OF 'l~L~
JANUARY 11, 1975
The special meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 10 a.m. by
President William McFadden for the purpose of deciding whether or not to make an
offer to Helen Mueller to purchase a tract of ground from her to be used as a new
city building site. Board members had met earlier amd gone over to the proposed site.
All Board members, Town Mauager and Town Attorney were present. Five citizens were
also present.
Trustee Hinshaw stated we should first decide whether or not Carmel needed a city
building. Trustee Beach stated he had had a number of calls from constituents who were
opposed to the expenditure for a new city building, and he was definately opposed to the
expenditure for a new building and for the land because of the declining economy.
Trustee Stevens felt we did not utilize the space we now have to its maximum useage.
Opinions of citizens present were as follows:
Mr. Fox: Felt the area in discussion was not a good investment.
Mr. Speed: Thought the price of $15,000 au acre sounded high, but if we purchased it
we should just give a specified amount with no concessions.
Mr. Dick Bowl, President of the Cool Creek Civic Association: H~d been in contact
with the people in his area and knew they were against the expenditure. They felt the
streets needed more attention, felt with the talk of a new school the added expense
of a new building would surely raise taxes, felt that since we were in the process of
a government change, we should wait for the new administration to make the decision.
Mr. Christy: Study on need should be done, but felt no real hardship existed to warrant
Mr. Duffy: Felt now is the time for economy.
Trustee McFadden felt we could operate more efficiently under one roof.
Trustee Swift stated that inasmuch as the tax rate was frozen, our taxes would not be
raised. Town Manager stated he was in the process of determining if we could qualify
for a federal grant for the expenditure.
President McFadden asked for a vote from the Board members on the following question:
"Bo we want a city building?" Vote was three ayes, two nays. Trustees Stevens and
Beach casting the nay votes.
President McFadden then asked the Board: "Do we, as a Board want to continue with
our endeavors towards finding a suitable piece of property on which a city building
can be built?" Vote was four ayes, one nay. Trustee Stevens casting the nay vote.
President McFadden then asked: "Do we want to negogiate at all for five acres on the
South end of the Mueller property?" Vote was 4-~m~s. Hinshaw abstaining.
Trustee Swift moved that the Board pursue the offer of $15,000.00 an acre for a tract
of ground with 400 foot frontage from the North to South and extend from Range Line
and inter-urban tract East to West at the N. E. corner of the Mueller property, and
that we offer no further cono~ssions other than the guarantee to the present owner that
she not be assessed on the remainder of her ground for purposes other than what she
is now usingit for, agricultural purposes, but that concession, in no way, to be
binding for future owners, and that the Board then authorize Town Manager to select
three appraisers to determine the true value of the tract of land mentioned herein.
Motion died for lack of second.
Trustee McFadden then moved that the Board pursue the purchase of five acres of
ground at the N. E. portion of Helen Mueller's property beginning at approximately
Range Line Road thence West along the North edge of sellers property to the inter-urban
line, thence South to a point, thence East to Range Line Road, thence North to the place
of beginning, at a price of $15,000.00 per acre. Trustee McFadden referred to approx-
imately 700' of frontage being available. Trustee Stevens seconded the motion and
it passed ~-0, Trustee Hinshaw abstair~ing.
Trustee McFadden instructed Town Attorney prepare the necessary forms for the pro-
posal and have them ready for execution at the January 1~ Board meeting. Town
Manager to obtain appraisals.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Peggy L~u Smith, Clerk-Treasure~
WiltiamD. McFadden, President