HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-02-11-75MINUTES OF THE
FEBRUARY 11, 1979
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by
President William McFadden, who presided. All Board members were present. To,~rn
Attorney and Town M~nager were present also.
Trustee SS~ift moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular
meeting and approve them as received, T~stee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
SALARY ORDINANCE: B-68: President McFadden opened the floor for discussion o~ the proposed
salary, ordinance for the coming year for the elected city officials. Mr. Cutler, Demo-
cratic Chairman, spoke in opposition of the proposed p~blished salaries of $16,000.00 for
mayor, ~1~,000.00 for Clerk, 87,000.00 for ~dge and ~I,RDO.00 for Co~cilmen, stating
they ware higher than the average. Board reminded him the book he was ~si~g for his
comparison was ~ndicating four year eld salaries. Fi~. ~Jilliam Karns thought the Mayor's
salary should be hi~er. President McFadden suggested $18,000.00 for the Mayor's salary,
sad moved to adopt proposed ordinance ~.~B-68 inserting $t8,000.00 for the Mayor's sala~,
~1~,000.00 for Clerk-Treasurer, $7,000.00 for Judge and $1,~00.00 for Councilmen. Trustee
Hinshaw moved to ~men8 the motion to change the Mayor's salary from ~18,000.00 to ~16~000.00.
Trustee Beach seconded the amendment. Vote was 2 ayes 2 nays-McFadden and Swift casting
the n~y votes. T~stee Stevens abstaining. Clerk-Treasurer cast a nay vote. Amendment
defeated ~-2. Original ~motion died for lack of second. Trustee Swift then moved to
adopt Ordinance .~B-68 stating the Mayor's salary shall be ~!7,000.00, Clerk-Treasurer
$1~,000.00, Judge $7,000.00 and Councilmen $1,~00.00. Trustee McFadden seconded the motion
~nd the vote was 2 ayes 2 nays. Beach and Hinshaw casting the nay votes, Stevens abstain-
ing. Clerk-Treasurer then cast an aye vote. Motion passed 3-2.
DON MCCULLOUGH: It~IA1Q~POLIS WATER CO. PURCHASE: Mr. Don McCullough, Fiscal Consultant,
appeared before the Board to recommend the purchase of the Indianapolis Water Comps~y
facilities on Gray Road in Clay To~ship for $1,200,000.00. Mr. Mc~llough stated t~e
p~rchase would necessitate a 3~water rate increase. ~zrchase and rate increase would
have to be approved by the Public Service Co~mission. Trustee Beach felt with the
economic situation the way it was our e~nsion need was a ~estion mark. T~stee
H~nsh~ felt we needed the expansion sad the p~rchase of this plant would be much cheaper
than building a new T~ant and if we were off base thc ~b!ic Service Commission would tell
us. Stevens felt we needed the e~pansion amd the longer we waited the hi~er interest
we might have to oay on our bonds. T~stee ~ift felt there might be other avenues we
could explore such as buying water wholesale. Trustee McFadden moved to accept Vndiunapolis
~,~ster Company's co~L~,ter offer of ~1,200,000.00 for ourchase of their facilities in Clay
Township ~d that Don Mc~]llough be ~thorized to proceed with the preparation of the
necessary paper work fo~ s rate increase to handle the cost of purchasing said plant.
T~stee H~nshaw secooded the motion and it passed 3-2. Tr~]stees Beach and ~zift casting
the nay votes.
MOR~ S~,'ZAGE PLANT US]{~GE: Town M~age~ stated he had been unable to contact Mr. Bolemen
~nd Mr. D~son re~ardin~ their ~seage of the North Sewage Plant capacity. He stated he
had contacted M~. ~ilson 8nd ha8 been told he did not want to make advaDce payment for his
portion and that he felt the Town owed him the treatment service inasmuch as his property
is in the Town. Board instructed Town,S.namer find out exactly where we would be with
the three developers when the pls~at ~ent on the line and have the answer by the first
meeting in If~,rch.
HAVERSTIK ROAD: Town ttagineer stated he had been in touch with Jim Hubbard, County Engine~,
regarding the County's share of the improvement of Haverstik Road but had not received
a definite answe~ as yet.
pa~e 2
~LI~R PROPERTY: Term Attorney stated Mrs. Mueller had refused the To~.m's offer to
purchase 5 acres of her property. President McFadden read a proposed purchase offer
To~.na Attorney had composed based on what he thought Mrs. M~eller might accept. T~,stee
~ift moved that Town Attorney be instructed to proceed with drafting some refinements
in a proposition and ret'~n the more refined propos~ion to the Board at a later date.
