rolease the bonds on the sanitary and storm sewers
of Briar Creek Section II, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Town Attorney, John Pearce, arrived at 7:50 p.m.
PAVING POLICE PARKING LOT: Trustee PLinshaw stated the Police Commissioners wished to
submit a proposal to asphalt the lot ~mmediately north of the police station. They
have received one bid from Avco for $2,920.00. Beard to discuss it at next meeting.
.QCOOL CI~!,:Ki NORTH ANNEXATION: Town Attorney read proposed annexation C-53, annexing Cool
Creek North. Trustee Hinshaw moved to suspend the rules and act on the ordinance
after the first reading, Trustee ~wift seconded it and it passed unanimously. Trustee
Beach moved to adopt Ordinance #C-53 as read, Trustee Hiushaw seconded it and it passed
FIDELITY BANK ANNEXATION: Town Attorney presented petition for annexation by Fidelity
Bank. Proposed annexation Ordinance ~C-54 annexing Fidelity Bank was read by ~rustee
Fred Swift. Mr. Van Bogen, President of Fidelity Bank, was present. Trustee Hinshaw
stated he was opposed to strip annexation. Ordinance proposed the Town to ~.nnex Fidelity
by going down 31 and Meridian St. Trustee Hinshaw moved to table it for 30 days and
that every effort be made to see if the whole area, Meridian Street Corridor, could be
included in the annexation, Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed u~mously. _
SIGNAL LIGHT BID: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Beach moved
to award the signal light bid to Oresent Electric Supply, Trustee Stevens~seconded
it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Stevenes moved to award the installation
of the signal light to Pass Electric Ko., Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed
unanimously. Trustee Beach moved to authorize President McFadden to sign the contract,
Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed u~mously.
NEWARK AND ABM_AN: Town Engineer gave a status repot% on the Newark and Auman project.
NORTH PLANT: Ms. Valarie Waters, of the News Jo~m~zal, asked of the status of the Wilfon g
dispute over the North Plant construction cost overage. President M d~adden stated we had
written to his attorney and had not received an answer yet on the questions we have asked.
MT. CARMEL: Trustee Hinshaw moved to instruct the Building Commissioner not to issue
any more occupancy or building pe~m~tts in the Mt. Carmel area until we get the auxiliary
sewage plant in total operation. Mr. Hinshaw stated he would also like to incorporate
in the motion that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance putting teeth
of some kind into failure to obtain occupancy permits and allowing occupancy of a home
which has been built. T~ustee McFadden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
President McFadden instructed Town Attorney get in touch with Wilfong's attorney to
see if we could get it finished within a week.
GRADLE PARK: ~u~tee Swift instructed Town Man.get contact Mr. Gradle to see if we
could get some improvements in Gradle Drive west of Raugeline Road.
There being no ~urther business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Peggy L0U Smith, Clerk-Treas.
William D. McFadden, President