T~stee Beach seconded the motion and it passed I$-1. T~stee Stevens casting the nay
FIRE DRPJ_RTMMNT REQUESTS: Fire Chief Swails appeared before the Board to request per-
mission to !. Advertise for bids for a new fire engine. 2. ~rehase f~rnishings for
Station .f~. 3. ~chase a General Electric Base Station to replace present old station.
1~. ~mploy Gary Lee Carter provided he passes the physical exsmination,starting ~reh 1.
Trustee McFadden moved to approve the re$~ests of Chief ~ails, Trustee Swift seconded it
and it passed ~nanimously.
ORDINANCE :~B-6~: Trustee Beach moved to adopt Ordinance .!~B-69, transferring funds within
the Police Budget, as read by President McFadden, T~¢stee Hinshaw seconded it and it
passed unanimously.
C0?~INITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1~7l~: Asrecon~ended by Town Manager, Trustee Beach moved
to apply for application to participate in the Community Development Act of 197~ to
apply towards sidewalks for the City. No. t preference being for West Main Street from
the railroad tracks to Guilford and South to the school then over to the shopping center.
No. ~ preference-116th Street sidewalks. Trustee Swift seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously.
MAiYPOWER DEVELOP~LW~JT PROGRAM TITLE VI: As recommended by Town Mang~r, Trustee Swift
moved that the Towm~ of Carmel do participate in the Manpower Development Program
Title VI to the extent that we apply for funds for a City ?le~nner and other employees
we might need ~nd that the Towm Manager maintain a pay ratio for a part-time assistsmt
so thst he or she would be making no more per hour ths~ the present administrator.
Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
.~7~ STREET PROG?Jt~: Town ~,Tineer reviewed a tentative street program for 197~ with the
126th Street Project: Town Engineer stated he had received a letter from State HSghway
Commission notifying him the extension of 126th Street project had been a~proved.'
TRAFFIC LIGHT-CAR~3L DRIVE A!~D ~GELII~: To~n Engineer asked the Board for permission to
advertise for bids for a traffic light at Carmel Drive so.d ~.,;estfield. Board instructed
him to come back when a ~g contribution pled~ was received from the property o~ners.
h~w# DUF~ TRUOU(: To,ma v~_gineer requested permission to advertise for bids for a new
dump t~ek for the Street Department to include sa unae~bind plow. (~ne of the present
snow plows to be retired-at least temporarily. Board approved the request.
~PPROVAL OF CI~%IMS: Trustee Hinshaw moved to approve claims ~365 th~{~736 totaling
$581,6~5.68, Trustee ~ift seconded it ~nd it passed unanimously.
ABANDOItV~NT 0w 23~: At the request of Town Attorne~, Board ~.mave permission for To~.m
Attorney to enter into a lawsuit as a party with the County against the State of
Indiana for the abondonment of Road 23l~ within the city limits of Carmel.
BID SPEC/FICATIONS FOR POLF~TYPE GARAGE BUILDING: Town Engineer reviewed specifications
for the~pole-type L~rage building the Board had requested him to prepare. Board authorized
him to put the specification he had prepared out for bids.
]~s~,e 3
J~?~'~% ?ETRY l,;A52ER BILL: President McFadden s~ated he had been contacted by Jeffrey
Potrey, 701~ E. Mair~ S~ree~, Ca~el, who s~a~ed he had received a ~!19.3~ wa4er and sewer
biI1. ~. ,!e~f~ey ~a~od his monthly bill ~sually r~m no~ more ~h~ ~10-~12. Mr.
McWadden s~ed fha% upon investigation a leak was fo~d c~d J.~ would be ~he ?fa%er
Company's reeom~e~da%ion ~he~ ~he bill in question be deleted ~.nd an average over %he
Iast six month~be fi~red ~md ~ha~ sho~]ld be his bill. he uouId pay ~n lie~ of
%~]!. T~s~ee %~f{ moved ~o sdop~ qha~ ~eeommendation, T~s~ee McFadden seconded
and i~ passed
!~XT BOIRD ~TING: t>reeidenf Mc>~adden s~ated the r_ex4 Board meeting would be Monday,
Febr~a~z 17, 7:~0 p.m. fo replace the February 2~h Board mee+~]ng.
STR~? RE-%Y~N~BERING: Trustee ~ift suggested a meeting smong the Board, Fire emd Police
Chiefs and the ~he Posqal Represen~a%ives to discuss ~he specifics of the forthcoming
stree~ re-n~3mbe~inc system. Tm~s%ee Hinshs~ s~Tssted the ~ildin~ Commissioner should
~r~pfe the meeting, since his office had the responsibility of preparing qhe re-numbering.
There bein~ no further business, the meeting gdjou~ned at 10:30 p.m.
Pe~7~,~ ~ou Sm~h, CI~ .k-Treasurer
William D. McFadden, President